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Myth: Illegal aliens contribute to the economy

Dat's why Uncle Ferd can't get his job wringin' farts outta shirt-tails back atta dry cleanery...
BLS: Unemployment Higher Among Native Born Than Immigrants
June 15, 2012 – The unemployment rate for foreign-born workers in the United States is lower than the unemployment rate for native-born workers, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
The BLS’s non-seasonally adjusted data show that unemployment among foreign born workers in May 2012 was 7.4 percent, while for native-born workers it was 8.0. The data further show that while the working-age immigrant population in the United States has increased since Barack Obama became president in January 2009, immigrant participation in the labor force has declined. The BLS derives its unemployment statistics from what it calls the civilian non-institutional population. This includes all people 16 years or older who are not on active duty in the military, or in a prison, a nursing home or a mental hospital.

According to BLS, in January 2009, there were 35,007,000 million foreign-born people in the civilian non-institutional population of the United States. By May 2012, that number was 37,504,000, an increase of about 2.5 million. However, during the same time period the percentage of immigrants participating in the labor force declined. In January 2009, 67.2 percent of immigrants in the civilian non-institutional population were in the labor force. By May 2012, that had dropped to 66.3 percent.

People are considered in the labor force if they are part of the civilian non-institutional population and they either currently have a job or have actively sought a job in the last four weeks. If they do not have a job, and have not sought one in four weeks, they are not considered part of the labor force. Today, there are about 12,625,000 foreign-born people in the civilian non-institutional population who are not in the labor force. Back in January 2009, there were about 11,466,000. That means there are approximately an additional 1,159,000 immigrants in the United States today who are not working, or trying to find work, than there were three and a half years ago, when President Obama was inaugurated.

BLS economists told CNSNews.com that BLS's data on the foreign born population does not distinguish between people who are in the United States legally and people who are here illegally. The BLS does not produce "seasonally adjusted" statistics for foreign born workers. While the "seasonally adjusted" national unemployment rate in May 2012 was 8.2 percent, the non-seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 7.9 percent.


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FLASHBACK: Obama on Deporting Illegals ‘America Is a Nation of Laws,’ Presidential Action Not ‘Appropriate’
June 15, 2012 – President Barack Obama – whose administration announced Friday that it would no longer enforce immigration law for certain young illegal immigrants – once told a group of Hispanic students that “America is a nation of laws” and that as president, it was his job to enforce them.
“America is a nation of laws, which means I, as the president, am obligated to enforce the law. I don't have a choice about that. That's part of my job,” Obama said in March 2011 at a town hall event hosted by the Spanish-language television network Univision. Obama, answering questions from students about deportations of young, school-age illegal immigrants, said that immigration laws were passed by Congress and that only the judiciary could interpret them. “Congress passes the law. The executive branch’s job is to enforce and implement those laws. And then the judiciary has to interpret the laws,” he said.

Obama said executive action to stop deportation would not be “appropriate” for the president to take. “There are enough laws on the books by Congress that are very clear in terms of how we have to enforce our immigration system that for me to simply through executive order ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as president.”

Obama’s statements were in response to a question about why his administration was still deporting school-age illegal immigrants, despite its stated policy of focusing on violent or repeat criminals and national security threats. “My question for the president is why saying that deportations have stopped or the detention of many students like me? Why is it that we are still receiving deportation letters like this one,” the questioner asked Obama in a video, holding up her deportation notice.

Obama’s new proposal is a direct reversal of his March 2011 statement. The new policy states that illegal immigrants who entered the country when they were younger than 16 – and are still under age 30 – can be eligible for a two-year exemption from deportation if they are enrolled in U.S. high school, have graduated or earned a GED, served in the military, and have not been convicted of serious crimes. Once an illegal immigrant is granted the two-year amnesty, they can then apply for a federal work permit allowing them to be employed legally in the United States.

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Look at California's allready desperate financial situation and how their Democratic Liberalism is making it worse at a frightening pace.

And now tell me how illegal immigration is contributing to the economy in a positive manner. California is fucked and they have the highest numbers for illegal immigration.
Myth: Illegal aliens contribute to the economy

Fact: whether they contribute to the economy or not is irrelevant.

Let's look at what is happening, with distortion, gangs, and cartels:
1. The US made alcohol and hard drugs illegal, at the end of WWI, to simultaneously generate a protected prison industry, a cop shop, and petroleum industry;
2. When Henry Ford got too busy making plastic and ethanol, out of hemp, FDR signed the now-unconstitutional Hemp Stamp Tax Act of 1938, after his Congress passed it, in 15 minutes- Nixon established the DEA, when the Act was ruled unconstitutional, and Obama did Obamacare, not energy policy, so Canada has a hemp-corn surplus waiting, when we are tired enough, of buying their NG;
3. Gangs are in every town and prison, while during the time of lax border security, illegal aliens did what they want, and our real estate values inflated;
4. Now that the CIA gave us Saddam and UBL, GW lied about Saddam, and we have a DHS since the FBI and CIA knew UBL's people were in the US, up to no good, and they did nothing, ICE and Border Patrol have a fence, on the Mexican border, which with sensors, choppers, ATVs, and SUVs makes them somewhat effective, finally;
5. The US inters 25% of the world's prisoners, to impose draconian costs, on 5% of the world's population, all from DISTORTION, of the economy, where illegality is relative, and enforcement of the laws of the land has been uneven, in favor of a downlow cottage industry, which as an active but judicially undiscovered RICO profiteers, on uneven enforcement;
6. An adjustment is coming, given the Chinese have at least 2 trillion in US debt, while the Russians, Japan, and others have significant holdings, all ballooned from the unwise, uneven enforcement scam.

So WHAT, about laws, which are not enforced, or they are enforced, unevenly? HEY. An adjustment is coming. Obamacare is shit. The Democrats could have done an energy policy, but they didn't, Obama bailed banks, killed and busted, and the DDs lost the House, 2010.

THEN the DDs tried to pass CO2-neutral biomass research, after opposing legal hemp, with the pubs, year after year. Biomass research lost, 2012. No gain. We have 450,000 elected officials and countless lying lawyers, scamming up our costs, so no wonder a boo-boo in the hospital costs arms and legs! The costs of tyranny get passed on.

The tight Mexican border is here to stay. But hey, the CO2 level is 400 ppm and climbing, which is 10x faster, than the PETM extinction event, which we will pass, to reach Mass Extinction Event 6, no doubt, since all those cost-passers are too greedy AND stupid, to legalize pot and cut the prison rolls, with costs, of "security."

Idiots on TV are pushing fracking, which cannot be improved. Sorry. Cuts need to be made, to the drug war and other wars, if we want to afford a stay, in a hospital.

Yeah, illegal aliens and all illegal stuff contributes to the economy, the BLACK MARKET ECONOMY, which is born, of, for, and by DISTORTION, which enables PROFITEERING and evasion of review, by gangs and cartels, which only modestly fear enforcement of the RICO Act. Obama jerks whistleblowers, with the Espionage Act.

I am surprised the rather queer Democrats took so long, to support equality, represented by their ineffectual support, for same-sex marriage. Thank Meat, for Bullygate, which the DDs anticipated, or they wouldn't have pussied out of their fascist closet, in mild favor, of same-sex marriage. What assholes!

Straighten up, or bow out. We need REAL equality, across the board, NOW, and an end, to distortion.
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