MYTH killer..SHOCK: Trump’s official voting record released by NYC, shows he's been Repub since 1980

It only affects the primaries which many register to vote in outside their party.You can't stop that.
I still don't understand why his Soro's ties don't bother you.
Damn, I just HATE killing a NeoCommie and RINO talking point! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Prently ^ | January 23, 2016 | Voltova Dmitri
(photo at the link) Donald Trump’s official voting record has been released, showing that he was a registered Republican since at least 1980, throwing water on the theory that he was at one time a Democrat. This is causing major panic in the Cruz campaign that insisted that Trump recently switched his affiliation. Voting records for Trump’s adult sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, were not immediately available. Trump is leading by wide margins in New Hampshire, South Carolina, Florida, and nearly every other state where pollsters take the Republican electorate’s temperature. In Iowa, he is running neck-and-neck with Republican Sen....

Not that it matters to me one way or another but do you have a better link/source? That's only a blog.

Politifact has this for 2001:


And here is Trump touting Clinton and the economy under Democrats.

Like I said, doesn't really matter to me, but you should at least be honest with yourself.

AND what has any of this to do with him BEING A REGISTERED REPUBLICAN since 1980??? I believe you can VOTE and support other party candidates even if you are REGISTERED IN ONE PARTICULAR PARTY!

AND its been explained BY HIM, many times that you DO and SUPPORT whatever party or Candidate will HELP YOU with your business... I know this is hard for you with the low 2 digit IQ, but TRY and ask a 5th grader to explain it to you! REMEMBER, TRUMP was NOT a politician, BUT it seems he's a GENIUS and learn quicker than any other NON POLITICIAN I ever saw, even Perot, didn't GET IT!
It's also verified that Trump has given thousands of dollars to the Clintons and far left candidates in the Democratic party over the years, but yeah, the Republicans criticizing Trump are the "RINOs". :badgrin:

You do realize that he NEEDS FEDRAL OK'S to do business overseas, such as his golf course in Scotland?...No, I guess you don't understand internetional business and what is needed!

So he's amoral, unpatriotic, and will do anything for a buck.

Any NYer could have told you that decades ago.

Damn, he acts just like a multi-Billionaire businessman does...SURPRISE!

No surprise to those who know him. His adoring fans have been trying to canonize him. Now that you realize there isn't enough lipstick in the entire Estee Lauder collection to make this pig any less of a pig, you're touting his weaknesses as strengths. It's hilarious.

And -?
How exactly can they release his voting record when ballots don't have your name on them and are all mixed together?
In NY you have to DECLARE what party you support in order to VOTE in primaries... they wouldn't want idiots in the DemoRAT party crossing over to fuck up the Republican primaries...It is NOT an open primary! Voter records are kept separate between the party faithful!
Primary registration has what to do with his actual voting record? You can register one way and vote another in general elections ya know.

So what!!!!! You are REGISTERED as in ONE PARTY.... Got in another street fight and got you bell rung again, I see!

Okay, I'll agree with you. BUUUUUT!!! The consequences of your argument are that there is no such thing as a "fake" Republican. Registration as a Republican is all that matters.
Damn, I just HATE killing a NeoCommie and RINO talking point! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Prently ^ | January 23, 2016 | Voltova Dmitri
(photo at the link) Donald Trump’s official voting record has been released, showing that he was a registered Republican since at least 1980, throwing water on the theory that he was at one time a Democrat. This is causing major panic in the Cruz campaign that insisted that Trump recently switched his affiliation. Voting records for Trump’s adult sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, were not immediately available. Trump is leading by wide margins in New Hampshire, South Carolina, Florida, and nearly every other state where pollsters take the Republican electorate’s temperature. In Iowa, he is running neck-and-neck with Republican Sen....

Not that it matters to me one way or another but do you have a better link/source? That's only a blog.

Politifact has this for 2001:


And here is Trump touting Clinton and the economy under Democrats.

Like I said, doesn't really matter to me, but you should at least be honest with yourself.

You need to take off your partisan blinders. Trump had good reason to praise how Clinton was handling the economy. I've praised him too. Clinton held spending to its lowest rate of increase for the last 60 years, and, although he allowed modest hikes in the top two marginal rates (he left the lower rates intact), he cut the capital gains tax by a whopping 28%, nearly doubled the estate tax exemption, created a new $500 child tax credit, raised the income limit for deductible IRAs, and agreed to substantial deregulation. It's no wonder that the economy did even better under Clinton than it did under Reagan.
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I think what is going on, is that Trump has been a registered Republican for over thirty years. How ever, we know he has donated substantially to the campaigns of Democrats and Republicans! He isn''t that clever, all successful businessmen play the game of oiling the palm of those in power.

The big difference is that Trump knows that game and is standing against it for his possible administration. That is why he is accepting only small donations, not more than $2780 so he won't be owned by others. Good move. We've never had a candidate turn down big money before. That part of Trump is a breath of fresh air.
Damn, I just HATE killing a NeoCommie and RINO talking point! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Prently ^ | January 23, 2016 | Voltova Dmitri
(photo at the link) Donald Trump’s official voting record has been released, showing that he was a registered Republican since at least 1980, throwing water on the theory that he was at one time a Democrat. This is causing major panic in the Cruz campaign that insisted that Trump recently switched his affiliation. Voting records for Trump’s adult sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, were not immediately available. Trump is leading by wide margins in New Hampshire, South Carolina, Florida, and nearly every other state where pollsters take the Republican electorate’s temperature. In Iowa, he is running neck-and-neck with Republican Sen....

Not that it matters to me one way or another but do you have a better link/source? That's only a blog.

Politifact has this for 2001:


And here is Trump touting Clinton and the economy under Democrats.

Like I said, doesn't really matter to me, but you should at least be honest with yourself.

You need to take off your partisan blinders. Trump had good reason to praise how Clinton was handling the economy. I've praised him too. Clinton held spending to its lowest rate of increase for the last 60 years, and, although he allowed modest hikes in the top two marginal rates (he left the lower rates intact), he cut the capital gains tax by a whopping 28%, nearly doubled the estate tax exemption, created a new $500 child tax credit, raised the income limit for deductible IRAs, and agreed to substantial deregulation. It's no wonder that the economy did even better under Clinton than it did under Reagan.

That is another good point. He is honest to say the economy was good under another candidate in the opposing party. Bill Clinton was able to work across the aisle with Gingrich using the "Contract for America."
When the economy was good, it was good for Trump, too.
I think what is going on, is that Trump has been a registered Republican for over thirty years. How ever, we know he has donated substantially to the campaigns of Democrats and Republicans! He isn''t that clever, all successful businessmen play the game of oiling the palm of those in power.

The big difference is that Trump knows that game and is standing against it for his possible administration. That is why he is accepting only small donations, not more than $2780 so he won't be owned by others. Good move. We've never had a candidate turn down big money before. That part of Trump is a breath of fresh air.

So he's amoral, disloyal, and inexperienced. We already know that; no need to keep reminding us.

Also, you may never have had a candidate turn down big money before (can you prove that, though?), but the other side has had one from the beginning. When he does it, you announce that he's "senile." When your boy - only five years younger - does it, he's a genius.

You guys are almost as funny as Trump.
I think what is going on, is that Trump has been a registered Republican for over thirty years. How ever, we know he has donated substantially to the campaigns of Democrats and Republicans! He isn''t that clever, all successful businessmen play the game of oiling the palm of those in power.

The big difference is that Trump knows that game and is standing against it for his possible administration. That is why he is accepting only small donations, not more than $2780 so he won't be owned by others. Good move. We've never had a candidate turn down big money before. That part of Trump is a breath of fresh air.

So he's amoral, disloyal, and inexperienced. We already know that; no need to keep reminding us.

Also, you may never have had a candidate turn down big money before (can you prove that, though?), but the other side has had one from the beginning. When he does it, you announce that he's "senile." When your boy - only five years younger - does it, he's a genius.

You guys are almost as funny as Trump.
I can't prove a negative. You'll have to provide me with the candidates name that refused to take big donations. Could you supply me with that name? Thank you.
Trump is the only candidate who has built a huge company and who has a personal worth that runs in the billions of dollars. In addition, he has excellent education credentials (graduate of the New York Military Academy and then of the prestigious Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in economics). He is arguably the most accomplished, successful person ever to run for the presidency.

I don't think any other candidate can touch him in terms of his knowledge of international business, finance, and trade.
I think what is going on, is that Trump has been a registered Republican for over thirty years. How ever, we know he has donated substantially to the campaigns of Democrats and Republicans! He isn''t that clever, all successful businessmen play the game of oiling the palm of those in power.

The big difference is that Trump knows that game and is standing against it for his possible administration. That is why he is accepting only small donations, not more than $2780 so he won't be owned by others. Good move. We've never had a candidate turn down big money before. That part of Trump is a breath of fresh air.

So he's amoral, disloyal, and inexperienced. We already know that; no need to keep reminding us.

Also, you may never have had a candidate turn down big money before (can you prove that, though?), but the other side has had one from the beginning. When he does it, you announce that he's "senile." When your boy - only five years younger - does it, he's a genius.

You guys are almost as funny as Trump.
I can't prove a negative. You'll have to provide me with the candidates name that refused to take big donations. Could you supply me with that name? Thank you.

I could, but it's obvious to anyone who's paying attention. Hint: He's the only major candidate who's not a b/millionaire.
Trump is the only candidate who has built a huge company and who has a personal worth that runs in the billions of dollars. In addition, he has excellent education credentials (graduate of the New York Military Academy and then of the prestigious Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in economics). He is arguably the most accomplished, successful person ever to run for the presidency.

I don't think any other candidate can touch him in terms of his knowledge of international business, finance, and trade.
I agree with you there. He has a talent that we need right now.
I think what is going on, is that Trump has been a registered Republican for over thirty years. How ever, we know he has donated substantially to the campaigns of Democrats and Republicans! He isn''t that clever, all successful businessmen play the game of oiling the palm of those in power.

The big difference is that Trump knows that game and is standing against it for his possible administration. That is why he is accepting only small donations, not more than $2780 so he won't be owned by others. Good move. We've never had a candidate turn down big money before. That part of Trump is a breath of fresh air.

So he's amoral, disloyal, and inexperienced. We already know that; no need to keep reminding us.

Also, you may never have had a candidate turn down big money before (can you prove that, though?), but the other side has had one from the beginning. When he does it, you announce that he's "senile." When your boy - only five years younger - does it, he's a genius.

You guys are almost as funny as Trump.
I can't prove a negative. You'll have to provide me with the candidates name that refused to take big donations. Could you supply me with that name? Thank you.

I could, but it's obvious to anyone who's paying attention. Hint: He's the only major candidate who's not a b/millionaire.

In other words the far left drones do not have any proof..

So here is the current list:

2016 Presidential Race | OpenSecrets
I think what is going on, is that Trump has been a registered Republican for over thirty years. How ever, we know he has donated substantially to the campaigns of Democrats and Republicans! He isn''t that clever, all successful businessmen play the game of oiling the palm of those in power.

The big difference is that Trump knows that game and is standing against it for his possible administration. That is why he is accepting only small donations, not more than $2780 so he won't be owned by others. Good move. We've never had a candidate turn down big money before. That part of Trump is a breath of fresh air.

So he's amoral, disloyal, and inexperienced. We already know that; no need to keep reminding us.

Also, you may never have had a candidate turn down big money before (can you prove that, though?), but the other side has had one from the beginning. When he does it, you announce that he's "senile." When your boy - only five years younger - does it, he's a genius.

You guys are almost as funny as Trump.
I can't prove a negative. You'll have to provide me with the candidates name that refused to take big donations. Could you supply me with that name? Thank you.

I could, but it's obvious to anyone who's paying attention. Hint: He's the only major candidate who's not a b/millionaire.
Why do you play games instead of carrying on a conversation?
How exactly can they release his voting record when ballots don't have your name on them and are all mixed together?

Don't you sign every time you vote?

In my state you sign a register, not your ballot. Do you have to sign the ballot in your state?

No, but the question was how would someone know his party affiliation. The actual ballot would tell someone nothing about affiliation. But the registry would and that is how I assume they know. Signing the ballot wouldn't make it very secret.
I think what is going on, is that Trump has been a registered Republican for over thirty years. How ever, we know he has donated substantially to the campaigns of Democrats and Republicans! He isn''t that clever, all successful businessmen play the game of oiling the palm of those in power.

The big difference is that Trump knows that game and is standing against it for his possible administration. That is why he is accepting only small donations, not more than $2780 so he won't be owned by others. Good move. We've never had a candidate turn down big money before. That part of Trump is a breath of fresh air.

So he's amoral, disloyal, and inexperienced. We already know that; no need to keep reminding us.

Also, you may never have had a candidate turn down big money before (can you prove that, though?), but the other side has had one from the beginning. When he does it, you announce that he's "senile." When your boy - only five years younger - does it, he's a genius.

You guys are almost as funny as Trump.
I can't prove a negative. You'll have to provide me with the candidates name that refused to take big donations. Could you supply me with that name? Thank you.

I could, but it's obvious to anyone who's paying attention. Hint: He's the only major candidate who's not a b/millionaire.

In other words the far left drones do not have any proof..

Any proof that you can't make a post without the word "drone(s)"? That's self-evident.

I'm sure Jackson appreciates your doing his homework for him.
I think what is going on, is that Trump has been a registered Republican for over thirty years. How ever, we know he has donated substantially to the campaigns of Democrats and Republicans! He isn''t that clever, all successful businessmen play the game of oiling the palm of those in power.

The big difference is that Trump knows that game and is standing against it for his possible administration. That is why he is accepting only small donations, not more than $2780 so he won't be owned by others. Good move. We've never had a candidate turn down big money before. That part of Trump is a breath of fresh air.

So he's amoral, disloyal, and inexperienced. We already know that; no need to keep reminding us.

Also, you may never have had a candidate turn down big money before (can you prove that, though?), but the other side has had one from the beginning. When he does it, you announce that he's "senile." When your boy - only five years younger - does it, he's a genius.

You guys are almost as funny as Trump.
I can't prove a negative. You'll have to provide me with the candidates name that refused to take big donations. Could you supply me with that name? Thank you.

I could, but it's obvious to anyone who's paying attention. Hint: He's the only major candidate who's not a b/millionaire.

In other words the far left drones do not have any proof..

Any proof that you can't make a post without the word "drone(s)"? That's self-evident.

I'm sure Jackson appreciates your doing his homework for him.

Once again the far left makes claims they can not provide proof for!

They just are here to run their religious narratives without question or hesitation that are not connected to reality!
How exactly can they release his voting record when ballots don't have your name on them and are all mixed together?

Don't you sign every time you vote?

In my state you sign a register, not your ballot. Do you have to sign the ballot in your state?

No, but the question was how would someone know his party affiliation. The actual ballot would tell someone nothing about affiliation. But the registry would and that is how I assume they know. Signing the ballot wouldn't make it very secret.

Vigilante made the mistake of getting so excited about the headline in the blog he stumbled over that he never bothered to follow the link in that blog to this:

Trump (+ Melania & Ivanka) never voted in a GOP presidential primary

Which says the opposite of the point he thought he was making.

Trump registered Republican - because the big money on Wall Street is predominantly Republican - but never voted in a Republican primary.

Opportunism, plain and simple. Nothing wrong with it as a private citizen, but telling in a candidate for public office.

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