Mythbusters CO2 Scam Busted!!

That's the end of the AGW Scam
Based on a YouTube Video alone?

Do you work at the State Department now Frank? :lol:

He works the streets several blocks south of the State Dept. The street corners, actually.

No actual argument? Juvenile insult the best you can do? Really? Maybe you should go back to the sandbox....grown ups are talking here.

Interesting that you align yourself with people who have publicly stated that they wan't to kill, in mass, people who don't agree with them. Does that mesh with your way of thinking also?
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No actual argument? Juvenile insult the best you can do? Really? Maybe you should go back to the sandbox....grown ups are talking here.

Interesting that you align yourself with people who have publicly stated that they wan't to kill, in mass, people who don't agree with them. Does that mesh with your way of thinking also?

Poor SSDD now fantasizes about genocide 24/7. It goes along with the Stalinist way of thinking that he's always exhibited here.

SSDD, there is an easy way for you to demonstrate you're not a Stalinist. Start small. State that the Republican party was morally wrong for trying to jail Dr. Mann. Can you do that, or are you incapable of renouncing Stalinst tactics?
That's the end of it? No more discussion?

Hmm ... a bit premature, don't you think?
The AGWCult said this experiment validated their theory.

It doesn't

AGW= Fail

I don't really think it validates anything.

... But, It certainly does not eliminate it, either.

But the 17 year pause in warming while the level of CO2 in the atmosphere has skyrocketed certainly does. No computer model (and that is all that CAGW "theory" is based on) predicted that. That means the GCM's are useless and that means the whole "theory" is useless.
The AGWCult said this experiment validated their theory.

It doesn't

AGW= Fail

I don't really think it validates anything.

... But, It certainly does not eliminate it, either.

But the 17 year pause in warming while the level of CO2 in the atmosphere has skyrocketed certainly does. No computer model (and that is all that CAGW "theory" is based on) predicted that. That means the GCM's are useless and that means the whole "theory" is useless.

Meaning it isn't a theory. Instead a hypothesis that still hasn't been proven.
No actual argument? Juvenile insult the best you can do? Really? Maybe you should go back to the sandbox....grown ups are talking here.

Interesting that you align yourself with people who have publicly stated that they wan't to kill, in mass, people who don't agree with them. Does that mesh with your way of thinking also?

Poor SSDD now fantasizes about genocide 24/7. It goes along with the Stalinist way of thinking that he's always exhibited here.

SSDD, there is an easy way for you to demonstrate you're not a Stalinist. Start small. State that the Republican party was morally wrong for trying to jail Dr. Mann. Can you do that, or are you incapable of renouncing Stalinst tactics?

I don't really think it validates anything.

... But, It certainly does not eliminate it, either.

But the 17 year pause in warming while the level of CO2 in the atmosphere has skyrocketed certainly does. No computer model (and that is all that CAGW "theory" is based on) predicted that. That means the GCM's are useless and that means the whole "theory" is useless.

Meaning it isn't a theory. Instead a hypothesis that still hasn't been proven.

Theories are not 'proven' - they are found to be in agreement with an observation.

It's one thing to say that GW is not caused by man - quite another to try to infer that the world is NOT warming.

Plenty of evidence for warming - the earth is not static, not by a mile.

Does not mean that the hippies a right and that the earth is warming BECAUSE of green house gasses.
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No actual argument? Juvenile insult the best you can do? Really? Maybe you should go back to the sandbox....grown ups are talking here.

Interesting that you align yourself with people who have publicly stated that they wan't to kill, in mass, people who don't agree with them. Does that mesh with your way of thinking also?

Poor SSDD now fantasizes about genocide 24/7. It goes along with the Stalinist way of thinking that he's always exhibited here.

SSDD, there is an easy way for you to demonstrate you're not a Stalinist. Start small. State that the Republican party was morally wrong for trying to jail Dr. Mann. Can you do that, or are you incapable of renouncing Stalinst tactics?


Hey, the dried up, bitter old biddy needs to rant...that and lies about having been in the military are all she has. Lay off. I'm a big boy and the day a dried up old crone can hurt my feelings is the day I deserve to have my feelings hurt.
No actual argument? Juvenile insult the best you can do? Really? Maybe you should go back to the sandbox....grown ups are talking here.

Interesting that you align yourself with people who have publicly stated that they wan't to kill, in mass, people who don't agree with them. Does that mesh with your way of thinking also?

Poor SSDD now fantasizes about genocide 24/7. It goes along with the Stalinist way of thinking that he's always exhibited here.

SSDD, there is an easy way for you to demonstrate you're not a Stalinist. Start small. State that the Republican party was morally wrong for trying to jail Dr. Mann. Can you do that, or are you incapable of renouncing Stalinst tactics?

Was mann paid via tax money? If he was, then the public is entitled to see his data.

As to the rest of your rant....clearly you are a liar. But by all means, provide a quote by me calling for anyone to be killed. Crick did it and the proof can be seen us a quote by me calling for anyone to be killed and prove that you aren't a bald faced liar.
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All we know for certain to a 100% confidence is that there has never been a single lab experiment showing how a 120ppm increase in CO2 both raises temperature and lowers pH
Was mann paid via tax money? If he was, then the public is entitled to see his data.

So the Stalinism is so deeply ingrained in you, you can't even bring yourself to condemn an obvious Stalinist persecution of scientist for doing science that offended TheParty.

And if you're for that type of Stalinism, you're probably for all of it. Once you've tossed aside all decency and ethics, as you've done there, there's no limits to your further depravity.

Oh, stop hitting on me that way. I'm a dude, and it creeps me out.
I don't really think it validates anything.

... But, It certainly does not eliminate it, either.

But the 17 year pause in warming while the level of CO2 in the atmosphere has skyrocketed certainly does. No computer model (and that is all that CAGW "theory" is based on) predicted that. That means the GCM's are useless and that means the whole "theory" is useless.

Meaning it isn't a theory. Instead a hypothesis that still hasn't been proven.

A non-falsifiable hypothesis, thus devolving to the realm of pseudo-science.
Was mann paid via tax money? If he was, then the public is entitled to see his data.

So the Stalinism is so deeply ingrained in you, you can't even bring yourself to condemn an obvious Stalinist persecution of scientist for doing science that offended TheParty.

And if you're for that type of Stalinism, you're probably for all of it. Once you've tossed aside all decency and ethics, as you've done there, there's no limits to your further depravity.

Oh, stop hitting on me that way. I'm a dude, and it creeps me out.

:lol::lol: Stalinist? You haven't a fucking clue what Stalinism is you twit. Mann was paid US taxpayer dollars that means his work belongs to his employer...that is us you fool. His refusal to release data is a violation of the scientific method, and State and Federal law.
The Soviets would also accuse their political prisoners of made-up crimes before sending them off to the gulag, so you're further confirming your embrace of the Soviet model.
Was mann paid via tax money? If he was, then the public is entitled to see his data.

So the Stalinism is so deeply ingrained in you, you can't even bring yourself to condemn an obvious Stalinist persecution of scientist for doing science that offended TheParty.

And if you're for that type of Stalinism, you're probably for all of it. Once you've tossed aside all decency and ethics, as you've done there, there's no limits to your further depravity.

Oh, stop hitting on me that way. I'm a dude, and it creeps me out.

Persecution? LOL!

Release the data, release the code.

I'm not offended by his science, I'm offended by his lying.
Explain it please. I can't access the you tube. Did MB intentionally skew data to show a increase in CO2 that didn't happen?
Explain it please. I can't access the you tube. Did MB intentionally skew data to show a increase in CO2 that didn't happen?
They were very cryptic about how much CO2 was in the tanks. When you go to 1:37 in the video the do a fast pan over the equipment and in shows CO2 at 7.34% which is 73,400 PPM.

The AGWCult alleges that a CO2 concentration of 400ppm will raise temperature 2-7 degrees and turn the oceans to gastric juice.

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