Mythbusters CO2 Scam Busted!!

But the 17 year pause in warming while the level of CO2 in the atmosphere has skyrocketed certainly does. No computer model (and that is all that CAGW "theory" is based on) predicted that. That means the GCM's are useless and that means the whole "theory" is useless.

Meaning it isn't a theory. Instead a hypothesis that still hasn't been proven.

A non-falsifiable hypothesis, thus devolving to the realm of pseudo-science.

Bullshit. I've given you a dozen ways you could falsify it.
You are babbling meaningless nonsense.

NASA has not told you that aerosols are gases.

NASA has not told you that AGW is not a science because it isn't and never was. AGW is a THEORY.

English is your second language, isn't it.
Crick, tell 'em how the Deep Pacific Ocean ate all the Global Warming!
You are babbling meaningless nonsense.

NASA has not told you that aerosols are gases.

NASA has not told you that AGW is not a science because it isn't and never was. AGW is a THEORY.

English is your second language, isn't it.

NASA claims aerosols ARE a gas.

AGW is a religion and not based on any real science.

And you are not able comprehend anything, especially if it is in English!

But that is par for the course for these AWG cult members that believe in religious dogma over real and actual science.
Was mann paid via tax money? If he was, then the public is entitled to see his data.

So the Stalinism is so deeply ingrained in you, you can't even bring yourself to condemn an obvious Stalinist persecution of scientist for doing science that offended TheParty.

And if you're for that type of Stalinism, you're probably for all of it. Once you've tossed aside all decency and ethics, as you've done there, there's no limits to your further depravity.

Oh, stop hitting on me that way. I'm a dude, and it creeps me out.

:lol::lol: Stalinist? You haven't a fucking clue what Stalinism is you twit. Mann was paid US taxpayer dollars that means his work belongs to his employer...that is us you fool. His refusal to release data is a violation of the scientific method, and State and Federal law.

mamooth should change her name to simplex...that is the name of a commercial grade projector. Projecting is most certainly her thing....imagine, a stalanist like her calling an old country boy conservative like me a stalanist...can you think of anyone being more stupid?
The Soviets would also accuse their political prisoners of made-up crimes before sending them off to the gulag, so you're further confirming your embrace of the Soviet model.

If he has realeased the data to the people who paid for it, then is a made up crime and I apologize for my error...if he hasn't released the data, then he is still on the other side of the law and should be made to release the data to the people who were paying his salary at the time.

Contrary to your claims, it is stalanist to believe that the government and those working for the public have no responsibility to the public.....much like your line of thinking.
Crick, tell 'em how the Deep Pacific Ocean ate all the Global Warming!

That's just one of the excuses for the failure of the earth to warm over the past couple of decades...there are damned near 30 excuses now and the fact that the reasons vary so much is a clear indication that climate pseudoscience doesn't have a clue.

Maybe they are using a shotgun strategy...claim everything under the sun is responsible for the lack of warming and then no matter what it turns out to be they can claim they were right.

Here is the list as it stands today...

1) Low solar activity

2) Oceans ate the global warming

3) Chinese coal use

4) Montreal Protocol

5) What ‘pause’?

6) Volcanic aerosols

7) Stratospheric Water Vapor

8) Faster Pacific trade winds

9) Stadium Waves

10) ‘Coincidence!’

11) Pine aerosols

12) It's "not so unusual" and "no more than natural variability"

13) "Scientists looking at the wrong 'lousy' data" http://

14) Cold nights getting colder in Northern Hemisphere

15) We forgot to cherry-pick models in tune with natural variability [debunked]

16) Negative phase of Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation

17) AMOC ocean oscillation

18) "Global brightening" has stopped

19) "Ahistorical media"

20) "It's the hottest decade ever" Decadal averages used to hide the 'pause' [debunked]

21) Few El Ninos since 1999

22) Temperature variations fall "roughly in the middle of the AR4 model results"

23) "Not scientifically relevant"

24) The wrong type of El Ninos

25) Slower trade winds

26) The climate is less sensitive to CO2 than previously thought

27) PDO and AMO natural cycles and here

28) ENSO

29) Solar cycle driven ocean temperature variations
The Soviets would also accuse their political prisoners of made-up crimes before sending them off to the gulag, so you're further confirming your embrace of the Soviet model.

Au contraire, Stalinists put you in the dock and you get to listen to the prosecution and are not allowed to mount a defense. Your knowledge of world history is just a shitty as your understanding of science. Not surprising in the least. It is you clowns who wish to impoverish the people of the world and it is you assholes who want to murder "deniers".

I hate to tell you, silly person, but you idiots have shown beyond doubt your dictatorial inclinations and your intolerance. This pathetic attempt to divert your philosophies over on to us is likewise pathetic. Just like you.....admiral:lol::lol:
Meaning it isn't a theory. Instead a hypothesis that still hasn't been proven.

A non-falsifiable hypothesis, thus devolving to the realm of pseudo-science.

Bullshit. I've given you a dozen ways you could falsify it.

If the temperature doesn't climb for another 15 years, does that falsify it?
How about 50 years?
If glaciers cover Chicago, does that falsify it?
Au contraire, Stalinists put you in the dock and you get to listen to the prosecution and are not allowed to mount a defense.

So just like your single-party authoritarian dream state, in other words. Are they any ways at all in which you don't think like a Stalinist?

Your knowledge of world history is just a shitty as your understanding of science. Not surprising in the least. It is you clowns who wish to impoverish the people of the world and it is you assholes who want to murder "deniers".

The only ones dreaming of murder all day long are you and SSDD. Do they bring you comfort, all your dreams of exterminating your political enemies?

Keep dreaming all you want, but we still won't let you and fellow butcher SSDD exterminate millions, nor will we allow your authoritarian dream state to be implemented.

I hate to tell you, silly person, but you idiots have shown beyond doubt your dictatorial inclinations and your intolerance. This pathetic attempt to divert your philosophies over on to us is likewise pathetic. Just like you.....admiral:lol::lol:

I don't have to ask if it bothers you, the way the whole planet considers you to be dishonest cultists. It so clearly does. And you know nothing you can do can change that, so you have to vent your frustrations here. Enjoy the life you've chosen, that of being a marginalized kook.
A non-falsifiable hypothesis, thus devolving to the realm of pseudo-science.

Bullshit. I've given you a dozen ways you could falsify it.

If the temperature doesn't climb for another 15 years, does that falsify it?
How about 50 years?
If glaciers cover Chicago, does that falsify it?

If CO2 continued to climb but temperatures did not for another 50 years, with no reason why, that would be a very serious dent in the theory. Would you like us to wait 50 years before we do anything?
Au contraire, Stalinists put you in the dock and you get to listen to the prosecution and are not allowed to mount a defense.

So just like your single-party authoritarian dream state, in other words. Are they any ways at all in which you don't think like a Stalinist?

Your knowledge of world history is just a shitty as your understanding of science. Not surprising in the least. It is you clowns who wish to impoverish the people of the world and it is you assholes who want to murder "deniers".

The only ones dreaming of murder all day long are you and SSDD. Do they bring you comfort, all your dreams of exterminating your political enemies?

Keep dreaming all you want, but we still won't let you and fellow butcher SSDD exterminate millions, nor will we allow your authoritarian dream state to be implemented.

I hate to tell you, silly person, but you idiots have shown beyond doubt your dictatorial inclinations and your intolerance. This pathetic attempt to divert your philosophies over on to us is likewise pathetic. Just like you.....admiral:lol::lol:

I don't have to ask if it bothers you, the way the whole planet considers you to be dishonest cultists. It so clearly does. And you know nothing you can do can change that, so you have to vent your frustrations here. Enjoy the life you've chosen, that of being a marginalized kook.

:lol::lol::lol: You're the one that has an orgasm every time the Big O signs another Executive Order. Look in the mirror when you make that accusation there...admiral...:D
Bullshit. I've given you a dozen ways you could falsify it.

If the temperature doesn't climb for another 15 years, does that falsify it?
How about 50 years?
If glaciers cover Chicago, does that falsify it?

If CO2 continued to climb but temperatures did not for another 50 years, with no reason why, that would be a very serious dent in the theory. Would you like us to wait 50 years before we do anything?

Only a dent?

If we must do something, quit wasting money on renewables, build new, safer nuke plants for heating and electricity, expand fracking and use the natural gas for transportation.

Any path that wastes our money on solar and especially wind, without adding lots of nuclear capacity just shows you're not serious.
Only a dent?

Try to learn to spot exercises of creative license.

If we must do something, quit wasting money on renewables, build new, safer nuke plants for heating and electricity, expand fracking and use the natural gas for transportation.

I strongly support increased nuclear power. If you think nuke technology needs to be improved before expanding its use, allow me to have the same reservations concerning fracking. Natural gas could be an interim fuel for transportation, but I think the future of transportation is in electric vehicles with hydrogen fuel cell sources.

Any path that wastes our money on solar and especially wind, without adding lots of nuclear capacity just shows you're not serious.

Money spent on solar and wind is not being wasted. A wind farm or solar plant at Fukushima not only wouldn't have hurt anything, it'd probably be back to full functionality by now. I have no objection to either. Decentralized PV looks to make a great deal of progress. Homes equipped with their own power supplies could seriously change the standard paradigm.
Only a dent?

Try to learn to spot exercises of creative license.

If we must do something, quit wasting money on renewables, build new, safer nuke plants for heating and electricity, expand fracking and use the natural gas for transportation.

I strongly support increased nuclear power. If you think nuke technology needs to be improved before expanding its use, allow me to have the same reservations concerning fracking. Natural gas could be an interim fuel for transportation, but I think the future of transportation is in electric vehicles with hydrogen fuel cell sources.

Any path that wastes our money on solar and especially wind, without adding lots of nuclear capacity just shows you're not serious.

Money spent on solar and wind is not being wasted. A wind farm or solar plant at Fukushima not only wouldn't have hurt anything, it'd probably be back to full functionality by now. I have no objection to either. Decentralized PV looks to make a great deal of progress. Homes equipped with their own power supplies could seriously change the standard paradigm.

Would glaciers on top of Chicago be a dent?

If you think nuke technology needs to be improved before expanding its use,

The improved tech is already out there, we just haven't used it here yet.

A wind farm or solar plant at Fukushima not only wouldn't have hurt anything,

Well, to replace Fukushima's output, a wind farm or solar plant would have displaced, fried or pureed a decent amout of wildlife.

Homes equipped with their own power supplies could seriously change the standard paradigm.

Sure, expensive home systems that never pay for themselves while still forcing the power company to keep all the coal, nuclear and gas plants on standby, for times the wind doesn't blow or the sun doesn't shine would be a big change. Not a positive one though.

but I think the future of transportation is in electric vehicles with hydrogen fuel cell sources.

H2 generated how? Stored where? Compressed? Liquified?
Would glaciers on top of Chicago be a dent?

But, you won't have glaciers on top of Chicago for hundreds of centuries at least.

Crick said:
If you think nuke technology needs to be improved before expanding its use

The improved tech is already out there, we just haven't used it here yet.

I wasn't making a comment on nuclear power - I support nuclear power and you were the one who asked for improved safety. I was making the comment that fracking - a much newer technology, with a large number of problems and issues reported - needs some improvement as well before being widely used.

Crick said:
A wind farm or solar plant at Fukushima not only wouldn't have hurt anything,

Well, to replace Fukushima's output, a wind farm or solar plant would have displaced, fried or pureed a decent amout of wildlife.

Are you kidding me? Do you actually think a wind or solar farm at Fukushima would have done more harm to life than the meltdown? Please... get real.

Crick said:
Homes equipped with their own power supplies could seriously change the standard paradigm.

Sure, expensive home systems that never pay for themselves while still forcing the power company to keep all the coal, nuclear and gas plants on standby, for times the wind doesn't blow or the sun doesn't shine would be a big change. Not a positive one though.

I understand the average payback period for the new lower cost, home PV systems is on the order of four years. And this persistent claim that that power companies will be forced to maintain the same capacity they have now is hogwash. Power companies are profit making entities. They will not build or retain unneeded capacity. If a portion of a community's power needs are being supplied by other sources, the power company's can cut their capacity. They will NOT maintain current levels out of distrust or animosity. They will not spend money they don't have to spend. They're not stupid.

AND their are other technologies coming on line. Homes may be the biggest market for hydrogen fuel cells. Several researchers have been working towards that target. You've got more room and you can use compressed gas storage. That'd give you power 24/7.

Crick said:
but I think the future of transportation is in electric vehicles with hydrogen fuel cell sources.

H2 generated how? Stored where? Compressed? Liquified?

Electrolyzed from water by all that nuke electricity. But, as I just found out from looking it up, most hydrogen is produced by the steam reforming process on hydrocarbons such as methane, natural gas and the like Steam reforming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Tanks of compressed gas are not a workable solution, the weight and the risk factors (in case of accident or fire) are both high and the range is low. Several chemical storage schemes have been explored. One of the more interesting (IMHO) was borax (Boraxo) a relatively common mineral currently mined in Death Valley and transported by large teams of mules (;-)). It's chemical formula is Na2B4O7·10H2O or Na2[B4O5(OH)4]·8H2O. 20 hydrogen atoms in each. Not bad. And the stuff is cheap and noncombustible.
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Au contraire, Stalinists put you in the dock and you get to listen to the prosecution and are not allowed to mount a defense.

So just like your single-party authoritarian dream state, in other words. Are they any ways at all in which you don't think like a Stalinist?

Your knowledge of world history is just a shitty as your understanding of science. Not surprising in the least. It is you clowns who wish to impoverish the people of the world and it is you assholes who want to murder "deniers".

The only ones dreaming of murder all day long are you and SSDD. Do they bring you comfort, all your dreams of exterminating your political enemies?

Keep dreaming all you want, but we still won't let you and fellow butcher SSDD exterminate millions, nor will we allow your authoritarian dream state to be implemented.

I hate to tell you, silly person, but you idiots have shown beyond doubt your dictatorial inclinations and your intolerance. This pathetic attempt to divert your philosophies over on to us is likewise pathetic. Just like you.....admiral:lol::lol:

I don't have to ask if it bothers you, the way the whole planet considers you to be dishonest cultists. It so clearly does. And you know nothing you can do can change that, so you have to vent your frustrations here. Enjoy the life you've chosen, that of being a marginalized kook.

Obviously, manboob does not swell in a realm where words have and retain actual meaning.

Just to clarify things for that silly little know-nothing: NOTING that Mann's behavior is criminal or akin to criminal or even suggesting that he deserves to be prosecuted is NOT the same thing as persecuting Mann. The claim is just that. A claim. A contention.

But it is not putting him on a show trial where the outcome (conviction) is known before the first gavel drops.

The obvious truth of what I just said never deters a propagandist hack like manboob from merely repeating his baseless claim, He's like a mindless parrot. He can endlessly squawk out the word "Stalinist," but he clearly has not even the first hint of what that term actually means.
Au contraire, Stalinists put you in the dock and you get to listen to the prosecution and are not allowed to mount a defense.

So just like your single-party authoritarian dream state, in other words. Are they any ways at all in which you don't think like a Stalinist?

The only ones dreaming of murder all day long are you and SSDD. Do they bring you comfort, all your dreams of exterminating your political enemies?

Keep dreaming all you want, but we still won't let you and fellow butcher SSDD exterminate millions, nor will we allow your authoritarian dream state to be implemented.

I hate to tell you, silly person, but you idiots have shown beyond doubt your dictatorial inclinations and your intolerance. This pathetic attempt to divert your philosophies over on to us is likewise pathetic. Just like you.....admiral:lol::lol:

I don't have to ask if it bothers you, the way the whole planet considers you to be dishonest cultists. It so clearly does. And you know nothing you can do can change that, so you have to vent your frustrations here. Enjoy the life you've chosen, that of being a marginalized kook.

Obviously, manboob does not swell in a realm where words have and retain actual meaning.

Just to clarify things for that silly little know-nothing: NOTING that Mann's behavior is criminal or akin to criminal or even suggesting that he deserves to be prosecuted is NOT the same thing as persecuting Mann. The claim is just that. A claim. A contention.

But it is not putting him on a show trial where the outcome (conviction) is known before the first gavel drops.

The obvious truth of what I just said never deters a propagandist hack like manboob from merely repeating his baseless claim, He's like a mindless parrot. He can endlessly squawk out the word "Stalinist," but he clearly has not even the first hint of what that term actually means.

If a prosecutor were to decide to state that he suspects you have robbed banks back in your native Guatemala but in order to tell whether or not this is the case, he will need to search your home and the homes of your near relatives and good friends. Then and only then, will he be able to decide whether or not charge you with a crime. Is he persecuting you?

How many judges agreed with Cuccinelli regarding his justification, his authority or his standing? Let's see... NONE. So it would appear that the judiciary believes he never had a legal reason to do what he did to Mann. How does that NOT qualify as persecution?
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