N.C. to close second-best schoopl in the state


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Academy Heights Elementary boasts a 98% pass rate on state exams, has an award-winning math program, and is ranked the second-best kindergarten-to-fifth-grade school in North Carolina. Yet it is slated to close at the end of the school year. Moore County Schools Superintendent Susan Purser said shutting down the school and sending its 265 children to nearby campuses was a "painful last resort" to close an $8.2 million budget gap.
Academy Heights parents have launched a website and a Facebook page, jammed school board meetings and overrun radio talk shows to beg, often tearfully, for a reprieve. They say their school should be a model, not a victim of budget cuts. "Whatever special sauce they are using, we should all sift through the ingredients," said Lisa Hagadorn, parent of a fourth-grader at the school.
Top School Flunks Budget Test - WSJ.com

By what reasoning does it make sense to shut down one of your best schools?
I'm really distressed that this is happening in my grand children's school system too. That is, closing the neighborhood schools, including the higher performing ones, and busing the aggregate to a single campus. Demographics has a lot to do with it but it's still disheartening.

School systems are always excusing this saying "due to budget deficits", but it is the very same elected officials at all levels, federal, state, parish (county) IDS, and city that created these deficits. My taxes are not going down but up, so WTF?

There is no universal remedy, but less government involvement would be better IMO.

Private schools, Charter schools and Church schools are great but insufficient. Public education is not free it's generally paid for by property taxes but school boards spend the tax dollars as they wish and many times unwisely.

I wish the government would give me a tax millage offset to help pay for my g'kids to go to private school.

The elementary level is critical in a child's educational experience and that's were budget cuts hurt the most.

If a child makes it to high school then they will begin to drop out if a quality educational foundation has not been established.

My youngest son, 29, is an elementary school teacher in a public school where the students come from a poor socio-economic environment. I won't use the word family or home because there usually isn't any or the adults are disinterested in education and discipline.

Teachers are routinely assaulted, hurt, and disobeyed. Non students roam the campus and the system is unable to control the students and interlopers. His day consists of breaking up fights and teaching is difficult. But he's strong, fast and young and has earned the respect of his students but the distractions are overwhelming. He will be leaving, this is his second year. He has a gift for teaching I hope he finds a place where he can be effective.

I asked him "where does our society lose these kids?". He said "the third grade".

America will become a second or third class nation if kids don't grow up educated. Right now my oldest son, a six figure, IT complains that it's very difficult to get qualified personnel, in the numbers needed, without going to the import market and that's not great either.

Forgive me, I need to get more positive, there is always hope.
The state has budget problems so the cut the budget. That teaching style can't be transferred to other schools? Of course it can.

If there's no money, there's no money. The States aren't like the Federal Government that can print whatever amount they need.

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