N Korea calls Obama a monkey - I agree

Sometimes even the North Koreans get it right. I agree with them but with a little different twist. To me Obama has always been George Soros's little trained monkey.

Of course comparing Obama to a monkey is insulting monkey's, isn't it?

"Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest," an unidentified spokesman at the commission's policy department said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.
North Korea calls Obama a monkey in latest hacking salvo - Telegraph

So conservatives are siding with a bigoted regime that tortures, starves, and murders its own citizens so it can maintain the largest army on the planet, eh? Well, that falls right in with the right wing's mantra of everything for the military, and nothing for the poor lazy bums living on the street because it's all their fault. How pathetic is that?
Agreeing with one statement by a world leader does not translate to agreeing entirely with that leader's political mantra.

Taking sides on one issue or comment does not translate to switching parties.

Okay, so what you are saying is that if it okay for the leader of the most repressive regime to make racist comments about our commander in chief, it is okay for the right wing in this country to agree with him. Got it. By the way, Kim Jon Un is not a world leader. He is the defacto dictator of a tiny corner of the globe, the most insolated country on the planet.
Sometimes even the North Koreans get it right. I agree with them but with a little different twist. To me Obama has always been George Soros's little trained monkey.

Of course comparing Obama to a monkey is insulting monkey's, isn't it?

"Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest," an unidentified spokesman at the commission's policy department said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.
North Korea calls Obama a monkey in latest hacking salvo - Telegraph

So conservatives are siding with a bigoted regime that tortures, starves, and murders its own citizens so it can maintain the largest army on the planet, eh? Well, that falls right in with the right wing's mantra of everything for the military, and nothing for the poor lazy bums living on the street because it's all their fault. How pathetic is that?
Agreeing with one statement by a world leader does not translate to agreeing entirely with that leader's political mantra.

Taking sides on one issue or comment does not translate to switching parties.

Okay, so what you are saying is that if it okay for the leader of the most repressive regime to make racist comments about our commander in chief, it is okay for the right wing in this country to agree with him. Got it. By the way, Kim Jon Un is not a world leader. He is the defacto dictator of a tiny corner of the globe, the most insolated country on the planet.
Apparently, you do not understand analogies.

Commie-Baby-Kim said:
"Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest," an unidentified spokesman at the commission's policy department said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.
The operative similarity between Obama and the monkey is that both are considered reckless in words and deeds.

Not that I agree that monkeys use words, but they do express themselves vocally. Their behavior, exhibited in nature documentaries I have seen, seems to heavily dosed with reckless abandon.

The Baby-Titular-Head did not say, "Obama is a monkey". If what the little shithead's spokesperson said is an exact quote, he said, "Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest,..."

"Is like" is not the same as "Is" is....just ask Slick Willy!

A fact: Humans share 98% of their DNA with monkeys. In this regard, humans are VERY MUCH LIKE MONKEYS. Still this does not equate the two species.

I have two eyes, just like monkeys do.
I have two ears, just like monkeys do.
I sometimes act and speak with recklessness, just like monkeys do.
I learned many things from watching others. (Monkey see, monkey do.)

I take no offense at these traits being pointed out.

Why do I have you on ignore when you expose your huge tits in your avatar? Such a hard decision....................................
Just as you are not George Washington, those are not my tits.
in other words your too intellectually lazy and lack the integrity to have a real discussion or be consistent on the topic so you've decided to dismiss me and pretend you're somehow superior. Typical

You're the one who's dishonest by even suggesting that there's some equivalency there.

you're seriously going to argue that there isn't an equivalency between calling two people monkeys?

and yet you want to act like one is alright and the other is not simply because of race? Do you know what honest people call treating people differently because of the color of their skin?

they call it racism.

Talk about intellectually dishonest. Holy shit, you have to be kidding.

so treating one group of people differently because of skin color isn't racism?

Pretending you don't recognize the obvious historic context of the remarks is a stark example of racism.

so arguing that we shouldn't call anyone of the human race monkey is racist but being upset about one man being called a monkey while calling another man a monkey solely because of the color of his skin isn't racist?

and this is what passes for logic these days. If the hand of Providence wasn't protecting us we would so have destroyed ourselves by now
So conservatives are siding with a bigoted regime that tortures, starves, and murders its own citizens so it can maintain the largest army on the planet, eh? Well, that falls right in with the right wing's mantra of everything for the military, and nothing for the poor lazy bums living on the street because it's all their fault. How pathetic is that?
Agreeing with one statement by a world leader does not translate to agreeing entirely with that leader's political mantra.

Taking sides on one issue or comment does not translate to switching parties.

Okay, so what you are saying is that if it okay for the leader of the most repressive regime to make racist comments about our commander in chief, it is okay for the right wing in this country to agree with him. Got it. By the way, Kim Jon Un is not a world leader. He is the defacto dictator of a tiny corner of the globe, the most insolated country on the planet.
So conservatives are siding with a bigoted regime that tortures, starves, and murders its own citizens so it can maintain the largest army on the planet, eh? Well, that falls right in with the right wing's mantra of everything for the military, and nothing for the poor lazy bums living on the street because it's all their fault. How pathetic is that?
Agreeing with one statement by a world leader does not translate to agreeing entirely with that leader's political mantra.

Taking sides on one issue or comment does not translate to switching parties.

Okay, so what you are saying is that if it okay for the leader of the most repressive regime to make racist comments about our commander in chief, it is okay for the right wing in this country to agree with him. Got it. By the way, Kim Jon Un is not a world leader. He is the defacto dictator of a tiny corner of the globe, the most insolated country on the planet.
Apparently, you do not understand analogies.

Commie-Baby-Kim said:
"Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest," an unidentified spokesman at the commission's policy department said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.
The operative similarity between Obama and the monkey is that both are considered reckless in words and deeds.

Not that I agree that monkeys use words, but they do express themselves vocally. Their behavior, exhibited in nature documentaries I have seen, seems to heavily dosed with reckless abandon.

The Baby-Titular-Head did not say, "Obama is a monkey". If what the little shithead's spokesperson said is an exact quote, he said, "Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest,..."

"Is like" is not the same as "Is" is....just ask Slick Willy!

A fact: Humans share 98% of their DNA with monkeys. In this regard, humans are VERY MUCH LIKE MONKEYS. Still this does not equate the two species.

I have two eyes, just like monkeys do.
I have two ears, just like monkeys do.
I sometimes act and speak with recklessness, just like monkeys do.
I learned many things from watching others. (Monkey see, monkey do.)

I take no offense at these traits being pointed out.

Why do I have you on ignore when you expose your huge tits in your avatar? Such a hard decision....................................
Just as you are not George Washington, those are not my tits.

The good thing is that they don't have to be your tits. ;)

How is What Obama is doing with Cuba any different than what Nixon did with China? How long is the right wing in this country going to insist that we continue sanctions that don't work against Cuba, have never worked, particularly when we are the only country that enforces them while everyone else ignores them? By the way, to compare Cuba with North Korea is just dumb. Congratulations.

You are trying to deflect Obama's stupidly by saying other people did the same thing. I suspect that all you Libtards thought Nixon was an asshole so comparing Obama to Nixon is quite funny when you think about it.

You need to think a little bit instead of always sucking Obama's penis.

There is nothing wrong with anybody trying to get Cuba on the right track. However, that shithead Obama didn't do that. He legitimized the oppressive Cuban government and got nothing of substance in return. In other words the corrupt and incompetent sonofabitch gave away the store. Cuba got everything they could dream of and didn't have to do anything significant in return. They can continue to be oppressive and also have American support. That is like having your cake and being able to eat it to.

If you don't understand what is wrong with Cuba then you have been watching too many Michael Moore movies, which a typical dumbass thing for a Moon Bat to do.

Do you always repeat what you hear from Rush Limbaugh and FOX News? Or is dick sucking as far as your original thinking takes you?

well considering neither says anything he has been saying it be difficult for him to repeating them. Course you would know that if you listened to different sources of information instead of pretending you have any idea what they say

I know exactly what the lying cock suckers say every day. Ever notice how many FOX News stories lead off with ....."People are saying...." or "We've heard people say....."
Every time they do that you know they're the only one's saying it.

I love how you Leftwats have such a hardon for Rush Limbaugh and Fox News. It's as if you bristle at any opposition to the communist revolution. It is only communists who hate dissent, free media, and the exposure of the truth. And to add insult to injury, Rush Limbaugh revolutionized AM radio, a feat that Leftists can't duplicate even with federal grants to help, and Fox News has for the last decade more ratings than MSNBC and CNN combined.

That means people aren't listening to you, last election case in point.

OMG that must burn!
Why would that burn? Most people still get their news from ABC, CBS & NBC ... you know, what righties call Liberal media.
You're the one who's dishonest by even suggesting that there's some equivalency there.

you're seriously going to argue that there isn't an equivalency between calling two people monkeys?

and yet you want to act like one is alright and the other is not simply because of race? Do you know what honest people call treating people differently because of the color of their skin?

they call it racism.

Talk about intellectually dishonest. Holy shit, you have to be kidding.

so treating one group of people differently because of skin color isn't racism?

Pretending you don't recognize the obvious historic context of the remarks is a stark example of racism.

so arguing that we shouldn't call anyone of the human race monkey is racist but being upset about one man being called a monkey while calling another man a monkey solely because of the color of his skin isn't racist?

and this is what passes for logic these days. If the hand of Providence wasn't protecting us we would so have destroyed ourselves by now

I don't believe you're being honest right now, no one could possibly be this stupid.
With all this astounding knowledge at your finger tips it's a wonder you don't go door to door in predominantly black neighborhoods spreading the good word.

I'm not running for office am I? You finally said something smart and I'll give it to you. The GOP's problem is that they haven't gone door to door in the poorest neighborhoods and talked with these minorities. Huge fucking mistake.

Golly, it's so hard to figure out why Republican messages might not resonate so well with people on the shit end of the stick.

Why? been screwed in the ass to many times?

Looks like you've found you're level. Not very bright........are you.

LOL... Why should I respond intellectually with someone who can only write a single sentence every time he posts to just get a rise out of people? You are officially on ignore.

why is calling Obama a monkey racist when calling bush one wasn't?

Are you completely serious? Are you kidding or what? Even if you ignore the obvious historic context your question fails to meet the minimum threshold for even a superficial equivalency.

in other words your too intellectually lazy and lack the integrity to have a real discussion or be consistent on the topic so you've decided to dismiss me and pretend you're somehow superior. Typical

Let's have a real discussion then Mr Mod......let's see if you can. Let's start by seeing if you can answer some questions honestly.

Is there an historic context to the term "monkey" when referring to black folks?

you mean how you progressives have been calling everyone monkeys for the last hundred years?



you are seriously unaware of how progressives have been calling people monkeys since Darwin published his theories?

talk to avg Joe sometime. I don't know if he is progressive buy he loves calling people monkeys. I don't think he cares what their skin color is either. Which is why it's stupid for you guys to assume someone is calling Obama a monkey solely because they are racist when you guys called bush and really everyone monkeys without any racial motivation.

How is What Obama is doing with Cuba any different than what Nixon did with China? How long is the right wing in this country going to insist that we continue sanctions that don't work against Cuba, have never worked, particularly when we are the only country that enforces them while everyone else ignores them? By the way, to compare Cuba with North Korea is just dumb. Congratulations.

You are trying to deflect Obama's stupidly by saying other people did the same thing. I suspect that all you Libtards thought Nixon was an asshole so comparing Obama to Nixon is quite funny when you think about it.

You need to think a little bit instead of always sucking Obama's penis.

There is nothing wrong with anybody trying to get Cuba on the right track. However, that shithead Obama didn't do that. He legitimized the oppressive Cuban government and got nothing of substance in return. In other words the corrupt and incompetent sonofabitch gave away the store. Cuba got everything they could dream of and didn't have to do anything significant in return. They can continue to be oppressive and also have American support. That is like having your cake and being able to eat it to.

If you don't understand what is wrong with Cuba then you have been watching too many Michael Moore movies, which a typical dumbass thing for a Moon Bat to do.

Do you always repeat what you hear from Rush Limbaugh and FOX News? Or is dick sucking as far as your original thinking takes you?

well considering neither says anything he has been saying it be difficult for him to repeating them. Course you would know that if you listened to different sources of information instead of pretending you have any idea what they say

I know exactly what the lying cock suckers say every day. Ever notice how many FOX News stories lead off with ....."People are saying...." or "We've heard people say....."
Every time they do that you know they're the only one's saying it.

actually no I've never noticed that. But I've never seen any of them say what Barry Allen has been saying there.
Sure nuff - the RWs are siding with the NK commie.

Anyone surprised?

so us saying it's just as stupid as you guys calling bush a monkey is siding with n Korea? As if this a real political issue.

while you are getting offended at your political god bring called a name the country is falling apart. Wake up

No, once again.....there is no equivalency, none, nada, zip, zilch, zero, nothing.

you can hold your double standard all you want. Doesn't change reality. And the reality is your standard is racist
you're seriously going to argue that there isn't an equivalency between calling two people monkeys?

and yet you want to act like one is alright and the other is not simply because of race? Do you know what honest people call treating people differently because of the color of their skin?

they call it racism.

Talk about intellectually dishonest. Holy shit, you have to be kidding.

so treating one group of people differently because of skin color isn't racism?

Pretending you don't recognize the obvious historic context of the remarks is a stark example of racism.

so arguing that we shouldn't call anyone of the human race monkey is racist but being upset about one man being called a monkey while calling another man a monkey solely because of the color of his skin isn't racist?

and this is what passes for logic these days. If the hand of Providence wasn't protecting us we would so have destroyed ourselves by now

I don't believe you're being honest right now, no one could possibly be this stupid.

no one forcing you to say stupid things. I'm sure if you applied yourself you could actually contribute to society

How is What Obama is doing with Cuba any different than what Nixon did with China? How long is the right wing in this country going to insist that we continue sanctions that don't work against Cuba, have never worked, particularly when we are the only country that enforces them while everyone else ignores them? By the way, to compare Cuba with North Korea is just dumb. Congratulations.

You are trying to deflect Obama's stupidly by saying other people did the same thing. I suspect that all you Libtards thought Nixon was an asshole so comparing Obama to Nixon is quite funny when you think about it.

You need to think a little bit instead of always sucking Obama's penis.

There is nothing wrong with anybody trying to get Cuba on the right track. However, that shithead Obama didn't do that. He legitimized the oppressive Cuban government and got nothing of substance in return. In other words the corrupt and incompetent sonofabitch gave away the store. Cuba got everything they could dream of and didn't have to do anything significant in return. They can continue to be oppressive and also have American support. That is like having your cake and being able to eat it to.

If you don't understand what is wrong with Cuba then you have been watching too many Michael Moore movies, which a typical dumbass thing for a Moon Bat to do.

Do you always repeat what you hear from Rush Limbaugh and FOX News? Or is dick sucking as far as your original thinking takes you?

well considering neither says anything he has been saying it be difficult for him to repeating them. Course you would know that if you listened to different sources of information instead of pretending you have any idea what they say

I know exactly what the lying cock suckers say every day. Ever notice how many FOX News stories lead off with ....."People are saying...." or "We've heard people say....."
Every time they do that you know they're the only one's saying it.

I love how you Leftwats have such a hardon for Rush Limbaugh and Fox News. It's as if you bristle at any opposition to the communist revolution. It is only communists who hate dissent, free media, and the exposure of the truth. And to add insult to injury, Rush Limbaugh revolutionized AM radio, a feat that Leftists can't duplicate even with federal grants to help, and Fox News has for the last decade more ratings than MSNBC and CNN combined.

That means people aren't listening to you, last election case in point.

OMG that must burn!

what's funny is they don't even have a clue what either say. Or they are lying. I would like to think people say things more out of ignorance than malice

How is What Obama is doing with Cuba any different than what Nixon did with China? How long is the right wing in this country going to insist that we continue sanctions that don't work against Cuba, have never worked, particularly when we are the only country that enforces them while everyone else ignores them? By the way, to compare Cuba with North Korea is just dumb. Congratulations.

You are trying to deflect Obama's stupidly by saying other people did the same thing. I suspect that all you Libtards thought Nixon was an asshole so comparing Obama to Nixon is quite funny when you think about it.

You need to think a little bit instead of always sucking Obama's penis.

There is nothing wrong with anybody trying to get Cuba on the right track. However, that shithead Obama didn't do that. He legitimized the oppressive Cuban government and got nothing of substance in return. In other words the corrupt and incompetent sonofabitch gave away the store. Cuba got everything they could dream of and didn't have to do anything significant in return. They can continue to be oppressive and also have American support. That is like having your cake and being able to eat it to.

If you don't understand what is wrong with Cuba then you have been watching too many Michael Moore movies, which a typical dumbass thing for a Moon Bat to do.

Do you always repeat what you hear from Rush Limbaugh and FOX News? Or is dick sucking as far as your original thinking takes you?

well considering neither says anything he has been saying it be difficult for him to repeating them. Course you would know that if you listened to different sources of information instead of pretending you have any idea what they say

I know exactly what the lying cock suckers say every day. Ever notice how many FOX News stories lead off with ....."People are saying...." or "We've heard people say....."
Every time they do that you know they're the only one's saying it.

I love how you Leftwats have such a hardon for Rush Limbaugh and Fox News. It's as if you bristle at any opposition to the communist revolution. It is only communists who hate dissent, free media, and the exposure of the truth. And to add insult to injury, Rush Limbaugh revolutionized AM radio, a feat that Leftists can't duplicate even with federal grants to help, and Fox News has for the last decade more ratings than MSNBC and CNN combined.

That means people aren't listening to you, last election case in point.

OMG that must burn!

what's funny is they don't even have a clue what either say. Or they are lying. I would like to think people say things more out of ignorance than malice
Nixon was a swell guy compared to the right wing leaders in this country today. How is it, in your world, stupid of Obama to recognize that 50 year old sanctions are a waste of the paper they are written on, that you can get more with a carrot than a stick, that we have long recognized far worse regimes than the Cuban one, that Cuba is no longer a threat to the U.S., and hasn't been for quite some time now? By the way, I have never watched any of Michael Moore's movies. Are they as good as Ronnie Raygun's movies?

It is amusing you say Nixon was a peach in order to justify the incompetency of Obama. .

It is not about Cuba being a threat. It is about that shithead President that you yokels elected legitimizing one of the most corrupt, oppressive and brutal human rights violators in the world.

If he had not been so incompetent and so enthralled with communism he could got some significant concessions out of them in return but instead he gave away the store for nothing of substance.

You idiots that elected the SOB now own the oppression in Cuba. Enjoy!

By the way, moron. There are very few real right wingers around today. There is not a dime's worth of difference between the Republicans and Democrats. They are all Progressives and nobody in any position of power in this country is a non interventionist when it comes to foreign policy.
Sure nuff - the RWs are siding with the NK commie.

Anyone surprised?

so us saying it's just as stupid as you guys calling bush a monkey is siding with n Korea? As if this a real political issue.

while you are getting offended at your political god bring called a name the country is falling apart. Wake up

No, once again.....there is no equivalency, none, nada, zip, zilch, zero, nothing.

you can hold your double standard all you want. Doesn't change reality. And the reality is your standard is racist

You have failed utterly to establish even a superficial equivalency.
Talk about intellectually dishonest. Holy shit, you have to be kidding.

so treating one group of people differently because of skin color isn't racism?

Pretending you don't recognize the obvious historic context of the remarks is a stark example of racism.

so arguing that we shouldn't call anyone of the human race monkey is racist but being upset about one man being called a monkey while calling another man a monkey solely because of the color of his skin isn't racist?

and this is what passes for logic these days. If the hand of Providence wasn't protecting us we would so have destroyed ourselves by now

I don't believe you're being honest right now, no one could possibly be this stupid.

no one forcing you to say stupid things. I'm sure if you applied yourself you could actually contribute to society

You have to be one of the most dishonest racists I've ever come across.
Sure nuff - the RWs are siding with the NK commie.

Anyone surprised?

so us saying it's just as stupid as you guys calling bush a monkey is siding with n Korea? As if this a real political issue.

while you are getting offended at your political god bring called a name the country is falling apart. Wake up

No, once again.....there is no equivalency, none, nada, zip, zilch, zero, nothing.

you can hold your double standard all you want. Doesn't change reality. And the reality is your standard is racist

When some people referred to former President Bush as a chimp or monkey was that characterization based on his race?

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