N. Korea fires unidentified projectile S. Korea military


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

N.Korea fires unidentified projectile - S.Korea military


Kim is just itching to start something isn't he.
Fatboy likely buildin' biochem weapons in secret hidden facilities...

Analyst: North Korea's biochem weapons being built in hidden facilities
June 19, 2017 -- North Korea may be secretly developing biological weapons in camouflaged facilities across the country, according to a U.S. weapons expert, who also stated in a separate report that construction activity at the Sohae Satellite Launching Station is ongoing.
Writing for 38 North, a Johns Hopkins University website dedicated to North Korea issues, Joseph S. Bermudez, Jr., stated the Kim Jong Un regime either possesses or will soon possess "operational nuclear weapons," an "ongoing offensive biological weapons research program," and a "longstanding chemical weapons program with a militarily significant inventory of these weapons."

Bermudez also states North Korea deliberately built its nuclear, biological and chemical programs in "extreme secrecy," using "camouflage, concealment and deception operations to mask the NBC infrastructure" or using "legitimate, defense or civilian industrial and research infrastructures" to build weapons that are "simply unknown" outside the North Korean government.


North Korea’s nuclear, biological and chemical programs could employ more than 20,000 people across a wide range of concealed facilities, according to a U.S. analyst.​

The analysis published last week also provided rough estimates of the number of North Korean personnel involved in each of the programs. According to Bermudez, there are about 1,500-3,000 North Koreans and 25-30 entities involved in the biological weapons program, 3,500-5,000 people and 25-50 entities involved in the chemical weapons program, and about 9,000-15,000 people and 100-150 entities involved in the "research, development, testing or production of nuclear weapons."

In a separate report, Bermudez said satellite imagery shows ongoing construction at the Sohae station and given the "good state of repair" of the vertical engine test stand, launch pad and gantry tower, either a new engine test or satellite launch could "occur with little or no advance warning." North Korea recently claimed it is closer to testing an intercontinental ballistic missile that could potentially hit any target in the continental United States.

Analyst: North Korea's biochem weapons being built in hidden facilities
No. Korea got biochem weapons...

North Korean WMD Is Not Just Nuclear
December 11, 2017 - Kim Jong Un’s obsession with developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching American territory has absorbed the world’s attention for the better part of a year. It also may have diverted the world’s attention from North Korean WMD, or weapons of mass destruction, that are not nuclear. Recent reports have highlighted the dangers posed by the hermit kingdom’s chemical and biological agents.
Chemical Weapons: A Murder with a Message

In February of this year, the North Korean dictator had his half-brother, Kim Jong Nam, murdered in the Kuala Lumpur airport. Two teams of assassins were standing ready, but it took only one team to do the job. Two women smeared oily toxins on Kim Jong Nam’s face. Two of the men who had shadowed the team of women quickly disappeared through the departure gate after the assault, and left the country. Four North Korean men also were later implicated in the attack, including a diplomat and an employee of the state-owned airline. The women claim they were told they were taking part in a TV prank show. One worked in a local massage parlor, the other has been described simply as working in the entertainment industry. They were promised $90 and a chance to appear on television for their participation.

The means of murdering Mr. Kim was the toxic chemical agent VX. Most chemical weapons experts who have studied the tapes of the attack speculate that it was administered in a binary form. That is, each woman applied a separate precursor chemical to Kim’s face, and it didn’t actually become VX until the second chemical mixed with the first. That seemed the best explanation for why Mr. Kim died so quickly, but the women survived.

Long-time North Korea specialists disagree about what message Kim Jong Un was sending by using VX. Some believe he thought it would be hard to trace, and that he wanted deniability. Others believe exactly the opposite. The Washington Post spoke with Sue Mi Terry, a former CIA analyst, who suggested that part of the purpose was to issue a threat. “Kim Jong Un’s plan was to showcase his ability to strike with terrifying weapons,” the Post reporter writes. “His message about VX was, ‘We have it,’ ” said Terry, the former CIA analyst. “He knew they would eventually find it.”

State of the Art Facilities for Biological Weapons

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