N. Korea OKs Nukes


Let's go swimmin'!
May 3, 2011
North Korea warns military cleared to wage nuclear attack against US
South Korea says North Korea has moved a missile with "considerable range" to its east coast after an unnamed spokesman for the North Korean army warned the U.S. Wednesday that its military has been cleared to wage an attack using "smaller, lighter and diversified nuclear" weapons. US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Washington was doing all it can to defuse the situation, echoing comments a day earlier by Secretary of State John Kerry. "Some of the actions they've taken over the last few weeks present a real and clear danger and threat to the interests, certainly of our allies, starting with South Korea and Japan and also the threats that the North Koreans have leveled directly at the United States regarding our base in Guam, threatened Hawaii, threatened the West Coast of the United States," Hagel said Wednesday.
In Pyongyang, the military statement said North Korean troops had been authorized to counter U.S. "aggression" with "powerful practical military counteractions," including nuclear weapons

Read more: North Korea warns military cleared to wage nuclear attack against US | Fox News

In their opinion section, another view says this time it's different, and that the new leader, Kim Jong-Un, in his twenties, views the world no differently than his addiction to video games, which is frightening.

I'm not so sure the kid is that stupid.

What do you think?
I guess I should have named this Korea's decision to nuke the USA. It's pretty clear that was the message.

Not one person opened this thread.

I'm thinking: "We learned nothing from 9/11."
If I'm POTUS, I'm going to take his threats seriously. No matter the probability of them actually being able to get one this far. But let's not waste a nuke of our own and take the chance of the fallout affecting NK's neighbors.
Just drop a MOAB out the back of a C-12 and right into little Kim's lap. You know, just for show.
Here ya go, buddy. Try this one on for size. :razz:
Thanks, Papawx3. Send me a pm when you decide to run.

We live in terrible times where a score of Saudi Arabian and ME terrorists hopped 4 planes and threatened our largest city and the Capitol, hitting civilian and military targets. One landed in a cornfield instead of hitting the White House. We were not prepared for it.
Granny says now all dem people gonna be out of a job; somebody reach over an' slap lil' Kim upside his nappy head...
In slap at South, NKorea suspends work at factory
Apr 8,`13 -- North Korea said Monday it will suspend operations at a factory complex it has jointly run with South Korea, pulling out more than 53,000 North Korean workers and moving closer to severing its last economic link with its rival as tensions escalate.
The Kaesong industrial complex just north of the Demilitarized Zone is the biggest employer in North Korea's third-largest city. Shutting it down, even temporarily, would show that the destitute country is willing to hurt its own economy to display its anger with South Korea and the United States. Pyongyang's move follows weeks of threatening rhetoric and provocations aimed at Seoul and its U.S. ally following U.N. sanctions punishing the North for its third nuclear test, on Feb. 12. In recent days there have also been worries in Seoul of an even larger provocation from Pyongyang, including another possible nuclear test or rocket launch. The point of the threats and possible future provocations, analysts say, isn't a full-scale war, which North Korea would certainly lose. It's seen instead as an effort to force new, Pyongyang-friendly policies in South Korea and Washington and to boost domestic loyalty for Kim Jong Un, the country's young, still relatively untested new leader.

The statement about Kaesong came from Kim Yang Gon, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea. It did not say what would happen to the 475 South Korean managers still at the Kaesong industrial complex. The statement also did not say whether the North Korean workers would be recalled immediately, and a South Korean manager at Kaesong said he had heard nothing from the North Korean government. "North Korean workers left work at 6 o'clock today as they usually do. We'll know tomorrow whether they will come to work," said the manager, who declined to be identified because he was not authorized to speak to the media. North Korea had asked South Korean managers to say when they intended to leave by Wednesday; the manager said he did not know whether he and his South Korean colleagues now will be forced to leave.

Kim's statement said North Korea will now consider whether to close the complex permanently. "How the situation will develop in the days ahead will entirely depend on the attitude" of South Korean authorities, it said. Yoo Ho-yeol, a North Korea expert at Korea University in South Korea, said the North probably will close the park. "North Korea will wait to see what kind of message we will send ... but there is no message that we can send to North Korea," he said. Yoo said he expects the South Korean managers will be deported, Pyongyang will convert the park for military use, and the fates of the North Korean workers and their families will not be considered. "It's a wrong decision but they won't change it because it's not their top priority," he said.


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