Nader: Hillary Tried to ‘Overcompensate’ for Gender with ‘Shocking’ Militarism


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
“I think Hillary is not the Hillary of when she was 30 years old. She made peace with the power structure and she is a deep corporatist and a deep militarist. One can almost forgive the corporatism. She moved to New York with Bill because that’s where the power is and Wall Street but her militarism is absolutely shocking,” he said during a discussion about his new book, Return to Sender, which focuses on unanswered letters Nader wrote to U.S. presidents about an array of issues.

Nader cited the war in Libya during President Obama’s first term to support his position on Clinton.

“She almost singlehandedly did the Libyan war. The Defense Department was against it, [Secretary Robert] Gates, and she persuaded the White House that it was an easy topple without knowing that in a tribal society with nothing to replace it you would have a civil war, sectarian killings spilling into Africa, weapons everywhere, Mali, central Africa and she’s being accused of Benghazi – the big thing is the huge amount of geography that has been destabilized because of the Libyan overthrow,” he added.

Ralph Nader Criticizes Hillary Clinton PJ Media

Nader turning on Mrs. Clinton, now all the rest of the democrats have to show some backbone.

Here is something that should scare the crap out of ISIS:


Nader cited the war in Libya during President Obama’s first term to support his position on Clinton.

“She almost singlehandedly did the Libyan war. The Defense Department was against it, [Secretary Robert] Gates, and she persuaded the White House that it was an easy topple without knowing that in a tribal society with nothing to replace it you would have a civil war, sectarian killings spilling into Africa, weapons everywhere, Mali, central Africa and she’s being accused of Benghazi – the big thing is the huge amount of geography that has been destabilized because of the Libyan overthrow,” he added.
Please stop posting things that might make Hillary better to me.
A megalomaniacal lesbian (who wishes she had a penis) with her finger on the red button and something to prove should make every American think twice about voting for her.

I think Nader is right to some extent.

On the other hand it's fun to see the two-faced Right now swing from their Rand Paul face to their Lindsay Graham face and back again,

depending on whether they're trying to attack a Democrat for being too hawkish or too dovish.
I think Nader has it pretty much right. Hillary is a war hawk and pro police surveillance state. She's basically republican lite.
Everything about Hillary is a political calculation.

as opposed to the occupants of the rightwingnut clown car? :lmao:
Obviously. Her entire life has been a political calculation. Her big mistake was riding a man's coattails to get where she wanted to go, but hey, she can't make all good decisions. Of course, we're still waiting for one, but we've got time.

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