CDZ Nakba in Arabic Means Catastrophe

Every year when Israel celebrates its "independence", its victims mourn their losses:
"Nakba is an Arabic word that means 'catastrophe.' The Nakba was the destruction, expulsion, looting, massacres and incidents of rape of the Palestinian inhabitants of this country.
Independence Day as a day of mourning."


Every year hundreds of millions of people celebrate the birthday of muhummad----
he enacted a COMPREHENSIVE genocide of Zoroastrians, and jews and Christians thruout all of Arabia--------murder, rape, pillage, enslavement and forced expulsion
Every year when Israel celebrates its "independence", its victims mourn their losses:
"Nakba is an Arabic word that means 'catastrophe.' The Nakba was the destruction, expulsion, looting, massacres and incidents of rape of the Palestinian inhabitants of this country.

"It was keeping refugees out by force at the end of the war, in order to establish the Jewish state.

"And it is the ongoing destruction of Palestinian localities, the disregard for the rights of refugees and displaced people, and the prohibition against teaching and commemorating the Nakba in schools and civic groups."

Today a young woman who was raised since the age of six in Ariel, one of the largest illegal West Bank settlements, has just released a documentary detailing Israeli attitudes toward al-Nakba:
"The film’s opening scenes occur in Tel Aviv, on the eve of Israel’s Independence Day.

"People are dancing to live music in Rabin Square and spraying one another with foam while fireworks light up the sky. Meanwhile, at the Zochrot office just off the square, a group of volunteers are preparing to go out with posters to raise awareness of the Nakba Law.

"Passed by the Knesset in 2011, the law grants the government the authority to impose severe financial penalties on any publicly-funded organization that marks Independence Day as a day of mourning."
Film review A documentary explores Israeli attitudes to the Nakba 972 Magazine
The volunteers were ultimately forced by police to cease their educational efforts, claiming they were causing a provocation that amounted to disturbing the peace.

Ethnic cleansing is a violation of international law, educating people about their history of ethnic cleansing is not (except in Israel)
Which ethnic cleasing you talk about? The ethnic cleasing of Hebron Jews, in the 20's of the previous century?
Instead of rehashing Hatfield & McCoy grievances, how about SPECIFIC solutions to CURRENT problems?
Which ethnic cleasing you talk about? The ethnic cleasing of Hebron Jews, in the 20's of the previous century?
Along with the ethnic cleansing of 700,000 Arabs during the late 1940s.
"In the Occupied Territories, Israeli law and protections apply to Jewish settlers in illegal settlements.

"But those very laws and protections take the form of cudgels and repression so far as Palestinians in the territories are concerned.

"There, al-Naqba is a daily rage, not just the commemoration of May 14, 1948."

What Is al-Naqba or al-Nakba - The Catastrophe
Nakba equals the Arab Palestinian mourning for Israel's existence.

Israel did not start the 48's war
Instead of rehashing Hatfield & McCoy grievances, how about SPECIFIC solutions to CURRENT problems?
One of the more abstract solutions calls for parallel states between the River and the sea, allowing, in theory, for both an independent Palestine and for an Israel that would be both Jewish and democratic at the same time. Whether this would work without UNSC peacekeeper participation over an extended period of time is hard to know; however, the status quo in Palestine doesn't appear viable either.
Parallel States Plan for Israeli-Palestinian Peace Is a Recipe for Disaster Commentary Magazine
Nakba is simply a made up term crafted by Arab strategists as a propaganda tool. It acts much like other made up terms like "Islamophobia" in that the creation of the term is calculated towards achieving a specific political goal, and is intentionally dishonest by very design.

Intelligent people should be able to see through the ruse, and realize that just because Arabs sought to create some sort of equivalence between the fallout from their coordinated attack on the fledgling Jewish state and the suffering experienced by Jews prior to that point, that does not mean there is any actual equivalence.

It is just a cheap propaganda ploy used to fool stupid people into supporting Arab hatred.
Nakba equals the Arab Palestinian mourning for Israel's existence.

Israel did not start the 48's war
Zionism and British imperialism started the '48 war:
"1948: The Origins of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
  • As in Ireland, India and Cyprus, British colonial 'divide and rule' tactics culminated in November 1947 in the partition of Palestine into two newly independent states — one Palestinian Arab and one Jewish.
  • UN Resolution 181 allotted Jews, who were less than one-third of the population and owned only 8 percent of the land, 56 percent of the territory of Palestine. Palestinians saw the partition plan as a grave injustice, especially since most Jews in Palestine were recent arrivals. Fighting broke out between Jewish forces and local Palestinian militias."
Israel was created by ethnic cleansing in '48. You can not undo that crime, and, eventually, the world will hold Israel accountable.

The Origins of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Intelligent people should be able to see through the ruse, and realize that just because Arabs sought to create some sort of equivalence between the fallout from their coordinated attack on the fledgling Jewish state and the suffering experienced by Jews prior to that point, that does not mean there is any actual equivalence.
What "suffering" did the Jews of Palestine experience prior to May 1948 when Israel lurched into existence AFTER expelling 95% of Jaffa's Arab population from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts? Jaffa's refugees accounted for 15% of all Palestinian refugees during that time, a historical event known as al-Nakba, and they are still banned from returning by the racist state responsible for their "suffering."

Jaffa from eminence to ethnic cleansing The Electronic Intifada
From al-Nakba to Jerusalem:
"BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Towering above the gargantuan Jerusalem Mall and the repetitive, non-descript homes of the Malha (or Manahat) suburb of West Jerusalem is a curious sight -- a large minaret from which the call to prayer never rings forth..."

"But this minaret sits squarely in West Jerusalem, in what is internationally recognized as the state of Israel. The minaret belongs to the mosque of the once-thriving Palestinian village of al-Malha, a Jerusalem suburb that was once home to more than 2,000.

"Their descendants, today numbering more than 10,000, live as refugees across the West Bank, their ancestors having fallen victim to the ethnic cleansing of West Jerusalem Palestinians in the Nakba of 1948.

"The minaret of the now non-functioning village mosque, however, is forever visible from across the valley, a perpetual reminder of the lives destroyed by the 1948 'catastrophe' that laid the foundations for the Jewish-majority state."

Retracing the Nakba in West Jerusalem s al-Malha Maan News Agency

In Jerusalem today:
"One small city nestled in hills and surrounded by mountains is, for many, the center of the world. It is the city of Jerusalem.

"The prophets called it 'the city on the hill.'

"And what happens in Jerusalem over the next few days will, or will not, throw the world into crisis.

"Crisis between the world of Islam and the West.

"Tensions have been rising. There are people, individuals as well as organized groups, rooting for the tensions to ignite and light up a full-scale intifada.

"Palestinian leaders are stoking the flames, hoping to excite their flock and, with that excitement, force the world to recognize a Palestinian state."

Intifada 3.0 Opinion Jewish Journal

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