name the person most responsible for the economy 's issues

I will start...

ben bernanke

There is no one person, nor even one administration to blame. As far as escalating it beyond anyone in OUR lifetime being to pay it off, that rests solely on Obama's shoulders.
Order of responsibility for this crisis:
1 - Bill Clinton - signed nearly every part of this into law.
2 - Democrats in congress, Barney Frank & Chris Dodd
3 - Congressional Black Caucus
4 - Republicans in congress
5 - Alan Greenspan / Ben Bernanke
6 - Frank Raines of Fannie Mae
7 - Phil Gramm - derivatives & swaps
8 - Chris Cox - Lax SEC regulation
9 - Hank Paulson - US Treasury
10- Sandy Weill of Citigroup
12- Jimmy Carter - started the CRA
13- George Bush - did not push hard enough to stop this.
14- Marion and Herb Sandler invent Wells Fargo option ARM
15- Kathleen Corbet S&P AAA ratings
16- Lew Ranieri coined MBS securitization
17- Barack Obama - CBC, ACORN, Against GSE regulation, pushed CRA.
18- Joe Cassano of AIG
19- Realestate Appraisers
20- Angelo Mozilo of Countrywide
21- Dick Fuld of Lehman
22- Jimmy Cayne of Bear Stearns
23- Stan O'Neal of Merrill Lynch
24- Homebuilders & Ian McCarthy
25- National Association of Realtors - David Lereah
26- US Home Buyers & Consumer loans
27- Bernie Madoff ponzi scheme
29- Hedge funds & John Devaney
29- Fred Goodwin of Royal Bank of Scotland
30- Carleton Sheets no money down infomercial
31- HGTV & Burton Jablin
32- Easy credit from foreign govs China & Iceland
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