Nancy Pelosi Declares NO Presidential Debates

I have said consistently for the past several months - BIDEN WILL NOT DEBATE TRUMP.
He can't. He simply doesn't have the mental ability. Everyone knows it.
I have said all along they will find excuses, of course whatever the excuse - orange man bad will be it,
They are once again assuming Americans are a bunch of morons to believe the reason is anything else but Biden has dementia.

Well, I said the same, I was basically laughed off as if it was an insane premise. I received the same reaction when I said "AOC is serious" and much of her party would follow her.

Just look what has been going on the last number of months, the mainstream media are complicit. The RNC is done live in crowds, people are going to work, all other politicians are out and about, Biden now says he may not even go out and campaign. What in the F?!

This is beyond creepy. Does anyone even if Biden is in the country? How can anyone even know if he is or not?
The only thing surprising to me is the DNC is seriously still backing Biden.
It is beyond ridiculous. At this point, if you do not believe Biden has lost significant cognitive skills then you are simply just willing to pretend he don't. And then somehow think it is ok to elect a person with dementia. THAT is how fucked up the Democratic Party is right now.

I'm surprised she said what she said to the world. Does she thinks this HELPS Biden? It's a horrible suggestion to make. A trial balloon that will go down like a zeppelin. She has to know this. Who is adviser her on this strategy?

NOT debating. Wanting to debate online, or in some bubbles, whatever the argument, all are LOSING positions. He must stand in front of the American people and make his case, Independent voters in particular, are watching closely. They don't drink the kool-aid until it's fully stirred.

Trump is out there, the RNC are out there. On the lawn. Near one another, talking, being normal. Athletes are out playing sports, hitting each other (in hockey), battling, the grocery store clerk is working her ass off, the truck driver is delivering goods, none of it makes sense. His backers know it, his defenders know it.

So, Americans have a history of electing presidents who are tall and confident. It's a given, just the facts. Trump has confidence, so he just needs to tone it down, be positive, keep it real, give Americans hope that HE will bring them back to normality, economic success while confronting the communists and border abusers.

The alternative? Has said he will shut down the country again, while he himself, enjoys the ability of remaining in one place, not going to work etc.

It's a real disaster for his campaign. I never believed the polls, as each day passes and Trump is out there, putting his policies to the world, showing he's on top of his game and a leader, the less I will believe he is behind. I know Americans enough. They don't need (or want) a Strongman, but they want a fighter who will lead.
Seriously they only have two choices...
1) Let Biden debate. Which everyone knows will end with every viewer clearly seeing Biden's mental loss... and he will lose in a landslide.
2) Don't debate. Let the left media do their propaganda and hope America is in a mental coma and believe them.... and hope for the best.
That is it. They don't have a choice. Biden will not debate Trump. PERIOD.
Nazi Pelousy just announced to the world that Crazy Joe's head is packed with oatmeal.
She also just announced to the world that President Trump is responsible for Hurricane Laura, the CA wildfires, and C-19. I can't say here what her head must be packed with.
They are throwing every lie at Trump they can. All they have is the "I hate Trump" position and no positive policies that would affect the normal people... Its going to be a blood bath on NOV 3...

They have placed all their chips on the I HATE TRUMP number...
Pseudo Emperor Trumpybear makes declarations. The Speaker is voicing her opinion about why the VP should cancel the 3 scheduled debates.
Awww how sweet and stupid a comment

Nah, calling her opinion a declaration was stupid.
Her opinion... and NYT, and CNN (Don Lemon) and LA Times - and more.
There are two choices...
1) Do the debate, and Biden's mental condition will be front and center and he will lose in a landslide.
2) Make excuses, do NOT do the debate and pump out of the left media reasons why and hope for the best.

Do you REALLY believe they will choose #1?? Really?

Not one of those sources makes the claim that the Rabid GOP is trying to make about Good Old Joe you know.
Like I said, if you don't see for yourself the obvious cognitive decline of Biden - then you are just pretending. At this point it is certainly nothing else.

Joe had that same look in the 90's.
Nazi Pelousy just announced to the world that Crazy Joe's head is packed with oatmeal.
She also just announced to the world that President Trump is responsible for Hurricane Laura, the CA wildfires, and C-19. I can't say here what her head must be packed with.
They are throwing every lie at trump they can. All they have is the "I hate Trump" position and no positive policies that would affect the normal people... Its going to be a blood bath on NOV 3...
It's going to be like 1980 or 1984 all over again :cool:
Pseudo Emperor Trumpybear makes declarations. The Speaker is voicing her opinion about why the VP should cancel the 3 scheduled debates.
Great catch! :icon_rolleyes:
We know what Pelosi is doing. She's laying down the groundwork to get Biden out of those three debates he has agreed to, for some inexplicable reason.
He simply isn't remotely up to the task...just like running for president.

If Trump is reelected you can thank the faceless decision makers in the DNC who pushed Joe Biden
into running for the office of president. It was one of the biggest political mistakes ever.
Senile Joe's campaign is going down faster than the Titanic and he's finished whether he debates or not. :auiqs.jpg:

Fear and Smear is all the GOP ever come up with. Well now that the Donnie's corrupt "Ukraine Shakedown Scheme" was exposed.
Biden backing out of the debates is nothing but a Trumpbot wet dream.
It's a Nazi Pelousy wet dream. Read the OP, Moron.

I, for one, want that blithering idiot to make a fool of himself in front of the world during a debate.

I have no doubt Biden will beat President Shit-for-Brains in any debates.

I understand Pelosi's logic: Why debate a total BULLSHIT ARTIST?

I have no doubt Biden knows how to handle a bullshit artist.

After all a few of us liberals have been making fools out of all of you Trumpbots bullshit artists on this board for years.
Pseudo Emperor Trumpybear makes declarations. The Speaker is voicing her opinion about why the VP should cancel the 3 scheduled debates.
Great catch! :icon_rolleyes:
We know what Pelosi is doing. She's laying down the groundwork to get Biden out of those three debates he has agreed to, for some inexplicable reason.
He simply isn't remotely up to the task...just like running for president.

If Trump is reelected you can thank the faceless decision makers in the DNC who pushed Joe Biden
into running for the office of president. It was one of the biggest political mistakes ever.

Nah she's just insulting the Trumpybear and his supporters. There will be debates and both sides will declare victory.

Speaking of laying groundwork for the future, Trumpybear is at it again.
Pseudo Emperor Trumpybear makes declarations. The Speaker is voicing her opinion about why the VP should cancel the 3 scheduled debates.
Great catch! :icon_rolleyes:
We know what Pelosi is doing. She's laying down the groundwork to get Biden out of those three debates he has agreed to, for some inexplicable reason.
He simply isn't remotely up to the task...just like running for president.

If Trump is reelected you can thank the faceless decision makers in the DNC who pushed Joe Biden
into running for the office of president. It was one of the biggest political mistakes ever.
Senile Joe's campaign is going down faster than the Titanic and he's finished whether he debates or not. :auiqs.jpg:

Fear and Smear is all the GOP ever come up with. Well now that the Donnie's corrupt "Ukraine Shakedown Scheme" was exposed.
Hahahahahahahahaha Sleepy Joe is as guilty as sin
I have said consistently for the past several months - BIDEN WILL NOT DEBATE TRUMP.
He can't. He simply doesn't have the mental ability. Everyone knows it.
I have said all along they will find excuses, of course whatever the excuse - orange man bad will be it,
They are once again assuming Americans are a bunch of morons to believe the reason is anything else but Biden has dementia.

Well, I said the same, I was basically laughed off as if it was an insane premise. I received the same reaction when I said "AOC is serious" and much of her party would follow her.

Just look what has been going on the last number of months, the mainstream media are complicit. The RNC is done live in crowds, people are going to work, all other politicians are out and about, Biden now says he may not even go out and campaign. What in the F?!

This is beyond creepy. Does anyone even if Biden is in the country? How can anyone even know if he is or not?
The only thing surprising to me is the DNC is seriously still backing Biden.
It is beyond ridiculous. At this point, if you do not believe Biden has lost significant cognitive skills then you are simply just willing to pretend he don't. And then somehow think it is ok to elect a person with dementia. THAT is how fucked up the Democratic Party is right now.

I'm surprised she said what she said to the world. Does she thinks this HELPS Biden? It's a horrible suggestion to make. A trial balloon that will go down like a zeppelin. She has to know this. Who is adviser her on this strategy?

NOT debating. Wanting to debate online, or in some bubbles, whatever the argument, all are LOSING positions. He must stand in front of the American people and make his case, Independent voters in particular, are watching closely. They don't drink the kool-aid until it's fully stirred.

Trump is out there, the RNC are out there. On the lawn. Near one another, talking, being normal. Athletes are out playing sports, hitting each other (in hockey), battling, the grocery store clerk is working her ass off, the truck driver is delivering goods, none of it makes sense. His backers know it, his defenders know it.

So, Americans have a history of electing presidents who are tall and confident. It's a given, just the facts. Trump has confidence, so he just needs to tone it down, be positive, keep it real, give Americans hope that HE will bring them back to normality, economic success while confronting the communists and border abusers.

The alternative? Has said he will shut down the country again, while he himself, enjoys the ability of remaining in one place, not going to work etc.

It's a real disaster for his campaign. I never believed the polls, as each day passes and Trump is out there, putting his policies to the world, showing he's on top of his game and a leader, the less I will believe he is behind. I know Americans enough. They don't need (or want) a Strongman, but they want a fighter who will lead.
Seriously they only have two choices...
1) Let Biden debate. Which everyone knows will end with every viewer clearly seeing Biden's mental loss... and he will lose in a landslide.
2) Don't debate. Let the left media do their propaganda and hope America is in a mental coma and believe them.... and hope for the best.
That is it. They don't have a choice. Biden will not debate Trump. PERIOD.

The problem is, he has to outside, walk around, he HAS to campaign. Trump is going to be doing rallies. They may be outside, they may be in hangars or small stadiums, but he will be doing something. It will juxtapose a guy who isn't even around.

They are basically telling America, "we don't need to show that we don't have followers or enthusiasm, we don't need to visit locations and fight for their votes, we are going to just let the media promote us and then get 85% of the mail in vote so that citizens are run by the government WE choose, not the other way around".

How else can Americans see this?
Biden backing out of the debates is nothing but a Trumpbot wet dream.
It's a Nazi Pelousy wet dream. Read the OP, Moron.

I, for one, want that blithering idiot to make a fool of himself in front of the world during a debate.

I have no doubt Biden will beat President Shit-for-Brains in any debates.

I understand Pelosi's logic: Why debate a total BULLSHIT ARTIST?

I have no doubt Biden knows how to handle a bullshit artist.

After all a few of us liberals have been making fools out of all of you Trumpbots bullshit artists on this board for years.
Oh brother.....not only are you uberintelligent, superior individuals so much smarter than us deplorables, your egos are ubergigantic too
Pseudo Emperor Trumpybear makes declarations. The Speaker is voicing her opinion about why the VP should cancel the 3 scheduled debates.
Great catch! :icon_rolleyes:
We know what Pelosi is doing. She's laying down the groundwork to get Biden out of those three debates he has agreed to, for some inexplicable reason.
He simply isn't remotely up to the task...just like running for president.

If Trump is reelected you can thank the faceless decision makers in the DNC who pushed Joe Biden
into running for the office of president. It was one of the biggest political mistakes ever.
Senile Joe's campaign is going down faster than the Titanic and he's finished whether he debates or not. :auiqs.jpg:

Fear and Smear is all the GOP ever come up with. Well now that the Donnie's corrupt "Ukraine Shakedown Scheme" was exposed.
Hahahahahahahahaha Sleepy Joe is as guilty as sin
BlindPoo is lost in the Communist Democrat bubble he lives in :icon_rolleyes:
Pseudo Emperor Trumpybear makes declarations. The Speaker is voicing her opinion about why the VP should cancel the 3 scheduled debates.
Awww how sweet and stupid a comment

Nah, calling her opinion a declaration was stupid.
Her opinion... and NYT, and CNN (Don Lemon) and LA Times - and more.
There are two choices...
1) Do the debate, and Biden's mental condition will be front and center and he will lose in a landslide.
2) Make excuses, do NOT do the debate and pump out of the left media reasons why and hope for the best.

Do you REALLY believe they will choose #1?? Really?

Not one of those sources makes the claim that the Rabid GOP is trying to make about Good Old Joe you know.
Like I said, if you don't see for yourself the obvious cognitive decline of Biden - then you are just pretending. At this point it is certainly nothing else.

Joe had that same look in the 90's.
Yep, there hasn't been anyone home for over 30 years.
Pseudo Emperor Trumpybear makes declarations. The Speaker is voicing her opinion about why the VP should cancel the 3 scheduled debates.
Great catch! :icon_rolleyes:
We know what Pelosi is doing. She's laying down the groundwork to get Biden out of those three debates he has agreed to, for some inexplicable reason.
He simply isn't remotely up to the task...just like running for president.

If Trump is reelected you can thank the faceless decision makers in the DNC who pushed Joe Biden
into running for the office of president. It was one of the biggest political mistakes ever.
Senile Joe's campaign is going down faster than the Titanic and he's finished whether he debates or not. :auiqs.jpg:

Fear and Smear is all the GOP ever come up with. Well now that the Donnie's corrupt "Ukraine Shakedown Scheme" was exposed.
Hahahahahahahahaha Sleepy Joe is as guilty as sin
BlindPoo is lost in the Communist Democrat bubble he lives in :icon_rolleyes:

Thanks for another fine example of the Banana Republicans' Fear and Smear tactic.
I have said consistently for the past several months - BIDEN WILL NOT DEBATE TRUMP.
He can't. He simply doesn't have the mental ability. Everyone knows it.
I have said all along they will find excuses, of course whatever the excuse - orange man bad will be it,
They are once again assuming Americans are a bunch of morons to believe the reason is anything else but Biden has dementia.

Well, I said the same, I was basically laughed off as if it was an insane premise. I received the same reaction when I said "AOC is serious" and much of her party would follow her.

Just look what has been going on the last number of months, the mainstream media are complicit. The RNC is done live in crowds, people are going to work, all other politicians are out and about, Biden now says he may not even go out and campaign. What in the F?!

This is beyond creepy. Does anyone even if Biden is in the country? How can anyone even know if he is or not?
The only thing surprising to me is the DNC is seriously still backing Biden.
It is beyond ridiculous. At this point, if you do not believe Biden has lost significant cognitive skills then you are simply just willing to pretend he don't. And then somehow think it is ok to elect a person with dementia. THAT is how fucked up the Democratic Party is right now.

I'm surprised she said what she said to the world. Does she thinks this HELPS Biden? It's a horrible suggestion to make. A trial balloon that will go down like a zeppelin. She has to know this. Who is adviser her on this strategy?

NOT debating. Wanting to debate online, or in some bubbles, whatever the argument, all are LOSING positions. He must stand in front of the American people and make his case, Independent voters in particular, are watching closely. They don't drink the kool-aid until it's fully stirred.

Trump is out there, the RNC are out there. On the lawn. Near one another, talking, being normal. Athletes are out playing sports, hitting each other (in hockey), battling, the grocery store clerk is working her ass off, the truck driver is delivering goods, none of it makes sense. His backers know it, his defenders know it.

So, Americans have a history of electing presidents who are tall and confident. It's a given, just the facts. Trump has confidence, so he just needs to tone it down, be positive, keep it real, give Americans hope that HE will bring them back to normality, economic success while confronting the communists and border abusers.

The alternative? Has said he will shut down the country again, while he himself, enjoys the ability of remaining in one place, not going to work etc.

It's a real disaster for his campaign. I never believed the polls, as each day passes and Trump is out there, putting his policies to the world, showing he's on top of his game and a leader, the less I will believe he is behind. I know Americans enough. They don't need (or want) a Strongman, but they want a fighter who will lead.
Seriously they only have two choices...
1) Let Biden debate. Which everyone knows will end with every viewer clearly seeing Biden's mental loss... and he will lose in a landslide.
2) Don't debate. Let the left media do their propaganda and hope America is in a mental coma and believe them.... and hope for the best.
That is it. They don't have a choice. Biden will not debate Trump. PERIOD.

The problem is, he has to outside, walk around, he HAS to campaign. Trump is going to be doing rallies. They may be outside, they may be in hangars or small stadiums, but he will be doing something. It will juxtapose a guy who isn't even around.

They are basically telling America, "we don't need to show that we don't have followers or enthusiasm, we don't need to visit locations and fight for their votes, we are going to just let the media promote us and then get 85% of the mail in vote so that citizens are run by the government WE choose, not the other way around".

How else can Americans see this?
Pseudo Emperor Trumpybear makes declarations. The Speaker is voicing her opinion about why the VP should cancel the 3 scheduled debates.
Great catch! :icon_rolleyes:
We know what Pelosi is doing. She's laying down the groundwork to get Biden out of those three debates he has agreed to, for some inexplicable reason.
He simply isn't remotely up to the task...just like running for president.

If Trump is reelected you can thank the faceless decision makers in the DNC who pushed Joe Biden
into running for the office of president. It was one of the biggest political mistakes ever.
Senile Joe's campaign is going down faster than the Titanic and he's finished whether he debates or not. :auiqs.jpg:

Fear and Smear is all the GOP ever come up with. Well now that the Donnie's corrupt "Ukraine Shakedown Scheme" was exposed.
Hahahahahahahahaha Sleepy Joe is as guilty as sin
BlindPoo is lost in the Communist Democrat bubble he lives in :icon_rolleyes:

Thanks for another fine example of the Banana Republicans' Fear and Smear tactic.
Sniff, sniff.....
I have said consistently for the past several months - BIDEN WILL NOT DEBATE TRUMP.
He can't. He simply doesn't have the mental ability. Everyone knows it.
I have said all along they will find excuses, of course whatever the excuse - orange man bad will be it,
They are once again assuming Americans are a bunch of morons to believe the reason is anything else but Biden has dementia.

Well, I said the same, I was basically laughed off as if it was an insane premise. I received the same reaction when I said "AOC is serious" and much of her party would follow her.

Just look what has been going on the last number of months, the mainstream media are complicit. The RNC is done live in crowds, people are going to work, all other politicians are out and about, Biden now says he may not even go out and campaign. What in the F?!

This is beyond creepy. Does anyone even if Biden is in the country? How can anyone even know if he is or not?
The only thing surprising to me is the DNC is seriously still backing Biden.
It is beyond ridiculous. At this point, if you do not believe Biden has lost significant cognitive skills then you are simply just willing to pretend he don't. And then somehow think it is ok to elect a person with dementia. THAT is how fucked up the Democratic Party is right now.

I'm surprised she said what she said to the world. Does she thinks this HELPS Biden? It's a horrible suggestion to make. A trial balloon that will go down like a zeppelin. She has to know this. Who is adviser her on this strategy?

NOT debating. Wanting to debate online, or in some bubbles, whatever the argument, all are LOSING positions. He must stand in front of the American people and make his case, Independent voters in particular, are watching closely. They don't drink the kool-aid until it's fully stirred.

Trump is out there, the RNC are out there. On the lawn. Near one another, talking, being normal. Athletes are out playing sports, hitting each other (in hockey), battling, the grocery store clerk is working her ass off, the truck driver is delivering goods, none of it makes sense. His backers know it, his defenders know it.

So, Americans have a history of electing presidents who are tall and confident. It's a given, just the facts. Trump has confidence, so he just needs to tone it down, be positive, keep it real, give Americans hope that HE will bring them back to normality, economic success while confronting the communists and border abusers.

The alternative? Has said he will shut down the country again, while he himself, enjoys the ability of remaining in one place, not going to work etc.

It's a real disaster for his campaign. I never believed the polls, as each day passes and Trump is out there, putting his policies to the world, showing he's on top of his game and a leader, the less I will believe he is behind. I know Americans enough. They don't need (or want) a Strongman, but they want a fighter who will lead.
Seriously they only have two choices...
1) Let Biden debate. Which everyone knows will end with every viewer clearly seeing Biden's mental loss... and he will lose in a landslide.
2) Don't debate. Let the left media do their propaganda and hope America is in a mental coma and believe them.... and hope for the best.
That is it. They don't have a choice. Biden will not debate Trump. PERIOD.

The problem is, he has to outside, walk around, he HAS to campaign. Trump is going to be doing rallies. They may be outside, they may be in hangars or small stadiums, but he will be doing something. It will juxtapose a guy who isn't even around.

They are basically telling America, "we don't need to show that we don't have followers or enthusiasm, we don't need to visit locations and fight for their votes, we are going to just let the media promote us and then get 85% of the mail in vote so that citizens are run by the government WE choose, not the other way around".

How else can Americans see this?
You have to remember, what you see on this forum by liberals is not reality. They will defend Biden, literally, if he is bed ridden with a stroke and can no longer speak.
REAL Americans, including Democrats, all know Biden is not all there. The question is, will Democrats get out and vote. They may not vote for Trump... but they won't vote for a man with dementia either. Which will be FULLY obvious by either continuing to hide Biden and do softball 2 minute pre-planned interviews.. which everyone will know why. Or of they were stupid enough to allow him to debate and he looks like a fool.
Either way... will result in low Democrat voter turnout which is ALREADY getting hammered by the violence from the terrorist/protesters.
Fear and Smear is all the GOP ever come up with. Well now that the Donnie's corrupt "Ukraine Shakedown Scheme" was exposed.
The shakedown in which Joe Biden threatened to cut off Ukraine aid unless a prosecutor looking into
Burisma corruption (like giving Joe's kid a do nothing job) was fired?
Biden backing out of the debates is nothing but a Trumpbot wet dream.
It's a Nazi Pelousy wet dream. Read the OP, Moron.

I, for one, want that blithering idiot to make a fool of himself in front of the world during a debate.

I have no doubt Biden will beat President Shit-for-Brains in any debates.

I understand Pelosi's logic: Why debate a total BULLSHIT ARTIST?

I have no doubt Biden knows how to handle a bullshit artist.

After all a few of us liberals have been making fools out of all of you Trumpbots bullshit artists on this board for years.

Sure thing Champ, perhaps you could send in Corn Pop....dumbass.
Biden backing out of the debates is nothing but a Trumpbot wet dream.
It's a Nazi Pelousy wet dream. Read the OP, Moron.

I, for one, want that blithering idiot to make a fool of himself in front of the world during a debate.

I have no doubt Biden will beat President Shit-for-Brains in any debates.

I understand Pelosi's logic: Why debate a total BULLSHIT ARTIST?

I have no doubt Biden knows how to handle a bullshit artist.

After all a few of us liberals have been making fools out of all of you Trumpbots bullshit artists on this board for years.

Sure thing Champ, perhaps you could send in Corn Pop....dumbass.
Yeah,they can cart in his casket :auiqs.jpg:


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