Nancy Pelosi just made one of the most colossal blunders in modern American politics

So busy chasing their tails they can't even remember which direction they are turning.
the reason they call it an impeachment inquiry is that they dont have the votes for an impeachment investigation
I can see trump supporters, including myself, digging deep in our pockets to feed the trump machine.
"listening to Pelosi talk about the founding fathers and the constitution is like listening to Satan quoting scripture" - Pastor Robert Jeffress
This is from a Leftard rag too.

Pelosi fell for it hook, line sinker.

Trump is a political genius.

Nancy Pelosi just made one of the most colossal blunders in modern American politics
Trump is far from a genius

His actions regarding Ukraine are those of a moron
Truth or not...he does not care. I still hear Nancy telling us we have to see what is in the Affordable Care Act after it is enacted. Good times!
Or Gruber telling us the ACA only passed because of the stupidity of the Democrats and the American voters...
ACA Architect: 'The Stupidity Of The American Voter' Led Us To Hide Obamacare's True Costs From The Public
Wasting our time investigating Trump when they could be passing the USMCA.
Or a hundred other useful things that actually might benefit Americans. Hey wouldn't that be nice instead of "I heard from someone else that Trump said blah blah blah".

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