Nancy Pelosi loses breath during short sentences, suffers brain freezes, repeats words

Don't you first, have to have a brain, to get a brain freeze?

Looks like early onset dementia...

Not looking good.... Watched my father go through this a few years back and it started out as Sundowners Syndrome. All cognoscente in the early day and by noon the mind is gone... Strange laughing outbursts and such..

Don't wish this on anyone...
First Nancy's mind is going, now Hillary's body. I'd like to think Donald Trump is to blame for all of that! Like a big glacier, you either go along for the ride as a big rock or you get ground down into a little pebble. Trump is making beach sand out of the entire DNC.
Nancy is no where near as bad as tRump in breath or cognizance. So I guess that makes tRump a real loser!!!
Nancy is no where near as bad as tRump in breath or cognizance. So I guess that makes tRump a real loser!!!
/----/ We have video of Nancy Pants's dementia. Now post some evidence proving your slander against the president of STFU.
I join other members and guests in thanking Minority Speaker Pelosi for her service to our nation (no matter how misguided it may have been) and in hoping that her family and true friends can convince her that it is time to retire.
I join other members and guests in thanking Minority Speaker Pelosi for her service to our nation (no matter how misguided it may have been) and in hoping that her family and true friends can convince her that it is time to retire.
/——/ Nancy Pants need to run for President in 2020 against Trump. Run Nancy run.

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