Nancy Pelosi re-writes House Rules. Wait until the GOP has the gavel in 2022.

Nancy Pelosi re-wrote long-standing House Rules in a very partisan manner. From non-gender pronouns, to new metal detectors, to impeachment without a hearing, to calling for a military coup against Trump, to who knows what is to come.
These decisions could backfire on the democrats in 2022 if/when the GOP takes the gavel back.

In 2022 the Republicans could pass the following Rules or the democrats do not get a paycheck:
1. Must wear cowboy hats when in the chamber
2. Must wear cowboy boots when in the chamber
3. Must use the word "y'all" when addressing anyone when in the chamber
4. Must carry a visible sidearm at all times when in the chamber (unloaded is an option)
5. Must wear a US flag patch when when in the chamber
6. Must take weekly shooting practice and instruction to be proficient and safe with sidearm
7. Take an impeachment vote on Joe Biden for any reason at all weekly.

Any more suggestions for new House Rules when the GOP takes the House back?
How about she writes one that says "you must not have supported tRump's attempt to overturn a duly conducted and certified election to enter the chamber"?
That would violate "free speech". But democrats don't know the law.
Like the worthless impeachment that dies with this congress.
The senate won't have any impeachment to deal with.
Nancy Pelosi re-wrote long-standing House Rules in a very partisan manner. From non-gender pronouns, to new metal detectors, to impeachment without a hearing, to calling for a military coup against Trump, to who knows what is to come.
These decisions could backfire on the democrats in 2022 if/when the GOP takes the gavel back.

In 2022 the Republicans could pass the following Rules or the democrats do not get a paycheck:
1. Must wear cowboy hats when in the chamber
2. Must wear cowboy boots when in the chamber
3. Must use the word "y'all" when addressing anyone when in the chamber
4. Must carry a visible sidearm at all times when in the chamber (unloaded is an option)
5. Must wear a US flag patch when when in the chamber
6. Must take weekly shooting practice and instruction to be proficient and safe with sidearm
7. Take an impeachment vote on Joe Biden for any reason at all weekly.

Any more suggestions for new House Rules when the GOP takes the House back?

I'm sorry OP but the spineless GOP won't do jack shit.
Nancy Pelosi re-wrote long-standing House Rules in a very partisan manner. From non-gender pronouns, to new metal detectors, to impeachment without a hearing, to calling for a military coup against Trump, to who knows what is to come.
These decisions could backfire on the democrats in 2022 if/when the GOP takes the gavel back.

In 2022 the Republicans could pass the following Rules or the democrats do not get a paycheck:
1. Must wear cowboy hats when in the chamber
2. Must wear cowboy boots when in the chamber
3. Must use the word "y'all" when addressing anyone when in the chamber
4. Must carry a visible sidearm at all times when in the chamber (unloaded is an option)
5. Must wear a US flag patch when when in the chamber
6. Must take weekly shooting practice and instruction to be proficient and safe with sidearm
7. Take an impeachment vote on Joe Biden for any reason at all weekly.

Any more suggestions for new House Rules when the GOP takes the House back?

First, Trump has done quite effectively what I knew he would do. He has destroyed the Republican party. They won't take back the House, ever. Thought won't take control of the Senate, ever. And Trump will be the last Republican president. Even before Trump, the Republican party was dominated by old, angry, white men. They were dying off at greater numbers than WWII vets before Trump was elected, and they are dying even faster now.

Second, the House rewrites the rules at every Congress. There is no such thing as a "long standing House rule", they all sunset at the end of the term. The House begins with basic rules of order and passing new rules is among the first order of business, usually done on the first day of a term.

Is it weird at all that the destroyed party didn't lose a single house seat and gained enough to almost be even.
Massive fraud in 2 senate races and the presidential election is all that kept democrats from remaing a regional party.

The Congressional races were the last gasp of a dying party fueled by redistricting that happened after the 2010 Census, the majority dysfunctional Republican legislatures, success of voter suppression efforts, and the very structure of our electoral system. The reality is that Republicans have won only one majority vote for the Presidency in the last thirty years, George Bush Jr., 2004--riding the coattails of the 9/11 attacks. And if you are paying attention, people are leaving the Republican party in droves over the last week, changing registrations in state after state. The vast majority of Americans are sick of this shit, at this point statements that include the phrase "massive fraud" and "election" in the same sentence only reveal the idiocy of those parroting them.
That would violate "free speech"
Nope. They can speak it all they want, but supporting the coup attempt violates their oath to the constitution, making them ineligible to serve.
1. There was no coup attempt.
2. No pol supported any coup attempt
3. Just partisan bullshit, even Trump didn't break any law, so says the DOJ
Nancy Pelosi re-wrote long-standing House Rules in a very partisan manner. From non-gender pronouns, to new metal detectors, to impeachment without a hearing, to calling for a military coup against Trump, to who knows what is to come.
These decisions could backfire on the democrats in 2022 if/when the GOP takes the gavel back.

In 2022 the Republicans could pass the following Rules or the democrats do not get a paycheck:
1. Must wear cowboy hats when in the chamber
2. Must wear cowboy boots when in the chamber
3. Must use the word "y'all" when addressing anyone when in the chamber
4. Must carry a visible sidearm at all times when in the chamber (unloaded is an option)
5. Must wear a US flag patch when when in the chamber
6. Must take weekly shooting practice and instruction to be proficient and safe with sidearm
7. Take an impeachment vote on Joe Biden for any reason at all weekly.

Any more suggestions for new House Rules when the GOP takes the House back?

I'm sorry OP but the spineless GOP won't do jack shit.
You're probably right, but it would be nice to see the GOP shove the dems' nonsense back in their face.
Nancy Pelosi re-wrote long-standing House Rules in a very partisan manner. From non-gender pronouns, to new metal detectors, to impeachment without a hearing, to calling for a military coup against Trump, to who knows what is to come.
These decisions could backfire on the democrats in 2022 if/when the GOP takes the gavel back.

In 2022 the Republicans could pass the following Rules or the democrats do not get a paycheck:
1. Must wear cowboy hats when in the chamber
2. Must wear cowboy boots when in the chamber
3. Must use the word "y'all" when addressing anyone when in the chamber
4. Must carry a visible sidearm at all times when in the chamber (unloaded is an option)
5. Must wear a US flag patch when when in the chamber
6. Must take weekly shooting practice and instruction to be proficient and safe with sidearm
7. Take an impeachment vote on Joe Biden for any reason at all weekly.

Any more suggestions for new House Rules when the GOP takes the House back?

I'm sorry OP but the spineless GOP won't do jack shit.
You're probably right, but it would be nice to see the GOP shove the dems' nonsense back in their face.

Never going to happen. The Dems repeatedly kick the GOP in the groin and the GOP never retaliates. Trump was their spine, they are back to spineless status. Plus there's the GOP's talent for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory like they just did in GA, a classic.
Nancy Pelosi re-wrote long-standing House Rules in a very partisan manner. From non-gender pronouns, to new metal detectors, to impeachment without a hearing, to calling for a military coup against Trump, to who knows what is to come.
These decisions could backfire on the democrats in 2022 if/when the GOP takes the gavel back.

In 2022 the Republicans could pass the following Rules or the democrats do not get a paycheck:
1. Must wear cowboy hats when in the chamber
2. Must wear cowboy boots when in the chamber
3. Must use the word "y'all" when addressing anyone when in the chamber
4. Must carry a visible sidearm at all times when in the chamber (unloaded is an option)
5. Must wear a US flag patch when when in the chamber
6. Must take weekly shooting practice and instruction to be proficient and safe with sidearm
7. Take an impeachment vote on Joe Biden for any reason at all weekly.

Any more suggestions for new House Rules when the GOP takes the House back?

I'm sorry OP but the spineless GOP won't do jack shit.
You're probably right, but it would be nice to see the GOP shove the dems' nonsense back in their face.

Never going to happen. The Dems repeatedly kick the GOP in the groin and the GOP never retaliates. Trump was their spine, they are back to spineless status. Plus there's the GOP's talent for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory like they just did in GA, a classic.
EXACTLY!! Why the fuck did Doug Collins run against Loeffler???? Stupid is as stupid does. Loeffler would have won w/o Collins in the race. The GOP would now have the senate, duh.
Republican U.S. Rep. Doug Collins came in third in the November vote that ended with the Republican candidates winning 48,000 more votes than the Democratic candidates.
Nancy Pelosi re-wrote long-standing House Rules in a very partisan manner. From non-gender pronouns, to new metal detectors, to impeachment without a hearing, to calling for a military coup against Trump, to who knows what is to come.
These decisions could backfire on the democrats in 2022 if/when the GOP takes the gavel back.

In 2022 the Republicans could pass the following Rules or the democrats do not get a paycheck:
1. Must wear cowboy hats when in the chamber
2. Must wear cowboy boots when in the chamber
3. Must use the word "y'all" when addressing anyone when in the chamber
4. Must carry a visible sidearm at all times when in the chamber (unloaded is an option)
5. Must wear a US flag patch when when in the chamber
6. Must take weekly shooting practice and instruction to be proficient and safe with sidearm
7. Take an impeachment vote on Joe Biden for any reason at all weekly.

Any more suggestions for new House Rules when the GOP takes the House back?

I'm sorry OP but the spineless GOP won't do jack shit.
You're probably right, but it would be nice to see the GOP shove the dems' nonsense back in their face.

Never going to happen. The Dems repeatedly kick the GOP in the groin and the GOP never retaliates. Trump was their spine, they are back to spineless status. Plus there's the GOP's talent for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory like they just did in GA, a classic.
EXACTLY!! Why the fuck did Doug Collins run against Loeffler???? Stupid is as stupid does. Loeffler would have won w/o Collins in the race. The GOP would now have the senate, duh.
Republican U.S. Rep. Doug Collins came in third in the November vote that ended with the Republican candidates winning 48,000 more votes than the Democratic candidates.

AND the $2,000 stimulus payments were 100% going to happen. McConnel gifted that to Biden and the Dems during the runoff elections. Biden and Dems ran around the state promising people $2,000 if they voted Dem. All McConnel accomplished was losing control of the Senate and looking stupid, and now the $2,000 payments are going out.
Nancy Pelosi re-wrote long-standing House Rules in a very partisan manner. From non-gender pronouns, to new metal detectors, to impeachment without a hearing, to calling for a military coup against Trump, to who knows what is to come.
These decisions could backfire on the democrats in 2022 if/when the GOP takes the gavel back.

In 2022 the Republicans could pass the following Rules or the democrats do not get a paycheck:
1. Must wear cowboy hats when in the chamber
2. Must wear cowboy boots when in the chamber
3. Must use the word "y'all" when addressing anyone when in the chamber
4. Must carry a visible sidearm at all times when in the chamber (unloaded is an option)
5. Must wear a US flag patch when when in the chamber
6. Must take weekly shooting practice and instruction to be proficient and safe with sidearm
7. Take an impeachment vote on Joe Biden for any reason at all weekly.

Any more suggestions for new House Rules when the GOP takes the House back?

I'm sorry OP but the spineless GOP won't do jack shit.
You're probably right, but it would be nice to see the GOP shove the dems' nonsense back in their face.

Never going to happen. The Dems repeatedly kick the GOP in the groin and the GOP never retaliates. Trump was their spine, they are back to spineless status. Plus there's the GOP's talent for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory like they just did in GA, a classic.
EXACTLY!! Why the fuck did Doug Collins run against Loeffler???? Stupid is as stupid does. Loeffler would have won w/o Collins in the race. The GOP would now have the senate, duh.
Republican U.S. Rep. Doug Collins came in third in the November vote that ended with the Republican candidates winning 48,000 more votes than the Democratic candidates.

AND the $2,000 stimulus payments were 100% going to happen. McConnel gifted that to Biden and the Dems during the runoff elections. Biden and Dems ran around the state promising people $2,000 if they voted Dem. All McConnel accomplished was losing control of the Senate and looking stupid, and now the $2,000 payments are going out.
Exactly. I blame Trump for screaming about the $600 vs $2000 after Mnuchin negotiated on Trump's behalf for months. So they gave the democrats the $2,000 club to beat them with like a bunch of baby seals.
So what’s the issue? Republicans don’t want to be treated like us common trash?
Nancy Pelosi re-wrote long-standing House Rules in a very partisan manner. From non-gender pronouns, to new metal detectors, to impeachment without a hearing, to calling for a military coup against Trump, to who knows what is to come.
These decisions could backfire on the democrats in 2022 if/when the GOP takes the gavel back.

In 2022 the Republicans could pass the following Rules or the democrats do not get a paycheck:
1. Must wear cowboy hats when in the chamber
2. Must wear cowboy boots when in the chamber
3. Must use the word "y'all" when addressing anyone when in the chamber
4. Must carry a visible sidearm at all times when in the chamber (unloaded is an option)
5. Must wear a US flag patch when when in the chamber
6. Must take weekly shooting practice and instruction to be proficient and safe with sidearm
7. Take an impeachment vote on Joe Biden for any reason at all weekly.

Any more suggestions for new House Rules when the GOP takes the House back?

Some of them make sense as far as metal detectors. However Republicans are in no position to complain. When Republicans lost the governor races in Wisconsin and Michigan, Republican legislators conspired with the outgoing governors tp pass partisan legislation giving Democrat governors less power.
Nancy Pelosi re-wrote long-standing House Rules in a very partisan manner. From non-gender pronouns, to new metal detectors, to impeachment without a hearing, to calling for a military coup against Trump, to who knows what is to come.
These decisions could backfire on the democrats in 2022 if/when the GOP takes the gavel back.

In 2022 the Republicans could pass the following Rules or the democrats do not get a paycheck:
1. Must wear cowboy hats when in the chamber
2. Must wear cowboy boots when in the chamber
3. Must use the word "y'all" when addressing anyone when in the chamber
4. Must carry a visible sidearm at all times when in the chamber (unloaded is an option)
5. Must wear a US flag patch when when in the chamber
6. Must take weekly shooting practice and instruction to be proficient and safe with sidearm
7. Take an impeachment vote on Joe Biden for any reason at all weekly.

Any more suggestions for new House Rules when the GOP takes the House back?

I'm sorry OP but the spineless GOP won't do jack shit.
You're probably right, but it would be nice to see the GOP shove the dems' nonsense back in their face.

Never going to happen. The Dems repeatedly kick the GOP in the groin and the GOP never retaliates. Trump was their spine, they are back to spineless status. Plus there's the GOP's talent for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory like they just did in GA, a classic.
EXACTLY!! Why the fuck did Doug Collins run against Loeffler???? Stupid is as stupid does. Loeffler would have won w/o Collins in the race. The GOP would now have the senate, duh.
Republican U.S. Rep. Doug Collins came in third in the November vote that ended with the Republican candidates winning 48,000 more votes than the Democratic candidates.

AND the $2,000 stimulus payments were 100% going to happen. McConnel gifted that to Biden and the Dems during the runoff elections. Biden and Dems ran around the state promising people $2,000 if they voted Dem. All McConnel accomplished was losing control of the Senate and looking stupid, and now the $2,000 payments are going out.
Exactly. I blame Trump for screaming about the $600 vs $2000 after Mnuchin negotiated on Trump's behalf for months. So they gave the democrats the $2,000 club to beat them with like a bunch of baby seals.

This was the only thing that Trump was right about. The Republican coronavirus bill was disgusting as lobbyists carved up the bill like a Thanksgiving turkey leaving ordinary people a few crumbs and the entire bill for it.
Nancy Pelosi re-wrote long-standing House Rules in a very partisan manner. From non-gender pronouns, to new metal detectors, to impeachment without a hearing, to calling for a military coup against Trump, to who knows what is to come.
These decisions could backfire on the democrats in 2022 if/when the GOP takes the gavel back.

In 2022 the Republicans could pass the following Rules or the democrats do not get a paycheck:
1. Must wear cowboy hats when in the chamber
2. Must wear cowboy boots when in the chamber
3. Must use the word "y'all" when addressing anyone when in the chamber
4. Must carry a visible sidearm at all times when in the chamber (unloaded is an option)
5. Must wear a US flag patch when when in the chamber
6. Must take weekly shooting practice and instruction to be proficient and safe with sidearm
7. Take an impeachment vote on Joe Biden for any reason at all weekly.

Any more suggestions for new House Rules when the GOP takes the House back?

First, Trump has done quite effectively what I knew he would do. He has destroyed the Republican party. They won't take back the House, ever. Thought won't take control of the Senate, ever. And Trump will be the last Republican president. Even before Trump, the Republican party was dominated by old, angry, white men. They were dying off at greater numbers than WWII vets before Trump was elected, and they are dying even faster now.

Second, the House rewrites the rules at every Congress. There is no such thing as a "long standing House rule", they all sunset at the end of the term. The House begins with basic rules of order and passing new rules is among the first order of business, usually done on the first day of a term.

Is it weird at all that the destroyed party didn't lose a single house seat and gained enough to almost be even.
Massive fraud in 2 senate races and the presidential election is all that kept democrats from remaing a regional party.

The Congressional races were the last gasp of a dying party fueled by redistricting that happened after the 2010 Census, the majority dysfunctional Republican legislatures, success of voter suppression efforts, and the very structure of our electoral system. The reality is that Republicans have won only one majority vote for the Presidency in the last thirty years, George Bush Jr., 2004--riding the coattails of the 9/11 attacks. And if you are paying attention, people are leaving the Republican party in droves over the last week, changing registrations in state after state. The vast majority of Americans are sick of this shit, at this point statements that include the phrase "massive fraud" and "election" in the same sentence only reveal the idiocy of those parroting them.

Your body of work here leads me to the conclusion that you are not very intelligent.
Nancy Pelosi re-wrote long-standing House Rules in a very partisan manner. From non-gender pronouns, to new metal detectors, to impeachment without a hearing, to calling for a military coup against Trump, to who knows what is to come.
These decisions could backfire on the democrats in 2022 if/when the GOP takes the gavel back.

In 2022 the Republicans could pass the following Rules or the democrats do not get a paycheck:
1. Must wear cowboy hats when in the chamber
2. Must wear cowboy boots when in the chamber
3. Must use the word "y'all" when addressing anyone when in the chamber
4. Must carry a visible sidearm at all times when in the chamber (unloaded is an option)
5. Must wear a US flag patch when when in the chamber
6. Must take weekly shooting practice and instruction to be proficient and safe with sidearm
7. Take an impeachment vote on Joe Biden for any reason at all weekly.

Any more suggestions for new House Rules when the GOP takes the House back?
Just one...


Americans are not going to forget the last two months, the cowardice of Republicans, the open dishonesty of Republicans, the hatred of Republicans for our country and it's laws so the GOP is HISTORY. Say Buh-Buh to the White House and any Majorities in Congress. Say goodbye to state houses, governorships, and local government. Running as a Republican in the future will be like painting a big 'L' on your forehead and screaming "DON'T ELECT ME!" at the top of you lungs.
You being trash has nothing to do with other folk
You think the elitist Republicans actually respect their supporters?

No. Trump doesn’t give a shit about any of you dirty trash and neither do these representatives.

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