Nancy Pelosi seriously out of touch.

The progressive Democrat Nancy Pelosi showered Stalinists with praise.
March 17, 2017

Lloyd Billingsley

House minority leader Nancy Pelosi has been the loudest voice against the administration of Donald Trump. The “deflector in chief,” as she calls the president, has “done nothing,” and in a March 5 CNN interview Pelosi doubled down on the Democrats’ default conspiracy theory.

“What do the Russians have on Donald Trump?” she said. “That’s the truth we want to know.”

As Pelosi mounts this surge, the old-line establishment media have shown little if any interest in Pelosi’s own background, particularly as it relates to Russia, the USSR, and the American labor movement.

“Harry Bridges was arguably the most significant labor leader of the twentieth century,” Pelosi wrote in the Congressional Record in 2001, on the 100th anniversary of Bridges birth. Bridges was “beloved by the workers of this nation, and recognized as one of the most important labor leaders in the world” and his International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen's Union was “the most progressive union of the time.”

At the time Pelosi’s tribute drew little if any news coverage, but in 2007, when she was calling for unconditional withdrawal from Iraq, it came to the attention of Joshua Muravchik. Then with the American Enterprise Institute, he had been a speaker at the Second Thoughts Conference David Horowitz and Peter Collier staged in 1987. As a former chairman of the Young People’s Socialist League, Muravchik knew his onions on Harry Bridges.


“Pelosi’s Favorite Stalinist,”

called it a “brilliant” move.

“We want to ensure that every question that the Russian military or Russian government asks is answered,”

Ben Rhodes said, they “literally know nothing”


When Nancy Met Harry
Nancy Pelosi attempt to drum up support backfires. I'm sure in any Liberal media report these gems will be edited out but thank god for them internets we get see the whole picture.

Nancy Pelosi’s Health Care Tweet Gets Unintended Response
She needs to wait until Trump needs to sleep in the bed that Ryan made for him.

Then in 2 years she may be put back in charge again.

I am actually looking forward to that day.
Right because Liberals are doing so well across the nation. You Liberals are continuing the same shit that lost you the Legislative and executive branch as a matter of fact you all seem to be doubling down on that losing strategy, Middle America got tired of that garbage. The coasts can't win you the White House and it certainly won't give you the Senate and House.
After only 50 days of the Trump-Ryan duo, I am sure a whole lot of people (mostly Independents and DEM's though) are missing Nancy a whole lot more.

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