Nancy Pelosi, The Most Shameful, Disgusting Politician In Modern History

It is racist to admit that the virus came from China and China Government was the reason why it was never contained.

Joe has been under orders to find a way to blame Trump for China Government failure while claiming that anyone that disagree with him are racist damn it!

What would the World be without those like Joe defending the government that gave us Coronavirus 19 aka Kung Flu Panda?

So you are claiming that your position isn't racist and then use racist terms... nice, buddy.

No one denies the virus originated in China. The problem isn't where it originated, the problem is Trump's reaction to it.

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Just remember Mayor Bill de Blasio said to wash your hands, keep social distancing, get a flu shot and go on with your daily lives during the same time that you are complaining about Trump comments when it concerns the Kung Flu Panda ...

Also you find anyone putting blame on China Government racist and will deny these facts:

1. December 1st 2019 China Government was told by doctors that a Pandemic was about to happen and they did nothing to inform the WHO or the World about the seriousness of the Kung Flu Panda virus!

2. China Government arrested everyone including doctors that blew the whistle on the Kung Flu Panda pandemic!!

3. China Government knowingly allowed infected people to leave their country to spread the Kung Flu Panda virus around the World and since early to mid-December the World has been infected with the Kung Flu Panda virus!!!


So as you cry and whine about how I am mocking you about calling everyone racist for pointing out facts about your beloved Chinese Government just know it is those like you that are trying to change the name of Coronavirus 19 to Trump plague and then cry about those like me that call it Kung Flu Panda virus.

If you were not a dishonest piece of trash then maybe I would not write Kung Flu Panda to get you to whine but seeing you are that mean I will be the asshole that I am!

So let me be clear now and the Coronavirus 19 is not the Trump Plague as you kindly called it and if you have any issue for what Trump has said since January then you should be as upset with Bill de Blasio comments and how he mocked people for not going to Chinatown when a Pandemic was spreading.

Remember de Blasio was not worried about three people being infected in New York City but now the City is infected.

Watch you will now tell me how Trump stupidity excuses Mayor de Blasio while crying about me writing Kung Flu Panda when you called the Coronavirus 19 Trump Plague.
Just remember Mayor Bill de Blasio said to wash your hands, keep social distancing, get a flu shot and go on with your daily lives during the same time that you are complaining about Trump comments when it concerns the Kung Flu Panda ...

So what?

de Blasio isn't president.

Also you find anyone putting blame on China Government racist and will deny these facts:

1. December 1st 2019 China Government was told by doctors that a Pandemic was about to happen and they did nothing to inform the WHO or the World about the seriousness of the Kung Flu Panda virus!

2. China Government arrested everyone including doctors that blew the whistle on the Kung Flu Panda pandemic!!

3. China Government knowingly allowed infected people to leave their country to spread the Kung Flu Panda virus around the World and since early to mid-December the World has been infected with the Kung Flu Panda virus!!!

None of which has anything to do with Trump's negligence. The point was, China DID report Covid-19 to the WHO by Dec 29th. Trump ignored the problem all the way up until March 19th.

So as you cry and whine about how I am mocking you about calling everyone racist for pointing out facts about your beloved Chinese Government just know it is those like you that are trying to change the name of Coronavirus 19 to Trump plague and then cry about those like me that call it Kung Flu Panda virus.

If you were not a dishonest piece of trash then maybe I would not write Kung Flu Panda to get you to whine but seeing you are that mean I will be the asshole that I am!

Dude, your exposing your own racism is a self-inflicted wound. The Trump Plague is going to wreck the economy, and you have no one to blame but yourselves for putting the guy there to start with.

The virus that is spreading around the World and the Economic Collapse was caused by your beloved China Government failure to be honest and contain the virus and not Trump.

Looks like the Chinese did a pretty darned good job of containing the virus. They capped out at 80K cases and 3300 deaths. We are now at 160K cases and 3000 deaths, which far better medical technology, more infrastructure, etc.

Trump, on the other hand, called it a hoax, disbanded the pandemic response team, etc.

Why is it individuals like you love to lie about stuff daily at the expense of people lives?

You know Joe you are no better than Trump and Nancy Pelosi is no better either!

I'm not the one in charge and neither is Nancy. Trump is. He dropped the ball all the way up until mid-March.

Most people in your party know that those like Cortez and Sanders plan to fix things would get millions if not billions of people killed...

How many times must some water down form of Marxism fail before blithering idiots like you finally admit that is also the wrong direction?

Before you lecture me what they want is Scandinavian Socialism the fact is what they want is Yugoslavian Communism and idiots like you will buy their bullshit while pretending it is not Communism because they call if something else!

The problem is, to paraphrase the NRA, is economic systems don't kill people, people kill people. YOu guys go on and on about the evils of "Socialism" and ignore the equally bad evils of Capitalism, that also killed millions of people a long time ago before either of us were born. So let's not go on and on about that, shall we? So you whine about the people in the Ukraine that Stalin starved to death, but ignore the people in the Bengal than Churchill starved to death in the 1940's. (Churchill's flip response, "Has Ghandi died yet?")

I don't support Bernie or AOC. I think that our greedy capitalists are probably making someone like them inevitable.

Right now, we are going through a MAJOR plague, where millions are losing their jobs, and their access to health care is linked directly to their ability to work. This by you is a good system?

Holy fucking shit!

You actually believe China Government reported all the infected and deaths?

The same Chinese Government that lied about how the virus was spread and arrested anyone that told the truth?

If so you are retarded as hell!

As for your lie that you do not support Bernie or Cortez is a another lie by you because they are what you want as leaders for this country!

Show in any thread of mine or responses by me that I am a pure capitalist?

I am not but I also know in a Republic that we live in you can get your State to do what you need and not require the Federal Government to make everyone live under the system you want.

So before you lecture me asshole you better find where I stated pure capitalism is great and you better know I have wrote many times you assholes should have passed the Nixon/Kennedy plan and not the ACA but no all of you knew better and now where are we at?

Again you do not want Scandinavian Socialism but Yugoslavian Communism and those like you love Stalin until you lived under his regime...
Bullshit. You did not answer how same-day elections are relative to an economic stimulus package. You are incapable of aligning same day voting as an economic benefit so you shifted the conversation to oil subsidies and personal insults.

Learn to use the quote feature properly buddy. Of course, there's an economic advantage to same day elections. It increases voter turnout, which means we get Trump out faster, and then the economy turns around.

Certainly more economic value than propping up the failing coal and fracking industries.

Republicans want to make it harder for people to vote, Democrats want to make it easier. Why do you think that is?

So when the Democrats, illegals, and dead people vote on same day as registration, When, how, and why would the economy turn around? The last time Democrats had an opportunity to turn the economy around in 2008, they spent years complaining that it was such a mess because of the predecessor and did nothing.

Your retort is laughable. Same-day voting has no economic benefit.
Outside of what lies between your ears, it is not racist to hold China accountable.

Hold them accountable for what? A virus? Viruses are naturally occurring.

For not containing it? They were pretty ruthless in containing it.

For not being forthcoming about it? They told the world they had a problem in December, and provided biological samples. We chose to ignore it.

This is Trump's failure, not China's.

How “ruthless” was China in containing it? How much information did they disseminate and what/why was the timing? This is what I mean about holding China accountable. Your problem is two-fold: your hatred of Trump and your appeasement of red communism
Just remember Mayor Bill de Blasio said to wash your hands, keep social distancing, get a flu shot and go on with your daily lives during the same time that you are complaining about Trump comments when it concerns the Kung Flu Panda ...

So what?

de Blasio isn't president.

Also you find anyone putting blame on China Government racist and will deny these facts:

1. December 1st 2019 China Government was told by doctors that a Pandemic was about to happen and they did nothing to inform the WHO or the World about the seriousness of the Kung Flu Panda virus!

2. China Government arrested everyone including doctors that blew the whistle on the Kung Flu Panda pandemic!!

3. China Government knowingly allowed infected people to leave their country to spread the Kung Flu Panda virus around the World and since early to mid-December the World has been infected with the Kung Flu Panda virus!!!

None of which has anything to do with Trump's negligence. The point was, China DID report Covid-19 to the WHO by Dec 29th. Trump ignored the problem all the way up until March 19th.

So as you cry and whine about how I am mocking you about calling everyone racist for pointing out facts about your beloved Chinese Government just know it is those like you that are trying to change the name of Coronavirus 19 to Trump plague and then cry about those like me that call it Kung Flu Panda virus.

If you were not a dishonest piece of trash then maybe I would not write Kung Flu Panda to get you to whine but seeing you are that mean I will be the asshole that I am!

Dude, your exposing your own racism is a self-inflicted wound. The Trump Plague is going to wreck the economy, and you have no one to blame but yourselves for putting the guy there to start with.

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Holy shit the lying by you is so fucking amazing!

1. Bill de Blasio is the Mayor of New York City and his words and actions or lack of do fucking matter when it can get his people infected and killed!

To ignore the CDC and WHO warning while standing in Chinatown in February telling his people there is nothing to worry about and just wash your hands, keep social distancing and get a flu shot is negligence on the Mayor part!

2. China Government knew since December 1st 2019 that the Kung Flu Pandemic was dangerous and lied about it and you do not care?

Oh, they told the WHO as of December 29 2019 and Trump did nothing until March according to you.

3. When the WHO issued it warnings in late January Trump started to stop all international flights out of China and that was in January and not March and those like you were saying he was racist for doing so!

4. I bet if I put an actual timeline up about the events you will slither away and cry it is Trump Plague and China Government did everything they could to protect the world when in fact China Government actions were a month to two months late!

You have the fucking balls to defend China Government when you know they lied and hid everything about this goddamn virus!

Here are links and enjoy defending your beloved Chinese Government for spreading the Kung Flu Pandemic!

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Trump administration sent protective medical gear to China while he minimized the virus threat to US

Trump administration sent protective medical gear to China while he minimized the virus threat to US
Dean Obeidallah writes that a week after President Donald Trump told Americans he understood the threat posed by coronavirus, the administration shipped over 35,000 pounds of medical gear to China, showing he failed to comprehend the risk facing the US.

Concerns about a dwindling supply of PPE are not new. Back on February 7, the World Health Organization sounded alarm bells about "the limited stock of PPE," noting demand was 100 times higher than normal for this equipment.
Yet the same day as the WHO warning, the Trump administration announced that it was transporting to China nearly 17.8 tons (more than 35,000 pounds) of "masks, gowns, gauze, respirators, and other vital materials." As Secretary of State Mike Pompeo noted in the press release announcing this shipment, "These donations are a testament to the generosity of the American people."
That is pretty much what Lindsay Graham called her after Nancy accused Trump of causing the deaths to Americans by "fiddling around" after herself holding up the relief bill for days trying to stuff it full of unrelated, costly pork.

Does anyone take Lindsey Graham seriously anymore?

Has anyone EVER taken seriously your opinion on whether someone should be taken seriously?
Only people with some semblance of factual information.

This thread is just PDS plain and simple.

Well, at least you're honest about having only a semblance of facts.

You've misread. Shocker.

Your posts often have good content, but a large portion are just attacking other people for disagreeing with you.

No, I misread nothing. You once again revealed more than you thought you did.

And I don't attack people for disagreeing with me. I attack them for doing it ignorantly.

No. You definitely misread and can’t admit it. Remember, never admit you’re wrong even if you totally are. That’s just a sign of weakness. This is Trump’s America and we play by his rules.
Sooo, the Left have been playing by Trump America Rules for decades.

Left derangement syndrome

Well, the left is certainly deranged, but I don't know if it's a syndrome or not.
Sounds like what someone with Left derangement syndrome would say.
Left man bad.
Just remember Mayor Bill de Blasio said to wash your hands, keep social distancing, get a flu shot and go on with your daily lives during the same time that you are complaining about Trump comments when it concerns the Kung Flu Panda ...

So what?

de Blasio isn't president.

Also you find anyone putting blame on China Government racist and will deny these facts:

1. December 1st 2019 China Government was told by doctors that a Pandemic was about to happen and they did nothing to inform the WHO or the World about the seriousness of the Kung Flu Panda virus!

2. China Government arrested everyone including doctors that blew the whistle on the Kung Flu Panda pandemic!!

3. China Government knowingly allowed infected people to leave their country to spread the Kung Flu Panda virus around the World and since early to mid-December the World has been infected with the Kung Flu Panda virus!!!

None of which has anything to do with Trump's negligence. The point was, China DID report Covid-19 to the WHO by Dec 29th. Trump ignored the problem all the way up until March 19th.

So as you cry and whine about how I am mocking you about calling everyone racist for pointing out facts about your beloved Chinese Government just know it is those like you that are trying to change the name of Coronavirus 19 to Trump plague and then cry about those like me that call it Kung Flu Panda virus.

If you were not a dishonest piece of trash then maybe I would not write Kung Flu Panda to get you to whine but seeing you are that mean I will be the asshole that I am!

Dude, your exposing your own racism is a self-inflicted wound. The Trump Plague is going to wreck the economy, and you have no one to blame but yourselves for putting the guy there to start with.

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Also punk I did not vote for Trump and have not been shy to hold him accountable for his failures but I will be damn if I will thumb up your lying ass responses!

From the two links I provided in my response it shows what China Government did and how they knowingly hid facts from the World!

They did not accept WHO help until a month and half after the outbreak in China!

The U.S. offered assistance in early January of 2020 and you have the balls to say our government did little while saying China Government did everything they could to stop the outbreak!

How fucking dare you!

China Government is responsible for all the deaths around the World because the deliberately withheld information and in that link I provided it states they allowed people from the infected region to travel all the way into January!

So let be very clear China Government knowingly allowed people from a infectious region of their country to travel and spread the disease and this is Trump Plague?

No way Jose!

You can fake your outrage to my wording when calling the Coronavirus 19 the Kung Flu Pandemic but you blaming Trump for China Government willingness to infect the World is sickening in my eyes!
Not squirming, and go Trump. Trump didn't screw up
Trump administration sent protective medical gear to China while he minimized the virus threat to US

"As a reminder, the first known case of coronavirus case on US soil was confirmed by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on January 21, 2020.
The next day, Trump was asked about the virus while attending the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos. CNBC anchor Joe Kernen asked the President: "The CDC has identified a case of coronavirus in Washington state ... have you been briefed by the CDC?" to which Trump responded, "I have." Kernen continued, "Are there worries about a pandemic at this point?" Trump declared: "No. Not at all. And — we're — we have it totally under control. It's one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It's — going to be just fine."


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1. December 1st 2019 China Government was told by doctors that a Pandemic was about to happen and they did nothing to inform the WHO or the World about the seriousness of the Kung Flu Panda virus!
Can you provide a source for this fact?
That is pretty much what Lindsay Graham called her after Nancy accused Trump of causing the deaths to Americans by "fiddling around" after herself holding up the relief bill for days trying to stuff it full of unrelated, costly pork.

The only reason you're getting any sort of help from the stimulus package is because of Democrats. Your masters tried to once again only provide funding for the corporate elite.

You may now go create a thank you thread for the Democrats.
To think the Ds better than the Rs, is fucking crazy. Both parties are one when it comes to enriching the rich. Ears was a master at it. Where were you during the Great Recession? Asleep?
Nope....we were telling you morons that Obama is not a radical Kenyan muslim communist socialist like yall had stupidly been calling him.....glad you admit now that he was just another corporate owned politician just like your cult leader....

The only reason you think Trump is any different is because he feeds you the right amount of hate the idiots crave...
That is pretty much what Lindsay Graham called her after Nancy accused Trump of causing the deaths to Americans by "fiddling around" after herself holding up the relief bill for days trying to stuff it full of unrelated, costly pork.

The only reason you're getting any sort of help from the stimulus package is because of Democrats. Your masters tried to once again only provide funding for the corporate elite.

You may now go create a thank you thread for the Democrats.
To think the Ds better than the Rs, is fucking crazy. Both parties are one when it comes to enriching the rich. Ears was a master at it. Where were you during the Great Recession? Asleep?
Nope....we were telling you morons that Obama is not a radical Kenyan muslim communist socialist like yall had stupidly been calling him.....glad you admit now that he was just another corporate owned politician just like your cult leader....

The only reason you think Trump is any different is because he feeds you the right amount of hate the idiots crave...
This from an admitted racist. WTF?

You think I support trump? You’re wrong KKK boy.
Not squirming, and go Trump. Trump didn't screw up
Trump administration sent protective medical gear to China while he minimized the virus threat to US

"As a reminder, the first known case of coronavirus case on US soil was confirmed by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on January 21, 2020.
The next day, Trump was asked about the virus while attending the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos. CNBC anchor Joe Kernen asked the President: "The CDC has identified a case of coronavirus in Washington state ... have you been briefed by the CDC?" to which Trump responded, "I have." Kernen continued, "Are there worries about a pandemic at this point?" Trump declared: "No. Not at all. And — we're — we have it totally under control. It's one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It's — going to be just fine."
Saying "I was wrong in my assessment" wouldn't be the end of the would be something any sane person could appreciate...

But since Trump and his base of sycophants are anything but sane -- they'd rather gaslight everyone with denials and outright lies.....
That is pretty much what Lindsay Graham called her after Nancy accused Trump of causing the deaths to Americans by "fiddling around" after herself holding up the relief bill for days trying to stuff it full of unrelated, costly pork.

The only reason you're getting any sort of help from the stimulus package is because of Democrats. Your masters tried to once again only provide funding for the corporate elite.

You may now go create a thank you thread for the Democrats.
To think the Ds better than the Rs, is fucking crazy. Both parties are one when it comes to enriching the rich. Ears was a master at it. Where were you during the Great Recession? Asleep?
Nope....we were telling you morons that Obama is not a radical Kenyan muslim communist socialist like yall had stupidly been calling him.....glad you admit now that he was just another corporate owned politician just like your cult leader....

The only reason you think Trump is any different is because he feeds you the right amount of hate the idiots crave...
This from an admitted racist. WTF?

You think I support trump? You’re wrong KKK boy.
I'll be waiting for you to show me where I said I was racist...

You can't......but you will lie anyway....that is what you dic suckers do
Just remember Mayor Bill de Blasio said to wash your hands, keep social distancing, get a flu shot and go on with your daily lives during the same time that you are complaining about Trump comments when it concerns the Kung Flu Panda ...

So what?

de Blasio isn't president.

Also you find anyone putting blame on China Government racist and will deny these facts:

1. December 1st 2019 China Government was told by doctors that a Pandemic was about to happen and they did nothing to inform the WHO or the World about the seriousness of the Kung Flu Panda virus!

2. China Government arrested everyone including doctors that blew the whistle on the Kung Flu Panda pandemic!!

3. China Government knowingly allowed infected people to leave their country to spread the Kung Flu Panda virus around the World and since early to mid-December the World has been infected with the Kung Flu Panda virus!!!

None of which has anything to do with Trump's negligence. The point was, China DID report Covid-19 to the WHO by Dec 29th. Trump ignored the problem all the way up until March 19th.

So as you cry and whine about how I am mocking you about calling everyone racist for pointing out facts about your beloved Chinese Government just know it is those like you that are trying to change the name of Coronavirus 19 to Trump plague and then cry about those like me that call it Kung Flu Panda virus.

If you were not a dishonest piece of trash then maybe I would not write Kung Flu Panda to get you to whine but seeing you are that mean I will be the asshole that I am!

Dude, your exposing your own racism is a self-inflicted wound. The Trump Plague is going to wreck the economy, and you have no one to blame but yourselves for putting the guy there to start with.

View attachment 317429
Where was the House of Reps? And Schumer? That's right......Impeachapaloooza!!!
Not squirming, and go Trump. Trump didn't screw up
Trump administration sent protective medical gear to China while he minimized the virus threat to US

"As a reminder, the first known case of coronavirus case on US soil was confirmed by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on January 21, 2020.
The next day, Trump was asked about the virus while attending the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos. CNBC anchor Joe Kernen asked the President: "The CDC has identified a case of coronavirus in Washington state ... have you been briefed by the CDC?" to which Trump responded, "I have." Kernen continued, "Are there worries about a pandemic at this point?" Trump declared: "No. Not at all. And — we're — we have it totally under control. It's one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It's — going to be just fine."
Saying "I was wrong in my assessment" wouldn't be the end of the would be something any sane person could appreciate...

But since Trump and his base of sycophants are anything but sane -- they'd rather gaslight everyone with denials and outright lies.....
The cities...the cities...the cities are on fire.......don't put no mutha ph ukn water on it, the cities are on fire!
Pelosi shamelessly tries to abuse the global pandemic to pack a relief bill full of unrelated PORK, delays relief bill causing people to suffer, while flipping the American people the bird.

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