Nancy Pelosi: The Supreme Court Is Safe, They Don't Need Any Protection

And now that there's been an actual attempt on a Justice's life -- just as predicted, and just as was foreseeable -- Nancy Pelosi says "LOL they're fine." Who said Democrats are pro violence? One failed assassination attempt, need to succeed!

Time to remove her security detail.

Someone shows up at the home of Kavanaugh armed and admitted to wanting to kill him and Pelosi does nothing.

Meanwhile, an unarmed women breaks into the Capital while she is there and gets shot dead even though she is unarmed and had no verbal intent to harm anyone, so Pelosi drags out a year long investigation and wants laws passed to protect her sorry arse.

Sounds about right.
The secure arrangements for supremes are not public.

How do you guys know it's not enough.


You have no clue.

Just want to get outraged and talk about shit we have no clue about as usual.

Yep. The right wing.
You sir are the wolf

You got that right. THAT'S ME.

See the source image
And now that there's been an actual attempt on a Justice's life -- just as predicted, and just as was foreseeable -- Nancy Pelosi says "LOL they're fine." Who said Democrats are pro violence? One failed assassination attempt, need to succeed!

Time to remove her security detail.

Pelosi also allowed the Capitol to be breached on January 6th. She's a terrorist.
And you guys have no clue about there security.

Keep yapping about something you have no clue about.

It's the right wing after all.
And now that there's been an actual attempt on a Justice's life -- just as predicted, and just as was foreseeable -- Nancy Pelosi says "LOL they're fine." Who said Democrats are pro violence? One failed assassination attempt, need to succeed!

Time to remove her security detail.

From one fallen catholic to a nutter { Old Slow Joe }
Two peas fit for a warped pod.
This Nancy Pugliosi.Sloppy Italian boxer.

Nancy Pelosi: The Supreme Court Is Safe, They Don't Need Any Protection​

Gee, I hope these actions and words by Nancy, Chuckie and other democrats doesn't have a quelling effect on the SCOTUS' decision on whether to end RvW or not! :smoke:
And yet people bitch that Trump kept picking losers, when in fact, everywhere Trump looked, all he could find were snakes and villains, a few in sheep's clothing.

If Trump runs again and I'm assured that he will, I hope one of his top thoughts since 2021 was finding and putting together an implacable group of adamant patriots willing to go to the bone to destroy the democrat party.
Wow! You really are a Freak!
And now that there's been an actual attempt on a Justice's life -- just as predicted, and just as was foreseeable -- Nancy Pelosi says "LOL they're fine." Who said Democrats are pro violence? One failed assassination attempt, need to succeed!

Time to remove her security detail.

The Kavanaugh assassination attempt story was barely covered and is now out of the news.
And the one about the crisis pregnancy center being firebombed in Buffalo wasn't even covered.

Can you imagine the media take if either had been against leftwingers?
And now that there's been an actual attempt on a Justice's life -- just as predicted, and just as was foreseeable -- Nancy Pelosi says "LOL they're fine." Who said Democrats are pro violence? One failed assassination attempt, need to succeed!

Time to remove her security detail.

Another lying thread title from the USMB king of lying thread titles.
And now that there's been an actual attempt on a Justice's life -- just as predicted, and just as was foreseeable -- Nancy Pelosi says "LOL they're fine." Who said Democrats are pro violence? One failed assassination attempt, need to succeed!

Time to remove her security detail.

They killed Scalia when they thought "Hillary in a Landslide" was going to become a reality. Now they want to knock off another one before Asterisk Joe gets removed from office in a straight jacket to go to the old folks home, and Kamel Toe gets impeached, and they all get booted between now and 2024 one way or another.
And now that there's been an actual attempt on a Justice's life -- just as predicted, and just as was foreseeable -- Nancy Pelosi says "LOL they're fine." Who said Democrats are pro violence? One failed assassination attempt, need to succeed!

Time to remove her security detail.

The WH has issued a warning about the potential for violence after the official decision is given....and Pelosi says no more protection / security is needed.
-- That's what Pelosi, the DC Mayor, and the 2 Sergeants-at-Arms said after they were briefed by the FBI In advance of 6 Jan, too, refusing to call for the National Guard

Garland refuses to protect the Justices by enforcing the law that makes all these protests and all these violent protestors at the Justices' homes criminal / criminals. Despite the fact they should all be removed / arrested, Garland sides with them instead of with the law he has sworn to uphold.

There have been 3 leftist terrorist bombings, and Garland and his enabling DOJ have not made any arrests, despite one group bragging about firebombing a pro-life group and threatening their lives.

And now there has been assassination attempt on a Justice's life ... at least no one was shot this time, like the last time Democrats called for violence against GOP politicians.

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