Nancy Pelosi Trying To Hide Jan 6th Evidence

Pelosi wouldn't allow them to participate.
They had two RINOs that were hand-picked by Pelosi who went along with their nonsensical games over Jan 6th, and the result was an investigation that had no credibility with most of America.
Nope. Truth.

It’s their own fault. They could have had an independent 9/11 style commission but they blocked it. So this is what tbey ended up with.


Name someone who accomplished more than Pelosi in the last 25 years

I will wait
How do define "accomplish"? Jamming a 2400 page pile of poo called ACA before the signers could read it? Kneeling like an idiot with Kente cloth around her neck, tearing up Trump's speech during the SOTU. That's what Pelousy will be remembered for. Who pays you anyway? just curious.
Republicans should have participated in the hearing

Why should Pelosi cooperate with Congressional Republicans after they refused to cooperate with her?
Because she's supposed to care about actual justice instead of petty partisan squabbling? That would be my answer. Obviously, she's not interested in true justice, especially since she was handed her walking papers.
Republicans should have participated in the hearing

Why should Pelosi cooperate with Congressional Republicans after they refused to cooperate with her?

Pelosi wouldn’t let them participate. She appointed her own quislings who wouldn’t even question her narrative, let alone try to call dissenting witnesses.
Pelosi wouldn’t let them participate. She appointed her own quislings who wouldn’t even question her narrative, let alone try to call dissenting witnesses.

Pelosi dismissed two Republicans who were involved in Jan 6. There were 200 other Republicans who were acceptable

McCarthy threw a hissy fit and stormed out
How do define "accomplish"? Jamming a 2400 page pile of poo called ACA before the signers could read it? Kneeling like an idiot with Kente cloth around her neck, tearing up Trump's speech during the SOTU. That's what Pelousy will be remembered for. Who pays you anyway? just curious.

Still waiting for you to name another Speaker in the last 25 years who accomplished more

You can’t do it

Pelosi dismissed two Republicans who were involved in Jan 6. There were 200 other Republicans who were acceptable

McCarthy threw a hissy fit and stormed out
The republicans had the right to appoint anyone to the committee they cared to. Just like the democrats appointed obstructionists the the Benghazi committee.
Still waiting for you to name another Speaker in the last 25 years who accomplished more

You can’t do it
You have to establish that she actually accomplished anything, it's your assertion. I don't remember her doing shit other than the stupid theatrics and jamming Obamacare through.
You have to establish that she actually accomplished anything, it's your assertion. I don't remember her doing shit other than the stupid theatrics and jamming Obamacare through.

Lets see

Economic Stimulus
COVID relief

Your turn, name a Speaker who accomplished more
You seem to be struggling
Pelosi wouldn’t let them participate. She appointed her own quislings who wouldn’t even question her narrative, let alone try to call dissenting witnesses.
It isn’t a court. Was Hilary allowed to call witnesses at her hearings?

The Republicans had an opportunity for a truly bipartisan independent commission, not controlled by Pelosi. They were for it until Trump opposed it, then they filibustered it.

Then, instead of that, they had to settle for the special commission controlled by the House majority. So what do they do? Try to staff it with the representatives closest to J6, and closest to Trump so they pass on what ever information they got. So what do they do? Put out the order that no one participate. And now they are regretting their partisan shenanigans and whining about unfairness. They deserve what tbey got,
Speaker Nancy Pelosi will not hand over video coverage and emails from Jan 6 per a FOIA request. Pelosi based her decision on “sovereign immunity.” Pelosi and Democrats know if they release the 14,000 hours of footage from security cameras on January 6 it will blow apart their narrative. So she is hiding it.

Nancy Pelosi claims she doesn't have to hand over Jan 6th evidence to the new House committee claiming she has some sort of sovereign ownership of it.

"Meanwhile, dozens of Trump supporters are rotting in a jail one mile from the US Capitol waiting for a fair trial which they won’t get because their evidence will be hidden from the American public.
We are dealing with evil here."​

What a bitch!

Like we didn't know she is full of it!
Lets see

Economic Stimulus
COVID relief

Your turn, name a Speaker who accomplished more
You seem to be struggling
And don’t forget this gem

It isn’t a court. Was Hilary allowed to call witnesses at her hearings?

The Republicans had an opportunity for a truly bipartisan independent commission, not controlled by Pelosi. They were for it until Trump opposed it, then they filibustered it.

Then, instead of that, they had to settle for the special commission controlled by the House majority. So what do they do? Try to staff it with the representatives closest to J6, and closest to Trump so they pass on what ever information they got. So what do they do? Put out the order that no one participate. And now they are regretting their partisan shenanigans and whining about unfairness. They deserve what tbey got,
Yeah....who cares that Pelosi caused the riots.
If it weren't for her silly decision not to allow troops in and around the Capital, none of the shit that went on on Jan 6th would have happened.
Lets see

Economic Stimulus
COVID relief

Your turn, name a Speaker who accomplished more
You seem to be struggling
ACA cost all Americans more than they were paying before. Remember “we have to pass it to fine out what’s in it’? Pelosi didn’t even know what was in the ACA act when she pushed and bribed it through the House. If it benefitted anyone, it was people on welfare.
The other three are what created the runaway inflation and economic malaise we are suffering from now. None of the four are anything to brag about.
Lets see

Economic Stimulus
COVID relief

Your turn, name a Speaker who accomplished more
You seem to be struggling
Newt Gingrich.
Contract with America and reined in the democrats’s uncontrolled spending BEFORE it created the inflation we see now. Gingrich made Clinton behave like a centrist.

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