Nanny/Police State: Man Tries Filming Citation For Smoking On Sidewalk...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Come on America. Is this what you really want? 'Smoking on a Sidewalk?' Yikes!

[ame=]San Diego cop fears camera is weapon - YouTube[/ame]
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Here's a pretty good explanation of what's going on there, California law and a likely reason the cop did what he did, though it is not specific to that incident.

Is Filming Police Legal in California?

Well that, and a citation for smoking on a sidewalk? Come on. This particular community clearly has too many Police. This officer should be off doing some real good. What a waste of community resources. I don't wanna hear this community whining about not having enough funding for Police.
This cop is an asshole pure and simple. Smoking on a sidewalk and afraid of a camera?
Now what was all that crap that if you were not doing anything wrong there is no reason to fear the camera? What was making the cop paranoid?
Maybe he was about to make an offer that if a certain amount of cash came his way, the ticket would be dropped. With the camera running, it was cutting into his cash flow.
And we give clowns like that a license to kill.

There is no way that can be justified in any form.
Our Police are not being utilized properly in most communities. This is just one example. The officer could have been off doing real good for his community. He and many others are being used as cash registers. More & more are harrassing Citizens by way of absurd fines like this. It's not what the People want.
Ridiculous. Our country is headed in the wrong direction with this PC police state bullshit.
Our Police are not being utilized properly in most communities. This is just one example. The officer could have been off doing real good for his community. He and many others are being used as cash registers. More & more are harrassing Citizens by way of absurd fines like this. It's not what the People want.

They are not police any more, just tax collectors with a gun
If filming them gets them twitching,then film away. If more people saw more of this it would stop,possibly.
Our Police are not being utilized properly in most communities. This is just one example. The officer could have been off doing real good for his community. He and many others are being used as cash registers. More & more are harrassing Citizens by way of absurd fines like this. It's not what the People want.

They are not police any more, just tax collectors with a gun

Human Cash Registers at this point. It's sad.
Cops react to cameras like cockroaches to floodlights. Filming a cop can get you killed.

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