Nanny state or what?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Last evening a small quick thunderstorm blew through about the time I was headed out to the pool. Was in my trunks and had my towel, hand on the door, then noticed the clouds. Doing an about-face I went back inside to get eyes on the storm online. Very small and fast, but "red" on doppler radar so very heavy rain. Checking another site for near real-time lightning strike info there was a bunch but it seemed limited far to the south. Deciding I'd be a very cranky ghost if I died to a lightning strike I decided to wait it out, looked like it wouldn't be more than a 10 min downpour, and it was. Albeit extremely heavy cloudburst sorta shower.

Once it passed I kept watching it on doppler, and the lightning on the other site until I noticed a clearing to the north headed my way, so got back in my trunks and headed out when I felt it was safe-enough. To my surprise though, the pool was locked and closed. In my 16 or so years here, they've never closed the pool because of weather. If you wanna risk it, that was up to you. But apparently, not any more.

Being the very easy-going sort I shrugged it off and figured as it cleared someone'd come out and open it back up, better safe than receiving CPR being struck by lightning I joked with the manager. But it's still a new thing that sorta lept out at me. Is this just a sign of the times or some fear of being sued? Dunno what the odds are of being struck by lightning, in a swimming pool, tall trees all around, but I assume they're literally astronomincal.

Is being struck by lightning really something we need to be protected from in this way?
The sad thing is she was apparently correct in your case.
You really did need protection from yourself.

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