NASA Confirms Falling Sea Levels For Two Years Amidst Media Blackout

Amazing! Have you forwarded this information to the major scientific societies of the world? Just think how embarrassed the scientists of the world will be, when they see all of those ideas they never thought of themselves!

What's truly amazing is how you leftist imbeciles pick and choose information out your asses to fit your failed agendas......

Then expect anyone to believe it. For illustration purposes.....
Amazing! Have you forwarded this information to the major scientific societies of the world? Just think how embarrassed the scientists of the world will be, when they see all of those ideas they never thought of themselves!

What's truly amazing is how you leftist imbeciles pick and choose information out your asses to fit your failed agendas......

Then expect anyone to believe it. For illustration purposes.....
Will this be the opening of your grand speech at MIT this weekend? Good thinking, open with a joke. Then hit 'em with the regurgitated blogs. Then call them libtards and drop the mic and walk off stage. We are seeing a scientific revolution right in front of our eyes, folks!
Let me add some "logic" to this thread......if I may

SO WHAT if sea levels have been rising? This STILL does not prove it is from any kind of "Global warming".

It could be caused by tectonic plates moving.....or subterranean displacement of land mass by deep geothermal processes such as magma movement etc
The Earth's temperature is also affected by solar radiation. Also, orbital variations.

MAYBE...."some" of it could be due to a warming Earth, but even that has not been proven to be caused my man. Rather, evidence clearly shows that warming and cooling trends are part of NATURE.....and are cyclical.

So just because Nasa or Al Gore confirms rising seal levels, that is in no way conclusive evidence of "man induced global warming".

In fact, there are also studies from NOAA and NASA that indicate we may be headed for a long term cooling period.

Milankovitch Cycles and Glaciation

/—-/ All good points. Now what about undersea volcanoes spewing lava on the sea bed. Wouldn’t that displace water and cause seal levels to rise over time? undersea volcanoes - Google Search
Amazing! Have you forwarded this information to the major scientific societies of the world? Just think how embarrassed the scientists of the world will be, when they see all of those ideas they never thought of themselves!

What's truly amazing is how you leftist imbeciles pick and choose information out your asses to fit your failed agendas......

Then expect anyone to believe it. For illustration purposes.....
Will this be the opening of your grand speech at MIT this weekend? Good thinking, open with a joke. Then hit 'em with the regurgitated blogs. Then call them libtards and drop the mic and walk off stage. We are seeing a scientific revolution right in front of our eyes, folks!
/—-/ Plenty get research grants to continue the scam. And they have peers who disagree with their findings.

Now scroll down on the link for a list of grant money from the EPA Climate Change Research Grants | US EPA
Oh dear. All the lib screams of doom and gloom just went up in smoke. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
NASA Confirms Falling Sea Levels For Two Years Amidst Media Blackout

As the global warming narrative quickly unravels, and leftists scramble to throw accusations at those who dare question the false data, the media brushes facts under the rug. Amidst revelations of scientific fraud, data alteration and faked “hockey stick” data models, the fake news media remains suspiciously silent over the fact that NASA now confirms ocean levels have been falling for nearly two years.
It's just God's way of giving you that smug sense of self security and pride before he unleashes torrents of angel piss to drown us all...
Oh dear. All the lib screams of doom and gloom just went up in smoke. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
NASA Confirms Falling Sea Levels For Two Years Amidst Media Blackout

As the global warming narrative quickly unravels, and leftists scramble to throw accusations at those who dare question the false data, the media brushes facts under the rug. Amidst revelations of scientific fraud, data alteration and faked “hockey stick” data models, the fake news media remains suspiciously silent over the fact that NASA now confirms ocean levels have been falling for nearly two years.
It's just God's way of giving you that smug sense of self security and pride before he unleashes torrents of angel piss to drown us all...
/—-/ I love it when atheists preach religion to Christians. It’s like frogs lecturing birds on how to fly.
Oh dear. All the lib screams of doom and gloom just went up in smoke. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
NASA Confirms Falling Sea Levels For Two Years Amidst Media Blackout

As the global warming narrative quickly unravels, and leftists scramble to throw accusations at those who dare question the false data, the media brushes facts under the rug. Amidst revelations of scientific fraud, data alteration and faked “hockey stick” data models, the fake news media remains suspiciously silent over the fact that NASA now confirms ocean levels have been falling for nearly two years.
It's just God's way of giving you that smug sense of self security and pride before he unleashes torrents of angel piss to drown us all...
/—-/ I love it when atheists preach religion to Christians. It’s like frogs lecturing birds on how to fly.
Who's the dirty rat fink communist pinko fag atheist, you? Angles do piss don't they, I mean how else do they urinate....
Oh dear. All the lib screams of doom and gloom just went up in smoke. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
NASA Confirms Falling Sea Levels For Two Years Amidst Media Blackout

As the global warming narrative quickly unravels, and leftists scramble to throw accusations at those who dare question the false data, the media brushes facts under the rug. Amidst revelations of scientific fraud, data alteration and faked “hockey stick” data models, the fake news media remains suspiciously silent over the fact that NASA now confirms ocean levels have been falling for nearly two years.
It's just God's way of giving you that smug sense of self security and pride before he unleashes torrents of angel piss to drown us all...
/—-/ I love it when atheists preach religion to Christians. It’s like frogs lecturing birds on how to fly.
Who's the dirty rat fink communist pinko fag atheist, you? Angles do piss don't they, I mean how else do they urinate....
Who says celestial beings pee?
Oh dear. All the lib screams of doom and gloom just went up in smoke. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
NASA Confirms Falling Sea Levels For Two Years Amidst Media Blackout

As the global warming narrative quickly unravels, and leftists scramble to throw accusations at those who dare question the false data, the media brushes facts under the rug. Amidst revelations of scientific fraud, data alteration and faked “hockey stick” data models, the fake news media remains suspiciously silent over the fact that NASA now confirms ocean levels have been falling for nearly two years.
It's just God's way of giving you that smug sense of self security and pride before he unleashes torrents of angel piss to drown us all...
/—-/ I love it when atheists preach religion to Christians. It’s like frogs lecturing birds on how to fly.
Who's the dirty rat fink communist pinko fag atheist, you? Angles do piss don't they, I mean how else do they urinate....
Who says celestial beings pee?
They have else do we get the rain?
these f'ers try to blame global warming as causing volcanoes

of course they would want to blame the pretended"rising seas" angle as global warming

Haha, spot on, Cletus! You tell those idiot scientists where to go, professor! Hee haw!
Name a scientist that claimed global warming was cause of volcano's?
/—-/ Here you go Sparky. Are really this uninformed ? How Climate Change Leads to Volcanoes (Really)
I'd be more worried about the nuclear waste that is sitting in the ocean just leaking away..No telling what will happen when it contaminates the water...

Oh dear. All the lib screams of doom and gloom just went up in smoke. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
NASA Confirms Falling Sea Levels For Two Years Amidst Media Blackout

As the global warming narrative quickly unravels, and leftists scramble to throw accusations at those who dare question the false data, the media brushes facts under the rug. Amidst revelations of scientific fraud, data alteration and faked “hockey stick” data models, the fake news media remains suspiciously silent over the fact that NASA now confirms ocean levels have been falling for nearly two years.

no such thing occurred.

perhaps you should use legitimate sources.
Let me add some "logic" to this thread......if I may

SO WHAT if sea levels have been rising? This STILL does not prove it is from any kind of "Global warming".

It could be caused by tectonic plates moving.....or subterranean displacement of land mass by deep geothermal processes such as magma movement etc
The Earth's temperature is also affected by solar radiation. Also, orbital variations.

MAYBE...."some" of it could be due to a warming Earth, but even that has not been proven to be caused my man. Rather, evidence clearly shows that warming and cooling trends are part of NATURE.....and are cyclical.

So just because Nasa or Al Gore confirms rising seal levels, that is in no way conclusive evidence of "man induced global warming".

In fact, there are also studies from NOAA and NASA that indicate we may be headed for a long term cooling period.

Milankovitch Cycles and Glaciation

/—-/ All good points. Now what about undersea volcanoes spewing lava on the sea bed. Wouldn’t that displace water and cause seal levels to rise over time? undersea volcanoes - Google Search
Have you forwarded this amazing information you discovered to the USGS? I magine they will put you on their board immediately, considering your amazing discovery!
Amazing! Have you forwarded this information to the major scientific societies of the world? Just think how embarrassed the scientists of the world will be, when they see all of those ideas they never thought of themselves!

What's truly amazing is how you leftist imbeciles pick and choose information out your asses to fit your failed agendas......

Then expect anyone to believe it. For illustration purposes.....
Will this be the opening of your grand speech at MIT this weekend? Good thinking, open with a joke. Then hit 'em with the regurgitated blogs. Then call them libtards and drop the mic and walk off stage. We are seeing a scientific revolution right in front of our eyes, folks!
/—-/ Plenty get research grants to continue the scam. And they have peers who disagree with their findings.

Now scroll down on the link for a list of grant money from the EPA Climate Change Research Grants | US EPA
Yeah, it's too bad the impoverished fossil fuel industry doesn't have money to fund the CORRECT science. Surely their virtually bankrupt state is why none of this science exists.
Amazing! Have you forwarded this information to the major scientific societies of the world? Just think how embarrassed the scientists of the world will be, when they see all of those ideas they never thought of themselves!

What's truly amazing is how you leftist imbeciles pick and choose information out your asses to fit your failed agendas......

Then expect anyone to believe it. For illustration purposes.....
Will this be the opening of your grand speech at MIT this weekend? Good thinking, open with a joke. Then hit 'em with the regurgitated blogs. Then call them libtards and drop the mic and walk off stage. We are seeing a scientific revolution right in front of our eyes, folks!
/—-/ Plenty get research grants to continue the scam. And they have peers who disagree with their findings.

Now scroll down on the link for a list of grant money from the EPA Climate Change Research Grants | US EPA
Yeah, it's too bad the impoverished fossil fuel industry doesn't have money to fund the CORRECT science. Surely their virtually bankrupt state is why none of this science exists.
/—-/ It’s not the oil companies responsibility to fund global warming scams.
Amazing! Have you forwarded this information to the major scientific societies of the world? Just think how embarrassed the scientists of the world will be, when they see all of those ideas they never thought of themselves!

What's truly amazing is how you leftist imbeciles pick and choose information out your asses to fit your failed agendas......

Then expect anyone to believe it. For illustration purposes.....
Will this be the opening of your grand speech at MIT this weekend? Good thinking, open with a joke. Then hit 'em with the regurgitated blogs. Then call them libtards and drop the mic and walk off stage. We are seeing a scientific revolution right in front of our eyes, folks!
/—-/ Plenty get research grants to continue the scam. And they have peers who disagree with their findings.

Now scroll down on the link for a list of grant money from the EPA Climate Change Research Grants | US EPA
Yeah, it's too bad the impoverished fossil fuel industry doesn't have money to fund the CORRECT science. Surely their virtually bankrupt state is why none of this science exists.
/—-/ Ots not the oil companies responsibility to fund global warming scams.

or the tax payers

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