NASA predicts we will find ET within 20 years from now

What the hell does NASA do these days since Barry Hussein grounded the Space Shuttle? Apparently American taxpayers still support about 20,000 NASA employees do do what, make crazy claims about ET alien life?
I am just curious. Why are you looking for Oxygen?

The Earth did not have an atmosphere with free oxygen in it until life, blue-green algea, created that oxygen. Oxygen is a very active element and will combine with something else unless it is continually replenished. And only living matter does that.

I came across a paper published by Amit Mishra and his team at University of Washington. This paper details a new technique which uses absorption strength of oxygen dimer of an exoplanet when its star is reflecting against it to calculate its atmospheric pressure. The goal I think is to detect an exoplanet with Earth like atmospheric pressure. They are using oxygen dimer because it responds considerably to change in pressure and temperature.

I do not think all life forms in this universe are dependent on oxygen. I think it is quite possible to find life which is quite evolved and yet does not need oxygen to survive. Even on our own planet, we have anaerobic bacteria that do not need oxygen to survive; actually some of them die when you expose them to oxygen.

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I am quite sure that we will find life not-as-we-know-it in the coming years. I hope I am alive when that happens. However, oxygen has a chemical advantage in that it packs a lot of energy in it's reactions with other elements.

As for life in differant conditions, the life we found in the rift zones was a humbling experiance for biologists and geologists concerning the conditions under which life can thrive.
Here is an article from the Sciientific American that explains the origin of oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere;

The Origin of Oxygen in Earth's Atmosphere - Scientific American

That is a very good article. I wonder if water came before life or life before water. If water came before life then where did the Oxygen come from for Hydrogen to oxidize and form water?

The water was formed in the solar system, and even prior to the solar system. The Oort cloud is mostly composed of water, and it was probably an infall of water from comets that gave us our oceans on the Earth.
After studying 85 carbonaceous chondrites, supplied by Johnson Space Center and the Meteorite Working Group, they show in a paper released today by Science Express that they likely did not form in the same regions of the solar system as comets because they have much lower deuterium content. They formed closer to the Sun, perhaps in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. And its that material that rained on early Earth to create the wet planet we know today.
“Our results provide important new constraints for the origin of volatiles in the inner solar system, including the Earth,” Alexander said. “And they have important implications for the current models of the formation and orbital evolution of the planets and smaller objects in our solar system.”

Read more: Rethinking the Source of Earth?s Water

I like your questions, Vikrant, they make me look up things that are more current than the information I read years ago. Thank you.
Maybe if we can keep funding our science institutions. Fight to elect Moderates that believe in this country!

The Democrats are so tied to their doctrine of keeping people so dependent
on social programs in return for votes that we just don't have the funds necessary for
science and research.

If you want to lead the charge to cut waste and fraud in welfare,medicaid and food stamps so we can go find ET... I am with you. :eusa_clap:

You cannot even spare Science & Technology forum from your crap. Seriously, what is wrong with you? We are discussing possibility of life on exoplanets. We are not interested in Republicans vs Democrats mud wrestling.


Nasa does most of the science and stuff like this. The discovery of such things would have to rely on esa and china if these fuckers got their way.

I will fight the tea party to the death! As they want to weaken America and turn it into a backwards cess pool.
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We've spent more on Iraq than we've spent exploring our entire effin Universe over the past 70 years.

Nasa or the Nws benefits this country a lot. While your wars waste our fucking time.
NASA predicts finding evidence of extraterrestrial life within 20 years - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

NASA scientists predict they are within 20 years of finding the evidence proving we are not alone in the universe.

Dr Sara Seager and Matt Mountain were two of the distinguished scientists, former astronauts and engineers brought together by NASA.

They say scientific advances in rocket technology and space telescopes will soon make it possible to scan the heavens for the tell-tale signs of life on a planet not unlike our own, their so-called Earth 2.0.

"We believe we're very, very close in terms of technology and science and actually finding the other Earth and our chance to find signs of life on another world," Dr Seager said.

Their message to the world: "Our understanding of the universe around us is on the verge of being dramatically changed forever."

Dr Mountain is from the Space Telescope Science Institute which is collaborating with NASA to launch the most powerful device yet to explore the universe - the James Webb Space Telescope, due to be launched in 2018.

But NASA believes that within the next two decades it will have the capability to peer into deep space for signatures of life.


money and hurry this shit up. Seeing the proof for ETL is on my bucket list. I'll be pushing the stats to make another 20. But one way or another I'll hang on.
NASA predicts finding evidence of extraterrestrial life within 20 years - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

NASA scientists predict they are within 20 years of finding the evidence proving we are not alone in the universe.

Dr Sara Seager and Matt Mountain were two of the distinguished scientists, former astronauts and engineers brought together by NASA.

They say scientific advances in rocket technology and space telescopes will soon make it possible to scan the heavens for the tell-tale signs of life on a planet not unlike our own, their so-called Earth 2.0.

"We believe we're very, very close in terms of technology and science and actually finding the other Earth and our chance to find signs of life on another world," Dr Seager said.

Their message to the world: "Our understanding of the universe around us is on the verge of being dramatically changed forever."

Dr Mountain is from the Space Telescope Science Institute which is collaborating with NASA to launch the most powerful device yet to explore the universe - the James Webb Space Telescope, due to be launched in 2018.

But NASA believes that within the next two decades it will have the capability to peer into deep space for signatures of life.


money and hurry this shit up. Seeing the proof for ETL is on my bucket list. I'll be pushing the stats to make another 20. But one way or another I'll hang on.

I feel the same way. More funding to hurry it up! There's no reason why we shouldn't have two or three space based telescopes up.

money and hurry this shit up. Seeing the proof for ETL is on my bucket list. I'll be pushing the stats to make another 20. But one way or another I'll hang on.

I feel the same way. More funding to hurry it up! There's no reason why we shouldn't have two or three space based telescopes up.

Matthew, you have convinced me that we are no spending enough money and effort on science and technology. Its not even a teaper thing. Do people realize how many inventions have come from NASA....everything from something as simple as velcro to cordless power tools to cat scans. The space program coupled ambition and pride to accomplish the unthinkable...sending a man to the moon! Are we so arrogant that we think we have reached our limit? Is welfare and war so important that we quit exploring...that is the antithesis of what built our nation. We are so hell bent on disagreeing, we have forgotten what makes us great. Thanks Matthew...we may disagree, but you have opened my eyes to something I never put much thought into!

LAOROSA | DESIGN-JUNKY: 26 NASA Inventions That We Take For Granted Everyday...

26 NASA Inventions That We Take For Granted Everyday...

The US as well as a number of other countries put a lot of their money into the space program. Many people question if the money could be spent 'better' in other areas and if investing in space exploration is even worth it...
Unbeknownst to popular belief, there are many inventions from the space program that most everybody uses on a daily basis whether they know it or not.

-check out a list below of 26 inventions that NASA has contributed to over the years:

• CAT Scanners: If you have ever been treated with a CAT scanner or know of a loved one who has, you have the space program to thank for this. This cancer-detecting tech was first used to find imperfections in space components.

• The Computer Microchip: Modern microchips descend from integrated circuits used in the Apollo Guidance Computer.

• Cordless Tools: If you have ever picked up a cordless tool you have NASA to thank for that. Power drills and vacuum cleaners were used to drill for moon samples.

• Ear Thermometers: Commonly used in hospitals, the technology used in the ear thermometers originated from a camera-like lens that detected infrared energy used to monitor the birth of stars.

• Freeze-dried food: This process reduces the food weight and increases the shelf life without sacrificing the nutritional value.

• Insulation: With winter on its way, I'm sure you can thank NASA for this one...!! Home insulation uses reflective materials that protects the spacecraft from radiation.

• Invisible braces (teeth): Teeth-straightening is less embarrassing thanks to transparent ceramic brace brackets made from spacecraft materials.

• Enriched baby food: NASA was experimenting with algae as a food supply for long space trips and found a component of algae has two fatty acids similar to those found in human breast milk. It led to the development of an enriched infant formula call Formulaid.

• The Joystick: Video Game enthusiast should know about this one... The joystick was first used on the Apollo Luner Rover.

• Light-Emitting Diodes (LED): Developed by NASA,the red light-emitting diodes were used to grow plants in space. Later this technology was developed in medical devices for muscle pain relief/relaxation, joint pain, arthritis and muscle spasms. Later generations of the technology are used to combat the symptoms of bone atrophy, multiple sclerosis, diabetic complications and Parkinson's disease.

• Memory Foam: I'm sure we've all seen the 'mattress TV commercials' highlighting this feature. This foam was first created for aircraft seats and helmets to soften landing and impact by absorbing shock and returning to its original shape.

• Scratch resistant lenses: Anybody who wears glasses, ski goggles, etc... can associate with this one. Astronaut helmet visor coatings make the lenses 10X more scratch resistant.

• Shoe insoles: Cushion insoles and even the air pocket found in most athletic shoes, first originated from NASA boot designs to lessen impact by adding spring and ventilation.

• Smoke detectors: You know that thing on the ceiling that beeps every time you open the oven...?? Turns out this lifesaving device (adjustable smoke detector) was also invented by NASA.

• Solar energy: I'm sure we all have seen solar panels on top of buildings, houses and even on our desk calculator... Harnessing the sun's solar energy as a power source originated with the efforts of a NASA-sponsored 28-member coalition of companies, government groups, universities and non-profits to form the Environmental Research Aircraft and Sensor Technology Alliance (ERAST). Their goal (at the time) was to develop an unmanned aircraft that was able to maintain high altitude flight for days at a time... the solution: harnessing the sun's energy for power.

• The Swimsuit: NASA used the same principles that reduce drage in space to help create the world's fastest swimsuit for Speedo. This design was rejected by some professionals for giving them an unfair advantage...

• Powdered Lubricants: NASA scientists developed a solid oil-free lubricant capable of operating at high temperatures with increased reliability, lowered weight, reduced maintenance, lower friction, reduces emissions and increased power...

• The water filter: I'm sure we have all used one of these things (i.e. Brita) NASA pioneered the technology to filter water and kill bacteria for water taken to space...

• Space Blankets: Silver and lightweight and resembling a giant sheet of aluminum foil, these sci-fi looking blankets are commonly used by mountain climbers and long-distance runners... they are even given out for free at almost every marathon.

• Land mine removal: NASA's surplus of rocket fuel is used to produce a flare that can safely destroy land mines. NASA is able to reduce propellant waste without negatively impacting the environment.

• The Soaper Soaker: If you don't know what this is then you didn't have a childhood.... :)
The world's most famous squirt gun was invented by Lonnie G. Johnson, a nuclear engineer who worked for the US Air Force and NASA.

• Flame-resistant textiles: After the tragic Apollo 1 launch that killed three astronauts in a fire, NASA developed a line of fire-resistant textiles used in space suits and vehicles. Today they are commonly used by firefighters, motor sports and other applications.

• Thermometer Pill: NASA developed an ingestible pill in the 1980s that wirelessly monitors the astronaut's core body temperature from the inside. Today this tech is used by athletic teams and professionals to monitor and keep the players safe.

• Conditioning equipment (work-out machines): Commonly seen and used at fitness gyms, athletic departments and by physical therapists around the world. These machines were developed by NASA to keep the astronaut physically fit and to prevent muscle atrophy in zero gravity environments.

• Long distance telecommunications: Do you own a smartphone or ever made a long distance phone call...?? Before humans were even sent into space, NASA launched a bunch of satellites into Earth's orbit to monitor space and communicate to scientist on the ground. Overtime this technique/technology was adopted to over 200 communication satellites that connect us to our loved ones everyday...

• Highway safety grooving: Admit it... you (like me) have driven late at night and accidentally drifted to the shoulder of the road driving over this grooving... or maybe you noticed the gooving pattern on the road when approaching a stop sign. Either way, Safety Grooving was first experimented by NASA back in the 1960s as a way to improve safety for aircraft taking off on wet runways. According to NASA, safety gooving reduced highway accidents by 85% after going into effect...

....So next time somebody asks, 'why the hell we are spending money and wasting our time on funding the space program'.... maybe this list will help explain why.

I am amazed and find it curious to think of all the other technologies and engineering feats that have been 'shelved' or are being developed and not yet made it to the publics attention...

Helpful inventions developed out of these Space Missions not only create some lifesaving technologies and contribute to common everyday devices, but they also feed the human desire of curiosity and search for knowledge. Pushing the limits of design and engineering in the space program is akin to the exploration made by the Europeans centuries ago when exploring the oceans for new lands. If funding for exploration back then was cut off... the world as we know it would be an even smaller place.... and very very flat.

Stat, I know this is your thread...but Matthew has been very vocal about this and he gets the credit.
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After studying 85 carbonaceous chondrites, supplied by Johnson Space Center and the Meteorite Working Group, they show in a paper released today by Science Express that they likely did not form in the same regions of the solar system as comets because they have much lower deuterium content. They formed closer to the Sun, perhaps in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. And its that material that rained on early Earth to create the wet planet we know today.
“Our results provide important new constraints for the origin of volatiles in the inner solar system, including the Earth,” Alexander said. “And they have important implications for the current models of the formation and orbital evolution of the planets and smaller objects in our solar system.”

Read more: Rethinking the Source of Earth?s Water

I like your questions, Vikrant, they make me look up things that are more current than the information I read years ago. Thank you.

We got our water through impact is just one theory. We do not really know how we got our water. We are a long way from figuring that out.

We owe our existence to dead stars that lived long before our Sun. Oxygen along with other heavy materials is produced at the core of stars. When the stars from whose ashes we evolved died out, they left behind oxygen. This oxygen combined with hot plasma of hydrogen and yielded massive explosion along with water. As our solar system evolved, somehow with the nice draw of luck, we ended up with major chunk of that water.

When we are in a search of extraterrestrial life, it makes sense that we look for signs of life as we know them on earth. So I think it will not be a bad idea to look for things like oxygen, water, CO2, etc. After all, the biochemistry which gave birth to life on earth is quite likely to give birth to life on exoplanet may be in our galaxy or may be far away. We do not know but it sure is very fascinating.
NASA predicts finding evidence of extraterrestrial life within 20 years - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

NASA scientists predict they are within 20 years of finding the evidence proving we are not alone in the universe.

Dr Sara Seager and Matt Mountain were two of the distinguished scientists, former astronauts and engineers brought together by NASA.

They say scientific advances in rocket technology and space telescopes will soon make it possible to scan the heavens for the tell-tale signs of life on a planet not unlike our own, their so-called Earth 2.0.

"We believe we're very, very close in terms of technology and science and actually finding the other Earth and our chance to find signs of life on another world," Dr Seager said.

Their message to the world: "Our understanding of the universe around us is on the verge of being dramatically changed forever."

Dr Mountain is from the Space Telescope Science Institute which is collaborating with NASA to launch the most powerful device yet to explore the universe - the James Webb Space Telescope, due to be launched in 2018.

But NASA believes that within the next two decades it will have the capability to peer into deep space for signatures of life.



We found alien life a long time ago but have had to condition society with movies for a while to accustom them to the fact of life elsewhere in the cosmos. Now that most people believe in UFOs, alien life elsewhere, we can be more truthful about what we've known for quite a while.

Joke being, I'm not even kidding. You don't just blurt out "Ya there's aliens right herein our solar system, but they're REALLY nice people." People'd freak out, look at religions and how batshit crazy they are. Now imagine that across ALL of society.

Sometimes secrecy's better than disclosure. If there's even a remote chance of people freaking out, keep it secret as long as possible while conditioning society through movies, games, and other means acclimating them to such eventualities gradually. How things get done. You don't give full equality to homosexuals all at once, they make it legal first, wait a bit, then grant federal antidiscrimination rights, then state, then marriage. Too much too soon and there's resistance and backlash more than if you do it gradually. Same with alien disclosure. Little here, little there, mix in some facts with a ton of nonsense and disinformaiton so the facts ingrain themselves into our minds, we get used to it, then a little more. Eventually we have all the facts but mixed in amongst a lot of nonsense. Then when disclosure happens, everythign we learn we've already known for a while, just hadn't had it confirmed.
In all probability, any finding of life would be some type of single cell or slime
NASA predicts finding evidence of extraterrestrial life within 20 years - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

NASA scientists predict they are within 20 years of finding the evidence proving we are not alone in the universe.

Dr Sara Seager and Matt Mountain were two of the distinguished scientists, former astronauts and engineers brought together by NASA.

They say scientific advances in rocket technology and space telescopes will soon make it possible to scan the heavens for the tell-tale signs of life on a planet not unlike our own, their so-called Earth 2.0.

"We believe we're very, very close in terms of technology and science and actually finding the other Earth and our chance to find signs of life on another world," Dr Seager said.

Their message to the world: "Our understanding of the universe around us is on the verge of being dramatically changed forever."

Dr Mountain is from the Space Telescope Science Institute which is collaborating with NASA to launch the most powerful device yet to explore the universe - the James Webb Space Telescope, due to be launched in 2018.

But NASA believes that within the next two decades it will have the capability to peer into deep space for signatures of life.



We found alien life a long time ago but have had to condition society with movies for a while to accustom them to the fact of life elsewhere in the cosmos. Now that most people believe in UFOs, alien life elsewhere, we can be more truthful about what we've known for quite a while.

Joke being, I'm not even kidding. You don't just blurt out "Ya there's aliens right herein our solar system, but they're REALLY nice people." People'd freak out, look at religions and how batshit crazy they are. Now imagine that across ALL of society.

Sometimes secrecy's better than disclosure. If there's even a remote chance of people freaking out, keep it secret as long as possible while conditioning society through movies, games, and other means acclimating them to such eventualities gradually. How things get done. You don't give full equality to homosexuals all at once, they make it legal first, wait a bit, then grant federal antidiscrimination rights, then state, then marriage. Too much too soon and there's resistance and backlash more than if you do it gradually. Same with alien disclosure. Little here, little there, mix in some facts with a ton of nonsense and disinformaiton so the facts ingrain themselves into our minds, we get used to it, then a little more. Eventually we have all the facts but mixed in amongst a lot of nonsense. Then when disclosure happens, everythign we learn we've already known for a while, just hadn't had it confirmed.

Sounds like an interesting possibility.
It's more likely that the Kanamits will find us first.
Oh them, too.

And the Fithp are on their way as well.

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