NASA predicts we will find ET within 20 years from now

Don't forget your beer, peanuts, and towel!
All we have to do to find solid evidence of life on a planet around another sun is to find oxygen in the atmosphere of planet in the 'Goldilocks' zone of another star. That can be done with a spectroscopic analysis of the planets atmosphere as it transits its sun. We are very close to the point of being able to do that with the equipment we have at present. To do that in the next two decades is hardly a far out prediction.

I am just curious. Why are you looking for Oxygen?

The Earth did not have an atmosphere with free oxygen in it until life, blue-green algea, created that oxygen. Oxygen is a very active element and will combine with something else unless it is continually replenished. And only living matter does that.

And plants need sunlight and carbon dioxide....
Yet Libs don't want carbon dioxide released....
In fact they hate it.
And they are the ones who love science....
In all probability, any finding of life would be some type of single cell or slime

Think we've already done that. For whatever reason though they're keeping that close to their chest. But I'd agree the first public confirmation of alien life will be something non-threatening as with simple microscopic things. If it doesn't challenge Man's opinion of his role in the cosmos as a creation of some deity, it will go over better than a superior form of life has been found.

I often muse sitting outside swatting at annoying bugs how the discovery of any gnat or fly on Mars or somewhere else would result in front page news for weeks. Probably a fair amount of chaos and religious freaking out too. Though when you think about it, with 5,000 exoplanets discovered thus far, given the massive vairety of life on this one planet, any where life can exist, it does exist. And in massive varieties. So given the massive variety of planets, life elsewhere is a certainty. We already know life can evolve in the universe despite the overwhelming odds against it. So if it can happen on one planet, it can happen on another.

They estimate in fact there are more planets in the universe than stars. Even in the worst case scenario of only one planet with advanced life like humans per galaxy, given the 100 billion or so known galaxies, that's a lot of life.
I am just curious. Why are you looking for Oxygen?

The Earth did not have an atmosphere with free oxygen in it until life, blue-green algea, created that oxygen. Oxygen is a very active element and will combine with something else unless it is continually replenished. And only living matter does that.

And plants need sunlight and carbon dioxide....
Yet Libs don't want carbon dioxide released....
In fact they hate it.
And they are the ones who love science....

Lordy, lordy, dumb fuck. You cannot live without salt. So, since it is good for you, just consume a quart of it all at once. See how that works out. Almost as simple as your mind.

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