NASA: Unprecedented melting of Greenland's ice sheet


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
Unprecedented melting of Greenland's ice sheet this month has stunned NASA scientists and has highlighted broader concerns that the region is losing a remarkable amount of ice overall.

According to a NASA press release, about half of Greenland's surface ice sheet naturally melts during an average summer. But the data from three independent satellites this July, analyzed by NASA and university scientists, showed that in less than a week, the amount of thawed ice sheet surface skyrocketed from 40 percent to 97 percent.

In over 30 years of observations, satellites have never measured this amount of melting, which reaches nearly all of Greenland's surface ice cover.

When Son Nghiem of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory observed the recent melting phenomenon, he said in the NASA press release, "This was so extraordinary that at first I questioned the result: Was this real or was it due to a data error?"

Scientists at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, University of Georgia-Athens and City University of New York all confirmed the remarkable ice melt.

NASA's cryosphere program manager, Tom Wagner, credited the power of satellites for observing the melt and explained to The Huffington Post that, although this specific event may be part of a natural variation, "We have abundant evidence that Greenland is losing ice, probably because of global warming, and it's significantly contributing to sea level rise."

Wagner said that ice is clearly thinning around the periphery, changing Greenland's overall ice mass, and he believes this is primarily due to warming ocean waters "eating away at the ice." He cautiously added, "It seems likely that's correlated with anthropogenic warming."

This specific extreme melt occurred in large part due to an unusual weather pattern over Greenland this year, what the NASA press release describes as a series of "heat domes," or an "unusually strong ridge of warm air."
Notable melting occurred in specific regions of Greenland, such as the area around Summit Station, located two miles above sea level. Not since 1889 has this kind of melting occurred, according to ice core analysis described in NASA's press release.

Goddard glaciologist Lora Koenig said that similar melting events occur about every 150 years, and this event is consistent with that schedule, citing the previous 1889 melt. But, she added, "if we continue to observe melting events like this in upcoming years, it will be worrisome."
"One of the big questions is 'What's happening in the Arctic in general?'" Wagner said to HuffPost.

Just last week, another unusual event occurred in the region: the calving of an iceberg twice the size of Manhattan from Greenland's Petermann Glacier.

Over the past few months, separate studies have emerged that suggest humans are playing a "dominant role" in ocean warming, and that specific regions of the world, such as the U.S. East Coast, are increasingly vulnerable to sea level rise.

Wagner explained that in recent years, studies have observed thinning sea ice and "dramatic" overall changes. He was clear, "We don’t want to lose sight of the fact that Greenland is losing a tremendous amount of ice overall."


NASA CAPTION: Extent of surface melt over Greenland’s ice sheet on July 8 (left) and July 12 (right). Measurements from three satellites showed that on July 8, about 40 percent of the ice sheet had undergone thawing at or near the surface. In just a few days, the melting had dramatically accelerated and an estimated 97 percent of the ice sheet surface had thawed by July 12. In the image, the areas classified as “probable melt” (light pink) correspond to those sites where at least one satellite detected surface melting. The areas classified as “melt” (dark pink) correspond to sites where two or three satellites detected surface melting. The satellites are measuring different physical properties at different scales and are passing over Greenland at different times. As a whole, they provide a picture of an extreme melt event about which scientists are very confident. Credit: Nicolo E. DiGirolamo, SSAI/NASA GSFC, and Jesse Allen, NASA Earth Observatory
Guess dey didn't figger what would happen when the ice melted...

Thaw could release Cold War-era U.S. toxic waste buried under Greenland's ice
August 5, 2016) - Global warming could release radioactive waste stored in an abandoned Cold War-era U.S. military camp deep under Greenland's ice caps if a thaw continues to spread in coming decades, scientists said on Friday.
Camp Century was built in northwest Greenland in 1959 as part of U.S. research into the feasibility of nuclear missile launch sites in the Arctic, the University of Zurich said in a statement. Staff left gallons of fuel and an unknown amount of low-level radioactive coolant there when the base shut down in 1967 on the assumption it would be entombed forever, according to the university.

It is all currently about 35 meters (114.83 ft) down. But the part of the ice sheet covering the camp could start to melt by the end of the century on current trends, the scientists added. "Climate change could remobilize the abandoned hazardous waste believed to be buried forever beneath the Greenland ice sheet," the university said of findings published this week in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

A large iceberg melts into jagged edges as it floats in Eriks Fjord near the town of Narsarsuaq in southern Greenland​

The study, led by York University in Canada in collaboration with the University of Zurich, estimated that pollutants in the camp included 200,000 liters (44,000 UK gallons) of diesel fuel and the coolant from a nuclear generator used to produce power. "It's a new breed of political challenge we have to think about," lead author William Colgan, a climate and glacier scientist at York University, said in a statement. "If the ice melts, the camp's infrastructure, including any remaining biological, chemical, and radioactive wastes, could re-enter the environment and potentially disrupt nearby ecosystems," the University of Zurich said.

The study said it would be extremely costly to try to remove any waste now. It recommended waiting "until the ice sheet has melted down to almost expose the wastes before beginning site remediation." There was no immediate comment from U.S. authorities.

Thaw could release Cold War-era U.S. toxic waste buried under Greenland's ice
This article is from 2012. If we're hearing about it every year, why the old repost?
This article is from 2012. If we're hearing about it every year, why the old repost?

Clearly we are not doing our part crick to save Greenland, we must as a world community, tie 100,000 barges to Greenland and tow it north.

We all must leave our A/Cs on as low as they can go and have the Windows open to cool the planet.
I'm not as worried about Greenland as the rest of the world's coastlines their melting ice will submerge.
Scientists Map Movement of Greenland Ice During Past 9,000 Years
AUSTIN, Texas — Scientists have created the first map that shows how the Greenland Ice Sheet has moved over time, revealing that ice in the interior is moving more slowly toward the edges than it has, on average, during the past 9,000 years.

The findings, which researchers said don’t change the fact that the ice sheet is losing mass overall and contributing to sea level rise, are published in the Feb. 5 issue of Science. Along Greenland’s periphery, many glaciers are rapidly thinning. However, the vast interior of Greenland is slowly thickening, a process the new study clarifies.

“Scientists are very interested in understanding how ice sheets flow and how that flow may have been different in the past. Our paleo-velocity map for Greenland allows us to assess the flow of the ice sheet right now in the context of the last several thousand years,” said lead author Joe MacGregor of The University of Texas at Austin’s Institute for Geophysics (UTIG), a research unit of the Jackson School of Geosciences.

The study builds on earlier UTIG-led research that developed a database of the many layers within Greenland’s ice sheet. Using this database, the scientists determined the flow pattern for the past 9,000 years — in effect creating a “paleo-velocity” map.
Meanwhile, the Vikings were there farming the southern tip of Greenland until the 1400s, when that area went under ice age glacier, and is still under ice age glacier which is now a lot thicker...

so, in total, according to Crick

farmable land is COLDER than ice age glacier...

The amount of land exposed in Greenland and the temperatures the places has experienced say NOTHING about the RATES at which that warming and the consequent melt took place. Greenland could turn into Hawaii for all I care, as long as it takes a million years to do it. And, of course, THAT is what the geological records show us. What is unprecedented about today's environment is not the absolute values of CO2 levels or temperatures but the RATE at which those variables are changing.
The amount of land exposed in Greenland and the temperatures the places has experienced say NOTHING about the RATES at which that warming and the consequent melt took place. Greenland could turn into Hawaii for all I care, as long as it takes a million years to do it. And, of course, THAT is what the geological records show us. What is unprecedented about today's environment is not the absolute values of CO2 levels or temperatures but the RATE at which those variables are changing.
What is unprecedented about today's environment is not the absolute values of CO2 levels or temperatures but the RATE at which those variables are changing.

How do you know? What experiment tells you what the absolute values are supposed to be? How do you know these rates aren't normal? dude, it's been the question since day one when I hopped in here. you have presented bumpkiss
Meanwhile, both Antarctica and Greenland manufacture their annual ice "layer" proving they aren't melting, but rather THICKENING...
If only kooky warmers understood this great quote...

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. H. L. Mencken

No such thing as global warming in Mencken's day, but he could just as easily be talking about AGW....Nothing ever changes with lying politicians, elitists, and statists. One would think warmers would catch, but they never do.
The amount of land exposed in Greenland and the temperatures the places has experienced say NOTHING about the RATES at which that warming and the consequent melt took place. Greenland could turn into Hawaii for all I care, as long as it takes a million years to do it. And, of course, THAT is what the geological records show us. What is unprecedented about today's environment is not the absolute values of CO2 levels or temperatures but the RATE at which those variables are changing.
The amount of land exposed in Greenland and the temperatures the places has experienced say NOTHING about the RATES at which that warming and the consequent melt took place.

So where is the land exposed? Anything other than the coastal areas? Like say, the interior of the island?

BTW, are you saying that the coastal region melt is unprecedented? Just curious.
How much more clearly do I have to phrase a point for you to actually understand what I'm saying? Greenland is melting rapidly and that melt is making up a significant portion of the current sea level rise. That Greenland was warm in the past is just as irrelevant as all the other crap you people pull out of archaeologist's asses with your IDIOTIC claims that things can only happen the way they've happened before.
How much more clearly do I have to phrase a point for you to actually understand what I'm saying? Greenland is melting rapidly and that melt is making up a significant portion of the current sea level rise. That Greenland was warm in the past is just as irrelevant as all the other crap you people pull out of archaeologist's asses with your IDIOTIC claims that things can only happen the way they've happened before.
Well you can't cause it isn't true.

Again, what rise are you referring to?
JC, you're already playing with one of the largest handicaps on the board. Trying to appear worse does you no good.
Greenland is melting

You are just completely full of @@@@.

Every year, Greenland's ice thickens. Every year since at least 400k years ago...

the ice then pushes out over water and breaks off in the form of icebergs, which oh by the way are

JC, you're already playing with one of the largest handicaps on the board. Trying to appear worse does you no good.
crickets I see.

BTW, you are correct, the handicap I have is having to deal with you with no data. You never supply data for your accusations or mumbo jumbo.

I asked you for where sea level has risen and still i get crickets.

I also asked where you thought Greenland was melting and I got crickets. You out for insects lately?

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