NASCAR admits the obvious and does something about it

NASCAR has gotten so PC that

they no longer provide attendance figures for the races, making it difficult to document their decline...
If we pumped their exhaust gas into someone's house, they would die. That is proven. But this has no bearing on the thread topic.

I could care less what NASCAR is doing for PR. I'd be more impressed if they were starting an electric league. Maybe they are - I don't pay them the slightest attention.
If we pumped their exhaust gas into someone's house, they would die. That is proven. But this has no bearing on the thread topic.

I could care less what NASCAR is doing for PR. I'd be more impressed if they were starting an electric league. Maybe they are - I don't pay them the slightest attention.

Yes, that's true. The CO would kill them though. CO2 would not be present in enough concentration to kill anyone till long after they were dead from the CO.
NASCAR has gotten so PC that

they no longer provide attendance figures for the races, making it difficult to document their decline...
Decline? Where you get that?

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
Yes, that's true. The CO would kill them though. CO2 would not be present in enough concentration to kill anyone till long after they were dead from the CO.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
estimates of average passenger car emissions in the United States for July 2000

Component Emission Rate Annual pollution emitted
Hydrocarbons 2.80 grams/mile (1.75 g/Km) 77.1 pounds (35.0 kg)
Carbon monoxide 0.74 oz/mile (13.06 g/Km) 575 pounds (261 kg)
NOx 1.39 grams/mile (0.87 g/Km) 38.2 pounds (17.3 kg)
Carbon dioxide 14.7 oz/mile (258 g/km) 11,450 pounds (5,190 kg)

Roughly twice as much CO2 as CO is produced.

Minimum CO level capable of causing mortality is 0.16%

Minimum CO2 level capable of causing mortality is 9.8%

So, you are correct. The CO would get you first.
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THEY realize that we only have one planet.


Since its inception in 2008, NASCAR Green has become one of the most innovative and holistic environmental awareness platforms in the country. NASCAR and the industry have been on a joint mission to reduce the sport’s environmental footprint by championing sustainable behavior to millions of fans. NASCAR has the three largest sustainability programs in sports: renewable energy, recycling, clean air:

THEY realize that we only have one planet.


Since its inception in 2008, NASCAR Green has become one of the most innovative and holistic environmental awareness platforms in the country. NASCAR and the industry have been on a joint mission to reduce the sport’s environmental footprint by championing sustainable behavior to millions of fans. NASCAR has the three largest sustainability programs in sports: renewable energy, recycling, clean air:

Of Course man.. The only thing to be learned from this news is how easy it is to be given a blessing from the enviro nimrods. All you have to do is to take the pledge and play along. Does this sound a little like accepting religious salvation?

And I mean no offense with that last comment. But Dang its obvious it really doesnt take much ..... Does it Dot?

And lookey here, the progressive falls for it again! Form over substance. This is called propaganda to keep dimwits like you off their backs. F1 does it too.

And lookey here, the progressive falls for it again! Form over substance. This is called propaganda to keep dimwits like you off their backs. F1 does it too.
NASCAR has gotten so PC that

they no longer provide attendance figures for the races, making it difficult to document their decline...
Decline? Where you get that?

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

Trust me on this Dottie. The NASCAR DEMOGRAPHIC has been decimated in this economy. The stands are empty. They are living off TV and merchandising. Used to be the backstretch stands would be full. Now they dont even sell tickets for some sections at the tracks. I finally managed to get tickets for Bristol after 10 years in Tenn. Because THOSE were handed down in families and valued like grandmas piano.
I don't "trust" anyone on debating msg boards. You make an assertion, the onus is on you to prove it w/ not too far out there sourcing.
no link to prove theres no impact from their Green initiative? Come on deniers. Thats debating 101. Pretty sad display :(


Nobody said there was or will be an Iimpact from this nonsense. Unless you count chuckling or uncontrolled laughter and few tobacco spits..
I don't "trust" anyone on debating msg boards. You make an assertion, the onus is on you to prove it w/ not too far out there sourcing.

If you actually FOLLOWED NAscar rather than use it for a political trophy, you would know that. I cant be responsible for your lack of knowledge about every topic that that u choose... What am I? Your personal search engine? Work a bit...
Yes, that's true. The CO would kill them though. CO2 would not be present in enough concentration to kill anyone till long after they were dead from the CO.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
estimates of average passenger car emissions in the United States for July 2000

Component Emission Rate Annual pollution emitted
Hydrocarbons 2.80 grams/mile (1.75 g/Km) 77.1 pounds (35.0 kg)
Carbon monoxide 0.74 oz/mile (13.06 g/Km) 575 pounds (261 kg)
NOx 1.39 grams/mile (0.87 g/Km) 38.2 pounds (17.3 kg)
Carbon dioxide 14.7 oz/mile (258 g/km) 11,450 pounds (5,190 kg)

Roughly twice as much CO2 as CO is produced.

Minimum CO level capable of causing mortality is 0.16%

Minimum CO2 level capable of causing mortality is 9.8%

So, you are correct. The CO would get you first.

Of course I am. I know how to do math and I have waaaay more than a passing knowledge of chemistry.
If we pumped their exhaust gas into someone's house, they would die. That is proven. But this has no bearing on the thread topic.

I could care less what NASCAR is doing for PR. I'd be more impressed if they were starting an electric league. Maybe they are - I don't pay them the slightest attention.
they are not, but I think it is pennske that has a car in the New electric series or what ever they call it, only seen a little bit about it, like F1 but with electric motors.
It could be very interesting. It will lack the adrenalin-inducing noise, but an electric motor's torque curve (more of a straight line, actually) could make for some very impressive driving.
Do you think this green PR stuff NASCAR has undertaken is an attempt to bring the crowds back?
Do you think this green PR stuff NASCAR has undertaken is an attempt to bring the crowds back?
No, they've gone out of their way to alienate their traditional base. This is part of their continued effort to be mainstream.
They are embarrassed about where they come from and want to be thought of in the same terms as formula one, the champagne swilling jet set.
NASCAR could only proved itself green if eliminated all fossil-fueled racing and, indeed, anything using electricity. Instead, wind-up mechanisms ONLY. Wound by people (preferably liberals if you could get some to work). No animals to be forced to slave for human amusement.

Get with the program, NASCAR, or have it either legislated upon you or diktated by Our Kenyan Emperor!
link? k thanks

Lazy libs!

Always whining after somebody to do their work for them. No wonder they won't get behind wind-up cars.....unless government would provide them, the whiners. with winders!

You've outed yourself, Dottie!
I don't "trust" anyone on debating msg boards. You make an assertion, the onus is on you to prove it w/ not too far out there sourcing.

If you actually FOLLOWED NAscar rather than use it for a political trophy, you would know that. I cant be responsible for your lack of knowledge about every topic that that u choose... What am I? Your personal search engine? Work a bit...
so "anecdotal evidence" is your final answer?

NASCAR could only proved itself green if eliminated all fossil-fueled racing and, indeed, anything using electricity. Instead, wind-up mechanisms ONLY. Wound by people (preferably liberals if you could get some to work). No animals to be forced to slave for human amusement.

Get with the program, NASCAR, or have it either legislated upon you or diktated by Our Kenyan Emperor!
link? k thanks

Lazy libs!

Always whining after somebody to do their work for them. No wonder they won't get behind wind-up cars.....unless government would provide them, the whiners. with winders!

You've outed yourself, Dottie!
I asked you for a link to your "opinion" & you are calling me lazy? :eusa_eh: :rofl:

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