Nashville Dem Mayor proposes 32% property tax increase amid pandemic

Funny how democrats would tax the middle class to death. Why not find a way to tax the lucrative music industry and celebrities instead? Won't get invited to those lavish music industry parties?
Funny how democrats would tax the middle class to death. Why not find a way to tax the lucrative music industry and celebrities instead? Won't get invited to those lavish music industry parties?
They can house 5 families of trespassers in each foreclosed home.
Imagine how much that will raise the rent on apartments.

Welp...ya get whatchya vote for!
You feel it too eh? Yeah..there's a change a-coming--might be that paradigm shift demographics dictates/ I dunno....but i think republicans are going to be run out of a lot of towns in Nov....not going to be a good election for incumbents. The more youthful the electorate gets..the more Democratic it gets..simple fact.
Yeah, like in 2016. We see how the "youthful electorate" won the democrats the election then.

Oh, wait....never mind.
There is a difference from then to now....and there is a tipping point where the old guard falters..maybe this election...maybe the next..but it is coming. Not a partisan position..just observation.
Raising property taxes is easy when you don't care about the working man or the middle class. What happens in the end is rich people end up buying poor people out and push them into ghettos. And this is exactly how Democrats want it. Do their rich friends a favor while making the victims poor, pissed off and dependent on government. This is how Democrats enslave the poor. That makes them easier to control.

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