Nashville Manifesto finally released

Why are certain mentally ill people like degenerate trannies allowed to have guns in the first place? What good are even more unconstitutional infringements when nobody cares about the laws already on the books?
Spot on! Why even have murder laws? People still commit murder.
Because this person was insane. You literally don't give a damn about the kids do you. You just want to hate on the Trans because they make you feel weird.

Like when you have those dreams about sucking dick.
She was under psychiatric care at age 6 age f****** six one of your credentialed experts.

This is what dei gets ya
She was under psychiatric care at age 6 age f****** six one of your credentialed experts.

This is what dei gets ya
In Tennessee psychotropic drugs for ADHD require a psychiatrist and not an ordinary pediatrician MD.

The girl was made crazy by a pedophile regularly assaulting her and no charges made or even the pedophile even fired. Nope they kept sending the girl back to the school she was assaulted in and she kept getting assaulted by the pedophile. The girls parents did nothing either.

Finally the pedophile was suspended but not arrested when it became clear he had assaulted several other children too at the school.

But for years nothing was done....

TN is funny about medications. Diet medications are not allowed to be proscribed in the state.
Murder is no more Constitutional than red flag laws. Not sure if you are just a moron or woefully ignorant. Concentrate on getting degenerate psychos from murdering innocent people without infringing on our rights.
I am neither. I am mocking your idiotic notion that we shouldn't have laws, because peope will break them anyway.

Boy oh boy was that mind numbingly stupid.

Good luck.
Interesting that a lot of Muslims are brown — just the way the killer likes them — and Muslims hate homos way more than Christians do. In fact, Christians don’t hate homos. They just disagree with their behavior. Muslims actually kill homos in the name of allah.
Some democrat obviously brainwashed this psycho.
I am neither. I am mocking your idiotic notion that we shouldn't have laws, because peope will break them anyway.

Boy oh boy was that mind numbingly stupid.

Good luck.
Where did I say that? Those are your notions. The Constitution empowers the legislature to create laws. They are not empowered to infringe upon our rights, like those ridiculous red flag 'laws'.

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