Nasty Attacking Antifa Girl Who Got Punched In The Face By Heroic Pro-Trumper Seeks $80K On GoFundMe

This is why liberals need to drop the bullshit and arm themselves. Damigo could be 6 feet under right now.
Of course they do. The mistake is in thinking that ONLY liberals would be armed. This woman's friends would be picking up her brains with a blotter.

Both sides need to arm themselves to the hilt and take it to the streets and the college quad. Open it up. Liberals need to be crushed, absolutely and there is only one way to do that.
No, the mistake is in liberals arguing for gun control when there is a movement by a small minority in the country, the alt-right, that needs to be put down by whatever means necessary. The allies didn't go unarmed to fight the Nazi's in WW2, and niether should Americans against the alt-right.
Who else is afraid of the big bad alt-right? We know Old School here is.

" must be put down by any means necessary"

Why? I don't see them starting the problems, it's always antifa.
This is why liberals need to drop the bullshit and arm themselves. Damigo could be 6 feet under right now.
Of course they do. The mistake is in thinking that ONLY liberals would be armed. This woman's friends would be picking up her brains with a blotter.

Both sides need to arm themselves to the hilt and take it to the streets and the college quad. Open it up. Liberals need to be crushed, absolutely and there is only one way to do that.
No, the mistake is in liberals arguing for gun control when there is a movement by a small minority in the country, the alt-right, that needs to be put down by whatever means necessary. The allies didn't go unarmed to fight the Nazi's in WW2, and niether should Americans against the alt-right.

So you are supporting the gunning down of your fellow citizens?

How about you back that up, bitch?

I support the US and what it stands for. I believe it should be protected. If that involves putting down violent fascists like Damigo, I won't lose a second of sleep over it.
This is why liberals need to drop the bullshit and arm themselves. Damigo could be 6 feet under right now.
Of course they do. The mistake is in thinking that ONLY liberals would be armed. This woman's friends would be picking up her brains with a blotter.

Both sides need to arm themselves to the hilt and take it to the streets and the college quad. Open it up. Liberals need to be crushed, absolutely and there is only one way to do that.
No, the mistake is in liberals arguing for gun control when there is a movement by a small minority in the country, the alt-right, that needs to be put down by whatever means necessary. The allies didn't go unarmed to fight the Nazi's in WW2, and niether should Americans against the alt-right.
And the threat needs to be met by any means necessary or not. It is a war just as allies went to war against the Nazis. There is no reason why liberal college students could not be dragged from their beds and hanged from the lamp posts just as a lesson. It's a war. Recognize that it's a war.
This is why liberals need to drop the bullshit and arm themselves. Damigo could be 6 feet under right now.

Then said progressives would have been liable for murder, because they brought arms to a confrontation they initiated.
Nope. Self-defense. Regardless, the world would be a better place. No mercy for the alt-right.

Not even close. She entered the area assuming to take a non-lawful act,. i.e disrupt a lawful protest with violence. She entered a physical unarmed scrum willingly. If she had a firearm and used it, I doubt she would get self defense.

Now if she left the altercation and then the dude came up to her again and attacked her, then she would have a self defense case.

And I assume you will be on the front lines next time, right Mr. Keyboard Commando?
I could just imagine Old Fool trying to be a tough guy IRL....taking off his shirt to reveal his chicken wings and his saggy, weed-induced manboobs and throwing up his dukes...only to get punched and turned to dust. I bet he would cry while shooting at you. Lol

100% Keyboard Commando.

as well as a punk ass bitch poseur.
^ ironic
This is why liberals need to drop the bullshit and arm themselves. Damigo could be 6 feet under right now.
Of course they do. The mistake is in thinking that ONLY liberals would be armed. This woman's friends would be picking up her brains with a blotter.

Both sides need to arm themselves to the hilt and take it to the streets and the college quad. Open it up. Liberals need to be crushed, absolutely and there is only one way to do that.
No, the mistake is in liberals arguing for gun control when there is a movement by a small minority in the country, the alt-right, that needs to be put down by whatever means necessary. The allies didn't go unarmed to fight the Nazi's in WW2, and neither should Americans against the alt-right.

So, you advocate murder to prevent the free expression of ideas. Is that correct? You are against the First Amendment so much that you are willing to engage in murder? Good to know who the real fascist is here....and it ain't the Alt-Right.
This is why liberals need to drop the bullshit and arm themselves. Damigo could be 6 feet under right now.
Of course they do. The mistake is in thinking that ONLY liberals would be armed. This woman's friends would be picking up her brains with a blotter.

Both sides need to arm themselves to the hilt and take it to the streets and the college quad. Open it up. Liberals need to be crushed, absolutely and there is only one way to do that.
No, the mistake is in liberals arguing for gun control when there is a movement by a small minority in the country, the alt-right, that needs to be put down by whatever means necessary. The allies didn't go unarmed to fight the Nazi's in WW2, and niether should Americans against the alt-right.
And the threat needs to be met by any means necessary or not. It is a war just as allies went to war against the Nazis. There is no reason why liberal college students could not be dragged from their beds and hanged from the lamp posts just as a lesson. It's a war. Recognize that it's a war.

^ More evidence supporting what I'm saying
This is why liberals need to drop the bullshit and arm themselves. Damigo could be 6 feet under right now.

Then said progressives would have been liable for murder, because they brought arms to a confrontation they initiated.
Nope. Self-defense. Regardless, the world would be a better place. No mercy for the alt-right.

Not even close. She entered the area assuming to take a non-lawful act,. i.e disrupt a lawful protest with violence. She entered a physical unarmed scrum willingly. If she had a firearm and used it, I doubt she would get self defense.

Now if she left the altercation and then the dude came up to her again and attacked her, then she would have a self defense case.

And I assume you will be on the front lines next time, right Mr. Keyboard Commando?
If I see an alt-right cultist go after a little girl at a protest that I'm attending, they're going down. The best thing Damigo can do for this country is serve as fertilizer.

She wasn't a "little girl". She was a willing participant who telegraphed her intentions to get some "Nazi scalps"

Unlike you I don't infantilize women, an ironic trait among a so called progressive,.
Ladies and gentlemen, meet the new American hero taking America by storm. His patriotic action at Berkeley has sent shockwaves within the Communist community known as Antifa. His name is Nathan Damigo and he has Antifa 'Triggered', especially Louise Rosealma, a viscous female fascist who purposely went on a mission to interrupt and attack peaceful pro-Trump supporters. What she wasn't planning on is the results of attempting to engage in civilian combat against a United States patriotic individual named Nathan Damigo. For the rest of the story , read below!

GoFundMe: Antifa Girl Louise Rosealma Needs $80,000 Because She Got Punched in the Face!
Brave guy, sucker punching someone smaller than himself. Very brave.

You should go to the next beserkly protest so he can punch someone who weighs 250.
Aren't you clever. You were there, right? Not living vicariously thru any brave white supremists?

I'm not flying halfway across the country to bitch slap a bunch of antifa pussies.
If they decide to try that shit in my neck of the woods ....
I was involved in the brawl in Huntington was pretty fun to sock up commie subhumans. Didn't hit any women....I don't even recall there being any female antifa there. Then again they were all masked up like cowards as usual.
Sure you were. Cool story, bro.
I was. You can even see me in some of the video from the rally. Im the buff hispanic guy with the fade haircut that body slammed that filthy subhuman to the ground and beat his face in. People had to pull me off his bitch ass. Lol
Then said progressives would have been liable for murder, because they brought arms to a confrontation they initiated.
Nope. Self-defense. Regardless, the world would be a better place. No mercy for the alt-right.

Not even close. She entered the area assuming to take a non-lawful act,. i.e disrupt a lawful protest with violence. She entered a physical unarmed scrum willingly. If she had a firearm and used it, I doubt she would get self defense.

Now if she left the altercation and then the dude came up to her again and attacked her, then she would have a self defense case.

And I assume you will be on the front lines next time, right Mr. Keyboard Commando?
I could just imagine Old Fool trying to be a tough guy IRL....taking off his shirt to reveal his chicken wings and his saggy, weed-induced manboobs and throwing up his dukes...only to get punched and turned to dust. I bet he would cry while shooting at you. Lol

100% Keyboard Commando.

as well as a punk ass bitch poseur.
^ ironic

I'm not the one advocating murder on a website. I'm just commenting that the anti-fa idiots got what they deserve.

Ohhhh... Oldschool is a punk ass bitch, doo-dah, doo-dah
Old School is a punk ass bitch, oh de doo-dah day.
This is why liberals need to drop the bullshit and arm themselves. Damigo could be 6 feet under right now.

Then said progressives would have been liable for murder, because they brought arms to a confrontation they initiated.
Nope. Self-defense. Regardless, the world would be a better place. No mercy for the alt-right.

Not even close. She entered the area assuming to take a non-lawful act,. i.e disrupt a lawful protest with violence. She entered a physical unarmed scrum willingly. If she had a firearm and used it, I doubt she would get self defense.

Now if she left the altercation and then the dude came up to her again and attacked her, then she would have a self defense case.

And I assume you will be on the front lines next time, right Mr. Keyboard Commando?
If I see an alt-right cultist go after a little girl at a protest that I'm attending, they're going down. The best thing Damigo can do for this country is serve as fertilizer.

She wasn't a "little girl". She was a willing participant who telegraphed her intentions to get some "Nazi scalps"

Unlike you I don't infantilize women, an ironic trait among a so called progressive,.

You forget, progressives ARE infantile. It's all about them, and their feelings. It's never OK to have your own feelings, and thoughts if they are counter to theirs.
Ladies and gentlemen, meet the new American hero taking America by storm. His patriotic action at Berkeley has sent shockwaves within the Communist community known as Antifa. His name is Nathan Damigo and he has Antifa 'Triggered', especially Louise Rosealma, a viscous female fascist who purposely went on a mission to interrupt and attack peaceful pro-Trump supporters. What she wasn't planning on is the results of attempting to engage in civilian combat against a United States patriotic individual named Nathan Damigo. For the rest of the story , read below!

GoFundMe: Antifa Girl Louise Rosealma Needs $80,000 Because She Got Punched in the Face!
Brave guy, sucker punching someone smaller than himself. Very brave.

You should go to the next beserkly protest so he can punch someone who weighs 250.
Aren't you clever. You were there, right? Not living vicariously thru any brave white supremists?

I'm not flying halfway across the country to bitch slap a bunch of antifa pussies.
If they decide to try that shit in my neck of the woods ....
Of course you aren't...that would be scary.

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