Nate Silver: Despite Massively Outspending Trump, Hillary's Odds Of Victory Has Collapsed

The latest Wall St Journal poll has Clinton ahead by 7.

The polls are everywhere. I saw two polls yesterday, one with Hillary up by 5 and then one with Trump up by 5.

there is some range to the polls....but this hasn't changed in outcome if not in extent...

and after hitting rockbottom the other day, hillary seems to be creeping back up since the bomb went off here the other day...

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
Polls show Hillary ahead by maybe one percent

Her odds of winning should be in the 52-48 range
But oddsmakers have her in the 69-31 range

It is not fixed, it is not skewed, but reflects the natural advantage Hillary has in electoral votes from blue states
S.J., you cannot tell the truth if you life depended on it it.

This is now. Today.

Her favorability ratings have increased to 7.0 but her odds have dropped 1 pt to 68 to 32. She is holding steady with the electoral and no toss up state maps, and the two-way and four-way spreads see her on the upswing.

She is holding steady in VA, WI, CO NH PA MI, and while Trump is rising in NC, OH, NV but is within the MOE.

Trump owns MO.

Election 2016 Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Poll Average 45.4 43.5 Clinton +1.9

4-Way RCP Average 41.1 39.6 Clinton +1.5

Favorability Ratings -13.4 -20.4 Clinton +7.0
Betting Odds 68.0 32.0
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 200 164 Clinton +36
No Toss Up States 301 237
Clinton Trump Spread
Virginia 44.3 40.8 Clinton +3.5
North Carolina 43.0 44.8 Trump +1.8

Florida 45.0 45.0 Tie
Ohio 43.2 45.0 Trump +1.8

Wisconsin 43.5 40.0 Clinton +3.5
Nevada 42.0 44.0 Trump +2.0

Colorado 42.7 39.0 Clinton +3.7
Georgia 41.5 45.5 Trump +4.0
New Hampshire 43.7 38.7 Clinton +5.0
Pennsylvania 46.8 40.2 Clinton +6.6
Michigan 44.5 39.3 Clinton +5.2
Iowa 38.7 43.0 Trump +4.3
Missouri 38.3 46.0 Trump +7.7
Arizona 40.0 41.6 Trump +1.6
The numbers you posted are different than the links. You're lying again.

Mr. Starkey is just SO damned cute when he spits and screams because people see through his bullshit. His "safe place" is where he ends up retreating the "So and So doesn't understand" place. That's always his fall back position.
Hell I'm going to watch the debate Monday just to see how she seizes up and faints.
S.J., you cannot tell the truth if you life depended on it it.

This is now. Today.

Her favorability ratings have increased to 7.0 but her odds have dropped 1 pt to 68 to 32. She is holding steady with the electoral and no toss up state maps, and the two-way and four-way spreads see her on the upswing.

She is holding steady in VA, WI, CO NH PA MI, and while Trump is rising in NC, OH, NV but is within the MOE.

Trump owns MO.

Election 2016 Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Poll Average 45.4 43.5 Clinton +1.9

4-Way RCP Average 41.1 39.6 Clinton +1.5

Favorability Ratings -13.4 -20.4 Clinton +7.0
Betting Odds 68.0 32.0
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 200 164 Clinton +36
No Toss Up States 301 237
Clinton Trump Spread
Virginia 44.3 40.8 Clinton +3.5
North Carolina 43.0 44.8 Trump +1.8

Florida 45.0 45.0 Tie
Ohio 43.2 45.0 Trump +1.8

Wisconsin 43.5 40.0 Clinton +3.5
Nevada 42.0 44.0 Trump +2.0

Colorado 42.7 39.0 Clinton +3.7
Georgia 41.5 45.5 Trump +4.0
New Hampshire 43.7 38.7 Clinton +5.0
Pennsylvania 46.8 40.2 Clinton +6.6
Michigan 44.5 39.3 Clinton +5.2
Iowa 38.7 43.0 Trump +4.3
Missouri 38.3 46.0 Trump +7.7
Arizona 40.0 41.6 Trump +1.6
The numbers you posted are different than the links. You're lying again.

Mr. Starkey is just SO damned cute when he spits and screams because people see through his bullshit. His "safe place" is where he ends up retreating the "So and So doesn't understand" place. That's always his fall back position.
Grizz is correct that you guys can't read and understand numbers. It's the truth.
S.J., you cannot tell the truth if you life depended on it it.

This is now. Today.

Her favorability ratings have increased to 7.0 but her odds have dropped 1 pt to 68 to 32. She is holding steady with the electoral and no toss up state maps, and the two-way and four-way spreads see her on the upswing.

She is holding steady in VA, WI, CO NH PA MI, and while Trump is rising in NC, OH, NV but is within the MOE.

Trump owns MO.

Election 2016 Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Poll Average 45.4 43.5 Clinton +1.9

4-Way RCP Average 41.1 39.6 Clinton +1.5

Favorability Ratings -13.4 -20.4 Clinton +7.0
Betting Odds 68.0 32.0
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 200 164 Clinton +36
No Toss Up States 301 237
Clinton Trump Spread
Virginia 44.3 40.8 Clinton +3.5
North Carolina 43.0 44.8 Trump +1.8

Florida 45.0 45.0 Tie
Ohio 43.2 45.0 Trump +1.8

Wisconsin 43.5 40.0 Clinton +3.5
Nevada 42.0 44.0 Trump +2.0

Colorado 42.7 39.0 Clinton +3.7
Georgia 41.5 45.5 Trump +4.0
New Hampshire 43.7 38.7 Clinton +5.0
Pennsylvania 46.8 40.2 Clinton +6.6
Michigan 44.5 39.3 Clinton +5.2
Iowa 38.7 43.0 Trump +4.3
Missouri 38.3 46.0 Trump +7.7
Arizona 40.0 41.6 Trump +1.6
The numbers you posted are different than the links. You're lying again.

Mr. Starkey is just SO damned cute when he spits and screams because people see through his bullshit. His "safe place" is where he ends up retreating the "So and So doesn't understand" place. That's always his fall back position.
Grizz is correct that you guys can't read and understand numbers. It's the truth.

Grizz is correct in his assessment of your limitations.
Hell I'm going to watch the debate Monday just to see how she seizes up and faints.
Why? You've already made up you mind she lost the debate before it even started. LOL.

Hillary's faults will be on full display. She is already whining about being shorter than Trump. When she starts coughing they won't wait on her and she won't be able to hide.
Polls show Hillary ahead by maybe one percent

Her odds of winning should be in the 52-48 range
But oddsmakers have her in the 69-31 range

It is not fixed, it is not skewed, but reflects the natural advantage Hillary has in electoral votes from blue states
good thing brexit lost, or I'd call you and your odd foolish....:lol:
Despite Massively Outspending Trump, Hillary's Odds Of Victory Has Collapsed
How is it possible that Hillary is outspending trump? I thought he was a multi-billionaire who was going to self-fund his own campaign?

Typical democrat...wants to spend money unnecessarily.
So will Trump, bubby.

Pulling shit out of your ass again FakeMalarky?
Super military? Massive deportation nonsense? A wall? Your impending psychiatric care?

I am not an adorable deplorable Texan, HWGA: I will make you look silly every time you act the ass.
Despite Massively Outspending Trump, Hillary's Odds Of Victory Has Collapsed
How is it possible that Hillary is outspending trump? I thought he was a multi-billionaire who was going to self-fund his own campaign?

Typical democrat...wants to spend money unnecessarily.
So will Trump, bubby.

Pulling shit out of your ass again FakeMalarky?
Super military? Massive deportation nonsense? A wall? Your impending psychiatric care?

I am not an adorable deplorable Texan, HWGA: I will make you look silly every time you act the ass.

You make fool out of yourself every time you post.
All you did was slap up a few talking points and declared victory.

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