Nate Silver: Despite Massively Outspending Trump, Hillary's Odds Of Victory Has Collapsed

S.J., you cannot tell the truth if you life depended on it it.

This is now. Today.

Her favorability ratings have increased to 7.0 but her odds have dropped 1 pt to 68 to 32. She is holding steady with the electoral and no toss up state maps, and the two-way and four-way spreads see her on the upswing.

She is holding steady in VA, WI, CO NH PA MI, and while Trump is rising in NC, OH, NV but is within the MOE.

Trump owns MO.

Election 2016 Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Poll Average 45.4 43.5 Clinton +1.9
This is up.
4-Way RCP Average 41.1 39.6 Clinton +1.5
This is up.
Favorability Ratings -13.4 -20.4 Clinton +7.0 This is up.

Betting Odds 68.0 32.0
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 200 164 Clinton +36
No Toss Up States 301 237
Clinton Trump Spread
Virginia 44.3 40.8 Clinton +3.5
North Carolina 43.0 44.8 Trump +1.8

Florida 45.0 45.0 Tie
Ohio 43.2 45.0 Trump +1.8

Wisconsin 43.5 40.0 Clinton +3.5
Nevada 42.0 44.0 Trump +2.0

Colorado 42.7 39.0 Clinton +3.7
Georgia 41.5 45.5 Trump +4.0
New Hampshire 43.7 38.7 Clinton +5.0
Pennsylvania 46.8 40.2 Clinton +6.6
Michigan 44.5 39.3 Clinton +5.2
Iowa 38.7 43.0 Trump +4.3
Missouri 38.3 46.0 Trump +7.7
Arizona 40.0 41.6 Trump +1.6
The numbers you posted are different than the links. You're lying again.
My links are exact. You are lying then, S.J. The fact is that Trump's denial of birferism and refusal to say "why" has cost him at both ends of the spectrum.
Then click on them, the numbers are not the same. This is the latest poll from the same source you cited, liar.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls
You idiot, my numbers are direct cut and paste from today's page.

Your post tells me that you don't understand what is RCP. :rolleyes:
Anyone who clicks on them can clearly see you are lying. End of argument.
S.J., you cannot tell the truth if you life depended on it it.

This is now. Today.

Her favorability ratings have increased to 7.0 but her odds have dropped 1 pt to 68 to 32. She is holding steady with the electoral and no toss up state maps, and the two-way and four-way spreads see her on the upswing.

She is holding steady in VA, WI, CO NH PA MI, and while Trump is rising in NC, OH, NV but is within the MOE.

Trump owns MO.

Election 2016 Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Poll Average 45.4 43.5 Clinton +1.9
This is up.
4-Way RCP Average 41.1 39.6 Clinton +1.5
This is up.
Favorability Ratings -13.4 -20.4 Clinton +7.0 This is up.

Betting Odds 68.0 32.0
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 200 164 Clinton +36
No Toss Up States 301 237
Clinton Trump Spread
Virginia 44.3 40.8 Clinton +3.5
North Carolina 43.0 44.8 Trump +1.8

Florida 45.0 45.0 Tie
Ohio 43.2 45.0 Trump +1.8

Wisconsin 43.5 40.0 Clinton +3.5
Nevada 42.0 44.0 Trump +2.0

Colorado 42.7 39.0 Clinton +3.7
Georgia 41.5 45.5 Trump +4.0
New Hampshire 43.7 38.7 Clinton +5.0
Pennsylvania 46.8 40.2 Clinton +6.6
Michigan 44.5 39.3 Clinton +5.2
Iowa 38.7 43.0 Trump +4.3
Missouri 38.3 46.0 Trump +7.7
Arizona 40.0 41.6 Trump +1.6
The numbers you posted are different than the links. You're lying again.
My links are exact. You are lying then, S.J. The fact is that Trump's denial of birferism and refusal to say "why" has cost him at both ends of the spectrum.
Then click on them, the numbers are not the same. This is the latest poll from the same source you cited, liar.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls
You idiot, my numbers are direct cut and paste from today's page.

Your post tells me that you don't understand what is RCP. :rolleyes:
Anyone who clicks on them can clearly see you are lying. End of argument.
So you are saying if you go to the page, they are not the same. :lol: You dope. Weep over it. She has stalled him and has rebounded a bit.

The debates now become important.
69 to 31 for HRC at RCP.

Odds have dropped from a high of 81-19 but show Trump has a long way to go. Odds should be around 55-45 for Trump to have a chance
I agree with that. Taking VA PA MI WI MN CO seals the deal for her.

rw, have you seen S.J.'s confusion with RCP above. He does not understand the difference of this mornings numbers on the site and the link from those numbers to the polls. He does not understand.
Trump's clearly panicking the NWO Globalist assholes. They've thrown everything at him, and he's still standing. Personally, I truly believe the American People will not reward the Clinton crime family with the Presidency. I still have some faith in folks.
She is still far ahead in the polls and has a virtual lock on the electoral college.
69 to 31 for HRC at RCP.

Odds have dropped from a high of 81-19 but show Trump has a long way to go. Odds should be around 55-45 for Trump to have a chance
I agree with that. Taking VA PA MI WI MN CO seals the deal for her.

rw, have you seen S.J.'s confusion with RCP above. He does not understand the difference of this mornings numbers on the site and the link from those numbers to the polls. He does not understand.

Current polls are a lot closer than the odds of winning the election

Even though the polls show a 51-49 Hillary lead, the odds are still 69-31 for Hillary (over 2:1)

This reflects the Blue States and the overwhelming EV advantage that Hillary has.
Jake doesn't want to look at the current polls. He wants to average in polls from a month ago (look at his links) when Hillary was 10 points ahead. He is full of shit.

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