Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

Calling your nonsense out.

You are acting like a punk telling a cop what you are doing is legal when he is telling you to stop it.

Just like the punk who pulled a gun on the cop, the South pulled a gun on the Union and died for it.

Just so.

Show us where it had the right. You can't.

Show where SC had the right to secede in federal law.

Show me where it didn't.

Federal law does not trump the self-determination of a State.

Even today.
The FACT remains that SC LEGALLY seceded from the Union in January 1861. At that moment Fort Sumter became the property of the State, REGARDLESS of who paid for it.

There was a reason there were no trials after the War, the SCOTUS would have ruled the secession Constitutional and the actions of the North UNconstitutional.

Or that people were just trying to put the war behind them...
Given that 26% of Alabama's population is "black" with ancestors who were slaves during the Civil War, where do they fit into your beloved Southern heritage that includes a monument to Nathan Bedford Forrest?

what about the white population in the south, do you hear them bitching about the statues of Frederick Douglass or George Washington Carver?

Was Frederick Douglass or George Washington Carver a terrorist who killed American citizens?
No, and neither was a uniformed soldier commanding uniformed troops of a sovereign nation, who directed his attacks at the uniformed soldiers of the other belligerent nation in the conflict, rather than at civilians (which is more than can be said for war criminals like Sherman, Turchin, McNeil, Lane, Sheridan and others who engaged in the willful, deliberate, murder by execution of unarmed civilian non-combatants, to include women and men not of military age). It's all there in the Official Records, over and over; you murdering Yankees were actually PROUD of your war crimes! As for as I'm concerned, your goddamn Bluebellies were the original NAZIS! You Yankees remain a nation of liars, oppressors, occupiers and war criminals, and if you are Yankee trash living in Virginia, then you pollute the air of the South by breathing it, and dirty Southern soil be treading upon it. Go back to where you came from, Carpetbagger! (It is not our fault that you marginally civilized debris can't learn not to shit where you sleep, so go back to that filthy, decaying Rustbelt you and your kind built, and stay there, because we do not want or need you down here!) I've got more common cause with, and affection and respect for, Black Southerners, than I do for ANY Yankee!
what about the white population in the south, do you hear them bitching about the statues of Frederick Douglass or George Washington Carver?

Was Frederick Douglass or George Washington Carver a terrorist who killed American citizens?
No, and neither was a uniformed soldier commanding uniformed troops of a sovereign nation, who directed his attacks at the uniformed soldiers of the other belligerent nation in the conflict, rather than at civilians (which is more than can be said for war criminals like Sherman, Turchin, McNeil, Lane, Sheridan and others who engaged in the willful, deliberate, murder by execution of unarmed civilian non-combatants, to include women and men not of military age). It's all there in the Official Records, over and over; you murdering Yankees were actually PROUD of your war crimes! As for as I'm concerned, your goddamn Bluebellies were the original NAZIS! You Yankees remain a nation of liars, oppressors, occupiers and war criminals, and if you are Yankee trash living in Virginia, then you pollute the air of the South by breathing it, and dirty Southern soil be treading upon it. Go back to where you came from, Carpetbagger! (It is not our fault that you marginally civilized debris can't learn not to shit where you sleep, so go back to that filthy, decaying Rustbelt you and your kind built, and stay there, because we do not want or need you down here!) I've got more common cause with, and affection and respect for, Black Southerners, than I do for ANY Yankee!

Seriously, guy, you need help.
what about the white population in the south, do you hear them bitching about the statues of Frederick Douglass or George Washington Carver?

Was Frederick Douglass or George Washington Carver a terrorist who killed American citizens?
No, and neither was a uniformed soldier commanding uniformed troops of a sovereign nation, who directed his attacks at the uniformed soldiers of the other belligerent nation in the conflict, rather than at civilians (which is more than can be said for war criminals like Sherman, Turchin, McNeil, Lane, Sheridan and others who engaged in the willful, deliberate, murder by execution of unarmed civilian non-combatants, to include women and men not of military age). It's all there in the Official Records, over and over; you murdering Yankees were actually PROUD of your war crimes! As for as I'm concerned, your goddamn Bluebellies were the original NAZIS! You Yankees remain a nation of liars, oppressors, occupiers and war criminals, and if you are Yankee trash living in Virginia, then you pollute the air of the South by breathing it, and dirty Southern soil be treading upon it. Go back to where you came from, Carpetbagger! (It is not our fault that you marginally civilized debris can't learn not to shit where you sleep, so go back to that filthy, decaying Rustbelt you and your kind built, and stay there, because we do not want or need you down here!) I've got more common cause with, and affection and respect for, Black Southerners, than I do for ANY Yankee!

take it easy there Gad,

there are some copperheads around here ya know :D
what about the white population in the south, do you hear them bitching about the statues of Frederick Douglass or George Washington Carver?

Was Frederick Douglass or George Washington Carver a terrorist who killed American citizens?
No, and neither was a uniformed soldier commanding uniformed troops of a sovereign nation, who directed his attacks at the uniformed soldiers of the other belligerent nation in the conflict, rather than at civilians (which is more than can be said for war criminals like Sherman, Turchin, McNeil, Lane, Sheridan and others who engaged in the willful, deliberate, murder by execution of unarmed civilian non-combatants, to include women and men not of military age). It's all there in the Official Records, over and over; you murdering Yankees were actually PROUD of your war crimes! As for as I'm concerned, your goddamn Bluebellies were the original NAZIS! You Yankees remain a nation of liars, oppressors, occupiers and war criminals, and if you are Yankee trash living in Virginia, then you pollute the air of the South by breathing it, and dirty Southern soil be treading upon it. Go back to where you came from, Carpetbagger! (It is not our fault that you marginally civilized debris can't learn not to shit where you sleep, so go back to that filthy, decaying Rustbelt you and your kind built, and stay there, because we do not want or need you down here!) I've got more common cause with, and affection and respect for, Black Southerners, than I do for ANY Yankee!

So, the murder of black troops after they surrendered at Ft. Pillow to Forrest falls where in all this?
Joe, if you have a history degree, please tell us what the "Official Records-War of the Rebellion" is/are, and what its significance to historians is. Don't google it, just tell us; if you REALLY have a history degree, you should know the correct answer.


Note the ignoramus who claims he has "a degree in history" did not answer. That's because he can't, not without looking it up. Hell, Joe, you don't even know your own history, much less that of the South, which is why all you can do is parrot propaganda,and urge that schoolchildren ought to be taught to do the same. Well, I don't suppose any more can be expected from people who think it's fine to indoctrinate first graders into singing hymns of praise to Dear Leader Obama and his cult of personality.
Joe, if you have a history degree, please tell us what the "Official Records-War of the Rebellion" is/are, and what its significance to historians is. Don't google it, just tell us; if you REALLY have a history degree, you should know the correct answer.


Note the ignoramus who claims he has "a degree in history" did not answer. That's because he can't, not without looking it up. Hell, Joe, you don't even know your own history, much less that of the South, which is why all you can do is parrot propaganda,and urge that schoolchildren ought to be taught to do the same. Well, I don't suppose any more can be expected from people who think it's fine to indoctrinate first graders into singing hymns of praise to Dear Leader Obama and his cult of personality.

Why would I bother doing that.

Everyone knows the Civil war was about slavery and only slavery. Sorry. I mean, you can list all the other tired apologist reasons they gave at the time and Southerners have tried to trumpet to make their ancestors look less like racist assholes...

But really, a bunch of dumb poor white trash went off and died by the thousands so a few rich assholes could continue to own slaves...

Ah, for the happy day when the Rich fight their own damned wars.
Calling your nonsense out.

You are acting like a punk telling a cop what you are doing is legal when he is telling you to stop it.

Just like the punk who pulled a gun on the cop, the South pulled a gun on the Union and died for it.

Just so.

Show us where it had the right. You can't.

Show where SC had the right to secede in federal law.

Show me where it didn't.

Federal law does not trump the self-determination of a State.

Even today.

Your sort of "patriotism", Jake, really IS "the last refuge of a scoundrel".
Show where SC had the right to secede in federal law.

In essence, South Carolina preferred to fire on the US Flag in order to maintain it's right to treat humans as property


Of course that right was the legal, Constitutional and Supreme Court upheld engine of your agrarian economy and chattel slavery wasn't banned Federally until about 3 years into the war.

Is there an act or right you support that a government authority, some time, some place may find repugnant and take action without due process of law, certainly when your State approves it ?

If they were sovereign states at the time of the writing of the Constitution they remain sovereign states under the 10th Amendment.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

Show me where the Constitution says the states DON'T have that right.
I'm guessing you are a prime example of the hot-headed impulsive morons that started a war they couldn't finish in the first place.

That's a terrible way to refer to the Lincoln Administration.

Well, actually, it's not. Bloody Abe (he was anything but "honest") did all he could to provoke the fighting, including deliberately attempting to provoke the South Carolinians to fire on Ft. Sumter, a move he openly admitted to planning and calculating to give the Union a fig leaf of cover for naked aggression! Good God, I can't believe everyone here doesn't know that! Bod, Jake, and the rest of the South-haters here must have slept through what little education in history they were supposed to get in high school.

Poor poor victim South Carolina. Being FORCED to fire on a Federal Installation out on an island, not doing anything to them.

Poor, poor victim South Carolina.

The Lost Cause brainwashing is really funny to watch.
Was Frederick Douglass or George Washington Carver a terrorist who killed American citizens?
No, and neither was a uniformed soldier commanding uniformed troops of a sovereign nation, who directed his attacks at the uniformed soldiers of the other belligerent nation in the conflict, rather than at civilians (which is more than can be said for war criminals like Sherman, Turchin, McNeil, Lane, Sheridan and others who engaged in the willful, deliberate, murder by execution of unarmed civilian non-combatants, to include women and men not of military age). It's all there in the Official Records, over and over; you murdering Yankees were actually PROUD of your war crimes! As for as I'm concerned, your goddamn Bluebellies were the original NAZIS! You Yankees remain a nation of liars, oppressors, occupiers and war criminals, and if you are Yankee trash living in Virginia, then you pollute the air of the South by breathing it, and dirty Southern soil be treading upon it. Go back to where you came from, Carpetbagger! (It is not our fault that you marginally civilized debris can't learn not to shit where you sleep, so go back to that filthy, decaying Rustbelt you and your kind built, and stay there, because we do not want or need you down here!) I've got more common cause with, and affection and respect for, Black Southerners, than I do for ANY Yankee!

So, the murder of black troops after they surrendered at Ft. Pillow to Forrest falls where in all this?
Didn't you hear? War is hell...the black soldiers shouldn't have been there in the first place so...the war crime was totally justified. The Southerners were PROVOKED into murder.
Joe, if you have a history degree, please tell us what the "Official Records-War of the Rebellion" is/are, and what its significance to historians is. Don't google it, just tell us; if you REALLY have a history degree, you should know the correct answer.


Note the ignoramus who claims he has "a degree in history" did not answer. That's because he can't, not without looking it up. Hell, Joe, you don't even know your own history, much less that of the South, which is why all you can do is parrot propaganda,and urge that schoolchildren ought to be taught to do the same. Well, I don't suppose any more can be expected from people who think it's fine to indoctrinate first graders into singing hymns of praise to Dear Leader Obama and his cult of personality.

Why would I bother doing that.

Everyone knows the Civil war was about slavery and only slavery. Sorry. I mean, you can list all the other tired apologist reasons they gave at the time and Southerners have tried to trumpet to make their ancestors look less like racist assholes...

But really, a bunch of dumb poor white trash went off and died by the thousands so a few rich assholes could continue to own slaves...

Ah, for the happy day when the Rich fight their own damned wars.

"Everybody knows...." is not a valid argument, no matter how much you hold your breath and hope. You basically just admitted that you're a LIAR, as well as a dupe. Someone with ACTUAL KNOWLEDGE, you know, like a degree in History, would have been more than eager to demonstrate their knowledge in the furtherance of their argument.

You, on the other hand, deflected and misdirected.

You lose...
Doesn't say so in the Constitution and the south lost by force of arms. Show me where the Constitutions states states can secede or leave the union.

Show where SC had the right to secede in federal law.

Of course that right was the legal, Constitutional and Supreme Court upheld engine of your agrarian economy and chattel slavery wasn't banned Federally until about 3 years into the war.

Is there an act or right you support that a government authority, some time, some place may find repugnant and take action without due process of law, certainly when your State approves it ?

If they were sovereign states at the time of the writing of the Constitution they remain sovereign states under the 10th Amendment.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

Show me where the Constitution says the states DON'T have that right.
Joe, if you have a history degree, please tell us what the "Official Records-War of the Rebellion" is/are, and what its significance to historians is. Don't google it, just tell us; if you REALLY have a history degree, you should know the correct answer.


Note the ignoramus who claims he has "a degree in history" did not answer. That's because he can't, not without looking it up. Hell, Joe, you don't even know your own history, much less that of the South, which is why all you can do is parrot propaganda,and urge that schoolchildren ought to be taught to do the same. Well, I don't suppose any more can be expected from people who think it's fine to indoctrinate first graders into singing hymns of praise to Dear Leader Obama and his cult of personality.

Why would I bother doing that.

Everyone knows the Civil war was about slavery and only slavery. Sorry. I mean, you can list all the other tired apologist reasons they gave at the time and Southerners have tried to trumpet to make their ancestors look less like racist assholes...

But really, a bunch of dumb poor white trash went off and died by the thousands so a few rich assholes could continue to own slaves...

Ah, for the happy day when the Rich fight their own damned wars.

Ah, I see, the "historian" is happy to tell us "all we need to know" about a war and a period of history he never studied. All you have to offer is regurgitated propaganda; no real history, nor even the background to know how to research it. Sorry, but "everybody knows" is NOT documented historical facts, just the hysterical rantings of another unschooled ignoramus masquerading as an intellectual. When I state facts, I give you the recognized sources from which they come. I debunked the Forrest myth a while back; information you and your cohorts here could have easily found and verified; obviously the lot of you would rather spout nonsense than bother to learn something, or even check the facts, but then, intellectual sloth is a well-known vice in Yankeedom. Ironic, considering it's your lot who like to portray Southerners as "lazy, stupid, and uneducated"; a little "denial and projection" in that stereotype, perhaps? An "historian" who doesn't know what the Official Records is; my God, that's just comical. Just another crass Yankee blowhard, who imagines he can carry his point if he shouts loud enough.:lol:
Doesn't say so in the Constitution and the south lost by force of arms. Show me where the Constitutions states states can secede or leave the union.

Show where SC had the right to secede in federal law.

If they were sovereign states at the time of the writing of the Constitution they remain sovereign states under the 10th Amendment.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

Show me where the Constitution says the states DON'T have that right.

Well, you see, Jake, some of the states specifically reserved to themselves the right of secession from the Union, in the state legislation by which they ratified the constitution, and in accepting those ratifications without amendment, the Federal government in effect consented to the conditions set forth therein; that basically is what accepting a contract with conditions implies; acceptance of those conditions. You do agree that the Constitution, and by extension the Union, is a contract between the federal government and the individual states, do you not?
Ah, I see, the "historian" is happy to tell us "all we need to know" about a war and a period of history he never studied. All you have to offer is regurgitated propaganda; no real history, nor even the background to know how to research it. Sorry, but "everybody knows" is NOT documented historical facts, just the hysterical rantings of another unschooled ignoramus masquerading as an intellectual. When I state facts, I give you the recognized sources from which they come. I debunked the Forrest myth a while back; information you and your cohorts here could have easily found and verified; obviously the lot of you would rather spout nonsense than bother to learn something, or even check the facts, but then, intellectual sloth is a well-known vice in Yankeedom. Ironic, considering it's your lot who like to portray Southerners as "lazy, stupid, and uneducated"; a little "denial and projection" in that stereotype, perhaps? An "historian" who doesn't know what the Official Records is; my God, that's just comical. Just another crass Yankee blowhard, who imagines he can carry his point if he shouts loud enough.:lol:

Yawn... are you still trying to rewrite history?

Your grandpa Buearegard was an asshole who deserved to lose. The only thing we did wrong with the civil war was not punishing them for their treason more severely...

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