Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

So the guy who designs our money is the final arbiter of truth?


I was had NO IDEA that was our Nation's Motto from the beginning.


A motto is nothing more than cheap propaganda. Everything you believe in appears to be propaganda.


Sam Houston must have had you in mind:

Let me tell you what is coming. After the sacrifice of countless millions of treasure and hundreds of thousands of lives, you may win Southern independence if God be not against you, but I doubt it. I tell you that, while I believe with you in the doctrine of states rights, the North is determined to preserve this Union. They are not a fiery, impulsive people as you are, for they live in colder climates. But when they begin to move in a given direction, they move with the steady momentum and perseverance of a mighty avalanche; and what I fear is, they will overwhelm the South.
You sent people out to die pointlessly in a war you couldn't win so a few rich douchebags could continue to own slaves.

Why is that anything to be proud of?

Sherman did what any military commander should do- destroy the enemies ability to make war.

Another uneducated douche heard from... Read the thread, read the WHOLE history as compiled in the Library of Congress and then get back to us. You're another example of government schools aka indoctrination camps wildly successful in their mission.

Dumbass, I have a degree in history and most of my education was thanks to the Catholic Church...

BUt again, refute my point.

The Civil War was about slavery.

Most of the dumb assholes who were thankfully removed from the Gene Pool by serving in the Confederate Army didn't own slaves, weren't getting any benefit from the continuation of slavery as an institution.

If they just got the slaveholders out in one group and had them fight the war themselves, it would have been a short war. (And one where no prisoners would be taken, hopefully.)

Unfortunately, it dragged on for four years, hundreds of thousands died needlessly and we are still living with the stupidity today.

Where you have dumb southerners waiving their confederate flags and steaming there's a black guy in the white house.

The real problem is, we don't do enough propagandizing in the schools. Southerners should feel the kind of shame over Slavery that Germans should feel about Nazism.

YOU have a degree in HISTORY? I don't know what part(s) of it you specialized in, but I'll take a guess that you spent very little time studying American history of the nineteenth century. Your ignorance of the period is amazing (not that you have ever impressed me as being much of a scholar or a thinker; neither your writing nor your ideas have ever struck me as those of one who even squeaked through a baccalaureate curriculum with a gentleman's "c"). You neither study nor think; all you do is emote!

That majority of non-slave holding Confederates who were "thankfully removed from the gene pool" were simple subsistence farmers who were no more racist than their Union counterparts. Slaughtering them benefitted no one; they were, as they saw it, simply defending their homes and families.

You don't do enough "propagandizing in the schools"? The history of the WBTS as commonly taught in public schools , especially in the last twenty years, is NOTHING BUT PROPAGANDA! Last I checked, education was about teaching the truth, not indoctrinating the students. Propaganda, by definition, is NOT the truth; it is distortion and outright lies calculated to inflame emotions; but then, you wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the arse, nor would you care. You are an ideologue, plain and simple, who will happily suppress the truth and promote a lie for the sake of a political agenda. In your case, that agenda is as clear as plate glass. How ironic that your "propagandizing in the schools" is the preferred educational methodology of the Nazis you claim to despise! ANY means to your desired end, I suppose. The ONLY thing that differentiates YOU from a Nazi, is the color of your politics; Hitler's S.A. was full of men like you! History is to serve your desired purpose, and if it doesn't, then it must be twisted until it does; that about right, LIAR?
I'm guessing you are a prime example of the hot-headed impulsive morons that started a war they couldn't finish in the first place.

That's a terrible way to refer to the Lincoln Administration.

Well, actually, it's not. Bloody Abe (he was anything but "honest") did all he could to provoke the fighting, including deliberately attempting to provoke the South Carolinians to fire on Ft. Sumter, a move he openly admitted to planning and calculating to give the Union a fig leaf of cover for naked aggression! Good God, I can't believe everyone here doesn't know that! Bod, Jake, and the rest of the South-haters here must have slept through what little education in history they were supposed to get in high school.
Joe, if you have a history degree, please tell us what the "Official Records-War of the Rebellion" is/are, and what its significance to historians is. Don't google it, just tell us; if you REALLY have a history degree, you should know the correct answer.
I'm guessing you are a prime example of the hot-headed impulsive morons that started a war they couldn't finish in the first place.

That's a terrible way to refer to the Lincoln Administration.

Well, actually, it's not. Bloody Abe (he was anything but "honest") did all he could to provoke the fighting, including deliberately attempting to provoke the South Carolinians to fire on Ft. Sumter, a move he openly admitted to planning and calculating to give the Union a fig leaf of cover for naked aggression! Good God, I can't believe everyone here doesn't know that! Bod, Jake, and the rest of the South-haters here must have slept through what little education in history they were supposed to get in high school.

South Carolina unlawfully fired on the US Flag. They deserved what they got. The US had an obligation to resupply it's property.

In essence, South Carolina preferred to fire on the US Flag in order to maintain it's right to treat humans as property

That's a terrible way to refer to the Lincoln Administration.

Well, actually, it's not. Bloody Abe (he was anything but "honest") did all he could to provoke the fighting, including deliberately attempting to provoke the South Carolinians to fire on Ft. Sumter, a move he openly admitted to planning and calculating to give the Union a fig leaf of cover for naked aggression! Good God, I can't believe everyone here doesn't know that! Bod, Jake, and the rest of the South-haters here must have slept through what little education in history they were supposed to get in high school.

South Carolina unlawfully fired on the US Flag. They deserved what they got. The US had an obligation to resupply it's property.

In essence, South Carolina preferred to fire on the US Flag in order to maintain it's right to treat humans as property


SC legally seceded from the Union in January, 1861.

Fort Sumter wasn't fired upon until April, 1861.

Lincoln's efforts to resupply the fort in April is what lead to the hostilities.
Guy, the confederates fired on federal property.

Guy, the confederates fired on Old Glory.

Beauregard and Davis both should have been summarily executed when caught for this incident alone.
most of my education was thanks to the Catholic Church...


The church you ran away from because you were too stupid to understand its teachings? Your stupidity turned to fear and your fear to hatred. Not the best topic for you, bigot.

Well, no, I just realized that they probably couldn't pass my Religion Test any more than anyone else.

Like I said. Let me throw you off the top of the Sears Tower. If God catches you, I'll convert...

Otherwise, your teachings are bullshit... no more valuable than any other opinion.
For someone with a 'degree in history', you're pretty stupid. Or willfully ignorant. If the War between the States was just about slavery, why did Lincoln wait until 1863 to issue the Emancipation Proclamation? Why did it only free the slaves in the states 'still in rebellion'? Why did it NOT apply to Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri?

Why is any of that even relevent?

Lincoln didn't start the war, the South did.

Beacuse they knew Lincoln was an abolitionist.
YOU have a degree in HISTORY? I don't know what part(s) of it you specialized in, but I'll take a guess that you spent very little time studying American history of the nineteenth century. Your ignorance of the period is amazing (not that you have ever impressed me as being much of a scholar or a thinker; neither your writing nor your ideas have ever struck me as those of one who even squeaked through a baccalaureate curriculum with a gentleman's "c"). You neither study nor think; all you do is emote!

That majority of non-slave holding Confederates who were "thankfully removed from the gene pool" were simple subsistence farmers who were no more racist than their Union counterparts. Slaughtering them benefitted no one; they were, as they saw it, simply defending their homes and families.

You don't do enough "propagandizing in the schools"? The history of the WBTS as commonly taught in public schools , especially in the last twenty years, is NOTHING BUT PROPAGANDA! Last I checked, education was about teaching the truth, not indoctrinating the students. Propaganda, by definition, is NOT the truth; it is distortion and outright lies calculated to inflame emotions; but then, you wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the arse, nor would you care. You are an ideologue, plain and simple, who will happily suppress the truth and promote a lie for the sake of a political agenda. In your case, that agenda is as clear as plate glass. How ironic that your "propagandizing in the schools" is the preferred educational methodology of the Nazis you claim to despise! ANY means to your desired end, I suppose. The ONLY thing that differentiates YOU from a Nazi, is the color of your politics; Hitler's S.A. was full of men like you! History is to serve your desired purpose, and if it doesn't, then it must be twisted until it does; that about right, LIAR?

I find it funny that you whine about emoting, but all you did here was emote.

At least other people TRIED to recycle the tired Southern apologist lie that the civil war was about "economic oppression" or "States rights" or some such horseshit. You didn't even hit that lowe standard. But I guess I would expect too much if you did.
Monument to Nathan Bedford Forrest stirs dispute - News Weather and Sports for Montgomery, AL.

Someone needs to tell that carpetbagging son of a bitch to go back up north. Oh and they should also give him a few sources showing what Sherman did on his march to the sea in my beloved there ain't nothing worse than a southerner who hates the south and her heritage.

In this day and age, why would anyone in America be constructing monuments to the very first domestic terrorists?
Guy, the confederates fired on federal property.

Guy, the confederates fired on Old Glory.

Beauregard and Davis both should have been summarily executed when caught for this incident alone.

Again, for the S-L-O-W ones, SC seceded in January. At that moment, Ft. Sumter no longer belonged to the Federal government, but to the sovereign state of SC. Those soldiers had no more right to be there than soldiers from Great Britain.
Guy, the confederates fired on federal property.

Guy, the confederates fired on Old Glory.

Beauregard and Davis both should have been summarily executed when caught for this incident alone.

Again, for the S-L-O-W ones, SC seceded in January. At that moment, Ft. Sumter no longer belonged to the Federal government, but to the sovereign state of SC. Those soldiers had no more right to be there than soldiers from Great Britain.

So....are you saying that the sovereign state of SC paid for the building of Ft. Sumter? If not, how exactly did they own it? Oh, and let's not forget that the sovereign state of SC was firing on US soldiers.

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