Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

most of my education was thanks to the Catholic Church...


The church you ran away from because you were too stupid to understand its teachings? Your stupidity turned to fear and your fear to hatred. Not the best topic for you, bigot.
You sent people out to die pointlessly in a war you couldn't win so a few rich douchebags could continue to own slaves.

Why is that anything to be proud of?

Sherman did what any military commander should do- destroy the enemies ability to make war.

Another uneducated douche heard from... Read the thread, read the WHOLE history as compiled in the Library of Congress and then get back to us. You're another example of government schools aka indoctrination camps wildly successful in their mission.

Dumbass, I have a degree in history and most of my education was thanks to the Catholic Church...

BUt again, refute my point.

The Civil War was about slavery.

Most of the dumb assholes who were thankfully removed from the Gene Pool by serving in the Confederate Army didn't own slaves, weren't getting any benefit from the continuation of slavery as an institution.

If they just got the slaveholders out in one group and had them fight the war themselves, it would have been a short war. (And one where no prisoners would be taken, hopefully.)

Unfortunately, it dragged on for four years, hundreds of thousands died needlessly and we are still living with the stupidity today.

Where you have dumb southerners waiving their confederate flags and steaming there's a black guy in the white house.

The real problem is, we don't do enough propagandizing in the schools. Southerners should feel the kind of shame over Slavery that Germans should feel about Nazism.

For someone with a 'degree in history', you're pretty stupid. Or willfully ignorant. If the War between the States was just about slavery, why did Lincoln wait until 1863 to issue the Emancipation Proclamation? Why did it only free the slaves in the states 'still in rebellion'? Why did it NOT apply to Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri?
Another uneducated douche heard from... Read the thread, read the WHOLE history as compiled in the Library of Congress and then get back to us. You're another example of government schools aka indoctrination camps wildly successful in their mission.

Dumbass, I have a degree in history and most of my education was thanks to the Catholic Church...

BUt again, refute my point.

The Civil War was about slavery.

Most of the dumb assholes who were thankfully removed from the Gene Pool by serving in the Confederate Army didn't own slaves, weren't getting any benefit from the continuation of slavery as an institution.

If they just got the slaveholders out in one group and had them fight the war themselves, it would have been a short war. (And one where no prisoners would be taken, hopefully.)

Unfortunately, it dragged on for four years, hundreds of thousands died needlessly and we are still living with the stupidity today.

Where you have dumb southerners waiving their confederate flags and steaming there's a black guy in the white house.

The real problem is, we don't do enough propagandizing in the schools. Southerners should feel the kind of shame over Slavery that Germans should feel about Nazism.

For someone with a 'degree in history', you're pretty stupid. Or willfully ignorant. If the War between the States was just about slavery, why did Lincoln wait until 1863 to issue the Emancipation Proclamation? Why did it only free the slaves in the states 'still in rebellion'? Why did it NOT apply to Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri?

And you dare call others ignorant of history?
Dumbass, I have a degree in history and most of my education was thanks to the Catholic Church...

BUt again, refute my point.

The Civil War was about slavery.

Most of the dumb assholes who were thankfully removed from the Gene Pool by serving in the Confederate Army didn't own slaves, weren't getting any benefit from the continuation of slavery as an institution.

If they just got the slaveholders out in one group and had them fight the war themselves, it would have been a short war. (And one where no prisoners would be taken, hopefully.)

Unfortunately, it dragged on for four years, hundreds of thousands died needlessly and we are still living with the stupidity today.

Where you have dumb southerners waiving their confederate flags and steaming there's a black guy in the white house.

The real problem is, we don't do enough propagandizing in the schools. Southerners should feel the kind of shame over Slavery that Germans should feel about Nazism.

For someone with a 'degree in history', you're pretty stupid. Or willfully ignorant. If the War between the States was just about slavery, why did Lincoln wait until 1863 to issue the Emancipation Proclamation? Why did it only free the slaves in the states 'still in rebellion'? Why did it NOT apply to Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri?

And you dare call others ignorant of history?

If you're so smart dogface, answer the questions.
Monument to Nathan Bedford Forrest stirs dispute - News Weather and Sports for Montgomery, AL.

Someone needs to tell that carpetbagging son of a bitch to go back up north. Oh and they should also give him a few sources showing what Sherman did on his march to the sea in my beloved there ain't nothing worse than a southerner who hates the south and her heritage.
Given that 26% of Alabama's population is "black" with ancestors who were slaves during the Civil War, where do they fit into your beloved Southern heritage that includes a monument to Nathan Bedford Forrest?
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For someone with a 'degree in history', you're pretty stupid. Or willfully ignorant. If the War between the States was just about slavery, why did Lincoln wait until 1863 to issue the Emancipation Proclamation? Why did it only free the slaves in the states 'still in rebellion'? Why did it NOT apply to Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri?

And you dare call others ignorant of history?

If you're so smart dogface, answer the questions.

Let me know when you graduate from Jr High. We'll talk then. (how fucking ignorant can you get?)
you silly confederate.

You lost, kid: End of subject.

as i posted previously, i think the bloodthirsty carpetbagger whores have run away with their tails between their legs like scared little puppies. That's what usually happens in debates on this subject. The evidence incriminating the carpetbaggers is just so massive that they can't stand a full dose of it. Fakey has already turned tail on several occasions.

I doubt they have the stomach for any more of the medicine they so richly deserve.

Of (1) ending slavery and (2) kicking your ancestors' sorry asses.

All your bitching and crying about a war that is long, long over just makes you look like a sorry asshole. Time to move on, loser.

Carpetbagger turds don't like to be reminded of the sordid and despicable deeds of your ancestors, do you?

ROFL! You're so proud of killing 850,000 Americans to accomplish something other countries did without shedding a single drop of blood.

What a great accomplishment!

it's even more impressive when you consider the fact that ending slavery wasn't even what Lincoln set out to do!
Really? What about blacks? Apparently, according to you, they are "idiots whining and crying" over slavery that ended 150 years ago. Is that your position race?

The only thing you have ever been enslaved by is your own weakness and stupidity.

You don't want to answer the question, I see. That's right, run away like a scared little puppy with his tail between his legs.
Another uneducated douche heard from... Read the thread, read the WHOLE history as compiled in the Library of Congress and then get back to us. You're another example of government schools aka indoctrination camps wildly successful in their mission.

Dumbass, I have a degree in history and most of my education was thanks to the Catholic Church...

BUt again, refute my point.

The Civil War was about slavery.

Most of the dumb assholes who were thankfully removed from the Gene Pool by serving in the Confederate Army didn't own slaves, weren't getting any benefit from the continuation of slavery as an institution.

If they just got the slaveholders out in one group and had them fight the war themselves, it would have been a short war. (And one where no prisoners would be taken, hopefully.)

Unfortunately, it dragged on for four years, hundreds of thousands died needlessly and we are still living with the stupidity today.

Where you have dumb southerners waiving their confederate flags and steaming there's a black guy in the white house.

The real problem is, we don't do enough propagandizing in the schools. Southerners should feel the kind of shame over Slavery that Germans should feel about Nazism.

For someone with a 'degree in history', you're pretty stupid. Or willfully ignorant. If the War between the States was just about slavery, why did Lincoln wait until 1863 to issue the Emancipation Proclamation? Why did it only free the slaves in the states 'still in rebellion'? Why did it NOT apply to Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri?

It was about slavery and the maintaining of it to the Southern states....they codified it in every one of their Declarations of Secession.
Of (1) ending slavery and (2) kicking your ancestors' sorry asses.

Carpetbagger turds don't like to be reminded of the sordid and despicable deeds of your ancestors, do you?

ROFL! You're so proud of killing 850,000 Americans to accomplish something other countries did without shedding a single drop of blood.

What a great accomplishment!

it's even more impressive when you consider the fact that ending slavery wasn't even what Lincoln set out to do!

If the South is such a victim, why did they start the war by firing on a Federal Installation?
Dumbass, I have a degree in history and most of my education was thanks to the Catholic Church...

BUt again, refute my point.

The Civil War was about slavery.

Most of the dumb assholes who were thankfully removed from the Gene Pool by serving in the Confederate Army didn't own slaves, weren't getting any benefit from the continuation of slavery as an institution.

If they just got the slaveholders out in one group and had them fight the war themselves, it would have been a short war. (And one where no prisoners would be taken, hopefully.)

Unfortunately, it dragged on for four years, hundreds of thousands died needlessly and we are still living with the stupidity today.

Where you have dumb southerners waiving their confederate flags and steaming there's a black guy in the white house.

The real problem is, we don't do enough propagandizing in the schools. Southerners should feel the kind of shame over Slavery that Germans should feel about Nazism.

For someone with a 'degree in history', you're pretty stupid. Or willfully ignorant. If the War between the States was just about slavery, why did Lincoln wait until 1863 to issue the Emancipation Proclamation? Why did it only free the slaves in the states 'still in rebellion'? Why did it NOT apply to Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri?

It was about slavery and the maintaining of it to the Southern states....they codified it in every one of their Declarations of Secession.

There are 3 specific questions in the post you replied to. I notice you missed all 3.

You want to try again?
Really? What about blacks? Apparently, according to you, they are "idiots whining and crying" over slavery that ended 150 years ago. Is that your position race?

The only thing you have ever been enslaved by is your own weakness and stupidity.

You don't want to answer the question, I see. That's right, run away like a scared little puppy with his tail between his legs.

You've already answered the question, you weak, pathetic fool.
Another uneducated douche heard from... Read the thread, read the WHOLE history as compiled in the Library of Congress and then get back to us. You're another example of government schools aka indoctrination camps wildly successful in their mission.

Dumbass, I have a degree in history and most of my education was thanks to the Catholic Church...

BUt again, refute my point.

The Civil War was about slavery.

Most of the dumb assholes who were thankfully removed from the Gene Pool by serving in the Confederate Army didn't own slaves, weren't getting any benefit from the continuation of slavery as an institution.

If they just got the slaveholders out in one group and had them fight the war themselves, it would have been a short war. (And one where no prisoners would be taken, hopefully.)

Unfortunately, it dragged on for four years, hundreds of thousands died needlessly and we are still living with the stupidity today.

Where you have dumb southerners waiving their confederate flags and steaming there's a black guy in the white house.

The real problem is, we don't do enough propagandizing in the schools. Southerners should feel the kind of shame over Slavery that Germans should feel about Nazism.

For someone with a 'degree in history', you're pretty stupid. Or willfully ignorant. If the War between the States was just about slavery, why did Lincoln wait until 1863 to issue the Emancipation Proclamation?

To the South...who started the war in the first was about slavery. That's why they says so in all their Declarations of Secession. At first, once Fort Sumter was fired upon, the U.S. just wanted to bring the Union back together, slavery or no slavery....but the South would have none of, as a tactical measure, the EP was issued in 1863.

Why did it only free the slaves in the states 'still in rebellion'?

To keep the Border States from Seceding too.

Why did it NOT apply to Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri?

See above.
And you dare call others ignorant of history?

Yes, he rightly calls you ignorant if history and a despicable piece of shit. Your carpet bagger version of history is nothing but the propaganda of a gang of greedy bloodthirsty whores.

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