Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

Careful there, Yankee, before you start foaming at the mouth...:lol:You want us out, you let us vote on it. We'll likely vote to leave. See how simple that is?

Try being a man for once in your life and vote with your feet.

He means the South will vote to leave the union, nimrod. Since you hate the South so much, why do you and the rest of the carpetbagger trash insist that it remain in the Union?
Then GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY, YOU UNAMERICAN SCUMBAG. Take your RIDICULOUS hate, shove it up your ass, and go find some other country where you can have it packed nice and hard the way you like it. You're no American, North, South, East, or West. You are just another irrelevant big-mouth loser who will NEVER have the courage of his convictions. Stop pretending to have principles, PUSSY.
Go piss into the wind.

You are also welcome to leave my ONE nation.

When did it become YOUR "one nation?"

You're welcome to shove a porcupine up your ass tail first.
Monument to Nathan Bedford Forrest stirs dispute - News Weather and Sports for Montgomery, AL.

Someone needs to tell that carpetbagging son of a bitch to go back up north. Oh and they should also give him a few sources showing what Sherman did on his march to the sea in my beloved there ain't nothing worse than a southerner who hates the south and her heritage.

Let's rush to the defense of the bigots!

You mean bigots like Lincoln who wouldnt touch the skin of a black man, or General US Grant who had two personal slaves that attended to him through most of the war?

That kind of bigot?

"I have no disposition to introduce political and social equality between the white and black races. There is a physical difference between the two, which in my judgment will probably forever forbid their living together on terms of respect, social and political equality, and inasmuch as it becomes a necessity that there should be a superiority somewhere, I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which I belong having the superior position;"

- Abraham Lincoln -​
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It's words like these that keep the scab ripped open and the pus still flowing from the infected wound.

You have gotten 'Asshole' down to an art form.

It appears all the bloodthirsty carpetbagger whores have run away like scared little puppy dogs. I love debates on this subject because the carpetbaggers always prove that everything they know about the Civil War is wrong. In addition, they always reveal their cloven hooves.
Yep, got your southern sorry asses whipped and dominated politically and economically by the North and West until WWII.

Lol, you are deluded.

The South ran the Union armies out forcibly ending Reconstruction by waging a civil war of harrassment and attrition on Union morale til they finally tucked tail and fled, leaving the Southern states in the hands of militant Yankee hating Democrats.

That you would even speak such a thing illustrates what an ignorant bag of puss and piss you are.

God, you are a fool Starkey.
Lincoln merely required the South to (1) respect Federal property in the South; (2) not to export slavery into the territories; (3) follow constitutional, electoral process.

The Old South dared to rise up, and Lincoln slew it.

Mr.Lincoln and his Jacobin Radicals had a peaceful path of redress, if they sought one;to have the Supreme Court settle the question of the legality of secession. Rather than submit the question to the rule of law, Lincoln chose to put it instead to the arbitrament of the sword. There was a reason for that; Lincoln and his henchmen knew full well that the Court would likely rule against them, given its makeup at the time. (Lincoln later tried, unsuccessfully, to have the Chief Justice of the SCOTUS arrested!). Some of the more thoughtful Yankees were well aware of the implications, so much so that they decided NOT to try Davis and Lee after the war. realizing that any such trials would come before the SCOTUS for appeal, in which the question of the legality of secession was bound to come up. As one of them put it, "It would be a great pity for the Union to have won a great victory, only to have it declared unconstitutional."

Lincoln's true motives are revealed in the following exchange with Horace Greeley (certainly no friend of the South). Greeley; "Mr. President, why not let the South go?" Lincoln's reply(shouting): Let them go? LET THEM GO? Where then, would we get our revenues?" How endearing; and the only REAL reason the Yankees today want us forced to remain in THEIR (right, Unkotare?) union-GREED!

A perusal of theNOrthern newspapers of the time reveals that most were in favor of letting the South go in peace...until the Confederate Congress effectively declared the Confederate States a free trade zone. As soon as Northern commercial interests realized the implications of THAT, the Northern papers began to beat the war drums.
You are more than welcome to document such, but I have yet to have view a credible work that builds an overwhelming colossal brutalization of blacks by Northern troops.

Please provide such a bibliography if you have one.

PoP's<br><b> War Crimes Against Southern Soldiers & Civilians</b>: Yankee Atrocities Against Blacks

The following is a small sample of the atrocities committed by Northern troops against black Southerners during the War of Northern Aggression.

Northern Missouri: On August 13, 1861, Secretary of War Simon Cameron received a letter containing information about United States military forces "committing rapes on the negroes."54

Athens, Alabama: The court-martial record of Lincoln's buddy Turchin dated May 2, 1862, contains information about an attempt to commit "an indecent outrage" on a servant girl. It also notes that a part of the brigade, "quarter[ed] in the negro huts for weeks, debauching the females."55

Woodville, Alabama: The activities of the Third Ohio Cavalry in August of 1862 included this entry: "negro women are debauched." 56

Memphis, Tennessee: The Yankee soldiers had been fed a steady diet of lies about so-called slave breeding plantations and the familiarity of Southern male slave owners with their female slaves. The reality of a black race with high moral standards was incomprehensible to the Yankee invader. Therefore the Yankee ordered much of his conduct to match his preconceived notions of the accepted social relationships down South. This can be seen in this report from Memphis on April 7, 1864: "The [white] cavalry broke en masse in the camps of the colored women and are committing all sorts of outrage."57 General Rufus A. Saxton sent a report to Secretary of War Edwin Stanton on December 30, 1864, in which he described the attitude of the Yankee soldiers: "I found the prejudice of color and race here in full force, and the general feeling of the army of occupation was unfriendly to the blacks. It was manifested in various forms of personal insult and abuse, in depredations on their plantations, stealing and destroying their crops and domestic animals, and robbing them of their money.... The women were held as the legitimate prey of lust...."59

Bayou Grande Cailou, Louisiana: The Sixteenth Indiana Mounted Infantry sent invaders into a civilian area which resulted in the following account: "Mr. Pelton . . . reported that a soldier had shot and killed a little girl and had fired at a negro man on his plantation. I . . . proceeded to the place, where I found a mulatto girl, about twelve or thirteen years old, lying dead in a field. I learned from the negro man . . . that the girl had been shot by a drunken soldier, who had first fired at one of the men ... [who] had witnessed the killing...."59 On November 20, Gen. Robert A. Cameron reported, "I heard by rumor ... one of [Capt. Columbus Moore's] men had attempted to rape a mulatto girl and had shot and killed her for resisting."60

Augusta, Georgia: "The colored citizens wander around at all hours of the night, and many in consequence have been robbed and abused by scoundrels dressed as United States soldiers.... The conduct of the Fourth Iowa Cavalry . . . was such as reflects disgrace on both officers and men.... Firing so as to cause a colored woman to lose her arm; likewise committing robberies."61

Covington, Tennessee:Late in 1862, a campaign was conducted in the vicinity of Covington that produced the following official report: ". . . some of the men [of the Second Illinois Cavalry] behaved more like brigands than soldiers. They robbed an old negro man....

Robertsville, South Carolina: The Yankee did not distinguish between white or black Southerner nor between free black or slave when he released the dogs of war upon our Southern homeland. On January 31, 1865, the following report was issued: "The indiscriminate pillage of houses is disgraceful.... houses in this vicinity, of free negroes even, have been stripped . . . shocking to humanity."63

Hilton Head, South Carolina: Politically correct Yankee propagandists masquerading as historians are quick to boast of the large numbers of Southern blacks who fought for the North during the war. They are also quick to dismiss the contribution to the Confederate war effort made by black Southerners, giving the excuse that Southern blacks were forced to serve the Confederacy. Little attention has been given to the forced conscription of blacks into the service of the United States during the War for Southern Independence. On May 12, 1862, the following report was sent to the United States Secretary of the Treasury concerning the forced induction of black Southerners: "This has been a sad day on these islands.... Some 500 men were ... carried to Hilton Head.... The negroes were sad.... Sometimes whole plantations, learning what was going on, ran off to the woods for refuge. Others, with no means of escape, submitted passively.... This mode of [conscription] is repugnant."64 The next day's report included this comment: "The colored people became suspicious of the presence of the companies of soldiers.... They [the blacks] were taken from the fields without being allowed to go to their houses even to get a jacket.... On some plantations the wailing and screaming were loud and the women threw themselves in despair on the ground. On some plantations the people took to the woods and were hunted up by the soldiers...." 5 A letter about this incident written to the Federal agent stated, "This conscription, . . . has created a suspicion that the Government has not the interest in the negroes that it has professed, and many of them sighed yesterday for the 'old fetters' as being better than the new liberty."66 Old fetters of slavery better than the new liberty of Yankee dominion-what a sad commentary. No wonder Northern propagandists work so hard to keep these facts from becoming public knowledge.

Nashville, Tennessee: "Officers in command of colored troops are in constant habit of pressing all able-bodied slaves into the military service of the United States."67 Notice the complaint is that officers are in "constant habit," not just given to an occasional infraction.

Augusta, Georgia: "The colored citizens wander around at all hours of the night, and many in consequence have been robbed and abused by scoundrels dressed as United States soldiers.... The conduct of the Fourth Iowa Cavalry . . . was such as reflects disgrace on both officers and men.... Firing so as to cause a colored woman to lose her arm; likewise committing robberies."61

Covington, Tennessee:Late in 1862, a campaign was conducted in the vicinity of Covington that produced the following official report: ". . . some of the men [of the Second Illinois Cavalry] behaved more like brigands than soldiers. They robbed an old negro man....

Robertsville, South Carolina: The Yankee did not distinguish between white or black Southerner nor between free black or slave when he released the dogs of war upon our Southern homeland. On January 31, 1865, the following report was issued: "The indiscriminate pillage of houses is disgraceful.... houses in this vicinity, of free negroes even, have been stripped . . . shocking to humanity."63

Hilton Head, South Carolina: Politically correct Yankee propagandists masquerading as historians are quick to boast of the large numbers of Southern blacks who fought for the North during the war. They are also quick to dismiss the contribution to the Confederate war effort made by black Southerners, giving the excuse that Southern blacks were forced to serve the Confederacy. Little attention has been given to the forced conscription of blacks into the service of the United States during the War for Southern Independence. On May 12, 1862, the following report was sent to the United States Secretary of the Treasury concerning the forced induction of black Southerners: "This has been a sad day on these islands.... Some 500 men were ... carried to Hilton Head.... The negroes were sad.... Sometimes whole plantations, learning what was going on, ran off to the woods for refuge. Others, with no means of escape, submitted passively.... This mode of [conscription] is repugnant."64 The next day's report included this comment: "The colored people became suspicious of the presence of the companies of soldiers.... They [the blacks] were taken from the fields without being allowed to go to their houses even to get a jacket.... On some plantations the wailing and screaming were loud and the women threw themselves in despair on the ground. On some plantations the people took to the woods and were hunted up by the soldiers...." 5 A letter about this incident written to the Federal agent stated, "This conscription, . . . has created a suspicion that the Government has not the interest in the negroes that it has professed, and many of them sighed yesterday for the 'old fetters' as being better than the new liberty."66 Old fetters of slavery better than the new liberty of Yankee dominion-what a sad commentary. No wonder Northern propagandists work so hard to keep these facts from becoming public knowledge.

Nashville, Tennessee: "Officers in command of colored troops are in constant habit of pressing all able-bodied slaves into the military service of the United States."67 Notice the complaint is that officers are in "constant habit," not just given to an occasional infraction.

Huntsville, Alabama: General Ulysses Grant received a communiqué on February 26, 1864, informing him that, "A major of colored troops is here with his party capturing negroes, with or without their consent.... They are being conscripted."68 Notice that the term used is "capturing negroes," not enlisting or drafting them.

New Bern, North Carolina: On September 1, 1864, Gen. Innis N. Palmer reported to Gen. Benjamin F. Butler about the difficulty he was having convincing Southern blacks to help in the fight for their liberation. He stated: "The negroes will not go voluntarily, so I am obliged to force them.... The matter of collecting the colored men for laborers has been one of some difficulty but I hope to send up a respectable force.... They will not go willingly.... They must be forced to go.... this may be considered a harsh measure, but . . . we must not stop at trifles"69 What is it called when someone forces another human being to labor against his will-sounds like slavery to us but the Yankees called it "trifles."

Beaulort, South Carolina: General Rufus A. Saxton made the following report to Secretary of War Stanton on December 30 1864: "The recruiting [of former slaves] went on slowly, when the major-general commanding ordered an indiscriminate conscription of every able-bodied colored man in the department. . . . The order spread universal confusion and terror. The negroes fled to the woods and swamps.... They were hunted.... Men have been seized and forced to enlist who had large families.... Three boys, one only fourteen years of age, were seized in a field where they were at work and sent to a regiment . . . without the knowledge of their parents...."70 What happened to the bleeding-heart Abolitionist, crying about black families being broken up and sold to different masters and about children being forcefully separated from their parents? Evidently, such high moral standards were not allowed to stand in the way of the expanding Yankee empire!

Louisville, Kentucky: Major General Innis N. Palmer on February 27, 1865, issued General Order Number 5 confirming the generally accepted theory of the laws pertaining to the enlistment of civilians for military services in an occupied country:

"Officers charged with recruiting colored troops are informed that the use of force or menaces to compel the enlistment of colored men is both unlawful and disgraceful."71

Fort Jackson, Louisiana: On December 9, 1863, a United States officer at Fort Jackson became angry with two black drummers and fell upon them, beating them with a mule whip. The black soldiers were forced to stand in formation and watch as the white officer mercilessly flogged the young drummers. When the formation was dismissed, the black men, all Union soldiers, rushed the fort's armory, seized their weapons, and with cries of "kill all the damn yankees" began to fire their weapons into the air. Two companies of black Union soldiers joined in and a general revolt against Yankee racial bigotry was underway. With great effort, the white officers persuaded the black solders to end their revolt and return to their quarters.72

Craney Island, Virginia: Both black and white Southerners were needlessly subjected to the terror of starvation by terrorist acts of United States troops. From Virginia we find one of many examples of the sufferings borne by black Southerners: ". . . the colored people . . . have been forced to remain all night on the wharf without shelter and without food; . . . one has died, and . . . others are suffering with disease, and . . . your men have turned them out of their houses, which they have built themselves, and have robbed some of them of their money and personal effects."73 This communiqué was sent on November 26, 1862. Some Yankee apologists have claimed that the horror against civilians occurred only after many years of bitter war- though we are curious to know how many years of war are necessary to justify any amount of cruel and inhumane conduct against innocent civilians?

Bisland, Louisiana: During the invasion of Cajun Louisiana, the Yankee targeted slaves as part of the loot to be acquired. "Contraband" was a term used to denote slaves enticed or forced away from their masters' plantations. These poor people very often would end up serving in the Federal army or working on a government plantation. When the Confederate forces recaptured the area around Bisland, Louisiana, they discovered the pathetic condition in which these former slaves were forced to live while enjoying the charity of the United States government. One account states that two thousand of these people perished as a result of following, or being forced to follow, the Federal army in retreat. In view of the shallow graves in which many had been hastily placed, the comment was made, "They have found their freedom." The horror of a local sugar house has been described by at least two separate eyewitnesses who were either Confederate soldiers or masters searching for their former slaves. The small house was filled with dead or dying Negroes. Some were "being eaten by worms before life was extinct." The roads "were lined with Negroes half starved, almost destitute of clothing, sick and unable to help themselves; the only question of the poor wretches, who had been two months experiencing Federal sympathy and charity, was the inquiry if their master was coming after them." The Federal army, in spite of its abundance, did not provide for these people. When their fellow Southerners discovered short on every necessity. With their fellow Southerners discovering their plight, the Confederate army, short on every necessity, assigned transportation and such food and medicine as it had at its disposal to the salvation of these poor, suffering people. Let it be remembered that it was the compassion of their fellow Southerners and the assistance of the Confederate army that saved the lives of these black Southerners.74

That is the tip of the iceberg; the Official Records (as compiled by the U.S. War Department) are full of documentation of many more war crimes and atrocities committed by the Union forces. At Camp Douglas, all Black Confederate prisoners were summarily shot by the Union guards when they entered the compound. The Union surgeon at Elmira prison camp (NY), openly boasted that he had "..killed more Rebs than any [Union] general!" At Camp Lookout, U.S. Colored Troops guards shot Confederate prisoners for sport. It's all in there, for anyone who cares to open his /her eyes and read it. The Yankee army kept better record of its crimes than the NAZIS! As for the tyrant Lincoln, he and Stanton howled with laughter, upon reading Sherman's reports of his command's atrocities against Southern civilians-the only comparable dictator and butcher in the history of the English-speaking world was Oliver Cromwell. One Union soldier in Sherman's army wrote, "Dear Wife, I cannot bring myself to tell you the awful particulars of our march...I will say that we have become about as mean a mob as I would ever expect to see....if I were these people, I would never forgive us, for what we have done"

If I were these people, I would never forgive us for what we have done. I want you Yankees and Scalawags here to remember those words from one of your "heroes", the very next time you condemn a Southerner for responding to the continued propaganda assaults on the South, on Southerners and their history and heritage, and ask yourselves why it is that you think we would or should EVER forgive YOU. You might take the time to contemplate just how forgiving YOU would be, if our roles were reversed.
Lincoln merely required the South to (1) respect Federal property in the South; (2) not to export slavery into the territories; (3) follow constitutional, electoral process.

The Old South dared to rise up, and Lincoln slew it.

Mr.Lincoln and his Jacobin Radicals had a peaceful path of redress, if they sought one;to have the Supreme Court settle the question of the legality of secession. Rather than submit the question to the rule of law, Lincoln chose to put it instead to the arbitrament of the sword. There was a reason for that; Lincoln and his henchmen knew full well that the Court would likely rule against them, given its makeup at the time. (Lincoln later tried, unsuccessfully, to have the Chief Justice of the SCOTUS arrested!). Some of the more thoughtful Yankees were well aware of the implications, so much so that they decided NOT to try Davis and Lee after the war. realizing that any such trials would come before the SCOTUS for appeal, in which the question of the legality of secession was bound to come up. As one of them put it, "It would be a great pity for the Union to have won a great victory, only to have it declared unconstitutional."

Lincoln's true motives are revealed in the following exchange with Horace Greeley (certainly no friend of the South). Greeley; "Mr. President, why not let the South go?" Lincoln's reply(shouting): Let them go? LET THEM GO? Where then, would we get our revenues?" How endearing; and the only REAL reason the Yankees today want us forced to remain in THEIR (right, Unkotare?) union-GREED!

A perusal of theNOrthern newspapers of the time reveals that most were in favor of letting the South go in peace...until the Confederate Congress effectively declared the Confederate States a free trade zone. As soon as Northern commercial interests realized the implications of THAT, the Northern papers began to beat the war drums.

Look at how many PResidents, Speakers of the House and Senate majority leaderes were from the South. Hell, when Clinton and Gingrich were in power in the 90s the South controled the whole frigging federal government, lol.

It has often been said by union appologists that they may have lost a lot of bettles but they won the war.

I say the South might have lost the war but they won the 'peace' that came after.

It wont be much longer from now til the South and cousin red states will hold most of the wealth, guns, and electoral power all together.
That is the tip of the iceberg; the Official Records (as compiled by the U.S. War Department) are full of documentation of many more war crimes and atrocities committed by the Union forces. At Camp Douglas, all Black Confederate prisoners were summarily shot by the Union guards when they entered the compound. The Union surgeon at Elmira prison camp (NY), openly boasted that he had "..killed more Rebs than any [Union] general!" At Camp Lookout, U.S. Colored Troops guards shot Confederate prisoners for sport. It's all in there, for anyone who cares to open his /her eyes and read it. The Yankee army kept better record of its crimes than the NAZIS! As for the tyrant Lincoln, he and Stanton howled with laughter, upon reading Sherman's reports of his command's atrocities against Southern civilians-the only comparable dictator and butcher in the history of the English-speaking world was Oliver Cromwell. One Union soldier in Sherman's army wrote, "Dear Wife, I cannot bring myself to tell you the awful particulars of our march...I will say that we have become about as mean a mob as I would ever expect to see....if I were these people, I would never forgive us, for what we have done"

If I were these people, I would never forgive us for what we have done. I want you Yankees and Scalawags here to remember those words from one of your "heroes", the very next time you condemn a Southerner for responding to the continued propaganda assaults on the South, on Southerners and their history and heritage, and ask yourselves why it is that you think we would or should EVER forgive YOU. You might take the time to contemplate just how forgiving YOU would be, if our roles were reversed.

As I posted previously, i think the bloodthirsty carpetbagger whores have run away with their tails between their legs like scared little puppies. That's what usually happens in debates on this subject. The evidence incriminating the carpetbaggers is just so massive that they can't stand a full dose of it. Fakey has already turned tail on several occasions.

I doubt they have the stomach for any more of the medicine they so richly deserve.
Then GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY, YOU UNAMERICAN SCUMBAG. Take your RIDICULOUS hate, shove it up your ass, and go find some other country where you can have it packed nice and hard the way you like it. You're no American, North, South, East, or West. You are just another irrelevant big-mouth loser who will NEVER have the courage of his convictions. Stop pretending to have principles, PUSSY.
Go piss into the wind.

You are also welcome to leave my ONE nation.

Your ONE nation? YOUR ONE nation is so divided socially, religiously, politically and economically into groups that despise one another, that the question is not IF it will split up, but WHEN. Both sides of the political spectrum admit as much, when they threaten use of the military against their political opposition Only an authoritarian statist, could want a nation which can only be held together by armed force or the threat of it. Like it or not, the Age of Empires is ending, and the tide of history is against you.
Nathan Bedford Forrest and the War for America's History

In an 1875 speech (two years before his death) to the black civil rights group, the Pole-Bearers Association, when a young black woman, Miss Lou Lewis, offered him a bouquet of flowers, he said, Think now about that charge of extreme racism as you read:

&#8220;Ladies and Gentlemen I accept the flowers as a memento of reconciliation between the white and colored races of the southern states. I accept it more particularly as it comes from a colored lady, for if there is any one on God&#8217;s earth who loves the ladies I believe it is myself. ( Immense applause and laughter.) I came here with the jeers of some white people, who think that I am doing wrong. I believe I can exert some influence, and do much to assist the people in strengthening fraternal relations, and shall do all in my power to elevate every man to depress none. (Applause.) I want to elevate you to take positions in law offices, in stores, on farms, and wherever you are capable of going. I have not said anything about politics today. I don&#8217;t propose to say anything about politics. You have a right to elect whom you please; vote for the man you think best, and I think, when that is done, you and I are freemen. Do as you consider right and honest in electing men for office. I did not come here to make you a long speech, although invited to do so by you. I am not much of a speaker, and my business prevented me from preparing myself. I came to meet you as friends, and welcome you to the white people. I want you to come nearer to us. When I can serve you I will do so. We have but one flag, one country; let us stand together. We may differ in color, but not in sentiment Many things have been said about me which are wrong, and which white and black persons here, who stood by me through the war, can contradict. Go to work, be industrious, live honestly and act truly, and when you are oppressed I&#8217;ll come to your relief. I thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for this opportunity you have afforded me to be with you, and to assure you that I am with you in heart and in hand. (Prolonged applause.)&#8221;

General Nathan Bedford Forrest, military genius and former slave-owner, then thanked Miss Lou Lewis again, and kissed the young black woman on the cheek. In Memphis, in 1875, when such things were not done, he kissed her on the cheek.

And when he died, his funeral was attended not only by whites Americans, but by black Americans as well.
Dude, in 1900 there were many major empires across the globe: Manchus of China, Russia, France, UK, Germany, Italy, the US, Spain, Ethiopia and Portugal.

The only two 'empires' that still have held all their disparate ethnic groups together so far are the Chinese and the US, and forces of factionalism are at work in both countries.

The US is not an empire, you stupid, unamerican son of a bitch.

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