National Academy of Sciences: A bunch of fakes!!!

Weepy? What you mean willis? The only people weeping and whining are you and yours. The AGW cult has been exposed and you are losing adherents and power all over the world. The people have finally figured out that you're all a bunch of frauds and so you are on the way out. That's why the mass propaganda campaigns, and the attempts to stifle any sort of discourse.

Yes, you ARE whining a lot. A WHOLE lot!

We talk about the science and presenting evidence, over and over.

In response to every bit of data, you auto-scream it's all faked, or come up with new and creative ways to deflect from the issues. It's all you're capable of now.

That's why the whole planet can clearly see you're part of a pack of frauds. Honest people address the data, but you and everyone on your side run from the data.

And yet, we're not the ones altering 50 year old temperature records. Did you see that Congress is going to investigate the reports of data manipulation by NASA and NOAA? Better duck!
Weepy? What you mean willis? The only people weeping and whining are you and yours. The AGW cult has been exposed and you are losing adherents and power all over the world. The people have finally figured out that you're all a bunch of frauds and so you are on the way out. That's why the mass propaganda campaigns, and the attempts to stifle any sort of discourse.

Yes, you ARE whining a lot. A WHOLE lot!

We talk about the science and presenting evidence, over and over.

In response to every bit of data, you auto-scream it's all faked, or come up with new and creative ways to deflect from the issues. It's all you're capable of now.

That's why the whole planet can clearly see you're part of a pack of frauds. Honest people address the data, but you and everyone on your side run from the data.

And yet, we're not the ones altering 50 year old temperature records. Did you see that Congress is going to investigate the reports of data manipulation by NASA and NOAA? Better duck!

This would explain Obama calling out the socialist troops and propaganda arm of his Organizing For America political group.

Friend —
It’s tough out there for climate change deniers.

One by one, literally every argument and excuse they’ve been using for years is being proven false.
They’re still grasping at myths and conspiracy theories, but deniers are on the run.
Let’s keep them there — join the team that’s calling out climate change deniers.

In reality, the debate on the basics is over.
Not only do 97 percent of climate scientists agree that climate change is real and man-made, but new reports are showing climate and extreme weather impacts are affecting us right now.
Droughts, floods, wildfires, and storms are hitting communities from California to the East Coast, and we’re already spending hundreds of billions on climate-related disaster relief — no one is denying that.
Instead, what you hear from climate change deniers are mostly excuses for not taking action. Some have hidden behind foreign countries, saying America can’t or shouldn’t lead on climate until someone else goes first.
Let’s set aside for a minute that this isn’t actually how we solve global problems. The fact is, President Obama is leading internationally through agreements with China and India to cut carbon pollution and expand the use of clean energy. (So there goes that denier talking point…)
Another thing you might hear from a denier is that we simply can’t get serious about cutting carbon pollution without destroying the economy. That’s just false. For example, the climate and public health benefits from President Obama’s Clean Power Plan outweigh the costs by at least six times.
Maybe deniers doubt we have the will and ingenuity to take such a huge problem on. Well, the American people are proving them wrong: Since 2009, we’ve increased solar power ten-fold and tripled wind power. Hundreds of thousands of Americans work in clean energy today.
The arguments from deniers are getting more and more ludicrous.
We have the facts on our side — and we have to drive that message home. Because as long as deniers and polluters are blocking progress, we’re not doing all we can to combat climate change.
Say you’ll help take them to task — join the team that’s calling out climate change deniers:

Ivan Frishberg
Senior Climate Advisor
Organizing for Action

They just cant keep the propaganda and lies from flowing.....

And yet, we're not the ones altering 50 year old temperature records.

Hypocrite, you were the ones recently _demanding_ that those records be altered. At least until this latest fraud on your part, when you suddenly did a one-eighty and decided no corrections should be made

And you still refuse to address the fact that those corrections make the warming look _smaller_. How long are you going to dodge that fact? I know, you'll dodge for as long it it takes. The data flatly contradicts your conspiracy theory, so you have no choice but to pretend the data doesn't exist. That's how we all know you're a proud cult fraud, as honest people don't have to run from the data.

Did you see that Congress is going to investigate the reports of data manipulation by NASA and NOAA? Better duck!

Westwall clearly feels a tingle up his leg when he sees a possibility for some Stalinist tactics against his political foes. Bring down the heavy hand of big government on the liberals! Purges! Gulags for scientists! I don't think I've ever met a more open Stalinist on the internet than Westwall, or one more adept at projecting his love of Stalininst tactics on to decent people.

Of course, it's just going to be the same pack of clowns calling the same few paid liars to testify to an empty room. It's fooled Westwall every time before, which is why they keep doing it.
And yet, we're not the ones altering 50 year old temperature records.

Hypocrite, you were the ones recently _demanding_ that those records be altered. At least until this latest fraud on your part, when you suddenly did a one-eighty and decided no corrections should be made

And you still refuse to address the fact that those corrections make the warming look _smaller_. How long are you going to dodge that fact? I know, you'll dodge for as long it it takes. The data flatly contradicts your conspiracy theory, so you have no choice but to pretend the data doesn't exist. That's how we all know you're a proud cult fraud, as honest people don't have to run from the data.

Did you see that Congress is going to investigate the reports of data manipulation by NASA and NOAA? Better duck!

Westwall clearly feels a tingle up his leg when he sees a possibility for some Stalinist tactics against his political foes. Bring down the heavy hand of big government on the liberals! Purges! Gulags for scientists! I don't think I've ever met a more open Stalinist on the internet than Westwall, or one more adept at projecting his love of Stalininst tactics on to decent people.

Of course, it's just going to be the same pack of clowns calling the same few paid liars to testify to an empty room. It's fooled Westwall every time before, which is why they keep doing it.

Tell ya what gave me a tingle sweets...........finding out this NAS is a bunch of frauds.:boobies::boobies::boobies::up:
And yet, we're not the ones altering 50 year old temperature records.

Hypocrite, you were the ones recently _demanding_ that those records be altered. At least until this latest fraud on your part, when you suddenly did a one-eighty and decided no corrections should be made

And you still refuse to address the fact that those corrections make the warming look _smaller_. How long are you going to dodge that fact? I know, you'll dodge for as long it it takes. The data flatly contradicts your conspiracy theory, so you have no choice but to pretend the data doesn't exist. That's how we all know you're a proud cult fraud, as honest people don't have to run from the data.

Did you see that Congress is going to investigate the reports of data manipulation by NASA and NOAA? Better duck!

Westwall clearly feels a tingle up his leg when he sees a possibility for some Stalinist tactics against his political foes. Bring down the heavy hand of big government on the liberals! Purges! Gulags for scientists! I don't think I've ever met a more open Stalinist on the internet than Westwall, or one more adept at projecting his love of Stalininst tactics on to decent people.

Of course, it's just going to be the same pack of clowns calling the same few paid liars to testify to an empty room. It's fooled Westwall every time before, which is why they keep doing it.

Stalinista's, such as yourself, are firm believers and adherents to Lyshenkoism. You demand that there be no other point of view other than yours. A more blatant example of totalitarian thinking would be hard to furnish. is always the weak among us who latch onto the progressive/communist dynamic. Almost invariably weak in character, many are social oddballs looking for a place to fit in that is anti-tradition ( they never cut it in the regular social landscape ). Intolerant to the core. Miserable past the core. Zero humor. Exactly what makes this forum so flipping fun.............these freaks are sitting ducks is always the weak among us who latch onto the progressive/communist dynamic. Almost invariably weak in character, many are social oddballs looking for a place to fit in that is anti-tradition ( they never cut it in the regular social landscape ). Intolerant to the core. Miserable past the core. Zero humor. Exactly what makes this forum so flipping fun.............these freaks are sitting ducks

Yep. Progressives always say they care about the poor and downtrodden, but those are the first they send to the gulags whenever they get in power. is always the weak among us who latch onto the progressive/communist dynamic. Almost invariably weak in character, many are social oddballs looking for a place to fit in that is anti-tradition ( they never cut it in the regular social landscape ). Intolerant to the core. Miserable past the core. Zero humor. Exactly what makes this forum so flipping fun.............these freaks are sitting ducks

Yep. Progressives always say they care about the poor and downtrodden, but those are the first they send to the gulags whenever they get in power.

All these freaky k00ks in this forum are fascists in the extreme. These America haters are fcukking our country...............fucking fagooty spitballers. Remember them in grade school??

Well, the GOP has until 2017 to make total asses of themselves, and establish their anti-science bona fides. Have at it, boys, make as big of fools of yourselves as you wish.
Know how the AGW crowd always throws out the NAS ( National Academy of Sciences ) as being the organization that provides definitive proof of global warming??!!!!

Turns out........and this was a shocker to me.........only 5 of the 23 scientists involved in crafting the position paper in 2012 had a Phd!!!:ack-1::uhh::uhh::uhh:

Talk about a WTF moment s0ns??!!!!

By comparison, the National Meteorological Society members.........almost universally skeptics, have a far, far higher percentage of Phd level scientists in their group that publishes!!! time the AGW crowd talks about "real scientists", try not to poop your pants from laughing too hard!!!

Shock Poll Meteorologists Are Global Warming Skeptics - Forbes

Thank GAAAWWWDDDD for the internets where anybody that pushes burgers through a Mac's drive through window can afford to share his/her thoughts with the world!!!!
Bump..........important for folks to see the makeup of the organization most referenced by the AGW k00ks............referenced, by the way, as "the real scientists".

Most have the education level of any Boob McNut!!!

Only 5 out of 23 have Phd's..................but note in these threads that every single global warming k00k ALWAYS makes fun of Masters level scientists who don't agree with the established AGW view. They the k00ks.......fake scientists.

Know what that is?

That's ghey.:up:
I find it amazedly sad how so many here feel that the Nsf being pretty much a large percentage of our scientific leadership is just a fake. Now I am not saying that global warming is right or wrong, but it does far more then just track global warmin!!! Cancer research, atmospheric research, Maintains our computer models, etc.

These loserterians honestly feel that the giant corporations that don't even give a damn about America could ever do 1/10th of what our universities and NSF does. You people shouldn't bitch about us losing ground as you fight for it.
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I find it amazedly sad how so many here feel that the Nsf being pretty much a large percentage of our scientific leadership is just a fake. Now I am not saying that global warming is right or wrong, but it does far more then just track global warmin!!! Cancer research, atmospheric research, Maintains our computer models, etc.

These loserterians honestly feel that the giant corporations that don't even give a damn about America could ever do 1/10th of what our universities and NSF does. You people shouldn't bitch about us losing ground as you fight for it.
Know how the AGW crowd always throws out the NAS ( National Academy of Sciences ) as being the organization that provides definitive proof of global warming??!!!!

Turns out........and this was a shocker to me.........only 5 of the 23 scientists involved in crafting the position paper in 2012 had a Phd!!!:ack-1::uhh::uhh::uhh:

Talk about a WTF moment s0ns??!!!!

By comparison, the National Meteorological Society members.........almost universally skeptics, have a far, far higher percentage of Phd level scientists in their group that publishes!!! time the AGW crowd talks about "real scientists", try not to poop your pants from laughing too hard!!!

Shock Poll Meteorologists Are Global Warming Skeptics - Forbes

then why are you talking about this if you don't have a PhD? Also can you tell me what most PhD's think?
Know how the AGW crowd always throws out the NAS ( National Academy of Sciences ) as being the organization that provides definitive proof of global warming??!!!!

Turns out........and this was a shocker to me.........only 5 of the 23 scientists involved in crafting the position paper in 2012 had a Phd!!!:ack-1::uhh::uhh::uhh:

Talk about a WTF moment s0ns??!!!!

By comparison, the National Meteorological Society members.........almost universally skeptics, have a far, far higher percentage of Phd level scientists in their group that publishes!!! time the AGW crowd talks about "real scientists", try not to poop your pants from laughing too hard!!!

Shock Poll Meteorologists Are Global Warming Skeptics - Forbes

then why are you talking about this if you don't have a PhD? Also can you tell me what most PhD's think?

Sorry, but there's a question back at you that really needs to be asked,do you have a phd?
Know how the AGW crowd always throws out the NAS ( National Academy of Sciences ) as being the organization that provides definitive proof of global warming??!!!!

Turns out........and this was a shocker to me.........only 5 of the 23 scientists involved in crafting the position paper in 2012 had a Phd!!!:ack-1::uhh::uhh::uhh:

Talk about a WTF moment s0ns??!!!!

By comparison, the National Meteorological Society members.........almost universally skeptics, have a far, far higher percentage of Phd level scientists in their group that publishes!!! time the AGW crowd talks about "real scientists", try not to poop your pants from laughing too hard!!!

Shock Poll Meteorologists Are Global Warming Skeptics - Forbes

then why are you talking about this if you don't have a PhD? Also can you tell me what most PhD's think?

Sorry, but there's a question back at you that really needs to be asked,do you have a phd?

so you can have an opinion but the people on that panel who Even though they are probably way more informed than you can't.? just because they don't have PhD? what do they have show me the bio of each of these people what is their background you know?just because they don't have php ?
I think it's typical for someone from the Right to be against science and what it stands for.
Actually it's the LWNJs who are opposed to sound science regarding this issue.

They are too fucking stupid to know what confirmation bias is. Seriously, that's how fucking stupid they are.
Muhammed, we know what confirmation bias is. It's what drives every single thing you post.

Yes, it is that obvious. Only confirmation bias explains why you willfully discard all the actual science, and instead choose to believe fabricated pseudoscience fables.

Now, if you've got a different explanation for your behavior, we'd all be amused to hear it. I'm guessing it involves a magical secret global conspiracy, and we can never hear enough of those stories.

By the way, don't speak in cult lingo like "LWNJ". It gives away your cult affiliation, and you're supposed to keep that hidden and pretend to be "skeptical".

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