National baseball bat registration...

72.5% of all murders are committed with guns. That'ALL MURDERS. It includes all murdered good guys and all murdered bad guys. You understand that don't you? Do you think murder is not a problem because only bad guys get murdered?

Nope....but criminals murdering other criminals isn't my concern.....and I am not going to let people like you destroy the 2nd Amendment because criminals murder other criminals with guns.

Too many lives are saved by good people using guns to let you ban and confiscate them.

You focus on guns....

I focus on locking up actual criminals who use guns.......

Your focus does only allows criminals to keep shooting people...

My focus lowers the actual gun crime and gun murder rate.

This is why we don't trust you, you don't care about actually stopping criminals, you simply need the excuse to ban and confiscate guns...

Lock up criminals who use guns for crime.....for a long, long time.....and you lower the gun crime rate.......allow them to walk out of jail and prison over and over again, and you get more gun crime....

You are the problem, not guns.
Got it. You think only bad guys get murdered. You are pretty goofy, aren't you?

Hmmm...where did I say that, you doofus.......70-80% is not 100%....but since you are a leftist stooge, math is hard for is truth, facts and reality.....
Hmmm...where did I say that, you doofus.......70-80% is not 100%....but since you are a leftist stooge, math is hard for is truth, facts and reality.....
3/4 of all murders are still committed with guns, dumb ass. More than half of all suicides are committed with guns.

Across states, more guns = more unintentional firearm deaths
We analyzed data for 50 states over 19 years to investigate the relationship between gun prevalence and accidental gun deaths across different age groups. For every age group, where there are more guns, there are more accidental deaths. The mortality rate was 7 times higher in the four states with the most guns compared to the four states with the fewest guns.
Miller, Matthew; Azrael, Deborah; Hemenway, David. Firearm availability and unintentional firearm deaths. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2001; 33:477-84.
3/4 of all murders are still committed with guns, dumb ass. More than half of all suicides are committed with guns.

Across states, more guns = more unintentional firearm deaths
We analyzed data for 50 states over 19 years to investigate the relationship between gun prevalence and accidental gun deaths across different age groups. For every age group, where there are more guns, there are more accidental deaths. The mortality rate was 7 times higher in the four states with the most guns compared to the four states with the fewest guns.
Miller, Matthew; Azrael, Deborah; Hemenway, David. Firearm availability and unintentional firearm deaths. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2001; 33:477-84.

We analyzed data for 50 states over 19 years to investigate the relationship between gun prevalence and accidental gun deaths across different age groups. For every age group, where there are more guns, there are more accidental deaths.

That is a lie......from the Centers for Disease Control...

Accidental gun deaths.. total....2019...


Out of a country of over 330 million people.....with over 600 million guns and over 19.4 million people carrying guns for self defense in public?

Compared to Accidental car deaths.....

Total, 2019...


Accidental gun deaths by year according to the Centers for Disease Control...

2016 495


2013 ..... 505
2012 ..... 548
2011 ..... 591
2010 ..... 606
2009 ..... 554
2008 ..... 592
2007..... 613
2006..... 642
2005 ..... 789
2004 ..... 649
2003 ..... 730
2002 ..... 762
2001 ..... 802
2000 ..... 776
1999 ..... 824

That quote you have is a lie...used to push gun control.

And there you have it....David Hemenway....the liar of the anti-gun movement..........there is nothing that guy will not say to move gun control....
3/4 of all murders are still committed with guns, dumb ass. More than half of all suicides are committed with guns.

Across states, more guns = more unintentional firearm deaths
We analyzed data for 50 states over 19 years to investigate the relationship between gun prevalence and accidental gun deaths across different age groups. For every age group, where there are more guns, there are more accidental deaths. The mortality rate was 7 times higher in the four states with the most guns compared to the four states with the fewest guns.
Miller, Matthew; Azrael, Deborah; Hemenway, David. Firearm availability and unintentional firearm deaths. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2001; 33:477-84.

Having been shown the actual numbers from the Centers for Disease Control chronicling accidental gun deaths...

Do you feel stupid for using david hemenway as a source....given that the total deaths for gun accidents was 485........?

Compared to 39,107 accidental car deaths?

2016 495


2013 ..... 505
2012 ..... 548
2011 ..... 591
2010 ..... 606
2009 ..... 554
2008 ..... 592
2007..... 613
2006..... 642
2005 ..... 789
2004 ..... 649
2003 ..... 730
2002 ..... 762
2001 ..... 802
2000 ..... 776
1999 ..... 824
3/4 of all murders are still committed with guns, dumb ass. More than half of all suicides are committed with guns.

Across states, more guns = more unintentional firearm deaths
We analyzed data for 50 states over 19 years to investigate the relationship between gun prevalence and accidental gun deaths across different age groups. For every age group, where there are more guns, there are more accidental deaths. The mortality rate was 7 times higher in the four states with the most guns compared to the four states with the fewest guns.
Miller, Matthew; Azrael, Deborah; Hemenway, David. Firearm availability and unintentional firearm deaths. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2001; 33:477-84.

Also....bathtubs kill 350 people a year....ladders 200, and lawn mowers between you feel dumb?
3/4 of all murders are still committed with guns, dumb ass. More than half of all suicides are committed with guns.

Across states, more guns = more unintentional firearm deaths
We analyzed data for 50 states over 19 years to investigate the relationship between gun prevalence and accidental gun deaths across different age groups. For every age group, where there are more guns, there are more accidental deaths. The mortality rate was 7 times higher in the four states with the most guns compared to the four states with the fewest guns.
Miller, Matthew; Azrael, Deborah; Hemenway, David. Firearm availability and unintentional firearm deaths. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2001; 33:477-84.

Accidental gun deaths 2019....485....

Accidental pedal cycling deaths 2019...

Unintentional Pedal cyclist Deaths and Rates per 100,000

3/4 of all murders are still committed with guns, dumb ass. More than half of all suicides are committed with guns.

Across states, more guns = more unintentional firearm deaths
We analyzed data for 50 states over 19 years to investigate the relationship between gun prevalence and accidental gun deaths across different age groups. For every age group, where there are more guns, there are more accidental deaths. The mortality rate was 7 times higher in the four states with the most guns compared to the four states with the fewest guns.
Miller, Matthew; Azrael, Deborah; Hemenway, David. Firearm availability and unintentional firearm deaths. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2001; 33:477-84.

Also...the hemenway from 2001...I gave you accidental death data for guns from 1999 through can see the death rate stayed fairly steady, actually going down..........

And you can bet they managed to slip in suicide to boost their typical gun grabbing extremists do all the time...
3/4 of all murders are still committed with guns, dumb ass. More than half of all suicides are committed with guns.

Across states, more guns = more unintentional firearm deaths
We analyzed data for 50 states over 19 years to investigate the relationship between gun prevalence and accidental gun deaths across different age groups. For every age group, where there are more guns, there are more accidental deaths. The mortality rate was 7 times higher in the four states with the most guns compared to the four states with the fewest guns.
Miller, Matthew; Azrael, Deborah; Hemenway, David. Firearm availability and unintentional firearm deaths. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2001; 33:477-84.

Yeah...see, I looked up that is for 5-14 year olds.....

From the Actual CDC on those deaths for children 5-14?

Total accidental deaths for 2019.....?

2019, United States
Unintentional Firearm Deaths and Rates per 100,000
All Races, Both Sexes, Ages 5 to 14

ICD-10 Codes: W32-W34


Out of 73 million children in the U.S.

See...the trick they play one dupes like you.....that add up all the numbers for suicides, murder, and accidents...over a 10 year period.......all to make the number look bigger....

When you actually look at the year....what do you get?

Accidental gun death for children age

They then go on to focus on murder and suicide.....

Total murder of children with guns 2019......?



Out of 73 million children.



Cars accidentally kill more children than criminals do with the intentional illegal use of guns.....

Ban cars...right?
You're missing the point.

This guy, a contractor at Publix grocery,. killed three people with a bat.

This "mass shooter', a contractor at Kroger grocery, killed one person with a gun...

People intent on killing are going to kill people. They don't need a gun to make that happen.

When the UK banned guns...nothing changed.

Proportionally over the same period OUR murder rate fell more than that in the UK.
it's amazing how OBVIOUSLY blind people are to the truth because of their emotions/etc
1. UK!!!!!!!!!!!!! the UK is an argument FOR gun control ---their murder rate is FOUR TIMES less!!!!!
-I've been over this with jackass god--the numbers are UNDENIABLE --yet you try to deny them
2. no you don't get the point--it is VERY rare for people to kill with bats, especially compared to firearms
10,000 murders by firearm
a. without firearms there would be MUCH less murders --per France/Germany/Japan/UK/etc etc....
NO NO--all those people that use firearms to kill would NOT use bats/etc ---when you say that they [ the majority ] would use a different weapon, that's total BULLSHIT are just like the blacks trying to argue about police killing blacks
1. UK!!!!!!!!!!!!! the UK is an argument FOR gun control ---their murder rate is FOUR TIMES less!!!!!
And they were SEVEN times less before they banned guns.

This is where critical thinking and the scientific method come in.

You compare their pre-ban murder rate to their own post ban murder rate.

Then you compare our murder rate the year they banned guns to our murder rate today...

WE are the control...they are the experiment.

Proportionally...our murder rate declined more than theirs did...even though they banned guns while our gun ownership grew exponentially...while at the same time their murder rate only dropped .2 per 100,000.

It's not proof positive...but it is one hell of a correlation that an intelligent observer recognizes immediately.

Banning firearms didn't reduce murder rates in any significant way. In fact... the argument can be easily made that our increased firearm ownership did more to reduce the murder rate than the UK's ban.

But... correlation is not causation...and the experiment is not flawless. There are cultural and societal differences between the UK and the US.

But that said...the critical thinker cannot help but take note of the lack of reduction the removal of firearms had in the murder rate of the UK. The murder rate remained virtually unchanged which leads inextricably to the ironclad conclusion that only the method of homicide was changed...from firearm to stabbing or beating or strangulation.

IOWs ... while the weapons changed... the number of murders remained the same...
And they were SEVEN times less before they banned guns.

This is where critical thinking and the scientific method come in.

You compare their pre-ban murder rate to their own post ban murder rate.

Then you compare our murder rate the year they banned guns to our murder rate today...

WE are the control...they are the experiment.

Proportionally...our murder rate declined more than theirs did...even though they banned guns while our gun ownership grew exponentially...while at the same time their murder rate only dropped .2 per 100,000.

It's not proof positive...but it is one hell of a correlation that an intelligent observer recognizes immediately.

Banning firearms didn't reduce murder rates in any significant way. In fact... the argument can be easily made that our increased firearm ownership did more to reduce the murder rate than the UK's ban.

But... correlation is not causation...and the experiment is not flawless. There are cultural and societal differences between the UK and the US.

But that said...the critical thinker cannot help but take note of the lack of reduction the removal of firearms had in the murder rate of the UK. The murder rate remained virtually unchanged which leads inextricably to the fact that only the method of homicide was changed...from firearm to stabbing or beating or strangulation.

IOWs ... while the weapons changed... The murders remained the same...


Excellent.....bravo.........well done sir.....
A gun just makes the job so much easier.

A gun makes the job of stopping rapists, robbers, and murderers way easier too..........just ask the 1.2 million Americans who used their guns to stop criminals......

Any man can beat and rape a woman with a knife or even his bare hands......a woman needs a gun to stop even the smallest male.....
Polk County Florida is getting odder by the year, Pinellas and Hillsborough have fallen behind: I live in Pinellas and it’s a strange place. Tampa St Pete is an odd place.

One minute you are minding your own business, and all is well: and the next minute, some one is in the news doing something dastardly.
Missourian ..if I had the $$$, I would have one of every firearm, especially WW2/etc...I love shooting/etc..I was in the USMC and fired all kinds of stuff
..but, humans should not have '''unlimited'''/ridiculous access to ''tools'' designed for one thing--to kill
We analyzed data for 50 states over 19 years to investigate the relationship between gun prevalence and accidental gun deaths across different age groups. For every age group, where there are more guns, there are more accidental deaths.

That is a lie......from the Centers for Disease Control...

Accidental gun deaths.. total....2019...


Out of a country of over 330 million people.....with over 600 million guns and over 19.4 million people carrying guns for self defense in public?

Compared to Accidental car deaths.....

Total, 2019...


Accidental gun deaths by year according to the Centers for Disease Control...

2016 495


2013 ..... 505
2012 ..... 548
2011 ..... 591
2010 ..... 606
2009 ..... 554
2008 ..... 592
2007..... 613
2006..... 642
2005 ..... 789
2004 ..... 649
2003 ..... 730
2002 ..... 762
2001 ..... 802
2000 ..... 776
1999 ..... 824

That quote you have is a lie...used to push gun control.

And there you have it....David Hemenway....the liar of the anti-gun movement..........there is nothing that guy will not say to move gun control....
Oh STFU you blabbering gun nut..
Also....bathtubs kill 350 people a year....ladders 200, and lawn mowers between you feel dumb?
One of us is really dumb. It;s not me though, you idiot gun nut.
And they were SEVEN times less before they banned guns.

This is where critical thinking and the scientific method come in.

You compare their pre-ban murder rate to their own post ban murder rate.

Then you compare our murder rate the year they banned guns to our murder rate today...

WE are the control...they are the experiment.

Proportionally...our murder rate declined more than theirs did...even though they banned guns while our gun ownership grew exponentially...while at the same time their murder rate only dropped .2 per 100,000.

It's not proof positive...but it is one hell of a correlation that an intelligent observer recognizes immediately.

Banning firearms didn't reduce murder rates in any significant way. In fact... the argument can be easily made that our increased firearm ownership did more to reduce the murder rate than the UK's ban.

But... correlation is not causation...and the experiment is not flawless. There are cultural and societal differences between the UK and the US.

But that said...the critical thinker cannot help but take note of the lack of reduction the removal of firearms had in the murder rate of the UK. The murder rate remained virtually unchanged which leads inextricably to the ironclad conclusion that only the method of homicide was changed...from firearm to stabbing or beating or strangulation.

IOWs ... while the weapons changed... the number of murders remained the same...
How do you explain our 30% increase in murder in 2020?

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