National Implications: A Larry Elder Victory in California Would Shift U.S. Senate Majority to Republicans

No, "Cali" does not. Some counties allow non citizens to vote in local elections, not federal ones. And again, no they can't hold public office. They can be appointed to some boards and commissions, that's it. Seriously, get better news sources. Youtube videos are not reliable sources.

Everything you said only proves my point.

Disgusting state
How do you force a US Senator to retire? If she doesn't want to retire, there is nothing Republicans can do to force her to do so.
There are several options. Most of them illegal. But those sort of options are more used by illegal aliens than by actual Republicans. Still, they can't be overlooked.

I do believe, though, that certified insanity is NOT grounds for removal in California. Rather, a sort of endorsement.

And then there are actuarial tables........far more effective than the average Calfornian's family Ouija board....
NOQ Report ^ | 09/04/2021 |

Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and the Biden-Harris regime are putting an immense amount of effort into the California recall election. But it’s not because they love Gavin Newsom so much or care about California politics. They’ve done the math and realize what a Newsom recall really means for them.
Republicans across the country should do the math as well and start helping to push the recall of one of the worst governors in the nation. According to Just The News:
Larry Elder said Friday that if he is elected California governor in the state recall of Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, he will replace Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) with a Republican.
Elder told the “Mark Levin Show” that George Soros, President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) are getting involved in the California recall election because they’re concerned about the balance of power in the Senate.

“All of these people are scared to death about one big thing,” Elder said. “They couldn’t care less about Gavin Newsom. They care about the 50-50 split in the Senate in Washington, D.C. And God forbid Gov. Elder should replace Dianne Feinstein – that nobody’s seen in weeks – and I’m told that she’s in worse mental condition than Joe Biden.
“They’re afraid I’m going to replace her with a Republican, which I most certainly would do, and that would be an earthquake in Washington, D.C.”
The 88-year-old senator from California told CNN that regardless of the recall election’s outcome, she will not step down from her seat and plans to serve out the rest of her term, which ends in 2025.
A California Democratic source said that others in the party are concerned, and “the right thing to do” would be for Feinstein to vacate her seat while Newsom is still governor and could appoint a replacement, since the recall “is looking like a closer election,” CNN reported.

As noted in the article, Feinstein is MIA and very likely on the verge of retirement from the U.S. Senate, whether forced or voluntary. If she leaves, the Governor of California at the time gets to select a replacement until the 2022 election.
If Elder wins and replaces Feinstein with a Republican, the GOP would enjoy a 51-49 majority in the Senate. They would oust Schumer as Senate Majority Leader and be able to block nearly everything the Democrats try to push for the next year-and-a-half.
The recall election isn’t just about California. The legislative fate of the nation could be determined by it. Democrats from across the country are fighting for Gavin Newsom. Does the RNC plan on showing up or will they sit out another important election?


“ putting an immense amount of effort into the California recall election”
Or in other words, they are getting ready to dump a shitload of fake ballots and enacting every fraudulent tactic in the democrat ply book!
While I would absolutely love for California to turn red, Republicans are screwing up their chance. Let's not forget that California is a hugely liberal state. If Elder were to win, he would be doing it with just the support of about 33% of Californians. Therefore, it is rather stupid for both him and Republicans to go rabid red in their campaign, because it does just as you said, encourages the political left and the lefty media to swarm behind the blue team. Both Elder and the Republicans need to tune their message to the center and maybe even the center left because they need the "no" vote in order to win. Their rabid red campaign, doubling down on far right ideals, is changing the polls to read that the "yes" votes are now in the lead by quite a bit, because liberal Californians are beginning to see what would happen to California if the no votes win out.

The right are flushing their own chances right down the toilet. You aren't going to win here by doubling down on far right policies. You're going to lose. I can't believe how utterly stupid they are. The stupidest thing to do would be for the right to show up here in full force, campaigning about their far right platform, driving out the vote of 67% of the state who wold be terrified of a Republican takeover of the state.
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That's what this about, how Elder would pressure her to resign, or pressure the Senate itself to do something. Even Democrats can't ignore the clear ethical problem of allowing someone incapable of the job to remain in office. Of course Democrats don't want her gone, but there is very little chance she'll last out her term. On the other hand, she could have resigned and been replaced before the recall, preserving the seat until a special election. That didn't happen, so that seat might fall to a Republican. It's the Ginsberg problem just waiting to happen.

Even Democrats can't ignore the clear ethical problem of allowing someone incapable of the job to remain in office.

hey kept Strom past his due date.
I do. Just like they do every election. There is no more proof of widespread voter fraud in California than in any other state in the union. In fact, California puts more safeguards in place than many red States.

California requires that voting systems be tested and certified by the state, that logic and accuracy testing occur prior to every election, that voting machines have a paper trail for voter verification and auditing AND they require a post election manual audit after EVERY election. Does your state do any of those things?
California mails unsolicited ballots to every registered voter. That is ripe for voter fraud right there!
Then why hasn't all of this alleged "evidence" been produced?

The counting is done by computers. That's what the audit does, make sure the computers count everything correctly.

BTW, as the ridiculous"Election Integrity Project" has discovered, every aspect of election operation in California is open to public viewing.

There’s a bunch of vag hatters in charge. It will be real honest.
California mails unsolicited ballots to every registered voter. That is ripe for voter fraud right there!
Yeah...just like Washington, Colorado, Oregon, Hawaii and Utah. Where is your proof that all mailed ballot elections are "ripe for voter fraud"? Oregon has been doing it for over a decade.
NOQ Report ^ | 09/04/2021 |

Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and the Biden-Harris regime are putting an immense amount of effort into the California recall election. But it’s not because they love Gavin Newsom so much or care about California politics. They’ve done the math and realize what a Newsom recall really means for them.
Republicans across the country should do the math as well and start helping to push the recall of one of the worst governors in the nation. According to Just The News:
Larry Elder said Friday that if he is elected California governor in the state recall of Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, he will replace Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) with a Republican.
Elder told the “Mark Levin Show” that George Soros, President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) are getting involved in the California recall election because they’re concerned about the balance of power in the Senate.

“All of these people are scared to death about one big thing,” Elder said. “They couldn’t care less about Gavin Newsom. They care about the 50-50 split in the Senate in Washington, D.C. And God forbid Gov. Elder should replace Dianne Feinstein – that nobody’s seen in weeks – and I’m told that she’s in worse mental condition than Joe Biden.
“They’re afraid I’m going to replace her with a Republican, which I most certainly would do, and that would be an earthquake in Washington, D.C.”
The 88-year-old senator from California told CNN that regardless of the recall election’s outcome, she will not step down from her seat and plans to serve out the rest of her term, which ends in 2025.
A California Democratic source said that others in the party are concerned, and “the right thing to do” would be for Feinstein to vacate her seat while Newsom is still governor and could appoint a replacement, since the recall “is looking like a closer election,” CNN reported.

As noted in the article, Feinstein is MIA and very likely on the verge of retirement from the U.S. Senate, whether forced or voluntary. If she leaves, the Governor of California at the time gets to select a replacement until the 2022 election.
If Elder wins and replaces Feinstein with a Republican, the GOP would enjoy a 51-49 majority in the Senate. They would oust Schumer as Senate Majority Leader and be able to block nearly everything the Democrats try to push for the next year-and-a-half.
The recall election isn’t just about California. The legislative fate of the nation could be determined by it. Democrats from across the country are fighting for Gavin Newsom. Does the RNC plan on showing up or will they sit out another important election?


“ putting an immense amount of effort into the California recall election”
Or in other words, they are getting ready to dump a shitload of fake ballots and enacting every fraudulent tactic in the democrat ply book!
I seriously doubt goof ball Gavin will lose the recall. That being said Feinstein is not going anywhere resignation wise.
None of that matters. Btw the evidence of voter fraud is massive. What are you talking about All of your safeguards are still subject to the Josef-rule. He who does the counting.
Where is this "massive" proof? Other than conspiracy theory websites and the radio waves being beamed into your tinfoil hat of course...
Where is this "massive" proof? Other than conspiracy theory websites and the radio waves being beamed into your tinfoil hat of course...
Any statistician will confirm it. When you hit the power ball three consecutive weeks in a row then get back to me. It's there in spades.
Everything you said only proves my point.

Disgusting state
Because taxpaying individuals whose children attend the schools are allowed to vote on their school boards, a state is "disgusting" to you? Did you even bother to see what other states do it? FYI, non citizen does not necessarily mean "illegal". I noticed you ducked my question.

California requires that voting systems be tested and certified by the state, that logic and accuracy testing occur prior to every election, that voting machines have a paper trail for voter verification and auditing AND they require a post election manual audit after EVERY election. Does your state do any of those things?
Yeah...just like Washington, Colorado, Oregon, Hawaii and Utah. Where is your proof that all mailed ballot elections are "ripe for voter fraud"? Oregon has been doing it for over a decade.
Oregon did plenty of research and legislated the process. They started with a clean slate. That didn't happen in a number of swing states in the last election. Instead what you have is numerous violations of election laws, nobody had purged their voter rolls, and allowing ballot drops at unmonitored locations. Those things led to the least secure election in US history.
The right are flushing their own chances right down the toilet. You aren't going to win here by doubling down on far right policies. You're going to lose. I can't believe how utterly stupid they are. The stupidest thing to do would be for the right to show up here in full force, campaigning about their far right platform, driving out the vote of 67% of the state who wold be terrified of a Republican takeover of the state.

Far right policies such as what, addressing the homeless and drug problem, getting rid of commie filth like Gascon aiding in the increasing crime problem that's been forcing stores to close up for good, and speaking of closing for good, what about all the restaurants and gyms that met the same fate due to their Covid policies?

To be honest with you, I think at this point the citizens of that state could care less about who the next US Senator will be, especially given the long list of Biden failures. They are more concerned about their business and getting back to near normal again. If they vote against the recall, it would only support our point how politically stupid the left are.
Oregon did plenty of research and legislated the process. They started with a clean slate. That didn't happen in a number of swing states in the last election. Instead what you have is numerous violations of election laws, nobody had purged their voter rolls, and allowing ballot drops at unmonitored locations. Those things led to the least secure election in US history.
Saying things does not make them true. Every single state has been allowing voters to vote by mail. Expanding it may have overburdened some states, but they slogged through it and have lessons learned going forward. Unfortunately for you, voting by mail is popular.

Who is this mysterious"nobody" that hasn't"purged" their rolls? Who violated election law? Try some links with your lies, ahem, commentary.
NOQ Report ^ | 09/04/2021 |

Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and the Biden-Harris regime are putting an immense amount of effort into the California recall election. But it’s not because they love Gavin Newsom so much or care about California politics. They’ve done the math and realize what a Newsom recall really means for them.
Republicans across the country should do the math as well and start helping to push the recall of one of the worst governors in the nation. According to Just The News:
Larry Elder said Friday that if he is elected California governor in the state recall of Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, he will replace Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) with a Republican.
Elder told the “Mark Levin Show” that George Soros, President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) are getting involved in the California recall election because they’re concerned about the balance of power in the Senate.

“All of these people are scared to death about one big thing,” Elder said. “They couldn’t care less about Gavin Newsom. They care about the 50-50 split in the Senate in Washington, D.C. And God forbid Gov. Elder should replace Dianne Feinstein – that nobody’s seen in weeks – and I’m told that she’s in worse mental condition than Joe Biden.
“They’re afraid I’m going to replace her with a Republican, which I most certainly would do, and that would be an earthquake in Washington, D.C.”
The 88-year-old senator from California told CNN that regardless of the recall election’s outcome, she will not step down from her seat and plans to serve out the rest of her term, which ends in 2025.
A California Democratic source said that others in the party are concerned, and “the right thing to do” would be for Feinstein to vacate her seat while Newsom is still governor and could appoint a replacement, since the recall “is looking like a closer election,” CNN reported.

As noted in the article, Feinstein is MIA and very likely on the verge of retirement from the U.S. Senate, whether forced or voluntary. If she leaves, the Governor of California at the time gets to select a replacement until the 2022 election.
If Elder wins and replaces Feinstein with a Republican, the GOP would enjoy a 51-49 majority in the Senate. They would oust Schumer as Senate Majority Leader and be able to block nearly everything the Democrats try to push for the next year-and-a-half.
The recall election isn’t just about California. The legislative fate of the nation could be determined by it. Democrats from across the country are fighting for Gavin Newsom. Does the RNC plan on showing up or will they sit out another important election?


“ putting an immense amount of effort into the California recall election”
Or in other words, they are getting ready to dump a shitload of fake ballots and enacting every fraudulent tactic in the democrat ply book!
I have voted for GOP presidential candidates since 1968 when I was 21. However I have voted for several Democrats on the ballot in other offices. I held my nose when I voted for Romney, McCain and Dole but I considered them the "lesser of two evils". Because I believe in the Second Amendment I have followed the careers of Feinstein, Biden, Ted Kennedy, Gephardt and other gun control advocates closely. One thing you have to admit is that the Democrats have STRONG leadership at the top. Just the opposite of the GOP.
Because taxpaying individuals whose children attend the schools are allowed to vote on their school boards, a state is "disgusting" to you? Did you even bother to see what other states do it? FYI, non citizen does not necessarily mean "illegal". I noticed you ducked my question.

California requires that voting systems be tested and certified by the state, that logic and accuracy testing occur prior to every election, that voting machines have a paper trail for voter verification and auditing AND they require a post election manual audit after EVERY election. Does your state do any of those things?
If you want to know my states voting procedures look it up, I'm not your gopher.
NOQ Report ^ | 09/04/2021 |

Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and the Biden-Harris regime are putting an immense amount of effort into the California recall election. But it’s not because they love Gavin Newsom so much or care about California politics. They’ve done the math and realize what a Newsom recall really means for them.
Republicans across the country should do the math as well and start helping to push the recall of one of the worst governors in the nation. According to Just The News:
Larry Elder said Friday that if he is elected California governor in the state recall of Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, he will replace Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) with a Republican.
Elder told the “Mark Levin Show” that George Soros, President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) are getting involved in the California recall election because they’re concerned about the balance of power in the Senate.

“All of these people are scared to death about one big thing,” Elder said. “They couldn’t care less about Gavin Newsom. They care about the 50-50 split in the Senate in Washington, D.C. And God forbid Gov. Elder should replace Dianne Feinstein – that nobody’s seen in weeks – and I’m told that she’s in worse mental condition than Joe Biden.
“They’re afraid I’m going to replace her with a Republican, which I most certainly would do, and that would be an earthquake in Washington, D.C.”
The 88-year-old senator from California told CNN that regardless of the recall election’s outcome, she will not step down from her seat and plans to serve out the rest of her term, which ends in 2025.
A California Democratic source said that others in the party are concerned, and “the right thing to do” would be for Feinstein to vacate her seat while Newsom is still governor and could appoint a replacement, since the recall “is looking like a closer election,” CNN reported.

As noted in the article, Feinstein is MIA and very likely on the verge of retirement from the U.S. Senate, whether forced or voluntary. If she leaves, the Governor of California at the time gets to select a replacement until the 2022 election.
If Elder wins and replaces Feinstein with a Republican, the GOP would enjoy a 51-49 majority in the Senate. They would oust Schumer as Senate Majority Leader and be able to block nearly everything the Democrats try to push for the next year-and-a-half.
The recall election isn’t just about California. The legislative fate of the nation could be determined by it. Democrats from across the country are fighting for Gavin Newsom. Does the RNC plan on showing up or will they sit out another important election?


“ putting an immense amount of effort into the California recall election”
Or in other words, they are getting ready to dump a shitload of fake ballots and enacting every fraudulent tactic in the democrat ply book!

It's why the democrat cheating machine has to work overdrive in CA (which Trump actually won)
Far right policies such as what, addressing the homeless and drug problem, getting rid of commie filth like Gascon aiding in the increasing crime problem that's been forcing stores to close up for good, and speaking of closing for good, what about all the restaurants and gyms that met the same fate due to their Covid policies?

To be honest with you, I think at this point the citizens of that state could care less about who the next US Senator will be, especially given the long list of Biden failures. They are more concerned about their business and getting back to near normal again. If they vote against the recall, it would only support our point how politically stupid the left are.
I just wouldn't take for granted the fact that 67% of Californians are diehard liberal progressives. I don't think you are going to win by saying the 2020 election was stolen. You have to tap into their dislike of Newsome without espousing Republican values, which California voters are not and you aren't going to convince them to wear different stripes. They still believe in their liberal values. While there were enough Republicans in the state to get Newsome recalled, it's looking more and more like the majority voters in the state aren't going to let the state turn red.

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