National Public Opinion Reference Survey (NPORS) (note: sorry, just had to laugh here)

Procrustes Stretched

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Dec 1, 2008
National Public Opinion Reference Survey (NPORS) :auiqs.jpg:(note: sorry, just had to laugh here)
I could have posted any number of thread titles, but decided to go with the intellectually sterile title of the PEW survey and online post.

The survey includes:

Political party affiliation​

Religious affiliation​

Frequency of internet use​

NPORS Methodology​

(2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020)

What I see below is an image of the survey's findings of party affiliation, sans who people prefer or lean towards voting for an individual vs party, and I look for registered voters, likely voters, reliable voters...

But this is good, informative, and deserves to be looked into more deeply than a cursory reading.

PEW party affiliation.jpg

link: trends in political party affiliation

Comparing NPORS to other polling data​

NPORS estimates, which are based on paper, online and telephone survey responses, may differ somewhat from historical Pew Research Center polling data. There are several reasons why differences may arise. The Center has released analyses of how survey mode can influence estimates of political opinions and religious attitudes and behaviors.


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