Nationalist SOCIALIST Workers Party

Has it ever occurred to people on the left, who accuse Trump of being a Nazi and fawn over Bernie that the name of the Nazi Party was The Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party? Their political rivals sharing the LEFT of the political spectrum were the Communists?
Has it ever occurred to you that the People's Republic of China is neither the "people's" nor a "republic"?

Has it ever occurred to you that the Democratic People' Republic of Korea is not democratic nor the people's?

Perhaps a community college offering a course in remedial Political Science is what should occur to you.

Every so often, someone much like yourself, reveals his utter ignorance of politic. Strangely it always is someone with Conservative ideas. What does that say?
I have a poli sci degree thank you. Has it ever occured to you that China is a republic, just not a democratic one? They simply have one party and through this rule it is in theory supposed to belong to the people.
And North Korea is an Orwellin nightmare and its name means nothing.
But the Nationlist Socialist had "socialist " in their title to attract voters. Hitler was elected...remember that.
"I have a poli sci degree thank you."

After the stupidity you just displayed, I don't believe that for a minute.
I have a masters...believe it.
I don't. Not for a minute.
Has it ever occurred to people on the right how ignorant they are.

The NSDAP was a fascist political movement, where Nazis and fascism manifest on the right side of the political spectrum.

Obviously most on the right have never studied history or political science, never learned how ‘socialist’ was used by the Nazis, and never understood how propaganda was used by the Nazis to advance their movement.

Otherwise, yet another ignorant conservative has started yet another moronic thread exhibiting his ignorance.
So Nazi Germany had an unrestricted free market. Liberals are in denial because that cannot stand the truth that they are closer to Hitler than our founders.
The only problem with your comparison is...The Democratic Party is not pushing nationalism like the GOP nominee Trump..
No because they want to destroy from within and have a 5 year plan. They have already begun a cultural revolution. Oh, and BTW how is allow governors of states the right to call out the Natiol Guard to ensure state sovereignty "nationalist?" Trump is pushing federalism.
They do have 5 years plans and have had them for many years, in agriculture legislation..
Has it ever occurred to people on the left, who accuse Trump of being a Nazi and fawn over Bernie that the name of the Nazi Party was The Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party? Their political rivals sharing the LEFT of the political spectrum were the Communists?
Has it ever occurred to you that the People's Republic of China is neither the "people's" nor a "republic"?

Has it ever occurred to you that the Democratic People' Republic of Korea is not democratic nor the people's?

Perhaps a community college offering a course in remedial Political Science is what should occur to you.

Every so often, someone much like yourself, reveals his utter ignorance of politic. Strangely it always is someone with Conservative ideas. What does that say?
I have a poli sci degree thank you. Has it ever occured to you that China is a republic, just not a democratic one? They simply have one party and through this rule it is in theory supposed to belong to the people.
And North Korea is an Orwellin nightmare and its name means nothing.
But the Nationlist Socialist had "socialist " in their title to attract voters. Hitler was elected...remember that.
"I have a poli sci degree thank you."

After the stupidity you just displayed, I don't believe that for a minute.
I have a masters...believe it.
I don't. Not for a minute.
He left out the bater part of the degree..
Has it ever occurred to people on the left, who accuse Trump of being a Nazi and fawn over Bernie that the name of the Nazi Party was The Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party? Their political rivals sharing the LEFT of the political spectrum were the Communists?
Has it ever occurred to you that the People's Republic of China is neither the "people's" nor a "republic"?

Has it ever occurred to you that the Democratic People' Republic of Korea is not democratic nor the people's?

Perhaps a community college offering a course in remedial Political Science is what should occur to you.

Every so often, someone much like yourself, reveals his utter ignorance of politic. Strangely it always is someone with Conservative ideas. What does that say?
I have a poli sci degree thank you. Has it ever occured to you that China is a republic, just not a democratic one? They simply have one party and through this rule it is in theory supposed to belong to the people.
And North Korea is an Orwellin nightmare and its name means nothing.
But the Nationlist Socialist had "socialist " in their title to attract voters. Hitler was elected...remember that.
"I have a poli sci degree thank you."

After the stupidity you just displayed, I don't believe that for a minute.
I have a masters...believe it.
I don't. Not for a minute.
Well you can believe about 20 years of it.
Has it ever occurred to people on the right how ignorant they are.

The NSDAP was a fascist political movement, where Nazis and fascism manifest on the right side of the political spectrum.

Obviously most on the right have never studied history or political science, never learned how ‘socialist’ was used by the Nazis, and never understood how propaganda was used by the Nazis to advance their movement.

Otherwise, yet another ignorant conservative has started yet another moronic thread exhibiting his ignorance.
So Nazi Germany had an unrestricted free market. Liberals are in denial because that cannot stand the truth that they are closer to Hitler than our founders.
You’re too funny – obviously you’re a liberal troll.

And yes, private industry flourished under the Nazis – in fact, many worked closely with the regime and profited accordingly, such as the I.G. Farben chemical conglomerate.

Daimler-Benz, Siemens, and Krupp also remained independent and profitable during the Third Reich.

National Socialism was a rightwing reactionary fascist movement that took over political, social, and cultural institutions in Germany, but allowed private industry and business to function in a free market, including engaging in international business transactions before the outbreak of war.

One of the fundamental tenets of National Socialism was its intense hostility toward communism, socialism, and Marxist ideologies.

The invasion of the Soviet Union was the ultimate manifestation of Hitler’s hatred and contempt for communism, and his solution to rid the world of ‘Bolshevism.’

The notion that Nazis and fascism are ‘the left’ is as ignorant as it is wrong.
"The Winterhilfswerk... was to call on the Volk to help itself... to comprehend the duties this community demands of us and to satisfy these of our own free accord without relying on the taxpayer."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech at Berlin Sportpalast (October 10, 1939)

"We have founded a system based on the most sincere foundation there is, namely: Form your life yourself! Work for your existence! Help yourself and God will help you!"

-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Wilhelmshaven (Apr. 1, 1939)

Nothing left-wing there. The Fascist wing of the party purged the laborist faction during The Night of Long Knives.
Hitler loved Communism, just ask all the Communists he rounded up and killed.
Different sides of the same coin.

It's a horizontal line fascism on one end, communism on the other and we all live somewhere in between.
Communism and Nationalist Socialism are leftist. The spectrum you mention is and been incorrect for years as it was drawn up by post WW II poli sci profs.
You are just embarrassing yourself now...
"The Winterhilfswerk... was to call on the Volk to help itself... to comprehend the duties this community demands of us and to satisfy these of our own free accord without relying on the taxpayer."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech at Berlin Sportpalast (October 10, 1939)

"We have founded a system based on the most sincere foundation there is, namely: Form your life yourself! Work for your existence! Help yourself and God will help you!"

-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Wilhelmshaven (Apr. 1, 1939)

Nothing left-wing there. The Fascist wing of the party purged the laborist faction during The Night of Long Knives.
Yes, fascism exalts the individual, but what about the government control of society and economy? I'm just happy none of the liberals on here have played the race card yet. It is usually your m.o.
"The Winterhilfswerk... was to call on the Volk to help itself... to comprehend the duties this community demands of us and to satisfy these of our own free accord without relying on the taxpayer."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech at Berlin Sportpalast (October 10, 1939)

"We have founded a system based on the most sincere foundation there is, namely: Form your life yourself! Work for your existence! Help yourself and God will help you!"

-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Wilhelmshaven (Apr. 1, 1939)

Nothing left-wing there. The Fascist wing of the party purged the laborist faction during The Night of Long Knives.
Yes, fascism exalts the individual, but what about the government control of society and economy? I'm just happy none of the liberals on here have played the race card yet. It is usually your m.o.
Now who's being stereotypical?
Nazi Party was not on the right of political spectrum. Again, it comes down to state control of society and economy. Conservatives subscribe to less of both. Gee I never seen liberals act intellectually superior to others when they march society over the cliff. You people have egos that are fun to mock.
When workers rights are weakened, the corporatists who want to run this country will have won. Then they will say the market will now control things. Then america fades away.
Remember, these people blame anyone who doesn't agree with them for being new incarnation of Hitler or at minimum a "racist". I don't think truth is something they are concerned with.

Check out these two vets on CNN interview. If you say "America first" now you are fascist, because Lindbergh was a fascist.

According to our leftist fruitcakes, if you say you hate communism, you are somehow Hitler supporter, because he also hated communists.
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