Nations are turning against Israel

I never was a big football fan, and after all these political stunts by players I just quit watching all together. There's some awesome stuff to watch on the Science ch, or the Smithsonian ch, or the National Geographic ch, or History, or Travel... you get the idea. I never watch sitcoms or news. However I spend the majority of my time out in my shop in the man cave, where I'm at now. It's where all my toys are at. I have to keep them company.
I don't have a wife so the entire house is a man cave..I watched the History channel so much I could recite the program's dialogue..I have been studying history since I was 8, and I still do..Mostly ancient history..
I'm single too. I have a kinda girlfriend that's a flake. We're on and off like a light switch.

I like being single. I like history too. I could have been an archaeologist.
Sociology is what I always tested highest in, but you don't make much money...I didn't make much being a broadcaster either, yet I liked it...
I toyed with the idea of being a psychiatrist... was all signed up for classes at UW and didn't go. I decided it really wasn't my bag. I free wheeled much of my life in schools, mostly engineering, retired from Harley Davidson at 53 making some good money. I have permanent incomes from several places and live pretty good.
I enjoyed psychology, the professor was great...I had to take it for performing and law majors...But it was such a long time ago when I took the class they were still teaching Freudian theory..
Freud... wasn't he a guest on MASH occasionally? ... :lol:
I don't have a wife so the entire house is a man cave..I watched the History channel so much I could recite the program's dialogue..I have been studying history since I was 8, and I still do..Mostly ancient history..
I'm single too. I have a kinda girlfriend that's a flake. We're on and off like a light switch.

I like being single. I like history too. I could have been an archaeologist.
Sociology is what I always tested highest in, but you don't make much money...I didn't make much being a broadcaster either, yet I liked it...
I toyed with the idea of being a psychiatrist... was all signed up for classes at UW and didn't go. I decided it really wasn't my bag. I free wheeled much of my life in schools, mostly engineering, retired from Harley Davidson at 53 making some good money. I have permanent incomes from several places and live pretty good.
I enjoyed psychology, the professor was great...I had to take it for performing and law majors...But it was such a long time ago when I took the class they were still teaching Freudian theory..
Freud... wasn't he a guest on MASH occasionally? ... :lol:
I think so, but hell, that was 40 years ago. I enjoyed the movie more than the TV series..
I kicked my wife out 4 years ago and have yet the desire to ruin the rest of my life with a long term relationship. So I went back to being the Bull in cuckold relationships..They get the headaches and I get the puzzy...
I divorced my last wife in 1986. Had a shit load of girlfriends since but never lived with a one of them. Now after all these years I'm too set in my ways and like my privacy and freedom to even consider farming in some woman to invade my space. Too many gold diggers out there looking for a sugar daddy anyway.
I could never get used to having my wife turn into my mother, always trying to change me and tell me what to do and how to live...
My last wife was a stripper when I met her. She made more money than I ever did. Brought home a Krugerrand one night amongst all the cash, drugs and motel room keys she'd get for tips. She decided it wasn't conducive to marriage to hustle so quit, got a decent cosmetology job and then quit that and figured she'd just sit on her ass, spend my money and get fat. Down the road she went.
I kicked my wife out 4 years ago and have yet the desire to ruin the rest of my life with a long term relationship. So I went back to being the Bull in cuckold relationships..They get the headaches and I get the puzzy...
I divorced my last wife in 1986. Had a shit load of girlfriends since but never lived with a one of them. Now after all these years I'm too set in my ways and like my privacy and freedom to even consider farming in some woman to invade my space. Too many gold diggers out there looking for a sugar daddy anyway.
I could never get used to having my wife turn into my mother, always trying to change me and tell me what to do and how to live...
My last wife was a stripper when I met her. She made more money than I ever did. Brought home a Krugerrand one night amongst all the cash, drugs and motel room keys she'd get for tips. She decided it wasn't conducive to marriage to hustle so quit, got a decent cosmetology job and then quit that and figured she'd just sit on her ass, spend my money and get fat. Down the road she went.
My last one was a stripper also, she did the same thing, now she is 300 pounds and a drunk...I told her to continue but...
I'm single too. I have a kinda girlfriend that's a flake. We're on and off like a light switch.

I like being single. I like history too. I could have been an archaeologist.
Sociology is what I always tested highest in, but you don't make much money...I didn't make much being a broadcaster either, yet I liked it...
I toyed with the idea of being a psychiatrist... was all signed up for classes at UW and didn't go. I decided it really wasn't my bag. I free wheeled much of my life in schools, mostly engineering, retired from Harley Davidson at 53 making some good money. I have permanent incomes from several places and live pretty good.
I enjoyed psychology, the professor was great...I had to take it for performing and law majors...But it was such a long time ago when I took the class they were still teaching Freudian theory..
Freud... wasn't he a guest on MASH occasionally? ... :lol:
I think so, but hell, that was 40 years ago. I enjoyed the movie more than the TV series..
I liked the early MASH episodes, but they got corny after awhile.
Sociology is what I always tested highest in, but you don't make much money...I didn't make much being a broadcaster either, yet I liked it...
I toyed with the idea of being a psychiatrist... was all signed up for classes at UW and didn't go. I decided it really wasn't my bag. I free wheeled much of my life in schools, mostly engineering, retired from Harley Davidson at 53 making some good money. I have permanent incomes from several places and live pretty good.
I enjoyed psychology, the professor was great...I had to take it for performing and law majors...But it was such a long time ago when I took the class they were still teaching Freudian theory..
Freud... wasn't he a guest on MASH occasionally? ... :lol:
I think so, but hell, that was 40 years ago. I enjoyed the movie more than the TV series..
I liked the early MASH episodes, but they got corny after awhile.
I couldn't stand to watch the last couple of years, it was too depressing and preachy...
I kicked my wife out 4 years ago and have yet the desire to ruin the rest of my life with a long term relationship. So I went back to being the Bull in cuckold relationships..They get the headaches and I get the puzzy...
I divorced my last wife in 1986. Had a shit load of girlfriends since but never lived with a one of them. Now after all these years I'm too set in my ways and like my privacy and freedom to even consider farming in some woman to invade my space. Too many gold diggers out there looking for a sugar daddy anyway.
I could never get used to having my wife turn into my mother, always trying to change me and tell me what to do and how to live...
My last wife was a stripper when I met her. She made more money than I ever did. Brought home a Krugerrand one night amongst all the cash, drugs and motel room keys she'd get for tips. She decided it wasn't conducive to marriage to hustle so quit, got a decent cosmetology job and then quit that and figured she'd just sit on her ass, spend my money and get fat. Down the road she went.
My last one was a stripper also, she did the same thing, now she is 300 pounds and a drunk...I told here to continue but...
Wait a minute here... there's a parallel developing... :lol:

Yeah my ex wife was a knock down drag out hot redhead when I met her. She's also a whale now, probably 350+.
I kicked my wife out 4 years ago and have yet the desire to ruin the rest of my life with a long term relationship. So I went back to being the Bull in cuckold relationships..They get the headaches and I get the puzzy...
I divorced my last wife in 1986. Had a shit load of girlfriends since but never lived with a one of them. Now after all these years I'm too set in my ways and like my privacy and freedom to even consider farming in some woman to invade my space. Too many gold diggers out there looking for a sugar daddy anyway.
I could never get used to having my wife turn into my mother, always trying to change me and tell me what to do and how to live...
My last wife was a stripper when I met her. She made more money than I ever did. Brought home a Krugerrand one night amongst all the cash, drugs and motel room keys she'd get for tips. She decided it wasn't conducive to marriage to hustle so quit, got a decent cosmetology job and then quit that and figured she'd just sit on her ass, spend my money and get fat. Down the road she went.
My last one was a stripper also, she did the same thing, now she is 300 pounds and a drunk...I told here to continue but...
Wait a minute here... there's a parallel developing... :lol:

Yeah my ex wife was a knock down drag out hot redhead when I met her. She's also a whale now, probably 350+.
Mine was a blonde...I was a stripper 1979-1982 and I didn't gain 200 pounds after stopping...
I divorced my last wife in 1986. Had a shit load of girlfriends since but never lived with a one of them. Now after all these years I'm too set in my ways and like my privacy and freedom to even consider farming in some woman to invade my space. Too many gold diggers out there looking for a sugar daddy anyway.
I could never get used to having my wife turn into my mother, always trying to change me and tell me what to do and how to live...
My last wife was a stripper when I met her. She made more money than I ever did. Brought home a Krugerrand one night amongst all the cash, drugs and motel room keys she'd get for tips. She decided it wasn't conducive to marriage to hustle so quit, got a decent cosmetology job and then quit that and figured she'd just sit on her ass, spend my money and get fat. Down the road she went.
My last one was a stripper also, she did the same thing, now she is 300 pounds and a drunk...I told here to continue but...
Wait a minute here... there's a parallel developing... :lol:

Yeah my ex wife was a knock down drag out hot redhead when I met her. She's also a whale now, probably 350+.
Mine was a blonde...I was a stripper 1979-1982 and I didn't gain 200 pounds after stopping...
I was stationed at MacDill AFB in Tampa. One night I drove my motorcycle right into the club and parked it by the pool table. My then future wife came up to me and said wtf do you think you're doing? I said parking my bike, what else. She said it could stay there under one condition, I give her a ride home when she got off, hence the beginning of our relationship.

Just a quick google of the place where she worked turned up this. I used to help water down the liquor before they'd open...
Seven Seas nude lounge shut down in Tampa
The dancers around here look like meth addicts...
Ain't no clubs like that here in back woods podunk, WI. Don't think I'd frequent one if there was. Don't need some pushy bitch hitting me up to buy drinks and a lap dance and call me a prick if I don't. They're clip joints now, and they don't "dance," they hang on that pole like they'd fall over if they didn't. It's pathetic.

Nevada was fun. The brothels were awesome. Just like a bar. It was like a huge club where you could get laid, and the bikers I rode with mostly dated hookers. The hookers enjoyed the protection from over zealous johns that thought they were in love with them.
The dancers around here look like meth addicts...
Ain't no clubs like that here in back woods podunk, WI. Don't think I'd frequent one if there was. Don't need some pushy bitch hitting me up to buy drinks and a lap dance and call me a prick if I don't. They're clip joints now.

Nevada was fun. The brothels were awesome. Just like a bar. It was like a huge club where you could get laid, and the bikers I rode with mostly dated hookers. The hookers enjoyed the protection from over zealous johns that thought they were in love with them.
The closest strip joint around here is 21 miles away...I live by a town that has 1400 people..With 4 bars..You see guys driving down the road with a beer in one hand and a lottery ticket in the other..They have had several hundred Somalian immigrants move here so now we have our own group of blacks hanging on the streets...They can certainly tell they are not welcome here...
The dancers around here look like meth addicts...
Ain't no clubs like that here in back woods podunk, WI. Don't think I'd frequent one if there was. Don't need some pushy bitch hitting me up to buy drinks and a lap dance and call me a prick if I don't. They're clip joints now.

Nevada was fun. The brothels were awesome. Just like a bar. It was like a huge club where you could get laid, and the bikers I rode with mostly dated hookers. The hookers enjoyed the protection from over zealous johns that thought they were in love with them.
The closest strip joint around here is 21 miles away...I live by a town that has 1400 people..With 4 bars..You see guys driving down the road with a beer in one hand and a lottery ticket in the other..They have had several hundred Somalian immigrants move here so now we have our own group of blacks hanging on the streets...They can certainly tell they are not welcomed here...
Damn, Moon, sounds like where I live minus the muslims. This little burg is about 1,200 population, and we have 4 bars in town too, and one across the bridge that I like. Nice looking bartenders. People bar hop here with beer in hand too, and a gun in their boot. Farmers. The bars used to be rowdy places, look at someone wrong and it's a brawl, every damn weekend, fights all over.
I dated a model in Reno, she was a real head case.
Everyone of the chicks I dated that was in entertainment was like that, opera singers seemed to be emotionally disturbed for some reason...
My mother sang opera in college... :lol:

I have a cousin that's in the entertainment industry, dancer/choreographer, lives in LA but lived in Vegas while she was in Duke Ellington's, Sophisticated Ladies at the Desert Inn. She once told me after one of her shows in Vegas that if she ever had kids she wouldn't want them in the entertainment industry. Now she has a son in one of the top teenie bands around, R5, He's the drummer.

Her Dad, my uncle, passed away recently and I talked with her, and she seems still grounded, but then she grew up here in WI.
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On December 1, 2016 the UN passes resolutions to divide Israel and Jerusalem. Check out these videos:

Will Barack Obama support a UN Security Counsel resolution to solidify the UN's plan to divide Israel?

The writing was on the wall in October.
I do not care who thinks I'm a kook or a nutcase.
I say this with utter seriousness and all the love in the world
We are living in the end times my friends
God is creating the circumstances leading to the return of Christ.

I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like Me.
What I have said, that will I bring about;
What I have planned, that will I do.

Isaiah 46:9,11

Come near to God and He will come near to you.

James 4:8

I cannot dismiss what I cannot deny.
That is my truth, my testimony.

I would simply challenge anyone who doesn't believe,
who doubts, who feels something is missing,
who feels they've done too many bad things,
who thinks they have to join a church or belong to a particular religion,

Don't try to reason, or turn to logic of your own understanding
God is bigger then that and surpasses our limited understanding

Leave all that at the door and just talk to God...
You don't have to address Him as God, just talk out loud...

Hey...If You're there, if You really exist, show me, let me know.
Do this every day, throughout the day, until He shows up.
You will not be able to dismiss what you cannot deny.

God has been long suffering but, that will change.
Jesus was the one time for all sacrifice for your eternal salvation

God loves you that much that He became flesh to die for you

Ask, and it will be given to you;
Seek, and you will find;
Knock, and it will be opened to you.

For everyone who asks receives,
And he who seeks finds,
And to him who knocks it will be opened.

Matthew 7:7-8
Well, the neighborhood bully, he's just one man
His enemies say he's on their land
They got him outnumbered about a million to one
He got no place to escape to, no place to run
He's the neighborhood bully.
The neighborhood bully he just lives to survive
He's criticized and condemned for being alive
He's not supposed to fight back, he's supposed to have thick skin
He's supposed to lay down and die when his door is kicked in
He's the neighborhood bully.
The neighborhood bully been driven out of every land
He's wandered the earth an exiled man
Seen his family scattered, his people hounded and torn
He's always on trial for just being born
He's the neighborhood bully.
Well, he knocked out a lynch mob, he was criticized
Old women…

Bully Neighborhood, Bob Dylan
I kicked my wife out 4 years ago and have yet the desire to ruin the rest of my life with a long term relationship. So I went back to being the Bull in cuckold relationships..They get the headaches and I get the puzzy...
I divorced my last wife in 1986. Had a shit load of girlfriends since but never lived with a one of them. Now after all these years I'm too set in my ways and like my privacy and freedom to even consider farming in some woman to invade my space. Too many gold diggers out there looking for a sugar daddy anyway.

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