Nations largest employer to furlough thousands

LMAO Speak for yourself there asshole

You don't know me asshole and you certainly don't know what I'm capable of.

I wouldn't have problem one shooting some asshole who broke into my house and I sure as shit wouldn't have problem one injecting a murder and sending him on his merry way to hell.

Just because you don't have ball one doesn't mean the rest of us don't have the cojones to do what you would be scared shitless to do.

That's a fuckin' lie. Those who can, DO. Those who cannot or will not, TALK.

A fucking lie huh?? AS I said shitbird, You don't know me so I find your opinion on what I would or would not do quite laugable.

Just because you don't have any balls doesn't mean everyone has no balls. All one needs is the will to remove a fucking murder from the planet. A murder who is taking up air and space.

Your a joke. Carry on with your comfy Govt job and hope you don't get the axe. Jeeze. You might end up in the UE line like so many of us private sector folks who pay taxes to support your sorry ass.

Damn! Where's all that hate come from? No wonder you're on the same thread with "Reverend Hater." Must be your spiritual Dalai Lama. FYI - I worked a long time in your precious "private sector" and note no significant difference between the wages and benefits between that an public proportionally. You just NEED people to hate, and your Right Wing Dalai Lama gave you public employees as another monster to be feared. This conversation wasn't even on the radar until fanatic extremists like Walker and Kasich and that dick in Michigan made it one a couple years ago. I hope if you even need an ambulance, they laugh and drive by your house, waving and yelling "We're scum - not good enough to treat you."
I pay taxes too. And I don't have any say where it goes, especially when it goes to immoral wars to fuel the military industrial complex.

I'm a teacher, so no, I probably don't make as much as you. Teaching is like the ministry - you take a vow of poverty......... OK, not poverty, but I certainly don't have any vacation homes or cushy retirement to look forward to. Shit, where I teach, I'm just happy to come out alive every day.

You teach convicted felons in a prison That alone makes your job useless and a waste of my freaking tax money. Convicts need to be breaking big rocks into lots of little rocks 10-12 hrs a day. They should not have the priviledge of sitting in a classroom getting an education on my freaking dime and for that matter they should not have the time or strength to do it. THAT is part of the problem with our Justice System. Prisoners are not treated nearly harsh enough so they don't fear going to prison in the first place and don't fear going back, time and time and time again. Prison should not be a place where you get to go to school, it should be a place of harsh punishement and backbreaking labor all day long from sun up to sun down year, after year, decade after decade. School for convicted felons, what a freaking joke and a waste of time and tax payer money. Hope ALL prison teachers get permantly furloughed.

OK, hardass, would you like a tour? I can set it all up for you. Bring a change of underware so you can clean up after you shit your pants, but you're probably too big of a fuckin' pussy to accept. And to show how goddamned stupid YOU are, today's inmates are tomorrow's NEIGHBORS! You want them back on the streets costing YOU taxpayer money, ending up back in prison, or out working AND paying taxes? Do you know ANYTHING about the correlation between education and staying OUT of prison? Thought not. So fuck you motherfucker, motherfuckin' useless redneck know it all pussy!

Ah, those literate educated
You teach convicted felons in a prison That alone makes your job useless and a waste of my freaking tax money. Convicts need to be breaking big rocks into lots of little rocks 10-12 hrs a day. They should not have the priviledge of sitting in a classroom getting an education on my freaking dime and for that matter they should not have the time or strength to do it. THAT is part of the problem with our Justice System. Prisoners are not treated nearly harsh enough so they don't fear going to prison in the first place and don't fear going back, time and time and time again. Prison should not be a place where you get to go to school, it should be a place of harsh punishement and backbreaking labor all day long from sun up to sun down year, after year, decade after decade. School for convicted felons, what a freaking joke and a waste of time and tax payer money. Hope ALL prison teachers get permantly furloughed.

OK, hardass, would you like a tour? I can set it all up for you. Bring a change of underware so you can clean up after you shit your pants, but you're probably too big of a fuckin' pussy to accept. And to show how goddamned stupid YOU are, today's inmates are tomorrow's NEIGHBORS! You want them back on the streets costing YOU taxpayer money, ending up back in prison, or out working AND paying taxes? Do you know ANYTHING about the correlation between education and staying OUT of prison? Thought not. So fuck you motherfucker, motherfuckin' useless redneck know it all pussy!

Ah, those literate educated

What's your contribution to help improve society?
That's a fuckin' lie. Those who can, DO. Those who cannot or will not, TALK.

A fucking lie huh?? AS I said shitbird, You don't know me so I find your opinion on what I would or would not do quite laugable.

Just because you don't have any balls doesn't mean everyone has no balls. All one needs is the will to remove a fucking murder from the planet. A murder who is taking up air and space.

Your a joke. Carry on with your comfy Govt job and hope you don't get the axe. Jeeze. You might end up in the UE line like so many of us private sector folks who pay taxes to support your sorry ass.

Damn! Where's all that hate come from? No wonder you're on the same thread with "Reverend Hater." Must be your spiritual Dalai Lama. FYI - I worked a long time in your precious "private sector" and note no significant difference between the wages and benefits between that an public proportionally. You just NEED people to hate, and your Right Wing Dalai Lama gave you public employees as another monster to be feared. This conversation wasn't even on the radar until fanatic extremists like Walker and Kasich and that dick in Michigan made it one a couple years ago. I hope if you even need an ambulance, they laugh and drive by your house, waving and yelling "We're scum - not good enough to treat you."

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO. Hate?? Hell son. You aren't worth the effort it takes to hate someone.

Your just another Govt worker who enjoys a cushy job payed for by we the tax payer. Doubt you'd last long in the private sector. You'd actually have to work for a living and you sure as shit wouldn't get all those costly Fed holiday you enjoy right now.

I have loads of respect for Walker and Kasich. Governors who are finally doing something about runaway publec sector unions. Costly unions that the taxpayer have to support. Good for em and I hope more Governors do the same.

Oh and BTW. I am a public sector worker down here in right to work Florida. You can kiss my ass there cupcake.
A fucking lie huh?? AS I said shitbird, You don't know me so I find your opinion on what I would or would not do quite laugable.

Just because you don't have any balls doesn't mean everyone has no balls. All one needs is the will to remove a fucking murder from the planet. A murder who is taking up air and space.

Your a joke. Carry on with your comfy Govt job and hope you don't get the axe. Jeeze. You might end up in the UE line like so many of us private sector folks who pay taxes to support your sorry ass.

Damn! Where's all that hate come from? No wonder you're on the same thread with "Reverend Hater." Must be your spiritual Dalai Lama. FYI - I worked a long time in your precious "private sector" and note no significant difference between the wages and benefits between that an public proportionally. You just NEED people to hate, and your Right Wing Dalai Lama gave you public employees as another monster to be feared. This conversation wasn't even on the radar until fanatic extremists like Walker and Kasich and that dick in Michigan made it one a couple years ago. I hope if you even need an ambulance, they laugh and drive by your house, waving and yelling "We're scum - not good enough to treat you."

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO. Hate?? Hell son. You aren't worth the effort it takes to hate someone.

Your just another Govt worker who enjoys a cushy job payed for by we the tax payer. Doubt you'd last long in the private sector. You'd actually have to work for a living and you sure as shit wouldn't get all those costly Fed holiday you enjoy right now.

I have loads of respect for Walker and Kasich. Governors who are finally doing something about runaway publec sector unions. Costly unions that the taxpayer have to support. Good for em and I hope more Governors do the same.

Oh and BTW. I am a public sector worker down here in right to work Florida. You can kiss my ass there cupcake.

Good Morning Hater Claudecrossdresser,

Florida? Hahahahahahaha No wonder you're so hateful being stuck in that fucked up state working for playboy sell-out Scott who all of a sudden thinks Obamacare is a nifty idea! Just like Big Government Kasich. Federal holidays? I'm not even a federal worker. Then again, hate blinds.

Well then, chill out. I'm sure Reverend Hater will be here to cater to your hateful soul's needs. Knaw on some bon bons until services start and, by the way, nice picture of you below!

You teach convicted felons in a prison That alone makes your job useless and a waste of my freaking tax money. Convicts need to be breaking big rocks into lots of little rocks 10-12 hrs a day. They should not have the priviledge of sitting in a classroom getting an education on my freaking dime and for that matter they should not have the time or strength to do it. THAT is part of the problem with our Justice System. Prisoners are not treated nearly harsh enough so they don't fear going to prison in the first place and don't fear going back, time and time and time again. Prison should not be a place where you get to go to school, it should be a place of harsh punishement and backbreaking labor all day long from sun up to sun down year, after year, decade after decade. School for convicted felons, what a freaking joke and a waste of time and tax payer money. Hope ALL prison teachers get permantly furloughed.

OK, hardass, would you like a tour? I can set it all up for you. Bring a change of underware so you can clean up after you shit your pants, but you're probably too big of a fuckin' pussy to accept. And to show how goddamned stupid YOU are, today's inmates are tomorrow's NEIGHBORS! You want them back on the streets costing YOU taxpayer money, ending up back in prison, or out working AND paying taxes? Do you know ANYTHING about the correlation between education and staying OUT of prison? Thought not. So fuck you motherfucker, motherfuckin' useless redneck know it all pussy!

Sorry duded. I happen to agree with him.

I've worked in the prison system down here in Fl and I currently work in the court system down here.

Loads of these guys have been in jail 20 or 30 times. They don't want to work at a job. They want to sell drugs or rob homes or individuals for money.

All these guys had the same shot at an education you and I did. They decided to break the law instead. They decided to become felons despite that education.

I'm sure there are a few who will make out with your teaching but most will be right back in jail.

You teaching them in prison is a waste of taxpayer dollars. You sould be teaching in a school. Teaching kids so they won't end up like those in prison.

Just another waste of our taxdollars there bud.

I worked as a Corrections officer for 10 years, before I retired.
My thought is, if they are illiterate, teach them to read. If they are interested in furthering their education, they can do that when, or if, they get out. Otherwise, all are doing is releasing smarter criminals than we locked up.
OK, hardass, would you like a tour? I can set it all up for you. Bring a change of underware so you can clean up after you shit your pants, but you're probably too big of a fuckin' pussy to accept. And to show how goddamned stupid YOU are, today's inmates are tomorrow's NEIGHBORS! You want them back on the streets costing YOU taxpayer money, ending up back in prison, or out working AND paying taxes? Do you know ANYTHING about the correlation between education and staying OUT of prison? Thought not. So fuck you motherfucker, motherfuckin' useless redneck know it all pussy!

Sorry duded. I happen to agree with him.

I've worked in the prison system down here in Fl and I currently work in the court system down here.

Loads of these guys have been in jail 20 or 30 times. They don't want to work at a job. They want to sell drugs or rob homes or individuals for money.

All these guys had the same shot at an education you and I did. They decided to break the law instead. They decided to become felons despite that education.

I'm sure there are a few who will make out with your teaching but most will be right back in jail.

You teaching them in prison is a waste of taxpayer dollars. You sould be teaching in a school. Teaching kids so they won't end up like those in prison.

Just another waste of our taxdollars there bud.

I worked as a Corrections officer for 10 years, before I retired.
My thought is, if they are illiterate, teach them to read. If they are interested in furthering their education, they can do that when, or if, they get out. Otherwise, all are doing is releasing smarter criminals than we locked up.

Good, someone else here knows the reality of the situation instead of these armchair executioners. I'm sure, you know like I do, the reality that prison is NOT soft like the right wingers convince these people to believe.
Sorry duded. I happen to agree with him.

I've worked in the prison system down here in Fl and I currently work in the court system down here.

Loads of these guys have been in jail 20 or 30 times. They don't want to work at a job. They want to sell drugs or rob homes or individuals for money.

All these guys had the same shot at an education you and I did. They decided to break the law instead. They decided to become felons despite that education.

I'm sure there are a few who will make out with your teaching but most will be right back in jail.

You teaching them in prison is a waste of taxpayer dollars. You sould be teaching in a school. Teaching kids so they won't end up like those in prison.

Just another waste of our taxdollars there bud.

I worked as a Corrections officer for 10 years, before I retired.
My thought is, if they are illiterate, teach them to read. If they are interested in furthering their education, they can do that when, or if, they get out. Otherwise, all are doing is releasing smarter criminals than we locked up.

Good, someone else here knows the reality of the situation instead of these armchair executioners. I'm sure, you know like I do, the reality that prison is NOT soft like the right wingers convince these people to believe.

On the contary, I believe it is soft, and so do some of the older cons I met. They remember the times when it was up at 6 am, have breakfast and go to work, break for lunch and count, then back to work. break for supper, then back to work. Far fewer problems in those days, the cons were far too tired to cause a ruckus.
Nowadays, they work (?) 2 hours in the morning, work (?) 2 hours in the afternoon, then it's go to the yard, the gym, or lay around watching tv or playing cards and games.
Or, think of ways to get drugs in, make hooch, etc.
They took 'pentitent' out of 'pentitentary', cons are rarely sorry about doing time.
I remember one con that bragged about how many numbers he had, in various states.
I worked as a Corrections officer for 10 years, before I retired.
My thought is, if they are illiterate, teach them to read. If they are interested in furthering their education, they can do that when, or if, they get out. Otherwise, all are doing is releasing smarter criminals than we locked up.

Good, someone else here knows the reality of the situation instead of these armchair executioners. I'm sure, you know like I do, the reality that prison is NOT soft like the right wingers convince these people to believe.

On the contary, I believe it is soft, and so do some of the older cons I met. They remember the times when it was up at 6 am, have breakfast and go to work, break for lunch and count, then back to work. break for supper, then back to work. Far fewer problems in those days, the cons were far too tired to cause a ruckus.
Nowadays, they work (?) 2 hours in the morning, work (?) 2 hours in the afternoon, then it's go to the yard, the gym, or lay around watching tv or playing cards and games.
Or, think of ways to get drugs in, make hooch, etc.
They took 'pentitent' out of 'pentitentary', cons are rarely sorry about doing time.
I remember one con that bragged about how many numbers he had, in various states.

Certainly makes you an expert as opposed to us who are in them every day. Might want to remember that aside from lawyers, politicians and news stations, there's no bigger liars than cons. Their bravado won't allow them to tell you how they cried themselves to sleep every night.
I worked as a Corrections officer for 10 years, before I retired.
My thought is, if they are illiterate, teach them to read. If they are interested in furthering their education, they can do that when, or if, they get out. Otherwise, all are doing is releasing smarter criminals than we locked up.

Good, someone else here knows the reality of the situation instead of these armchair executioners. I'm sure, you know like I do, the reality that prison is NOT soft like the right wingers convince these people to believe.

On the contary, I believe it is soft, and so do some of the older cons I met. They remember the times when it was up at 6 am, have breakfast and go to work, break for lunch and count, then back to work. break for supper, then back to work. Far fewer problems in those days, the cons were far too tired to cause a ruckus.
Nowadays, they work (?) 2 hours in the morning, work (?) 2 hours in the afternoon, then it's go to the yard, the gym, or lay around watching tv or playing cards and games.
Or, think of ways to get drugs in, make hooch, etc.
They took 'pentitent' out of 'pentitentary', cons are rarely sorry about doing time.
I remember one con that bragged about how many numbers he had, in various states.

Bingo. I worked the jail as well. These guys today just lay around. Watch TV and basically do nothing all day. Hell when they go to court they can hardly wait to catch the bus back to the jail. Thats why I call it the Brevard Conty Daycare and Babysitting facility.

When I was a kid they had real chain gangs out there. Convicts cleaning the roadsides. They had to bury dead animals hit on the roadways. In short. They had to work. Down here in Florida that means out in 95 degree temps with high humidity. Not a fun time. Not many wanted to go back to jail. Wonder why.

Now they could care less. I've seen guys with a rap sheet as long as both your arms. These guys have been in jail 20 or 30 times and have no problem coming back.
Damn! Where's all that hate come from? No wonder you're on the same thread with "Reverend Hater." Must be your spiritual Dalai Lama. FYI - I worked a long time in your precious "private sector" and note no significant difference between the wages and benefits between that an public proportionally. You just NEED people to hate, and your Right Wing Dalai Lama gave you public employees as another monster to be feared. This conversation wasn't even on the radar until fanatic extremists like Walker and Kasich and that dick in Michigan made it one a couple years ago. I hope if you even need an ambulance, they laugh and drive by your house, waving and yelling "We're scum - not good enough to treat you."

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO. Hate?? Hell son. You aren't worth the effort it takes to hate someone.

Your just another Govt worker who enjoys a cushy job payed for by we the tax payer. Doubt you'd last long in the private sector. You'd actually have to work for a living and you sure as shit wouldn't get all those costly Fed holiday you enjoy right now.

I have loads of respect for Walker and Kasich. Governors who are finally doing something about runaway publec sector unions. Costly unions that the taxpayer have to support. Good for em and I hope more Governors do the same.

Oh and BTW. I am a public sector worker down here in right to work Florida. You can kiss my ass there cupcake.

Good Morning Hater Claudecrossdresser,

Florida? Hahahahahahaha No wonder you're so hateful being stuck in that fucked up state working for playboy sell-out Scott who all of a sudden thinks Obamacare is a nifty idea! Just like Big Government Kasich. Federal holidays? I'm not even a federal worker. Then again, hate blinds.

Well then, chill out. I'm sure Reverend Hater will be here to cater to your hateful soul's needs. Knaw on some bon bons until services start and, by the way, nice picture of you below!


Good morning flamming idiot Knobassapparantlywisheshewereacrossdresser

I like Florida just fine thanks.

Seems you think anyone who disagrees with you is a hater. As I said. You aren't worth the effort of anyone hating your sorry ass.

Guess personal insults are all ha got. Have a nice day there idiot. You certainly aren't worth much but hey, whatever floats your boat there sparky.
Good, someone else here knows the reality of the situation instead of these armchair executioners. I'm sure, you know like I do, the reality that prison is NOT soft like the right wingers convince these people to believe.

On the contary, I believe it is soft, and so do some of the older cons I met. They remember the times when it was up at 6 am, have breakfast and go to work, break for lunch and count, then back to work. break for supper, then back to work. Far fewer problems in those days, the cons were far too tired to cause a ruckus.
Nowadays, they work (?) 2 hours in the morning, work (?) 2 hours in the afternoon, then it's go to the yard, the gym, or lay around watching tv or playing cards and games.
Or, think of ways to get drugs in, make hooch, etc.
They took 'pentitent' out of 'pentitentary', cons are rarely sorry about doing time.
I remember one con that bragged about how many numbers he had, in various states.

Bingo. I worked the jail as well. These guys today just lay around. Watch TV and basically do nothing all day. Hell when they go to court they can hardly wait to catch the bus back to the jail. Thats why I call it the Brevard Conty Daycare and Babysitting facility.

When I was a kid they had real chain gangs out there. Convicts cleaning the roadsides. They had to bury dead animals hit on the roadways. In short. They had to work. Down here in Florida that means out in 95 degree temps with high humidity. Not a fun time. Not many wanted to go back to jail. Wonder why.

Now they could care less. I've seen guys with a rap sheet as long as both your arms. These guys have been in jail 20 or 30 times and have no problem coming back.

No kiddin Pigette, there's always been career criminals and always will be. Got anything new so share? Or waiting on Reverend Hater for a spark of inspiration?

Good, someone else here knows the reality of the situation instead of these armchair executioners. I'm sure, you know like I do, the reality that prison is NOT soft like the right wingers convince these people to believe.

On the contary, I believe it is soft, and so do some of the older cons I met. They remember the times when it was up at 6 am, have breakfast and go to work, break for lunch and count, then back to work. break for supper, then back to work. Far fewer problems in those days, the cons were far too tired to cause a ruckus.
Nowadays, they work (?) 2 hours in the morning, work (?) 2 hours in the afternoon, then it's go to the yard, the gym, or lay around watching tv or playing cards and games.
Or, think of ways to get drugs in, make hooch, etc.
They took 'pentitent' out of 'pentitentary', cons are rarely sorry about doing time.
I remember one con that bragged about how many numbers he had, in various states.

Certainly makes you an expert as opposed to us who are in them every day. Might want to remember that aside from lawyers, politicians and news stations, there's no bigger liars than cons. Their bravado won't allow them to tell you how they cried themselves to sleep every night.

I was with them 8 hours a day, sometimes more if I could get overtime, in their dorms, on the yard, etc, NOT sitting in a classroom with them.

BTW, what kind of teacher spells 'underwear' underware? OH, that's right, you teach math and history.
On the contary, I believe it is soft, and so do some of the older cons I met. They remember the times when it was up at 6 am, have breakfast and go to work, break for lunch and count, then back to work. break for supper, then back to work. Far fewer problems in those days, the cons were far too tired to cause a ruckus.
Nowadays, they work (?) 2 hours in the morning, work (?) 2 hours in the afternoon, then it's go to the yard, the gym, or lay around watching tv or playing cards and games.
Or, think of ways to get drugs in, make hooch, etc.
They took 'pentitent' out of 'pentitentary', cons are rarely sorry about doing time.
I remember one con that bragged about how many numbers he had, in various states.

Certainly makes you an expert as opposed to us who are in them every day. Might want to remember that aside from lawyers, politicians and news stations, there's no bigger liars than cons. Their bravado won't allow them to tell you how they cried themselves to sleep every night.

I was with them 8 hours a day, sometimes more if I could get overtime, in their dorms, on the yard, etc, NOT sitting in a classroom with them.

BTW, what kind of teacher spells 'underwear' underware? OH, that's right, you teach math and history.

You're MY hero!

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