Nations largest employer to furlough thousands

Who's crying? Now, since you know it all, let me fill in the blanks. I teach in a PRISON therefore teach year-round. There is NO tenure. That myth of a cushy retirement and health benefits, man, I wish you were right. I'll never get to retire and that's the goal as these retirement plans continue to up the retirement age, and that's fine. The health care myth is another one where I wish you were right. That's another reason many can't and won't retire - it eats up a lot of what retirement you do get when you retire. So fuck you for saying I was crying - you have no clue. And we're also SECURITY. When something happens at the prison - riot, mass shake down, etc, we're pulled from the classroom and put in the pods right along with the officers because we get the same exact training they officers do. You wouldn't last a day there.

Off topic but quick question. (I guess on topic because you are 'wasting' the government's/taxpayer's money trying to move criminals from a life of crime to productive individuals of society. I would give you a 15% pay raise if I could vote on that.) What do you teach? (Man, some people are just so stupid as to what a benefit to society/America is. No wonder we have some politicians who walk all over us and we're none the wiser, > Republicans)

See, these right-wing playbook readers don't understand that today's inmates are tomorrow's neighbors. Ever since that sillyass "crackdown on crime" started about 25 years ago, police, but mostly lawyers, judges and the government have been trying to make us all guilty of something, hence prison population in America is stupid huge. Almost all of us know at least one or two people who have been to jail/prison. It's big business.

My job is to get them out and make them taxpaying productive members of society. That's it. I teach mostly math although I'm a social studies person with a masters in history. Shouldn't surprise anyone that research shows that over 70% of freshly minted high school "graduates" cannot even pass the GED! Hell, read these threads and it shouldn't be too much of a shock.

While your posting history speaks poorly of you I give you kudos for your job. I was 17 when sent to prison and under educated to that point. I got my education and basic skills taught to me in prison. Thanks to not just being locked in a cell 24/7 I now have a highly productive career.
If you didn't post in such an inflammatory manner all the time you might get better responses.
Wow, it may take 4 people instead of 5 people to do the job of 1 person now.

U.S. cuts become real with furlough notices sent to thousands - Yahoo! News




While every petition, fax, email and phone call against the amnesty is important, signing this petition is by far the most important single thing one of your friends or relatives can do.

The reason is that signing this petition puts a person into an email system at NumbersUSA that will alert them every time one of their elected officials needs to hear something specific about immigration. Nobody else but NumbersUSA runs a customized grassroots mobilization system like this that constantly gathers information on Capitol Hill about your Members of Congress and then lets you know what they are doing, saying and thinking about immigration policy.

The New York Times and other mass media have repeatedly stated that NumbersUSA's mobilization network led the efforts that defeated the close-call amnesty efforts of 2007 and 2010. But the forces for open borders are far more powerful today. Please help by passing along this Petition to everybody you know.

Reduced hours is not a furlough.

You are giving people who work for this country an across the board pay cut of 20%. All because Congress does not know how to do it's job

Finally government employees will have to be little bit more productive.
Reduced hours, technically are not pay cuts.
Off topic but quick question. (I guess on topic because you are 'wasting' the government's/taxpayer's money trying to move criminals from a life of crime to productive individuals of society. I would give you a 15% pay raise if I could vote on that.) What do you teach? (Man, some people are just so stupid as to what a benefit to society/America is. No wonder we have some politicians who walk all over us and we're none the wiser, > Republicans)

See, these right-wing playbook readers don't understand that today's inmates are tomorrow's neighbors. Ever since that sillyass "crackdown on crime" started about 25 years ago, police, but mostly lawyers, judges and the government have been trying to make us all guilty of something, hence prison population in America is stupid huge. Almost all of us know at least one or two people who have been to jail/prison. It's big business.

My job is to get them out and make them taxpaying productive members of society. That's it. I teach mostly math although I'm a social studies person with a masters in history. Shouldn't surprise anyone that research shows that over 70% of freshly minted high school "graduates" cannot even pass the GED! Hell, read these threads and it shouldn't be too much of a shock.

While your posting history speaks poorly of you I give you kudos for your job. I was 17 when sent to prison and under educated to that point. I got my education and basic skills taught to me in prison. Thanks to not just being locked in a cell 24/7 I now have a highly productive career.
If you didn't post in such an inflammatory manner all the time you might get better responses.

Oh, our public school system turn you into commie while in prison? Nothing new here...
It's scary, the furloughs. How will these people make ends meet while they don't work? How will these departments function with a prolonged drop in needed staff? I don't think people realize the furloughs aren't just for agencies you feel are overstaffed, but include needed personnel.

Get another job?

Work weekends.

Like the rest of us.
Off topic but quick question. (I guess on topic because you are 'wasting' the government's/taxpayer's money trying to move criminals from a life of crime to productive individuals of society. I would give you a 15% pay raise if I could vote on that.) What do you teach? (Man, some people are just so stupid as to what a benefit to society/America is. No wonder we have some politicians who walk all over us and we're none the wiser, > Republicans)

See, these right-wing playbook readers don't understand that today's inmates are tomorrow's neighbors. Ever since that sillyass "crackdown on crime" started about 25 years ago, police, but mostly lawyers, judges and the government have been trying to make us all guilty of something, hence prison population in America is stupid huge. Almost all of us know at least one or two people who have been to jail/prison. It's big business.

My job is to get them out and make them taxpaying productive members of society. That's it. I teach mostly math although I'm a social studies person with a masters in history. Shouldn't surprise anyone that research shows that over 70% of freshly minted high school "graduates" cannot even pass the GED! Hell, read these threads and it shouldn't be too much of a shock.

While your posting history speaks poorly of you I give you kudos for your job. I was 17 when sent to prison and under educated to that point. I got my education and basic skills taught to me in prison. Thanks to not just being locked in a cell 24/7 I now have a highly productive career.
If you didn't post in such an inflammatory manner all the time you might get better responses.

Congrads Pops - your politics are all fucked up as I'm sure you think mine are all fucked up, and, in the end, both of ours are probably fucked up. None of that is near as important as what you accomplished, for in the end, it's all up to us and fuck the politicians. Never the less, there are countless FAILURES in prison, and there are countless SUCCESS stories like yours. Thanks for sharing.
Ame®icano;6902456 said:
See, these right-wing playbook readers don't understand that today's inmates are tomorrow's neighbors. Ever since that sillyass "crackdown on crime" started about 25 years ago, police, but mostly lawyers, judges and the government have been trying to make us all guilty of something, hence prison population in America is stupid huge. Almost all of us know at least one or two people who have been to jail/prison. It's big business.

My job is to get them out and make them taxpaying productive members of society. That's it. I teach mostly math although I'm a social studies person with a masters in history. Shouldn't surprise anyone that research shows that over 70% of freshly minted high school "graduates" cannot even pass the GED! Hell, read these threads and it shouldn't be too much of a shock.

While your posting history speaks poorly of you I give you kudos for your job. I was 17 when sent to prison and under educated to that point. I got my education and basic skills taught to me in prison. Thanks to not just being locked in a cell 24/7 I now have a highly productive career.
If you didn't post in such an inflammatory manner all the time you might get better responses.

Oh, our public school system turn you into commie while in prison? Nothing new here...

Someone who works their way out of prison and into a productive decent citizen is a "Commie?" Proves YOU don't have any clue what a Commie is.
Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Like you would no who is or isn't a career criminal?? I see em every day. Some of these guys have been in jail 20 or 30 times. I kid you not. They have rap sheets as long as both arms dude.

Your just trying to make a case for wasting taxpayers dollars on the "second chance" education that you get a paycheck from. Your a loser asshole. Go get a real job.

I'm sure you run through MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC and NPR to filter out whats left of your brain, which, in the end makes trying to convice the likes of you an exercise in futility.

You bet I'm FOR the death penalty and I'll just bet your not. You have no problem supporting some murdering scumbag for the rest of his or her life at taxpayer expense. I just wish they got executed sooner that 10, 15 or 20 years down the road.

I figured that much - easier to predict than the sun coming up. You fucking people are so predictable - the brainwashing is working. I personally don't care less either way about the death penalty. What I want to know is if YOU would be willing to deliver the injection or pull the switch or drop the noose yourself, personally?

Brainwashing has worked well on you there sparky.

As for delivering the injection, you bet your ass dimwitt.

These people had no problem killing someone. Sometimes in horrific ways. Ways that don't bare thinking about and your worried about someone injecting them to kill em??

I'd flip the switch or inject em no problem I'd be thinking about the folks they killed as I was doing it.

No, you wouldn't, because you couldn't. Your shit would be shaking so bad at the thought of it you'd pass out when they yelled "Dead Man Walking" (Dead Man Walking!!!!! And passed out dead Claudette in her own puke on the floor!!!!)
I figured that much - easier to predict than the sun coming up. You fucking people are so predictable - the brainwashing is working. I personally don't care less either way about the death penalty. What I want to know is if YOU would be willing to deliver the injection or pull the switch or drop the noose yourself, personally?

Brainwashing has worked well on you there sparky.

As for delivering the injection, you bet your ass dimwitt.

These people had no problem killing someone. Sometimes in horrific ways. Ways that don't bare thinking about and your worried about someone injecting them to kill em??

I'd flip the switch or inject em no problem I'd be thinking about the folks they killed as I was doing it.

No, you wouldn't, because you couldn't. Your shit would be shaking so bad at the thought of it you'd pass out when they yelled "Dead Man Walking" (Dead Man Walking!!!!! And passed out dead Claudette in her own puke on the floor!!!!)

LMAO Speak for yourself there asshole

You don't know me asshole and you certainly don't know what I'm capable of.

I wouldn't have problem one shooting some asshole who broke into my house and I sure as shit wouldn't have problem one injecting a murder and sending him on his merry way to hell.

Just because you don't have ball one doesn't mean the rest of us don't have the cojones to do what you would be scared shitless to do.
Brainwashing has worked well on you there sparky.

As for delivering the injection, you bet your ass dimwitt.

These people had no problem killing someone. Sometimes in horrific ways. Ways that don't bare thinking about and your worried about someone injecting them to kill em??

I'd flip the switch or inject em no problem I'd be thinking about the folks they killed as I was doing it.

No, you wouldn't, because you couldn't. Your shit would be shaking so bad at the thought of it you'd pass out when they yelled "Dead Man Walking" (Dead Man Walking!!!!! And passed out dead Claudette in her own puke on the floor!!!!)

LMAO Speak for yourself there asshole

You don't know me asshole and you certainly don't know what I'm capable of.

I wouldn't have problem one shooting some asshole who broke into my house and I sure as shit wouldn't have problem one injecting a murder and sending him on his merry way to hell.

Just because you don't have ball one doesn't mean the rest of us don't have the cojones to do what you would be scared shitless to do.

That's a fuckin' lie. Those who can, DO. Those who cannot or will not, TALK.
Government became larger, so Obama decides to cut jobs to fire up the leftists (heretofore known as the victims) so that he can then go on TV and say, "See all the pain the Republicans caused!"

When in fact, not a single job needs to be cut due to sequestration. The budgets for all of these departments have not lost a dime.

Will you clowns stand up and ask Obama why he is cutting jobs when there is plenty of borrowed money to go around?
Government became larger, so Obama decides to cut jobs to fire up the leftists (heretofore known as the victims) so that he can then go on TV and say, "See all the pain the Republicans caused!"

When in fact, not a single job needs to be cut due to sequestration. The budgets for all of these departments have not lost a dime.

Will you clowns stand up and ask Obama why he is cutting jobs when there is plenty of borrowed money to go around?

Why don't you ask him, PassWind?
I pay taxes too. And I don't have any say where it goes, especially when it goes to immoral wars to fuel the military industrial complex.

I'm a teacher, so no, I probably don't make as much as you. Teaching is like the ministry - you take a vow of poverty......... OK, not poverty, but I certainly don't have any vacation homes or cushy retirement to look forward to. Shit, where I teach, I'm just happy to come out alive every day.

You teach convicted felons in a prison That alone makes your job useless and a waste of my freaking tax money. Convicts need to be breaking big rocks into lots of little rocks 10-12 hrs a day. They should not have the priviledge of sitting in a classroom getting an education on my freaking dime and for that matter they should not have the time or strength to do it. THAT is part of the problem with our Justice System. Prisoners are not treated nearly harsh enough so they don't fear going to prison in the first place and don't fear going back, time and time and time again. Prison should not be a place where you get to go to school, it should be a place of harsh punishement and backbreaking labor all day long from sun up to sun down year, after year, decade after decade. School for convicted felons, what a freaking joke and a waste of time and tax payer money. Hope ALL prison teachers get permantly furloughed.

OK, hardass, would you like a tour? I can set it all up for you. Bring a change of underware so you can clean up after you shit your pants, but you're probably too big of a fuckin' pussy to accept. And to show how goddamned stupid YOU are, today's inmates are tomorrow's NEIGHBORS! You want them back on the streets costing YOU taxpayer money, ending up back in prison, or out working AND paying taxes? Do you know ANYTHING about the correlation between education and staying OUT of prison? Thought not. So fuck you motherfucker, motherfuckin' useless redneck know it all pussy!

I go to Jessup once a month to preach and I spent time at Rikers Island wating for my trial, which I was found innocent at, before some jackass speaks up here, so I don't need you to give me a tour, and I didn't need any change of underwear. Seems to me you're doing a little projecting there son. As for them being tomorrow's nieghbors, I don't give a damn, I STILL don't think they should get any type of amneties in prison, they're there to be punished, not to better themselves, they had that opportunity BEFORE they went to prison. As for where I want them, I thought I made that clear, I want them in prison making big rocks into a bunch of little rocks for 12hrs a day, and if they are violent offenders and they reoffend I want them executed, never sitting in a classroom, which is a priviledge many of their victims will never get. Do you know anything about recidivsm rates scrote? Seems to me you teaching them ain't doing crap to stop them from coming back so like I said, your salary is a waste of my tax money and you can justify your sucking off the tax payer's teat all you want, to me it's bs and I hope you stay furloughed for good.
I pay taxes too. And I don't have any say where it goes, especially when it goes to immoral wars to fuel the military industrial complex.

I'm a teacher, so no, I probably don't make as much as you. Teaching is like the ministry - you take a vow of poverty......... OK, not poverty, but I certainly don't have any vacation homes or cushy retirement to look forward to. Shit, where I teach, I'm just happy to come out alive every day.

You teach convicted felons in a prison That alone makes your job useless and a waste of my freaking tax money. Convicts need to be breaking big rocks into lots of little rocks 10-12 hrs a day. They should not have the priviledge of sitting in a classroom getting an education on my freaking dime and for that matter they should not have the time or strength to do it. THAT is part of the problem with our Justice System. Prisoners are not treated nearly harsh enough so they don't fear going to prison in the first place and don't fear going back, time and time and time again. Prison should not be a place where you get to go to school, it should be a place of harsh punishement and backbreaking labor all day long from sun up to sun down year, after year, decade after decade. School for convicted felons, what a freaking joke and a waste of time and tax payer money. Hope ALL prison teachers get permantly furloughed.

By God, a true Christian attitude.

It's obvious you don't know a thing about the biblical concepts of crime and punishment, so what makes you feel the need to bloviate on the topic?
All these guys had the same shot at an education you and I did.



What are you trying to say they didn't have public schools where they grew up? This ain't the Congo dude, this is America, there are FREE public schools in EVERY community in the nation.
OK, hardass, would you like a tour? I can set it all up for you. Bring a change of underware so you can clean up after you shit your pants, but you're probably too big of a fuckin' pussy to accept. And to show how goddamned stupid YOU are, .......

*****Blah, blah, blah****

Thought not. So fuck you motherfucker, motherfuckin' useless redneck know it all pussy!

Dupes believe government is all waste, fraud, and lazy workers, but want all the services and protection....the amount of hate and misinformation is amazing.The worst waste and fraud, Pubs want to protect, health costs. Luckily, the moron greedy and the dupes aren't in charge on THAT now...

But you don't see them bitching when they go to the mailbox to get their SS checks, Medicare and Medicaid, unemployment, or deny government assistance in times of disaster. And of course the NEVER use public roads!

Hey crybaby, Medicare, medicaid, unemployment and Social Security are ALL things workers invest in their entire working lives, so that ain't sucking off the tax payer's teat like your salary is. Govt assistance in times of disaster is what taxes are collected for, not to give to you to teach some piece of crap felon his ABC's when that poc felon is given ample opportunity to learn them before they go to prison, but they chose not to, so again, that is not sucking off of the tax payer's teat like you do. As for roads, don't be an ass, that is also something that taxes are NEEDED and collected for, they are not needed to keep useless drones doing worthless jobs just to keep them sucking off the tax payer's teat.
How can you feel honest about a job in which you get paid from the money that other people make?

I am not saying that you don't work hard or that you are a dishonest person - nothing personal but the money you make comes out of my paycheck and I don't have any say in it.
You also probably make more money than I do.

Dumb fuck. Was I a dishonest person when I took the very small amount of money that I was paid while in uniform?

You dumb shits just think that the streets get repaired by fairies? That the pure water that comes from your faucet is done without anyone lifting a hand?

Joe gets up at 6 a.m. and fills his coffeepot with water to prepare his morning coffee. The water is clean and fresh because some tree-hugging liberal fought for minimum water-quality standards.

With his first swallow of coffee, he takes his daily medication. His medications are safe to take because some stupid commie liberal fought to insure their safety and that they work as advertised. All but $10 of his medications are paid for by his employer's medical plan because some liberal union workers fought their employers for paid medical insurance - now Joe gets it too.

He prepares his morning breakfast, bacon and eggs. Joe's bacon is safe to eat because some girlie-man liberal fought for laws to regulate the meat packing industry.

In the morning shower, Joe reaches for his shampoo. His bottle is properly labeled with each ingredient and its amount in the total contents because some crybaby liberal fought for his right to know what he was putting on his body and how much it contained.

Joe dresses, walks outside and takes a deep breath. The air he breathes is clean because some environmentalist wacko liberal fought for laws to stop industries from polluting our air.

He walks to the subway station for his government-subsidized ride to work. It saves him considerable money in parking and transportation fees because some fancy-pants liberal fought for affordable public transportation, which gives everyone the opportunity to be a contributor. Joe begins his work day. He has a good job with excellent pay, medical benefits, retirement, paid holidays and vacation because some lazy liberal union members fought and died for these working standards.

Joe's employer pays the same standards because Joe's employer doesn't want his employees to call the union. If Joe is hurt on the job or becomes unemployed, he'll get a worker compensation or unemployment check because some stupid liberal didn't think he should lose his home because of his temporary misfortune.

It is noon and Joe needs to make a bank deposit so he can pay some bills. Joe's deposit is federally insured by the FDIC because some godless liberal wanted to protect Joe's money from unscrupulous bankers who ruined the banking system before the Great Depression.

Joe has to pay his Fannie Mae-underwritten mortgage and his below- market federal student loan because some elitist liberal decided that Joe and the government would be better off if he was educated and earned more money over his lifetime.

Joe is home from work. He plans to visit his father this evening at his farm home in the country. He gets in his car for the drive. His car is among the safest in the world because some America-hating liberal fought for car safety standards. He arrives at his boyhood home. His was the third generation to live in the house financed by the Farmers Home Administration because bankers didn't want to make rural loans. The house didn't have electricity until some big- government liberal stuck his nose where it didn't belong and demanded rural electrification.

He is happy to see his father, who is now retired. His father has Medicare, lives on Social Security and a union pension because some wine- drinking, cheese-eating liberal made sure he could take care of himself so Joe wouldn't have to.

Joe gets back in his car for the ride home, and turns on a radio talk show. The radio host keeps saying that liberals are bad and conservatives are good. He doesn't mention that the beloved Republicans have fought against every protection and benefit Joe enjoys throughout his day. Joe agrees: "We don't need those big-government liberals ruining our lives! After all, I'm a self-made man who believes everyone should take care of themselves, just like I have."

Are you still posting this shit after all this time? Really?

All but $10.00 of his medications are paid for by his employers medical plan because some liberal union workers fought their employers for paid medical insurance, now Joe gets it too.

Employer-sponsored medical insurance needs to go away. It is one of the biggest causes of rising health care costs, dipshit.

Thanks, unions!

You need to buy health insurance the same way you buy your auto, home, and life insurance.

He walks to the subway station for his government subsidized ride to work; it saves him considerable money in parking and transportation fees. You see, some liberal fought for affordable public transportation, which gives everyone the opportunity to be a contributor.

The same old liberal mindset which believes we who foot the bill rejoice in having to pay for other people's free stuff!


Holy shit, that is funny. " everyone the opportunity to be a contributor". Actually bragging about being totalitarian!

Oh, please, please, please give me an opportunity to pay for your free stuff!


Wow, it may take 4 people instead of 5 people to do the job of 1 person now.

U.S. cuts become real with furlough notices sent to thousands - Yahoo! News




While every petition, fax, email and phone call against the amnesty is important, signing this petition is by far the most important single thing one of your friends or relatives can do.

The reason is that signing this petition puts a person into an email system at NumbersUSA that will alert them every time one of their elected officials needs to hear something specific about immigration. Nobody else but NumbersUSA runs a customized grassroots mobilization system like this that constantly gathers information on Capitol Hill about your Members of Congress and then lets you know what they are doing, saying and thinking about immigration policy.

The New York Times and other mass media have repeatedly stated that NumbersUSA's mobilization network led the efforts that defeated the close-call amnesty efforts of 2007 and 2010. But the forces for open borders are far more powerful today. Please help by passing along this Petition to everybody you know.

Reduced hours is not a furlough.

Forced days off without pay are a furlough, and that is what this is.

It works out to one day a week for several months, resulting in a 20 percent loss of pay.
You teach convicted felons in a prison That alone makes your job useless and a waste of my freaking tax money. Convicts need to be breaking big rocks into lots of little rocks 10-12 hrs a day. They should not have the priviledge of sitting in a classroom getting an education on my freaking dime and for that matter they should not have the time or strength to do it. THAT is part of the problem with our Justice System. Prisoners are not treated nearly harsh enough so they don't fear going to prison in the first place and don't fear going back, time and time and time again. Prison should not be a place where you get to go to school, it should be a place of harsh punishement and backbreaking labor all day long from sun up to sun down year, after year, decade after decade. School for convicted felons, what a freaking joke and a waste of time and tax payer money. Hope ALL prison teachers get permantly furloughed.

OK, hardass, would you like a tour? I can set it all up for you. Bring a change of underware so you can clean up after you shit your pants, but you're probably too big of a fuckin' pussy to accept. And to show how goddamned stupid YOU are, today's inmates are tomorrow's NEIGHBORS! You want them back on the streets costing YOU taxpayer money, ending up back in prison, or out working AND paying taxes? Do you know ANYTHING about the correlation between education and staying OUT of prison? Thought not. So fuck you motherfucker, motherfuckin' useless redneck know it all pussy!

I go to Jessup once a month to preach and I spent time at Rikers Island wating for my trial, which I was found innocent at, before some jackass speaks up here, so I don't need you to give me a tour, and I didn't need any change of underwear. Seems to me you're doing a little projecting there son. As for them being tomorrow's nieghbors, I don't give a damn, I STILL don't think they should get any type of amneties in prison, they're there to be punished, not to better themselves, they had that opportunity BEFORE they went to prison. As for where I want them, I thought I made that clear, I want them in prison making big rocks into a bunch of little rocks for 12hrs a day, and if they are violent offenders and they reoffend I want them executed, never sitting in a classroom, which is a priviledge many of their victims will never get. Do you know anything about recidivsm rates scrote? Seems to me you teaching them ain't doing crap to stop them from coming back so like I said, your salary is a waste of my tax money and you can justify your sucking off the tax payer's teat all you want, to me it's bs and I hope you stay furloughed for good.

You, a PASTOR? Sweet Jesus. Someone who wishes nothing but misery on people a "pastor." I thought you were just mean at first, but I was wrong. You're insane.

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