Nations largest employer to furlough thousands

Dupes believe government is all waste, fraud, and lazy workers, but want all the services and protection....the amount of hate and misinformation is amazing.The worst waste and fraud, Pubs want to protect, health costs. Luckily, the moron greedy and the dupes aren't in charge on THAT now...

But you don't see them bitching when they go to the mailbox to get their SS checks, Medicare and Medicaid, unemployment, or deny government assistance in times of disaster. And of course the NEVER use public roads!

Hey crybaby, Medicare, medicaid, unemployment and Social Security are ALL things workers invest in their entire working lives, so that ain't sucking off the tax payer's teat like your salary is. Govt assistance in times of disaster is what taxes are collected for, not to give to you to teach some piece of crap felon his ABC's when that poc felon is given ample opportunity to learn them before they go to prison, but they chose not to, so again, that is not sucking off of the tax payer's teat like you do. As for roads, don't be an ass, that is also something that taxes are NEEDED and collected for, they are not needed to keep useless drones doing worthless jobs just to keep them sucking off the tax payer's teat.

I see, a la carte socialism, Pastor Hater approved!
Wow, it may take 4 people instead of 5 people to do the job of 1 person now.

U.S. cuts become real with furlough notices sent to thousands - Yahoo! News




While every petition, fax, email and phone call against the amnesty is important, signing this petition is by far the most important single thing one of your friends or relatives can do.

The reason is that signing this petition puts a person into an email system at NumbersUSA that will alert them every time one of their elected officials needs to hear something specific about immigration. Nobody else but NumbersUSA runs a customized grassroots mobilization system like this that constantly gathers information on Capitol Hill about your Members of Congress and then lets you know what they are doing, saying and thinking about immigration policy.

The New York Times and other mass media have repeatedly stated that NumbersUSA's mobilization network led the efforts that defeated the close-call amnesty efforts of 2007 and 2010. But the forces for open borders are far more powerful today. Please help by passing along this Petition to everybody you know.

Reduced hours is not a furlough.

Forced days off without pay are a furlough, and that is what this is.

It works out to one day a week for several months, resulting in a 20 percent loss of pay.

Do they still get paid for Federal Holidays?

20% loss of between $116,158 and $109,268, the average pay for feredal workers according to Factcheck.

...... they live on a mere $96,000 to 89,000 per year!

The Horror, THE HORROR!!!!
Reduced hours is not a furlough.

Forced days off without pay are a furlough, and that is what this is.

It works out to one day a week for several months, resulting in a 20 percent loss of pay.

Do they still get paid for Federal Holidays?

20% loss of between $116,158 and $109,268, the average pay for feredal workers according to Factcheck.

...... they live on a mere $96,000 to 89,000 per year!

The Horror, THE HORROR!!!!

OK, since you hate me for what I do, I don't make half that. Keep your hate placed in the right direction.
You teach convicted felons in a prison That alone makes your job useless and a waste of my freaking tax money. Convicts need to be breaking big rocks into lots of little rocks 10-12 hrs a day. They should not have the priviledge of sitting in a classroom getting an education on my freaking dime and for that matter they should not have the time or strength to do it. THAT is part of the problem with our Justice System. Prisoners are not treated nearly harsh enough so they don't fear going to prison in the first place and don't fear going back, time and time and time again. Prison should not be a place where you get to go to school, it should be a place of harsh punishement and backbreaking labor all day long from sun up to sun down year, after year, decade after decade. School for convicted felons, what a freaking joke and a waste of time and tax payer money. Hope ALL prison teachers get permantly furloughed.

OK, hardass, would you like a tour? I can set it all up for you. Bring a change of underware so you can clean up after you shit your pants, but you're probably too big of a fuckin' pussy to accept. And to show how goddamned stupid YOU are, today's inmates are tomorrow's NEIGHBORS! You want them back on the streets costing YOU taxpayer money, ending up back in prison, or out working AND paying taxes? Do you know ANYTHING about the correlation between education and staying OUT of prison? Thought not. So fuck you motherfucker, motherfuckin' useless redneck know it all pussy!

I go to Jessup once a month to preach and I spent time at Rikers Island wating for my trial, which I was found innocent at, before some jackass speaks up here, so I don't need you to give me a tour, and I didn't need any change of underwear. Seems to me you're doing a little projecting there son. As for them being tomorrow's nieghbors, I don't give a damn, I STILL don't think they should get any type of amneties in prison, they're there to be punished, not to better themselves, they had that opportunity BEFORE they went to prison. As for where I want them, I thought I made that clear, I want them in prison making big rocks into a bunch of little rocks for 12hrs a day, and if they are violent offenders and they reoffend I want them executed, never sitting in a classroom, which is a priviledge many of their victims will never get. Do you know anything about recidivsm rates scrote? Seems to me you teaching them ain't doing crap to stop them from coming back so like I said, your salary is a waste of my tax money and you can justify your sucking off the tax payer's teat all you want, to me it's bs and I hope you stay furloughed for good.

Republican Taliban

14th century crime and punishment
Forced days off without pay are a furlough, and that is what this is.

It works out to one day a week for several months, resulting in a 20 percent loss of pay.

Do they still get paid for Federal Holidays?

20% loss of between $116,158 and $109,268, the average pay for feredal workers according to Factcheck.

...... they live on a mere $96,000 to 89,000 per year!

The Horror, THE HORROR!!!!

OK, since you hate me for what I do, I don't make half that. Keep your hate placed in the right direction.

I'd be astonished if you were paid more than the average inhabitant of their parents basement, much less a government empolyee, who has a marginally more difficult job.
Reduced hours is not a furlough.

Forced days off without pay are a furlough, and that is what this is.

It works out to one day a week for several months, resulting in a 20 percent loss of pay.

Do they still get paid for Federal Holidays?

20% loss of between $116,158 and $109,268, the average pay for feredal workers according to Factcheck.

...... they live on a mere $96,000 to 89,000 per year!

The Horror, THE HORROR!!!!

Total bullshit

But any compensation comparison between the average federal civilian employee and average private-sector employee oversimplifies the debate, glossing over the important differences in occupation, skill level, age, and education that determine salaries. The BEA has posted an FAQ on federal pay, providing a number of reasons why the average compensation for federal civilian employees is higher than the average compensation for private-sector employees:

Federal civilian workers are more educated.
The federal government has a higher proportion of white-collar jobs.
“Lower-skilled (and lower-paid) positions have been contracted out to private industries” in recent years, raising the average pay of federal civilian employees.
Federal civilian workers receive better pension and health insurance benefits on average than private-sector employees, some of whom receive no benefits.
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OK, hardass, would you like a tour? I can set it all up for you. Bring a change of underware so you can clean up after you shit your pants, but you're probably too big of a fuckin' pussy to accept. And to show how goddamned stupid YOU are, today's inmates are tomorrow's NEIGHBORS! You want them back on the streets costing YOU taxpayer money, ending up back in prison, or out working AND paying taxes? Do you know ANYTHING about the correlation between education and staying OUT of prison? Thought not. So fuck you motherfucker, motherfuckin' useless redneck know it all pussy!

I go to Jessup once a month to preach and I spent time at Rikers Island wating for my trial, which I was found innocent at, before some jackass speaks up here, so I don't need you to give me a tour, and I didn't need any change of underwear. Seems to me you're doing a little projecting there son. As for them being tomorrow's nieghbors, I don't give a damn, I STILL don't think they should get any type of amneties in prison, they're there to be punished, not to better themselves, they had that opportunity BEFORE they went to prison. As for where I want them, I thought I made that clear, I want them in prison making big rocks into a bunch of little rocks for 12hrs a day, and if they are violent offenders and they reoffend I want them executed, never sitting in a classroom, which is a priviledge many of their victims will never get. Do you know anything about recidivsm rates scrote? Seems to me you teaching them ain't doing crap to stop them from coming back so like I said, your salary is a waste of my tax money and you can justify your sucking off the tax payer's teat all you want, to me it's bs and I hope you stay furloughed for good.

Republican Taliban

14th century crime and punishment

Never been a victim of violent crime.
Forced days off without pay are a furlough, and that is what this is.

It works out to one day a week for several months, resulting in a 20 percent loss of pay.

Do they still get paid for Federal Holidays?

20% loss of between $116,158 and $109,268, the average pay for feredal workers according to Factcheck.

...... they live on a mere $96,000 to 89,000 per year!

The Horror, THE HORROR!!!!

Total bullshit

Compelling arguement, but not much of a surprise.
I go to Jessup once a month to preach and I spent time at Rikers Island wating for my trial, which I was found innocent at, before some jackass speaks up here, so I don't need you to give me a tour, and I didn't need any change of underwear. Seems to me you're doing a little projecting there son. As for them being tomorrow's nieghbors, I don't give a damn, I STILL don't think they should get any type of amneties in prison, they're there to be punished, not to better themselves, they had that opportunity BEFORE they went to prison. As for where I want them, I thought I made that clear, I want them in prison making big rocks into a bunch of little rocks for 12hrs a day, and if they are violent offenders and they reoffend I want them executed, never sitting in a classroom, which is a priviledge many of their victims will never get. Do you know anything about recidivsm rates scrote? Seems to me you teaching them ain't doing crap to stop them from coming back so like I said, your salary is a waste of my tax money and you can justify your sucking off the tax payer's teat all you want, to me it's bs and I hope you stay furloughed for good.

Republican Taliban

14th century crime and punishment

Never been a victim of violent crime.

Which do you prefer?

The rack or gouging out eyes?
OK, hardass, would you like a tour? I can set it all up for you. Bring a change of underware so you can clean up after you shit your pants, but you're probably too big of a fuckin' pussy to accept. And to show how goddamned stupid YOU are, today's inmates are tomorrow's NEIGHBORS! You want them back on the streets costing YOU taxpayer money, ending up back in prison, or out working AND paying taxes? Do you know ANYTHING about the correlation between education and staying OUT of prison? Thought not. So fuck you motherfucker, motherfuckin' useless redneck know it all pussy!

I go to Jessup once a month to preach and I spent time at Rikers Island wating for my trial, which I was found innocent at, before some jackass speaks up here, so I don't need you to give me a tour, and I didn't need any change of underwear. Seems to me you're doing a little projecting there son. As for them being tomorrow's nieghbors, I don't give a damn, I STILL don't think they should get any type of amneties in prison, they're there to be punished, not to better themselves, they had that opportunity BEFORE they went to prison. As for where I want them, I thought I made that clear, I want them in prison making big rocks into a bunch of little rocks for 12hrs a day, and if they are violent offenders and they reoffend I want them executed, never sitting in a classroom, which is a priviledge many of their victims will never get. Do you know anything about recidivsm rates scrote? Seems to me you teaching them ain't doing crap to stop them from coming back so like I said, your salary is a waste of my tax money and you can justify your sucking off the tax payer's teat all you want, to me it's bs and I hope you stay furloughed for good.

You, a PASTOR? Sweet Jesus. Someone who wishes nothing but misery on people a "pastor." I thought you were just mean at first, but I was wrong. You're insane.

You call it misery, the bible calls it justice. In reality the American judicial system is much, much, much more lenient than the system God gave his people. Biblically speaking, there are consequences for evil actions, and according to the Scriptures, that consequence is often forfieture of your life, your property or you labor. Bad actions deserve to be punished in a civilized society and to me that punishment should not include such amneties such as TV, better health and dental care than most free Americans recieve, better and more food than a large portion of our free citizenry get, snacks, cup cakes, honey buns and such, idle time not working and certainly not idle time sitting in a classroom at the tax payer's expense. They owe a debt to society, society owes them nothing.
OK, hardass, would you like a tour? I can set it all up for you. Bring a change of underware so you can clean up after you shit your pants, but you're probably too big of a fuckin' pussy to accept. And to show how goddamned stupid YOU are, today's inmates are tomorrow's NEIGHBORS! You want them back on the streets costing YOU taxpayer money, ending up back in prison, or out working AND paying taxes? Do you know ANYTHING about the correlation between education and staying OUT of prison? Thought not. So fuck you motherfucker, motherfuckin' useless redneck know it all pussy!

I go to Jessup once a month to preach and I spent time at Rikers Island wating for my trial, which I was found innocent at, before some jackass speaks up here, so I don't need you to give me a tour, and I didn't need any change of underwear. Seems to me you're doing a little projecting there son. As for them being tomorrow's nieghbors, I don't give a damn, I STILL don't think they should get any type of amneties in prison, they're there to be punished, not to better themselves, they had that opportunity BEFORE they went to prison. As for where I want them, I thought I made that clear, I want them in prison making big rocks into a bunch of little rocks for 12hrs a day, and if they are violent offenders and they reoffend I want them executed, never sitting in a classroom, which is a priviledge many of their victims will never get. Do you know anything about recidivsm rates scrote? Seems to me you teaching them ain't doing crap to stop them from coming back so like I said, your salary is a waste of my tax money and you can justify your sucking off the tax payer's teat all you want, to me it's bs and I hope you stay furloughed for good.

Republican Taliban

14th century crime and punishment

Liberal scum's 21st century crime and punishment, revolving door justice, rights and protections for the criminal not the victim, keep freeing these low lifes so they can continue to prey upon their fellow man.
Republican Taliban

14th century crime and punishment

Never been a victim of violent crime.

Which do you prefer?

The rack or gouging out eyes?

Though you give us punishments that are often times handed out in your Sociialist People's Paradises, I much prefer the old Soviet Method of giving them their 9oz's or even the old American method of hanging them by the neck till dead, either works for me. What I don't prefer is spending trillions of dollars on repeat violent offenders, guarding them, feeding them, clothing them, providing medical and dental care to them and teaching them their ABC's. That money can be much better spend trying to save the youth of this nation from ever ending up as violent, predatory, repeat offenders.
No, you wouldn't, because you couldn't. Your shit would be shaking so bad at the thought of it you'd pass out when they yelled "Dead Man Walking" (Dead Man Walking!!!!! And passed out dead Claudette in her own puke on the floor!!!!)

LMAO Speak for yourself there asshole

You don't know me asshole and you certainly don't know what I'm capable of.

I wouldn't have problem one shooting some asshole who broke into my house and I sure as shit wouldn't have problem one injecting a murder and sending him on his merry way to hell.

Just because you don't have ball one doesn't mean the rest of us don't have the cojones to do what you would be scared shitless to do.

That's a fuckin' lie. Those who can, DO. Those who cannot or will not, TALK.

A fucking lie huh?? AS I said shitbird, You don't know me so I find your opinion on what I would or would not do quite laugable.

Just because you don't have any balls doesn't mean everyone has no balls. All one needs is the will to remove a fucking murder from the planet. A murder who is taking up air and space.

Your a joke. Carry on with your comfy Govt job and hope you don't get the axe. Jeeze. You might end up in the UE line like so many of us private sector folks who pay taxes to support your sorry ass.
Ame®icano;6902456 said:
While your posting history speaks poorly of you I give you kudos for your job. I was 17 when sent to prison and under educated to that point. I got my education and basic skills taught to me in prison. Thanks to not just being locked in a cell 24/7 I now have a highly productive career.
If you didn't post in such an inflammatory manner all the time you might get better responses.

Oh, our public school system turn you into commie while in prison? Nothing new here...

Someone who works their way out of prison and into a productive decent citizen is a "Commie?" Proves YOU don't have any clue what a Commie is.

You missed my point. I was being sarcastic and was referring to your earlier posts.

Btw, you're praising how getting education in prison helped you to have highly productive career. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you have it. The part that I don't get is that you were "undereducated" at age 17, so you wasted tax dollars for your elementary education up to that point. Then you wasted more tax dollars for your time in prison. Just to bring you to the level of others it cost taxpayers at least 3 times more then the others. OK, you're back to the right track, you earned your place in society. Now that you know what means to earn something, how can you support policies of those who wants to rip you off of what you have earned?
Ame®icano;6906474 said:
Ame®icano;6902456 said:
Oh, our public school system turn you into commie while in prison? Nothing new here...

Someone who works their way out of prison and into a productive decent citizen is a "Commie?" Proves YOU don't have any clue what a Commie is.

You missed my point. I was being sarcastic and was referring to your earlier posts.

Btw, you're praising how getting education in prison helped you to have highly productive career. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you have it. The part that I don't get is that you were "undereducated" at age 17, so you wasted tax dollars for your elementary education up to that point. Then you wasted more tax dollars for your time in prison. Just to bring you to the level of others it cost taxpayers at least 3 times more then the others. OK, you're back to the right track, you earned your place in society. Now that you know what means to earn something, how can you support policies of those who wants to rip you off of what you have earned?

Too many people are put in prison because of the "crackdown of crime" - Once judges, law enforcement, etc found it could be BIG money and a big job maker, our populations have exploded. People have not gotten worse - the system NEEDS criminals. I remember working in a juvenile lock up we would have one or two kids all t he time - 10 years later, we were full, had a waiting list, had home detention, probation case loads exploded. Kids got THAT worse in 10 years? I don't buy it.
I go to Jessup once a month to preach and I spent time at Rikers Island wating for my trial, which I was found innocent at, before some jackass speaks up here, so I don't need you to give me a tour, and I didn't need any change of underwear. Seems to me you're doing a little projecting there son. As for them being tomorrow's nieghbors, I don't give a damn, I STILL don't think they should get any type of amneties in prison, they're there to be punished, not to better themselves, they had that opportunity BEFORE they went to prison. As for where I want them, I thought I made that clear, I want them in prison making big rocks into a bunch of little rocks for 12hrs a day, and if they are violent offenders and they reoffend I want them executed, never sitting in a classroom, which is a priviledge many of their victims will never get. Do you know anything about recidivsm rates scrote? Seems to me you teaching them ain't doing crap to stop them from coming back so like I said, your salary is a waste of my tax money and you can justify your sucking off the tax payer's teat all you want, to me it's bs and I hope you stay furloughed for good.

You, a PASTOR? Sweet Jesus. Someone who wishes nothing but misery on people a "pastor." I thought you were just mean at first, but I was wrong. You're insane.

You call it misery, the bible calls it justice. In reality the American judicial system is much, much, much more lenient than the system God gave his people. Biblically speaking, there are consequences for evil actions, and according to the Scriptures, that consequence is often forfieture of your life, your property or you labor. Bad actions deserve to be punished in a civilized society and to me that punishment should not include such amneties such as TV, better health and dental care than most free Americans recieve, better and more food than a large portion of our free citizenry get, snacks, cup cakes, honey buns and such, idle time not working and certainly not idle time sitting in a classroom at the tax payer's expense. They owe a debt to society, society owes them nothing.

Read your Bible and pray this morning, Rev. Hater?

Republican Taliban

14th century crime and punishment

Never been a victim of violent crime.

Which do you prefer?

The rack or gouging out eyes?

Only two choices in your world?

I prefer life in prison, at a maximum spend of the minimum wage X 40 hrs per week less FICA, and Medicare.

This way I'll know that some French Poetry Major flipping hamburgers to pay off their student loan will be earning enough to equal the cost of imprisoning any convicted felon.
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Forced days off without pay are a furlough, and that is what this is.

It works out to one day a week for several months, resulting in a 20 percent loss of pay.

Do they still get paid for Federal Holidays?

20% loss of between $116,158 and $109,268, the average pay for feredal workers according to Factcheck.

...... they live on a mere $96,000 to 89,000 per year!

The Horror, THE HORROR!!!!

Total bullshit
But any compensation comparison between the average federal civilian employee and average private-sector employee oversimplifies the debate, glossing over the important differences in occupation, skill level, age, and education that determine salaries. The BEA has posted an FAQ on federal pay, providing a number of reasons why the average compensation for federal civilian employees is higher than the average compensation for private-sector employees:

Federal civilian workers are more educated.The federal government has a higher proportion of white-collar jobs.
“Lower-skilled (and lower-paid) positions have been contracted out to private industries” in recent years, raising the average pay of federal civilian employees.
Federal civilian workers receive better pension and health insurance benefits on average than private-sector employees, some of whom receive no benefits.

First, if you're going to quote Factcheck, then give them credit for the quote.

Second, your quote is cut from one section of the Factcheck site that explains why SOME estimates of average government pay are inflated. Factscheck examines BOTH sides of the issue, not just the one you chose to produce. They also admit many estimates are far BELOW what they should be.

After balancing BOTH sides of the issue, Factcheck arrive ar the figures I gave.

Nonetheless, I will agree with the statement that "federal civilian workers are more educated."

More education, as Obama continues to preach, creates a more employable workforce.

Therefore I have no doubt that federal workers that find their 20% pay cut will have no problem finding other opportunities for employment if they so wish to forfeit the fat benefits packages they receive from Uncle Sam.
Too many people are put in prison because of the "crackdown of crime" .




Some statements are so stupid language doesn't exist to describe them.

Yes, hater, it's true. Then again, I can see you dismissing those of us who lived it as opposed to looking up the statistics yourself. Locking up kids for smoking a cigarette? Yes they do. It's a big racket.

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