Nations largest employer to furlough thousands

if not employed by the gov't at least everyone should have the same security and benefits of gov't employment.

Absolutely not! Perhaps it could be argued that government employees should have the same security and benefits as private sector employees.

Oh it could be argued alright, another argument that ends up at six of one and half dozen of the other. Look around and see where state, local and county government workers live. And don't waste your time looking for them in gated communities or near golf courses.
if not employed by the gov't at least everyone should have the same security and benefits of gov't employment.

Absolutely not! Perhaps it could be argued that government employees should have the same security and benefits as private sector employees.

I'm sure government employees would agree if it included security, benefits and pay
OK, hardass, would you like a tour? I can set it all up for you. Bring a change of underware so you can clean up after you shit your pants, but you're probably too big of a fuckin' pussy to accept. And to show how goddamned stupid YOU are, today's inmates are tomorrow's NEIGHBORS! You want them back on the streets costing YOU taxpayer money, ending up back in prison, or out working AND paying taxes? Do you know ANYTHING about the correlation between education and staying OUT of prison? Thought not. So fuck you motherfucker, motherfuckin' useless redneck know it all pussy!

Sorry duded. I happen to agree with him.

I've worked in the prison system down here in Fl and I currently work in the court system down here.

Loads of these guys have been in jail 20 or 30 times. They don't want to work at a job. They want to sell drugs or rob homes or individuals for money.

All these guys had the same shot at an education you and I did. They decided to break the law instead. They decided to become felons despite that education.

I'm sure there are a few who will make out with your teaching but most will be right back in jail.

You teaching them in prison is a waste of taxpayer dollars. You sould be teaching in a school. Teaching kids so they won't end up like those in prison.

Just another waste of our taxdollars there bud.

What you think is irrelevant. I taught in public schools and they're a joke, that's why the likes of me are here to mop up the mess and offer a second chance, which, I'm sure, you don't believe in either.

Second chance?? How many take advantage of the second chance the taxpayers are forced to provide?? How many of em don't end up back in jail??

As I said. Our jails are full of career criminals. Folks who don't want to work. They want to steal from someone else, sell drugs or do whatever they have to do to get money. Anything but work for a living.

Our public schools do suck and will continue to suck as long as education is handled as it is in this country. Despite that everyone has the opportunity to go to school at taxpayer expense. I see no reason for the taxpayers to provide additional education to those who have been around the block already.

Get off the Govt teat and get a real job dude. Stop wasting taxpayers money. Govt wastes enough without providing your vaunted "second chance" to criinals.
It's scary, the furloughs. How will these people make ends meet while they don't work? How will these departments function with a prolonged drop in needed staff? I don't think people realize the furloughs aren't just for agencies you feel are overstaffed, but include needed personnel.
Sorry duded. I happen to agree with him.

I've worked in the prison system down here in Fl and I currently work in the court system down here.

Loads of these guys have been in jail 20 or 30 times. They don't want to work at a job. They want to sell drugs or rob homes or individuals for money.

All these guys had the same shot at an education you and I did. They decided to break the law instead. They decided to become felons despite that education.

I'm sure there are a few who will make out with your teaching but most will be right back in jail.

You teaching them in prison is a waste of taxpayer dollars. You sould be teaching in a school. Teaching kids so they won't end up like those in prison.

Just another waste of our taxdollars there bud.

What you think is irrelevant. I taught in public schools and they're a joke, that's why the likes of me are here to mop up the mess and offer a second chance, which, I'm sure, you don't believe in either.

Second chance?? How many take advantage of the second chance the taxpayers are forced to provide?? How many of em don't end up back in jail??

As I said. Our jails are full of career criminals. Folks who don't want to work. They want to steal from someone else, sell drugs or do whatever they have to do to get money. Anything but work for a living.

Our public schools do suck and will continue to suck as long as education is handled as it is in this country. Despite that everyone has the opportunity to go to school at taxpayer expense. I see no reason for the taxpayers to provide additional education to those who have been around the block already.

Get off the Govt teat and get a real job dude. Stop wasting taxpayers money. Govt wastes enough without providing your vaunted "second chance" to criinals.

Like you'd know. Most inmates are NOT career criminals and decades of studies prove education has a direct correlation between getting out and STAYING out. You go on believing what you want to believe, because I'm sure you'll run it through the Fox News filter of what's left of your brain, which, in the end, makes trying to convince the likes of you an exercise in futility. I'll bet you're FOR the death penalty also.
It's scary, the furloughs. How will these people make ends meet while they don't work? How will these departments function with a prolonged drop in needed staff? I don't think people realize the furloughs aren't just for agencies you feel are overstaffed, but include needed personnel.

They don't care until a bridge collapses under them, or one of their kids comes up missing and needs the FBI.
What you think is irrelevant. I taught in public schools and they're a joke, that's why the likes of me are here to mop up the mess and offer a second chance, which, I'm sure, you don't believe in either.

Second chance?? How many take advantage of the second chance the taxpayers are forced to provide?? How many of em don't end up back in jail??

As I said. Our jails are full of career criminals. Folks who don't want to work. They want to steal from someone else, sell drugs or do whatever they have to do to get money. Anything but work for a living.

Our public schools do suck and will continue to suck as long as education is handled as it is in this country. Despite that everyone has the opportunity to go to school at taxpayer expense. I see no reason for the taxpayers to provide additional education to those who have been around the block already.

Get off the Govt teat and get a real job dude. Stop wasting taxpayers money. Govt wastes enough without providing your vaunted "second chance" to criinals.

Like you'd know. Most inmates are NOT career criminals and decades of studies prove education has a direct correlation between getting out and STAYING out. You go on believing what you want to believe, because I'm sure you'll run it through the Fox News filter of what's left of your brain, which, in the end, makes trying to convince the likes of you an exercise in futility. I'll bet you're FOR the death penalty also.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Like you would no who is or isn't a career criminal?? I see em every day. Some of these guys have been in jail 20 or 30 times. I kid you not. They have rap sheets as long as both arms dude.

Your just trying to make a case for wasting taxpayers dollars on the "second chance" education that you get a paycheck from. Your a loser asshole. Go get a real job.

I'm sure you run through MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC and NPR to filter out whats left of your brain, which, in the end makes trying to convice the likes of you an exercise in futility.

You bet I'm FOR the death penalty and I'll just bet your not. You have no problem supporting some murdering scumbag for the rest of his or her life at taxpayer expense. I just wish they got executed sooner that 10, 15 or 20 years down the road.
Second chance?? How many take advantage of the second chance the taxpayers are forced to provide?? How many of em don't end up back in jail??

As I said. Our jails are full of career criminals. Folks who don't want to work. They want to steal from someone else, sell drugs or do whatever they have to do to get money. Anything but work for a living.

Our public schools do suck and will continue to suck as long as education is handled as it is in this country. Despite that everyone has the opportunity to go to school at taxpayer expense. I see no reason for the taxpayers to provide additional education to those who have been around the block already.

Get off the Govt teat and get a real job dude. Stop wasting taxpayers money. Govt wastes enough without providing your vaunted "second chance" to criinals.

Like you'd know. Most inmates are NOT career criminals and decades of studies prove education has a direct correlation between getting out and STAYING out. You go on believing what you want to believe, because I'm sure you'll run it through the Fox News filter of what's left of your brain, which, in the end, makes trying to convince the likes of you an exercise in futility. I'll bet you're FOR the death penalty also.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Like you would no who is or isn't a career criminal?? I see em every day. Some of these guys have been in jail 20 or 30 times. I kid you not. They have rap sheets as long as both arms dude.

Your just trying to make a case for wasting taxpayers dollars on the "second chance" education that you get a paycheck from. Your a loser asshole. Go get a real job.

I'm sure you run through MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC and NPR to filter out whats left of your brain, which, in the end makes trying to convice the likes of you an exercise in futility.

You bet I'm FOR the death penalty and I'll just bet your not. You have no problem supporting some murdering scumbag for the rest of his or her life at taxpayer expense. I just wish they got executed sooner that 10, 15 or 20 years down the road.

I figured that much - easier to predict than the sun coming up. You fucking people are so predictable - the brainwashing is working. I personally don't care less either way about the death penalty. What I want to know is if YOU would be willing to deliver the injection or pull the switch or drop the noose yourself, personally?
if not employed by the gov't at least everyone should have the same security and benefits of gov't employment.

Absolutely not! Perhaps it could be argued that government employees should have the same security and benefits as private sector employees.

I'm sure government employees would agree if it included security, benefits and pay

When a guy working for a private trash hauler makes $144,000 in wages, benefits and pension like a NYC Sanitation worker, give me a call. Until then, roll your turds into little balls elsewhere.
Absolutely not! Perhaps it could be argued that government employees should have the same security and benefits as private sector employees.

I'm sure government employees would agree if it included security, benefits and pay

When a guy working for a private trash hauler makes $144,000 in wages, benefits and pension like a NYC Sanitation worker, give me a call. Until then, roll your turds into little balls elsewhere.

What would YOU do if offered the job? "NO! Faux News and my right wing zealotry won't allow me to work for THAT obscene wage!!!!" Bullshit. You're not even smart enough to blame the system you hate so much - you'd rather attack the worker who has no say about what he and she makes. Go walk on water holy one..........
Like you'd know. Most inmates are NOT career criminals and decades of studies prove education has a direct correlation between getting out and STAYING out. You go on believing what you want to believe, because I'm sure you'll run it through the Fox News filter of what's left of your brain, which, in the end, makes trying to convince the likes of you an exercise in futility. I'll bet you're FOR the death penalty also.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Like you would no who is or isn't a career criminal?? I see em every day. Some of these guys have been in jail 20 or 30 times. I kid you not. They have rap sheets as long as both arms dude.

Your just trying to make a case for wasting taxpayers dollars on the "second chance" education that you get a paycheck from. Your a loser asshole. Go get a real job.

I'm sure you run through MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC and NPR to filter out whats left of your brain, which, in the end makes trying to convice the likes of you an exercise in futility.

You bet I'm FOR the death penalty and I'll just bet your not. You have no problem supporting some murdering scumbag for the rest of his or her life at taxpayer expense. I just wish they got executed sooner that 10, 15 or 20 years down the road.

I figured that much - easier to predict than the sun coming up. You fucking people are so predictable - the brainwashing is working. I personally don't care less either way about the death penalty. What I want to know is if YOU would be willing to deliver the injection or pull the switch or drop the noose yourself, personally?

I won't presume to speak for Claudette, but I would have no problem injecting, hanging, electrocuting, gassing or shooting anyone convicted of a capitol crime.
A person so vile as to be convicted and sentenced to death, serves society no useful purpose other than as an example to the would be criminal.
Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Like you would no who is or isn't a career criminal?? I see em every day. Some of these guys have been in jail 20 or 30 times. I kid you not. They have rap sheets as long as both arms dude.

Your just trying to make a case for wasting taxpayers dollars on the "second chance" education that you get a paycheck from. Your a loser asshole. Go get a real job.

I'm sure you run through MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC and NPR to filter out whats left of your brain, which, in the end makes trying to convice the likes of you an exercise in futility.

You bet I'm FOR the death penalty and I'll just bet your not. You have no problem supporting some murdering scumbag for the rest of his or her life at taxpayer expense. I just wish they got executed sooner that 10, 15 or 20 years down the road.

I figured that much - easier to predict than the sun coming up. You fucking people are so predictable - the brainwashing is working. I personally don't care less either way about the death penalty. What I want to know is if YOU would be willing to deliver the injection or pull the switch or drop the noose yourself, personally?

I won't presume to speak for Claudette, but I would have no problem injecting, hanging, electrocuting, gassing or shooting anyone convicted of a capitol crime.
A person so vile as to be convicted and sentenced to death, serves society no useful purpose other than as an example to the would be criminal.

They may deserve to die, but you couldn't do it. Talk to someone who has, as I have talked to those who have then get back with me.
Wow, it may take 4 people instead of 5 people to do the job of 1 person now.

U.S. cuts become real with furlough notices sent to thousands - Yahoo! News




While every petition, fax, email and phone call against the amnesty is important, signing this petition is by far the most important single thing one of your friends or relatives can do.

The reason is that signing this petition puts a person into an email system at NumbersUSA that will alert them every time one of their elected officials needs to hear something specific about immigration. Nobody else but NumbersUSA runs a customized grassroots mobilization system like this that constantly gathers information on Capitol Hill about your Members of Congress and then lets you know what they are doing, saying and thinking about immigration policy.

The New York Times and other mass media have repeatedly stated that NumbersUSA's mobilization network led the efforts that defeated the close-call amnesty efforts of 2007 and 2010. But the forces for open borders are far more powerful today. Please help by passing along this Petition to everybody you know.

Yup the furloughs are coming in the Department of Defense. We've already been severely understaffed for a couple of years because of no new budgets ever getting passed and the hiring freezes it causes.

Obama has done a great job of weakening the military over the years.
Like you'd know. Most inmates are NOT career criminals and decades of studies prove education has a direct correlation between getting out and STAYING out. You go on believing what you want to believe, because I'm sure you'll run it through the Fox News filter of what's left of your brain, which, in the end, makes trying to convince the likes of you an exercise in futility. I'll bet you're FOR the death penalty also.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Like you would no who is or isn't a career criminal?? I see em every day. Some of these guys have been in jail 20 or 30 times. I kid you not. They have rap sheets as long as both arms dude.

Your just trying to make a case for wasting taxpayers dollars on the "second chance" education that you get a paycheck from. Your a loser asshole. Go get a real job.

I'm sure you run through MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC and NPR to filter out whats left of your brain, which, in the end makes trying to convice the likes of you an exercise in futility.

You bet I'm FOR the death penalty and I'll just bet your not. You have no problem supporting some murdering scumbag for the rest of his or her life at taxpayer expense. I just wish they got executed sooner that 10, 15 or 20 years down the road.

I figured that much - easier to predict than the sun coming up. You fucking people are so predictable - the brainwashing is working. I personally don't care less either way about the death penalty. What I want to know is if YOU would be willing to deliver the injection or pull the switch or drop the noose yourself, personally?

Brainwashing has worked well on you there sparky.

As for delivering the injection, you bet your ass dimwitt.

These people had no problem killing someone. Sometimes in horrific ways. Ways that don't bare thinking about and your worried about someone injecting them to kill em??

I'd flip the switch or inject em no problem I'd be thinking about the folks they killed as I was doing it.
I'm sure government employees would agree if it included security, benefits and pay

When a guy working for a private trash hauler makes $144,000 in wages, benefits and pension like a NYC Sanitation worker, give me a call. Until then, roll your turds into little balls elsewhere.

What would YOU do if offered the job? "NO! Faux News and my right wing zealotry won't allow me to work for THAT obscene wage!!!!" Bullshit. You're not even smart enough to blame the system you hate so much - you'd rather attack the worker who has no say about what he and she makes. Go walk on water holy one..........

Where did I attack the worker?
It IS the "system" I abhor; a system that makes deals with public sector unions in exchange for campaign funds and votes.
I suppose I AM hypocritical enough to take a job that paid triple what the same job in the private sector would, and I'd likely support any candidate who promised me a substantial raise.
No. I don't have a big problem with the workers. My problem is with the whole concept of collective bargaining in the public sector and politicians buying votes with my money.
I figured that much - easier to predict than the sun coming up. You fucking people are so predictable - the brainwashing is working. I personally don't care less either way about the death penalty. What I want to know is if YOU would be willing to deliver the injection or pull the switch or drop the noose yourself, personally?

I won't presume to speak for Claudette, but I would have no problem injecting, hanging, electrocuting, gassing or shooting anyone convicted of a capitol crime.
A person so vile as to be convicted and sentenced to death, serves society no useful purpose other than as an example to the would be criminal.

They may deserve to die, but you couldn't do it. Talk to someone who has, as I have talked to those who have then get back with me.

I have satisfied myself that I am capable of taking a life when necessary.

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