Nations largest employer to furlough thousands

If we survive the sequester which of course we will.
Obama will look like a total fool after his predictions.
Then he will not have a leg to stand on when republicans push for more cuts.
I pay taxes too. And I don't have any say where it goes, especially when it goes to immoral wars to fuel the military industrial complex.

I'm a teacher, so no, I probably don't make as much as you. Teaching is like the ministry - you take a vow of poverty......... OK, not poverty, but I certainly don't have any vacation homes or cushy retirement to look forward to. Shit, where I teach, I'm just happy to come out alive every day.

You teach convicted felons in a prison That alone makes your job useless and a waste of my freaking tax money. Convicts need to be breaking big rocks into lots of little rocks 10-12 hrs a day. They should not have the priviledge of sitting in a classroom getting an education on my freaking dime and for that matter they should not have the time or strength to do it. THAT is part of the problem with our Justice System. Prisoners are not treated nearly harsh enough so they don't fear going to prison in the first place and don't fear going back, time and time and time again. Prison should not be a place where you get to go to school, it should be a place of harsh punishement and backbreaking labor all day long from sun up to sun down year, after year, decade after decade. School for convicted felons, what a freaking joke and a waste of time and tax payer money. Hope ALL prison teachers get permantly furloughed.

OK, hardass, would you like a tour? I can set it all up for you. Bring a change of underware so you can clean up after you shit your pants, but you're probably too big of a fuckin' pussy to accept. And to show how goddamned stupid YOU are, today's inmates are tomorrow's NEIGHBORS! You want them back on the streets costing YOU taxpayer money, ending up back in prison, or out working AND paying taxes? Do you know ANYTHING about the correlation between education and staying OUT of prison? Thought not. So fuck you motherfucker, motherfuckin' useless redneck know it all pussy!

Sorry duded. I happen to agree with him.

I've worked in the prison system down here in Fl and I currently work in the court system down here.

Loads of these guys have been in jail 20 or 30 times. They don't want to work at a job. They want to sell drugs or rob homes or individuals for money.

All these guys had the same shot at an education you and I did. They decided to break the law instead. They decided to become felons despite that education.

I'm sure there are a few who will make out with your teaching but most will be right back in jail.

You teaching them in prison is a waste of taxpayer dollars. You sould be teaching in a school. Teaching kids so they won't end up like those in prison.

Just another waste of our taxdollars there bud.
You mean they didn't have public education where they lived??

Your full of shit there Ed. Public education is out there for everyone.
Pretty sad when the government is the largest employer in the US...

How is that sad? The government is huge with many connected parts. It's not some single entity. It takes a lot of people to run all the various things that the government does, in every single state.
I pay taxes too. And I don't have any say where it goes, especially when it goes to immoral wars to fuel the military industrial complex.

I'm a teacher, so no, I probably don't make as much as you. Teaching is like the ministry - you take a vow of poverty......... OK, not poverty, but I certainly don't have any vacation homes or cushy retirement to look forward to. Shit, where I teach, I'm just happy to come out alive every day.

You only work 8 months out of the year (3 months for summer vacation, 2 weeks off for Christmas, 1 week for Easter, and other holidays) and after tenure it's almost impossible for you to get fired. Your retirement and health benefits are also better than most people. Stop crying!

Who's crying? Now, since you know it all, let me fill in the blanks. I teach in a PRISON therefore teach year-round. There is NO tenure. That myth of a cushy retirement and health benefits, man, I wish you were right. I'll never get to retire and that's the goal as these retirement plans continue to up the retirement age, and that's fine. The health care myth is another one where I wish you were right. That's another reason many can't and won't retire - it eats up a lot of what retirement you do get when you retire. So fuck you for saying I was crying - you have no clue. And we're also SECURITY. When something happens at the prison - riot, mass shake down, etc, we're pulled from the classroom and put in the pods right along with the officers because we get the same exact training they officers do. You wouldn't last a day there.

Oh for the love of God, stop crying.
You teach convicted felons in a prison That alone makes your job useless and a waste of my freaking tax money. Convicts need to be breaking big rocks into lots of little rocks 10-12 hrs a day. They should not have the priviledge of sitting in a classroom getting an education on my freaking dime and for that matter they should not have the time or strength to do it. THAT is part of the problem with our Justice System. Prisoners are not treated nearly harsh enough so they don't fear going to prison in the first place and don't fear going back, time and time and time again. Prison should not be a place where you get to go to school, it should be a place of harsh punishement and backbreaking labor all day long from sun up to sun down year, after year, decade after decade. School for convicted felons, what a freaking joke and a waste of time and tax payer money. Hope ALL prison teachers get permantly furloughed.

OK, hardass, would you like a tour? I can set it all up for you. Bring a change of underware so you can clean up after you shit your pants, but you're probably too big of a fuckin' pussy to accept. And to show how goddamned stupid YOU are, today's inmates are tomorrow's NEIGHBORS! You want them back on the streets costing YOU taxpayer money, ending up back in prison, or out working AND paying taxes? Do you know ANYTHING about the correlation between education and staying OUT of prison? Thought not. So fuck you motherfucker, motherfuckin' useless redneck know it all pussy!

Sorry duded. I happen to agree with him.

I've worked in the prison system down here in Fl and I currently work in the court system down here.

Loads of these guys have been in jail 20 or 30 times. They don't want to work at a job. They want to sell drugs or rob homes or individuals for money.

All these guys had the same shot at an education you and I did. They decided to break the law instead. They decided to become felons despite that education.

I'm sure there are a few who will make out with your teaching but most will be right back in jail.

You teaching them in prison is a waste of taxpayer dollars. You sould be teaching in a school. Teaching kids so they won't end up like those in prison.

Just another waste of our taxdollars there bud.

What you think is irrelevant. I taught in public schools and they're a joke, that's why the likes of me are here to mop up the mess and offer a second chance, which, I'm sure, you don't believe in either.
You only work 8 months out of the year (3 months for summer vacation, 2 weeks off for Christmas, 1 week for Easter, and other holidays) and after tenure it's almost impossible for you to get fired. Your retirement and health benefits are also better than most people. Stop crying!

Who's crying? Now, since you know it all, let me fill in the blanks. I teach in a PRISON therefore teach year-round. There is NO tenure. That myth of a cushy retirement and health benefits, man, I wish you were right. I'll never get to retire and that's the goal as these retirement plans continue to up the retirement age, and that's fine. The health care myth is another one where I wish you were right. That's another reason many can't and won't retire - it eats up a lot of what retirement you do get when you retire. So fuck you for saying I was crying - you have no clue. And we're also SECURITY. When something happens at the prison - riot, mass shake down, etc, we're pulled from the classroom and put in the pods right along with the officers because we get the same exact training they officers do. You wouldn't last a day there.

Oh for the love of God, stop crying.

And fuck you too. Who is crying? I'm spelling out the reality of the situation, not what you people THINK you know, which is thinking you know everything about everything.
Pretty sad when the government is the largest employer in the US...

How is that sad? The government is huge with many connected parts. It's not some single entity. It takes a lot of people to run all the various things that the government does, in every single state.

These people have been brainwashed to think that government workers ride some fluff gravy train. You can't reason with them.
Pretty sad when the government is the largest employer in the US...

Why? It used to be Ma Bell or GM. Do you support American made? Do you own an American car made in America? Do you shop at stores that pay and support fair wages? Or do you simply whine like so many as major corporations outsource American jobs so the wealthy can get wealthier? Look at Apple, Nike, Dell, Verizon, ATT, and check out where your call goes or your work goes. Stop whining do something, only children whine.

Buy American = "Because Ford, GM and Chrysler conduct far more of their research, design, engineering, manufacturing and assembly work in the U.S. than foreign automakers do, buying a Ford, GM, or Chrysler supports almost three times as many jobs as buying the average foreign automobile. Some comparisons are even more striking. Buying a Ford supports 3.5 times more jobs than buying a Hyundai. Comparing a Honda and a Hyundai? Buying a Honda supports more than 2 times more jobs." <a href="">Read here.</a>

The Level Field Institute
THE AMERICAN LIST | A Continuous Lean.
Shirts Made in USA by the All American Clothing Co
Clothing Made in the USA - American and Unionmade Clothing by All USA Clothing
Travel bags, laptop bags, and backpacks. The best materials and innovative construction since 1972 -
Case Knives - Handcrafting pocket knives in the USA since 1889.
American Apparel - Primary Basics,
Halo Headband
Pretty sad when the government is the largest employer in the US...

Why? It used to be Ma Bell or GM. Do you support American made? Do you own an American car made in America? Do you shop at stores that pay and support fair wages? Or do you simply whine like so many as major corporations outsource American jobs so the wealthy can get wealthier? Look at Apple, Nike, Dell, Verizon, ATT, and check out where your call goes or your work goes. Stop whining do something, only children whine.

Buy American = "Because Ford, GM and Chrysler conduct far more of their research, design, engineering, manufacturing and assembly work in the U.S. than foreign automakers do, buying a Ford, GM, or Chrysler supports almost three times as many jobs as buying the average foreign automobile. Some comparisons are even more striking. Buying a Ford supports 3.5 times more jobs than buying a Hyundai. Comparing a Honda and a Hyundai? Buying a Honda supports more than 2 times more jobs." <a href="">Read here.</a>

The Level Field Institute
THE AMERICAN LIST | A Continuous Lean.
Shirts Made in USA by the All American Clothing Co
Clothing Made in the USA - American and Unionmade Clothing by All USA Clothing
Travel bags, laptop bags, and backpacks. The best materials and innovative construction since 1972 -
Case Knives - Handcrafting pocket knives in the USA since 1889.
American Apparel - Primary Basics,
Halo Headband

What does any of this leftist moonbat rant have to do with anything he posted?
Who's crying? Now, since you know it all, let me fill in the blanks. I teach in a PRISON therefore teach year-round. There is NO tenure. That myth of a cushy retirement and health benefits, man, I wish you were right. I'll never get to retire and that's the goal as these retirement plans continue to up the retirement age, and that's fine. The health care myth is another one where I wish you were right. That's another reason many can't and won't retire - it eats up a lot of what retirement you do get when you retire. So fuck you for saying I was crying - you have no clue. And we're also SECURITY. When something happens at the prison - riot, mass shake down, etc, we're pulled from the classroom and put in the pods right along with the officers because we get the same exact training they officers do. You wouldn't last a day there.

Oh for the love of God, stop crying.

And fuck you too. Who is crying? I'm spelling out the reality of the situation, not what you people THINK you know, which is thinking you know everything about everything.

I can tell by what you post that you know little of economics... so stop crying and go educate yourself, then come back.
Pretty sad when the government is the largest employer in the US...

Why? It used to be Ma Bell or GM. Do you support American made? Do you own an American car made in America? Do you shop at stores that pay and support fair wages? Or do you simply whine like so many as major corporations outsource American jobs so the wealthy can get wealthier? Look at Apple, Nike, Dell, Verizon, ATT, and check out where your call goes or your work goes. Stop whining do something, only children whine.


What's really sad is that the government makes nothing except money.

And then only because it has a printer.
Oh for the love of God, stop crying.

And fuck you too. Who is crying? I'm spelling out the reality of the situation, not what you people THINK you know, which is thinking you know everything about everything.

I can tell by what you post that you know little of economics... so stop crying and go educate yourself, then come back.

Soggy in the Brain - You don't want to know what I know. But what I CAN tell you is that arguing with anyone south of the Mason-Dixon line is a total waste of time. Only YOU know the truth about everything, so go spread your gospel.
Dupes believe government is all waste, fraud, and lazy workers, but want all the services and protection....the amount of hate and misinformation is amazing.The worst waste and fraud, Pubs want to protect, health costs. Luckily, the moron greedy and the dupes aren't in charge on THAT now...
Dupes believe government is all waste, fraud, and lazy workers, but want all the services and protection....the amount of hate and misinformation is amazing.The worst waste and fraud, Pubs want to protect, health costs. Luckily, the moron greedy and the dupes aren't in charge on THAT now...

Dupes make general statements.
Dupes believe government is all waste, fraud, and lazy workers, but want all the services and protection....the amount of hate and misinformation is amazing.The worst waste and fraud, Pubs want to protect, health costs. Luckily, the moron greedy and the dupes aren't in charge on THAT now...

But you don't see them bitching when they go to the mailbox to get their SS checks, Medicare and Medicaid, unemployment, or deny government assistance in times of disaster. And of course the NEVER use public roads!

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