Native American “Harassed” By MAGA Kids Exposed As Outrage-Culture Grifter

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Just when you thought your blue-pilled perception of the world couldn’t take another red-pilling reality check – after Buzzfeed’s lies and mainstream media’s Covington Catholics chaos – it turns out that the man wondering quietly across the concourse before ‘not being accosted’ by young MAGA-hat-wearing teens is not some hapless native American…

It turns out that Nathan Phillips is raising money with the help of a major big-money left-wing operation, and has a history of appearing in the press claiming to be a victim of anti-Native racism.

In 2015, Phillips claimed that he was “bombarded by racial slurs” by students at Eastern Michigan University.

As Fox 2 Detroit reported, an Ypsilanti man says he was trying to teach a few students dressed in American Indian theme party about respecting Native Americans. Not long afterward, Nathan Phillips said that an interaction with party-goers and students turned ugly.

Nathan Phillips says he was out for a noon walk on a Saturday in mid-April.

He walked by a home where he saw Eastern Michigan University students dressed as Native Americans.

“They had little feathers on, I was just going to walk by,” Phillips said. “A group of them said ‘Come on over, come here.'”

He says he walked over to the fence and saw roughly 30 to 40 students involved in a theme party.

“They had their face painted,” Phillips said. “I said what the heck is going on here. ‘Oh we are honoring you.’ I said no you are not honoring me.”

It was a statement he says they took offense to.

“Then started whooping and hollering,” he said. “I said that wasn’t honoring, that was racist. Then at that time, it really got ugly.”


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Does the scumbagcommiedemonRATleft EVER tell the Truth ?

What a waste of oxygen.
The payback is hate speech directed at high school kids so intense that the crazy angry left caused the school to close.
give RW's another day and he will be Godzilla, breathing fire and eating children.
Just when you thought your blue-pilled perception of the world couldn’t take another red-pilling reality check – after Buzzfeed’s lies and mainstream media’s Covington Catholics chaos – it turns out that the man wondering quietly across the concourse before ‘not being accosted’ by young MAGA-hat-wearing teens is not some hapless native American…

It turns out that Nathan Phillips is raising money with the help of a major big-money left-wing operation, and has a history of appearing in the press claiming to be a victim of anti-Native racism.

In 2015, Phillips claimed that he was “bombarded by racial slurs” by students at Eastern Michigan University.

As Fox 2 Detroit reported, an Ypsilanti man says he was trying to teach a few students dressed in American Indian theme party about respecting Native Americans. Not long afterward, Nathan Phillips said that an interaction with party-goers and students turned ugly.

Nathan Phillips says he was out for a noon walk on a Saturday in mid-April.

He walked by a home where he saw Eastern Michigan University students dressed as Native Americans.

“They had little feathers on, I was just going to walk by,” Phillips said. “A group of them said ‘Come on over, come here.'”

He says he walked over to the fence and saw roughly 30 to 40 students involved in a theme party.

“They had their face painted,” Phillips said. “I said what the heck is going on here. ‘Oh we are honoring you.’ I said no you are not honoring me.”

It was a statement he says they took offense to.

“Then started whooping and hollering,” he said. “I said that wasn’t honoring, that was racist. Then at that time, it really got ugly.”


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Does the scumbagcommiedemonRATleft EVER tell the Truth ?

What a waste of oxygen.
the dude admits confronting the kid. video shows he moved toward the kid and stood in his face. The kid did outstanding, he was not tempted to move. Maybe those black dudes could have just continued insulting and throwing out racial slurs. yep, there is that black on white hate over and over and over and over and over. just admit it dims, you hate white men and their kids.
Just when you thought your blue-pilled perception of the world couldn’t take another red-pilling reality check – after Buzzfeed’s lies and mainstream media’s Covington Catholics chaos – it turns out that the man wondering quietly across the concourse before ‘not being accosted’ by young MAGA-hat-wearing teens is not some hapless native American…

It turns out that Nathan Phillips is raising money with the help of a major big-money left-wing operation, and has a history of appearing in the press claiming to be a victim of anti-Native racism.

In 2015, Phillips claimed that he was “bombarded by racial slurs” by students at Eastern Michigan University.

As Fox 2 Detroit reported, an Ypsilanti man says he was trying to teach a few students dressed in American Indian theme party about respecting Native Americans. Not long afterward, Nathan Phillips said that an interaction with party-goers and students turned ugly.

Nathan Phillips says he was out for a noon walk on a Saturday in mid-April.

He walked by a home where he saw Eastern Michigan University students dressed as Native Americans.

“They had little feathers on, I was just going to walk by,” Phillips said. “A group of them said ‘Come on over, come here.'”

He says he walked over to the fence and saw roughly 30 to 40 students involved in a theme party.

“They had their face painted,” Phillips said. “I said what the heck is going on here. ‘Oh we are honoring you.’ I said no you are not honoring me.”

It was a statement he says they took offense to.

“Then started whooping and hollering,” he said. “I said that wasn’t honoring, that was racist. Then at that time, it really got ugly.”


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Does the scumbagcommiedemonRATleft EVER tell the Truth ?

What a waste of oxygen.
the dude admits confronting the kid. video shows he moved toward the kid and stood in his face. The kid did outstanding, he was not tempted to move. Maybe those black dudes could have just continued insulting and throwing out racial slurs. yep, there is that black on white hate over and over and over and over and over. just admit it dims, you hate white men and their kids.
This is classic leftist harassment. They poke, poke, poke, and then when someone pokes back they cry "See, the rightwingers are hateful and violent". Kuddos to the kid for being a MAN.
Is someone deliberately sowing discord by posting selectively edited clips with a false narrative knowing full well the entire clip will show just the opposite.

Divide and conquer.
Cortney O'Brien
Nathan Phillips says it's "not the right time" to meet with Covington students, suggests that some of them get expelled.

Piece of shit knows he lied and doesn’t want to face those he wronged

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