Native American Tribe Cancels Ted Nugent Concert Due To "Racist, Hate-Filled Remarks"

WORLEY, Idaho (AP) — A Native American tribe has canceled an Aug. 4 concert by Ted Nugent at its casino.

The Coeur d'Alene Tribe on Monday said that the cancellation of the concert at the casino in the northwest Idaho city of Worley was because of what it called the rocker's "racist and hate-filled remarks."

The tribe says it booked Nugent without realizing he espoused "racist attitudes and views." The tribe did not detail which of Nugent's specific views it opposes.

MORE: Ted Nugent Show Canceled After Native-American Tribe Hears About Rocker's 'Racist And Hate-Filled Remarks'

Good. However, I'm a little surprised the tribe didn't already know about Nugent's "racist attitudes and views."

This thread is political because of all the hateful, racist things Nugent has said about President Obama and Hillary Clinton - plus the fact that he is a political activist who has campaigned on behalf of various Republican/Tea Party candidates and is also a spokesman for the NRA.

So a fake indian, is posting a devout, DEVOUT indian rejection of a mans racist and unacceptable behavior of which they can't cite any of. And dammit that's enough for me to your idiot white man wanna be scalping party.

How can you come up with such bullshit without any evidence to support your claim? The racist things he said about obie and the hildabeast? Neither of which you can actually cite or would have done so in the original post to keep him away but can't get any closer than a black man and a woman to get you fake indians all worked up?

No real indian has ever been pissed off by a Nugent show. Although they are probably a bit pissed off you fake indians cancelled it and now they need to drive their government check provided truck with the Washington Redskin sticker on the back window home because you got all butt hurt over something you can't prove and fucked up the concert.

I believe I have found the indian's problem. It's you white ass fake wanna be progressive indians that are fucking them up. Without you assholes the real indians would probably be just fine.

That's one hilarious diatribe. Are you a registered idiot - or just a freelancer?
WORLEY, Idaho (AP) — A Native American tribe has canceled an Aug. 4 concert by Ted Nugent at its casino.

The Coeur d'Alene Tribe on Monday said that the cancellation of the concert at the casino in the northwest Idaho city of Worley was because of what it called the rocker's "racist and hate-filled remarks."

The tribe says it booked Nugent without realizing he espoused "racist attitudes and views." The tribe did not detail which of Nugent's specific views it opposes.

MORE: Ted Nugent Show Canceled After Native-American Tribe Hears About Rocker's 'Racist And Hate-Filled Remarks'

Good. However, I'm a little surprised the tribe didn't already know about Nugent's "racist attitudes and views."

This thread is political because of all the hateful, racist things Nugent has said about President Obama and Hillary Clinton - plus the fact that he is a political activist who has campaigned on behalf of various Republican/Tea Party candidates and is also a spokesman for the NRA.

So a fake indian, is posting a devout, DEVOUT indian rejection of a mans racist and unacceptable behavior of which they can't cite any of. And dammit that's enough for me to your idiot white man wanna be scalping party.

How can you come up with such bullshit without any evidence to support your claim? The racist things he said about obie and the hildabeast? Neither of which you can actually cite or would have done so in the original post to keep him away but can't get any closer than a black man and a woman to get you fake indians all worked up?

No real indian has ever been pissed off by a Nugent show. Although they are probably a bit pissed off you fake indians cancelled it and now they need to drive their government check provided truck with the Washington Redskin sticker on the back window home because you got all butt hurt over something you can't prove and fucked up the concert.

I believe I have found the indian's problem. It's you white ass fake wanna be progressive indians that are fucking them up. Without you assholes the real indians would probably be just fine.

That's one hilarious diatribe. Are you a registered idiot - or just a freelancer?

Tell me why your list of people you claim are victims of rightwing hate are morally superior to Ted Nugent.
WORLEY, Idaho (AP) — A Native American tribe has canceled an Aug. 4 concert by Ted Nugent at its casino.

The Coeur d'Alene Tribe on Monday said that the cancellation of the concert at the casino in the northwest Idaho city of Worley was because of what it called the rocker's "racist and hate-filled remarks."

The tribe says it booked Nugent without realizing he espoused "racist attitudes and views." The tribe did not detail which of Nugent's specific views it opposes.

MORE: Ted Nugent Show Canceled After Native-American Tribe Hears About Rocker's 'Racist And Hate-Filled Remarks'

Good. However, I'm a little surprised the tribe didn't already know about Nugent's "racist attitudes and views."

This thread is political because of all the hateful, racist things Nugent has said about President Obama and Hillary Clinton - plus the fact that he is a political activist who has campaigned on behalf of various Republican/Tea Party candidates and is also a spokesman for the NRA.

So a fake indian, is posting a devout, DEVOUT indian rejection of a mans racist and unacceptable behavior of which they can't cite any of. And dammit that's enough for me to your idiot white man wanna be scalping party.

How can you come up with such bullshit without any evidence to support your claim? The racist things he said about obie and the hildabeast? Neither of which you can actually cite or would have done so in the original post to keep him away but can't get any closer than a black man and a woman to get you fake indians all worked up?

No real indian has ever been pissed off by a Nugent show. Although they are probably a bit pissed off you fake indians cancelled it and now they need to drive their government check provided truck with the Washington Redskin sticker on the back window home because you got all butt hurt over something you can't prove and fucked up the concert.

I believe I have found the indian's problem. It's you white ass fake wanna be progressive indians that are fucking them up. Without you assholes the real indians would probably be just fine.


I love seeing Lakoturd get her dumbass handed too her.

In response to Idaho Native Americans canceling one of his performances, Ted Nugent displayed the behavior that caused the tribe to do so in the first place.

Nugent had been scheduled to perform a concert at Couer D’Alene Casino in Worley, Idaho on Aug. 4, but it was canceled after tribal officials were made aware of the racism Nugent has spewed over the years. The conservative rocker didn’t take the news very well, of course, and went on a disgusting rant during an interview with Gannett Wisconsin Media in which he called those who canceled the concert “unclean vermin” who aren’t real people.

“I take it as a badge of honor that such unclean vermin are upset by me and my positive energy,” Nugent hatefully said. “By all indicators, I don’t think they actually qualify as people, but there has always been a lunatic fringe of hateful, rotten, dishonest people that hate happy, successful people.”

To be blunt, it sounds like Nugent is talking about himself considering the racist remarks he has made about President Obama in recent years. The Idaho Native Americans who made the decision to cancel the concert did so precisely because of how hateful, dishonest, and rotten ‘The Motor City Madman’ is. We’re talking about a man who crapped his pants to avoid serving in Vietnam, a man who married a teen girl he was the legal guardian of just so he could have sex with her, a man who has called for the execution of Democrats and the President of the United States, and a man who has made racist comment after racist comment.

Native Americans are not only people, they’re the first people and original inhabitants of North America. Their ancient culture has played a large role in shaping America, and it’s because of hateful bigoted people like Nugent that Native Americans have been nearly wiped out.

This isn’t the first time Nugent has been stopped from performing a concert. Earlier this year, a town in Texas actually paid him $16,000 to stay away from them, and it’s amazing that more towns don’t do the same thing. But if the Couer D’Alene tribe wants a real rock star to perform at their casino, I suggest asking rock legend Tom Petty. Not only will they get to see a better show, they’ll get a better human being.

So a fake indian, is posting a devout, DEVOUT indian rejection of a mans racist and unacceptable behavior of which they can't cite any of. And dammit that's enough for me to your idiot white man wanna be scalping party.

How can you come up with such bullshit without any evidence to support your claim? The racist things he said about obie and the hildabeast? Neither of which you can actually cite or would have done so in the original post to keep him away but can't get any closer than a black man and a woman to get you fake indians all worked up?

No real indian has ever been pissed off by a Nugent show. Although they are probably a bit pissed off you fake indians cancelled it and now they need to drive their government check provided truck with the Washington Redskin sticker on the back window home because you got all butt hurt over something you can't prove and fucked up the concert.

I believe I have found the indian's problem. It's you white ass fake wanna be progressive indians that are fucking them up. Without you assholes the real indians would probably be just fine.

That's one hilarious diatribe. Are you a registered idiot - or just a freelancer?

Tell me why your list of people you claim are victims of rightwing hate are morally superior to Ted Nugent.

If I told you because Jesus told me - you'd still have some dumb fucking question. Go play stink finger with yourself. Maybe AzMike will play with you.
So..some of y'all have your panties in a bunch because Nugent hates Obama so therefore all the shit he says and does is just fine and dandy, eh?

WORLEY, Idaho (AP) — A Native American tribe has canceled an Aug. 4 concert by Ted Nugent at its casino.

The Coeur d'Alene Tribe on Monday said that the cancellation of the concert at the casino in the northwest Idaho city of Worley was because of what it called the rocker's "racist and hate-filled remarks."

The tribe says it booked Nugent without realizing he espoused "racist attitudes and views." The tribe did not detail which of Nugent's specific views it opposes.

MORE: Ted Nugent Show Canceled After Native-American Tribe Hears About Rocker's 'Racist And Hate-Filled Remarks'

Good. However, I'm a little surprised the tribe didn't already know about Nugent's "racist attitudes and views."

This thread is political because of all the hateful, racist things Nugent has said about President Obama and Hillary Clinton - plus the fact that he is a political activist who has campaigned on behalf of various Republican/Tea Party candidates and is also a spokesman for the NRA.

So a fake indian, is posting a devout, DEVOUT indian rejection of a mans racist and unacceptable behavior of which they can't cite any of. And dammit that's enough for me to your idiot white man wanna be scalping party.

How can you come up with such bullshit without any evidence to support your claim? The racist things he said about obie and the hildabeast? Neither of which you can actually cite or would have done so in the original post to keep him away but can't get any closer than a black man and a woman to get you fake indians all worked up?

No real indian has ever been pissed off by a Nugent show. Although they are probably a bit pissed off you fake indians cancelled it and now they need to drive their government check provided truck with the Washington Redskin sticker on the back window home because you got all butt hurt over something you can't prove and fucked up the concert.

I believe I have found the indian's problem. It's you white ass fake wanna be progressive indians that are fucking them up. Without you assholes the real indians would probably be just fine.

That's one hilarious diatribe. Are you a registered idiot - or just a freelancer?

I'm actually just here to make you look like a fake indian moron. It's not a full time job or even challenging to be honest. Your reply's pretty much do the job for me so not much work involved there. All I have to do is challenge your OP and you crumble like the fool you are.
That's one hilarious diatribe. Are you a registered idiot - or just a freelancer?

Tell me why your list of people you claim are victims of rightwing hate are morally superior to Ted Nugent.

If I told you because Jesus told me - you'd still have some dumb fucking question. Go play stink finger with yourself. Maybe AzMike will play with you.

Oh, now I get it. You're just an ignorant hateful ****. Well, why didn't you say so.
So..some of y'all have your panties in a bunch because Nugent hates Obama so therefore all the shit he says and does is just fine and dandy, eh?



Someone said anything remotely like that...

Or maybe no one really gives a shit either way?


A match made in heaven! Go for it.

A match made in heaven! Go for it.

Really? This has what to do with your OP? You are seriously down to posting pictures instead addressing what your original complaint was? You remember, the original post that made you look like a complete moron? You don't want to talk about that any longer?

A match made in heaven! Go for it.

Really? This has what to do with your OP? You are seriously down to posting pictures instead addressing what your original complaint was? You remember, the original post that made you look like a complete moron? You don't want to talk about that any longer?

I mostly post for the guest audience...with a little help from my signature...
So..some of y'all have your panties in a bunch because Nugent hates Obama so therefore all the shit he says and does is just fine and dandy, eh?


It's legal in America to hate the president.

When it's a republicrat it's "protected speech" to make a movie about his assassination.

It's "hate speech" to say ANYTHING negative about him if he's a democrook.

Nugent is an idiot.

Palin is an idiot.

Obama sucks.

NA's can choose who they want (or not) to perform in their casinos.

What's the argument about?
When a leftist protests the administration, it's called "Speaking truth to power." When a righty protests the administration, they're a "Racist, homophobic, hateful mob."
I didn't read the whole thread so no clue what sleazy un-american tactics are being done or by whom. A brief synopsis would suffice.
I didn't read the whole thread so no clue what sleazy un-american tactics are being done or by whom. A brief synopsis would suffice.


Another moonbat jumps into a thread without a clue about what's being discussed and now wants it summarized?

Try reading it.

Make your own judgement if you're even capable.


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