Native American Tribe Cancels Ted Nugent Concert Due To "Racist, Hate-Filled Remarks"

Hey...kiss my ass, bubba. What I see is a bunch of big brave guys picking on a gal who posted something found on the net about NA's choosing who they want to hire to perform at their casino...and calling her names. Make ya feel all puffy with those scrawny arms waving furiously in your rantings?
I didn't read the whole thread so no clue what sleazy un-american tactics are being done or by whom. A brief synopsis would suffice.

Folks are defending free speech by being pissed off that other folks who they happen to disagree with have free speech too.
Hey...kiss my ass, bubba. What I see is a bunch of big brave guys picking on a gal who posted something found on the net about NA's choosing who they want to hire to perform at their casino...and calling her names. Make ya feel all puffy with those scrawny arms waving furiously in your rantings?

Where would I start?

You're all ass...

What you see is what you want to see.

Rather than actually read the thread, you've formed an uninformed opinon which is the standard or how bed wetters like you function. You deride people who call and idiot an idiot, because she calls someone she's programmed to hate, an name she's programmed to call him.

You're just another mindless bed wetter.

Hey...kiss my ass, bubba. What I see is a bunch of big brave guys picking on a gal who posted something found on the net about NA's choosing who they want to hire to perform at their casino...and calling her names. Make ya feel all puffy with those scrawny arms waving furiously in your rantings?

Where would I start?

You're all ass...

What you see is what you want to see.

Rather than actually read the thread, you've formed an uninformed opinon which is the standard or how bed wetters like you function. You deride people who call and idiot an idiot, because she calls someone she's programmed to hate, an name she's programmed to call him.

You're just another mindless bed wetter.


And rather than give a brief synopsis, you choose to continue to wave your scrawny arms and screech like a fishwife.Perhaps you can't give that synopsis because you are a tard. Bet that's it. Or you are 12.
NaziCons don't like it when freedom of speech flows both ways. For over thirty years, on many different boards, I have advocated that Democrats must learn to fight fire with fire. It warms my heart to see that so many of them have learned that lesson.

What is most amazing is seeing the self-righteous right trying to defend a vile pig like Nugent - and then whining about Nugent being criticized. Freedom of speech flows both ways.
Hey...kiss my ass, bubba. What I see is a bunch of big brave guys picking on a gal who posted something found on the net about NA's choosing who they want to hire to perform at their casino...and calling her names. Make ya feel all puffy with those scrawny arms waving furiously in your rantings?

Where would I start?

You're all ass...

What you see is what you want to see.

Rather than actually read the thread, you've formed an uninformed opinon which is the standard or how bed wetters like you function. You deride people who call and idiot an idiot, because she calls someone she's programmed to hate, an name she's programmed to call him.

You're just another mindless bed wetter.


And rather than give a brief synopsis, you choose to continue to wave your scrawny arms and screech like a fishwife.Perhaps you can't give that synopsis because you are a tard. Bet that's it. Or you are 12.

No, I'm tired of supporting ignorant, useless people like you. Do your own goddammed reading and thinking for a change.

It might benefit you in life, I'm actually doing you a favor and you're too fucking self absorbed to show any gratitude.

It's a Ted Nugnut thread about some foul crude comments he made. Only the names of the group or person he is insulting changes. Folks who dislike child rapers and folks who dislike draft dodgers always take the opportunity to inform readers about his history as a child raper and how he was over the top with his cowardice and amazingly disgusting way of dodging the draft. Folks who are OK and alright with that kind of thing defend him.
You don't need a weatherman to see which way the wind blows.
It's a Ted Nugnut thread about some foul crude comments he made. Only the names of the group or person he is insulting changes. Folks who dislike child rapers and folks who dislike draft dodgers always take the opportunity to inform readers about his history as a child raper and how he was over the top with his cowardice and amazingly disgusting way of dodging the draft. Folks who are OK and alright with that kind of thing defend him.
You don't need a weatherman to see which way the wind blows.

That is one awesome synopsis!
I didn't read the whole thread so no clue what sleazy un-american tactics are being done or by whom. A brief synopsis would suffice.

Folks are defending free speech by being pissed off that other folks who they happen to disagree with have free speech too.

That's a fine synopsis.

You can't distinguish the difference between free speech and hateful propaganda. Marxist Trash.
Folks are defending free speech by being pissed off that other folks who they happen to disagree with have free speech too.

That's a fine synopsis.

You can't distinguish the difference between free speech and hateful propaganda. Marxist Trash.

Really? Please tell us some of the kind things you've said about Obama - with no proof.

Just remember: Nugent's worst enemy is his own mouth. Nugent may be the king of "hateful propaganda"...
That's a fine synopsis.

You can't distinguish the difference between free speech and hateful propaganda. Marxist Trash.

Really? Please tell us some of the kind things you've said about Obama - with no proof.

Just remember: Nugent's worst enemy is his own mouth. Nugent may be the king of "hateful propaganda"...

Obama is a liar. He lied about health care. He lied about Benghazi. He's lying about the IRS. He's coordinating the invasion from South America. His approval is 39%. You're sick.
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Yeah..Obama pretty much sucks.
Hubby is yavapai apache and he thinks obama sucks too. Oh, and don't even ask him about Nugent. He will rant for hours and I get to listen to it.:mad:
It's a Ted Nugnut thread about some foul crude comments he made. Only the names of the group or person he is insulting changes. Folks who dislike child rapers and folks who dislike draft dodgers always take the opportunity to inform readers about his history as a child raper and how he was over the top with his cowardice and amazingly disgusting way of dodging the draft. Folks who are OK and alright with that kind of thing defend him.
You don't need a weatherman to see which way the wind blows.

Damn him for supporting the Washington Redskins!

It is ridiculous that this thread has gone on for so long and there doesn't seem to be any information as to what the "racist hateful" statements he made that caused them to cancel the concert.

I don't give a shit about Nugent. I could not even name one of his songs without doing a Google search and I wouldn't pay a nickel to go to one of his concerts... wait, maybe that is why they canceled his concert? No one wanted to go.
WORLEY, Idaho (AP) — A Native American tribe has canceled an Aug. 4 concert by Ted Nugent at its casino.

The Coeur d'Alene Tribe on Monday said that the cancellation of the concert at the casino in the northwest Idaho city of Worley was because of what it called the rocker's "racist and hate-filled remarks."

The tribe says it booked Nugent without realizing he espoused "racist attitudes and views." The tribe did not detail which of Nugent's specific views it opposes.

MORE: Ted Nugent Show Canceled After Native-American Tribe Hears About Rocker's 'Racist And Hate-Filled Remarks'

Good. However, I'm a little surprised the tribe didn't already know about Nugent's "racist attitudes and views."

This thread is political because of all the hateful, racist things Nugent has said about President Obama and Hillary Clinton - plus the fact that he is a political activist who has campaigned on behalf of various Republican/Tea Party candidates and is also a spokesman for the NRA.

My parents sold our horse farm in Georgia to his bass player Rob Grange in 1980. I do not care for Nugent as he is a loud mouth draft dodging buffoon.
But he did not say "native Americans" when he went on his rant, he said those that are out to get him are unclean vermin in his insecure rant. That would include everyone that does not like him including me, not aimed specifically at native Americans or anyone.
Media distorted this one, imagine that.
And his music sucks also.
But he has every right to say what he wants to and the casino has every right to cancel the show.
But he never said what liberal media claims he said.
Folks are defending free speech by being pissed off that other folks who they happen to disagree with have free speech too.

That's a fine synopsis.

You can't distinguish the difference between free speech and hateful propaganda. Marxist Trash.

Maybe you can explain what hateful propaganda is and who decides it is hateful propaganda. Better yet Mr. Wisdom, explain how hateful propaganda is not covered and included as being part of our constitutional right to free speech.
BTW, conservative radio and most Teabagger spokespeople are considered by many to be purveyors of hateful propaganda. Should we prevent them from speaking?
That's a fine synopsis.

You can't distinguish the difference between free speech and hateful propaganda. Marxist Trash.

Maybe you can explain what hateful propaganda is and who decides it is hateful propaganda. Better yet Mr. Wisdom, explain how hateful propaganda is not covered and included as being part of our constitutional right to free speech.
BTW, conservative radio and most Teabagger spokespeople are considered by many to be purveyors of hateful propaganda. Should we prevent them from speaking?

Sure, I can explain it. American citizens demanding honest government is not propaganda. Defending corrupt politicians and deflecting for them and attacking Americans who play by the rules is propaganda.
You can't distinguish the difference between free speech and hateful propaganda. Marxist Trash.

Maybe you can explain what hateful propaganda is and who decides it is hateful propaganda. Better yet Mr. Wisdom, explain how hateful propaganda is not covered and included as being part of our constitutional right to free speech.
BTW, conservative radio and most Teabagger spokespeople are considered by many to be purveyors of hateful propaganda. Should we prevent them from speaking?

Sure, I can explain it. American citizens demanding honest government is not propaganda. Defending corrupt politicians and deflecting for them and attacking Americans who play by the rules is propaganda.

You are using the actual propaganda as it is defined to explain your rhetorical definition of what propaganda is. Your answer is propaganda. You are leaving it to yourself to determine what is factual and what is not. What is untruthful and what is not. You are allowing yourself to be the judge of truth or lies without review, insisting that you are the qualified judge of such matters and interpretations. Hence the truth becomes what you say it is. That is a definition of propaganda.
It is all irrelevant because Ted Nugent has a right to say whatever he wants and people have a right to say whatever they want about what Ted said. Doesn't matter if some people think Ted or his critics are using propaganda. Propaganda is just a dishonest way of marketing a thought, idea, concept, etc. If we were talking about a product we would call it false advertisement.

BTW, people have been demanding honest government forever. It has been a political topic ever since governments were created. Romans and Greeks discussed the need for honest government. Your ideas are not original, new or interesting.
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Maybe you can explain what hateful propaganda is and who decides it is hateful propaganda. Better yet Mr. Wisdom, explain how hateful propaganda is not covered and included as being part of our constitutional right to free speech.
BTW, conservative radio and most Teabagger spokespeople are considered by many to be purveyors of hateful propaganda. Should we prevent them from speaking?

Sure, I can explain it. American citizens demanding honest government is not propaganda. Defending corrupt politicians and deflecting for them and attacking Americans who play by the rules is propaganda.

You are using the actual propaganda as it is defined to explain your rhetorical definition of what propaganda is. Your answer is propaganda. You are leaving it to yourself to determine what is factual and what is not. What is untruthful and what is not. You are allowing yourself to be the judge of truth or lies without review, insisting that you are the qualified judge of such matters and interpretations. Hence the truth becomes what you say it is. That is a definition of propaganda.
It is all irrelevant because Ted Nugent has a right to say whatever he wants and people have a right to say whatever they want about what Ted said. Doesn't matter if some people think Ted or his critics are using propaganda. Propaganda is just a dishonest way of marketing a thought, idea, concept, etc. If we were talking about a product we would call it false advertisement.

BTW, people have been demanding honest government forever. It has been a political topic ever since governments were created. Romans and Greeks discussed the need for honest government. Your ideas are not original, new or interesting.

Bullshit. I know how my government is supposed to work. You just proved my point. Thanks.

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