Native American Tribe Cancels Ted Nugent Concert Due To "Racist, Hate-Filled Remarks"

"The first amendment gives people the right free speech, but I think racism is intolerable and not acceptable here," said Puyallup Tribal Council Vice President Lawrence W. LaPointe.

Tacoma casino cancels Nugent shows, citing racism

Native Americans understand racism. Nugent has now been branded a racist by official members of the Native American community.
So, is Ted Nugent dead or in jail yet? No? Why not?

Because he's a lying sack of shit that's why. :lol:
If the NRA and all of us supporters of the 2nd Amendment can do no better than to put up a draft dodger as our spokesperson we are one sorry lot.
If the NRA and all of us supporters of the 2nd Amendment can do no better than to put up a draft dodger as our spokesperson we are one sorry lot.
Hey moron, Nugent was never a draft dodger. The evidence is clear, he actually got on the bus and went to take his physical. He got a deferment for a medical condition, bad hearing as his selective service record confirms it. Stop telling lies and being un-American.
If the NRA and all of us supporters of the 2nd Amendment can do no better than to put up a draft dodger as our spokesperson we are one sorry lot.

Don't lump me in with your "us" supporters. I for one do not repeat lies they way you do.

And another thing. When you do one tenth of what Ted does to help kids then you can criticize.
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If the NRA and all of us supporters of the 2nd Amendment can do no better than to put up a draft dodger as our spokesperson we are one sorry lot.
Hey moron, Nugent was never a draft dodger. The evidence is clear, he actually got on the bus and went to take his physical. He got a deferment for a medical condition, bad hearing as his selective service record confirms it. Stop telling lies and being un-American.

Why do you continue to LIE about this?
If the NRA and all of us supporters of the 2nd Amendment can do no better than to put up a draft dodger as our spokesperson we are one sorry lot.
Hey moron, Nugent was never a draft dodger. The evidence is clear, he actually got on the bus and went to take his physical. He got a deferment for a medical condition, bad hearing as his selective service record confirms it. Stop telling lies and being un-American.

Dumb ass tell that to my brother who spent 3 years in Nam 66-68.

He faked his "medical condition" and in our real world of America love it or leave it that is DODGING THE DRAFT.

You are easily conned but us defenders of freedom that answer the call of our country know better.

Ted Nugent is A DRAFT DODGER. He had NO medical condition, he filed a 1Y college deferment to DODGE THE DRAFT.

Ted Nugent admitted TWICE he did dope, snorted meth and smoked weed the day of his physical TO AVOID THE DRAFT.
Admitted to it in High Times article 1977.
Admitted to it in 2007 in The Independent Newspaper in UK. "I made up the High Times story because I wanted to avoid the draft with a student deferment"
As a result of his faking he was sick they gave him a 4F and to date Nugent has not stated exactly what was wrong with him.
Incredible anyone would support a draft dodger of better yet, fall for it.
Klinger on Mash and Ted Nugent cut from the same mold.
If the NRA and all of us supporters of the 2nd Amendment can do no better than to put up a draft dodger as our spokesperson we are one sorry lot.
Hey moron, Nugent was never a draft dodger. The evidence is clear, he actually got on the bus and went to take his physical. He got a deferment for a medical condition, bad hearing as his selective service record confirms it. Stop telling lies and being un-American.

Why do you continue to LIE about this?
Prove his selective service record is false.

If the NRA and all of us supporters of the 2nd Amendment can do no better than to put up a draft dodger as our spokesperson we are one sorry lot.

Don't lump me in with your "us" supporters. I for one do not repeat lies they way you do.

And another thing. When you do one tenth of what Ted does to help kids then you can criticize.

Dumb ass, I have done twice as much as Ted The Draft Dodger has "done for kids".
You do not know me but I know a draft dodger when I see one.
I side with the Nam Vets who spit on Ted Nugent.
Ted Nugent is a wimp.
Ted is a blow hard publicity whore.
Glad to have him as a member of NRA and a supporter of the 2nd Amendment BUT DO NOT WANT him as a spokesperson.
Ted talks like Tarzan and plays like Jane.
Ted Nugent should have done serious jail time as he was fucking 13 year old girls on the road for many years.
The slime released a song "JailBait" bragging how he fucks 13 year old girls.
And also on that album was "I am a Predator"
And he bragged for years about fucking young girls.

Only a shit for brains supports Ted Nugent.
And there is no shortage of them here.
If the NRA and all of us supporters of the 2nd Amendment can do no better than to put up a draft dodger as our spokesperson we are one sorry lot.
Hey moron, Nugent was never a draft dodger. The evidence is clear, he actually got on the bus and went to take his physical. He got a deferment for a medical condition, bad hearing as his selective service record confirms it. Stop telling lies and being un-American.

Dumb ass tell that to my brother who spent 3 years in Nam 66-68.

He faked his "medical condition" and in our real world of America love it or leave it that is DODGING THE DRAFT.

You are easily conned but us defenders of freedom that answer the call of our country know better.

Ted Nugent is A DRAFT DODGER. He had NO medical condition, he filed a 1Y college deferment to DODGE THE DRAFT.

Ted Nugent admitted TWICE he did dope, snorted meth and smoked weed the day of his physical TO AVOID THE DRAFT.
Admitted to it in High Times article 1977.
Admitted to it in 2007 in The Independent Newspaper in UK. "I made up the High Times story because I wanted to avoid the draft with a student deferment"
As a result of his faking he was sick they gave him a 4F and to date Nugent has not stated exactly what was wrong with him.
Incredible anyone would support a draft dodger of better yet, fall for it.
Klinger on Mash and Ted Nugent cut from the same mold.
Your brother being in Nam is totally irrelevant. As people with common sense using simple logic, they know you don't geted away for faking being sick pipsqueak nor for anyone shitting in their pants. As the website Snopes surmised at one time, he was turned away for bad hearing which is understandable. Nugent made up the High Times story for sensational purposes to sell his album. Your post is a total fail. Ted Nugent getting on the bus to go take his physical to go to Nam to serve in combat was totally patriotic and should be commended. A true draft dodger like most democrats were at the time burned their draft cards, tucked tail and hauled ass to Canada.
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Ted Nugent should have done serious jail time as he was fucking 13 year old girls on the road for many years.
The slime released a song "JailBait" bragging how he fucks 13 year old girls.
And also on that album was "I am a Predator"
And he bragged for years about fucking young girls.

Only a shit for brains supports Ted Nugent.
And there is no shortage of them here.

Amen to that.
If the NRA and all of us supporters of the 2nd Amendment can do no better than to put up a draft dodger as our spokesperson we are one sorry lot.

Don't lump me in with your "us" supporters. I for one do not repeat lies they way you do.

And another thing. When you do one tenth of what Ted does to help kids then you can criticize.

I side with the Nam Vets who spit on Ted Nugent.
The vets who spit on patriotic Ted Nugent who did his civic duty to go and take his physical to go to Nam are unAmerican and deserve to be lumped in the group who actually dodged the draft and went to hide in Canada.
ted nugent should have done serious jail time as he was fucking 13 year old girls on the road for many years.
The slime released a song "jailbait" bragging how he fucks 13 year old girls.
And also on that album was "i am a predator"
and he bragged for years about fucking young girls.

Only a shit for brains supports ted nugent.
And there is no shortage of them here.

Patriotic Ted should remember that what goes around comes around. He likes attention - he's getting it.

Pathetic Shitting Bull the fake Indian; lies about Ted and lacks the wits to back off even after a far left site shames him for his lies...

{Headlines which sound shocking an appalling – yet they’re either blatantly misleading or (in the case of the Ted Nugent: Native Americans Are ‘Unclean Vermin’ Who Don’t ‘Qualify As People’ headline) 100% false.

What Nugent was actually referring to was the effort by some to get his concert set for Waterfest in Oshkosh, Wisconsin canceled. His comments had nothing to do with the Native American tribe who canceled his August concert at their casino.

What happened was back in June there was a small push to get his concert canceled for the Waterfest festival. This even included a small online petition which has since been taken down by the person who started it.

- See more at:}

You're such a disgusting liar.
Ted Nugent should have done serious jail time as he was fucking 13 year old girls on the road for many years.
The slime released a song "JailBait" bragging how he fucks 13 year old girls.
And also on that album was "I am a Predator"
And he bragged for years about fucking young girls.

Only a shit for brains supports Ted Nugent.
And there is no shortage of them here.

Why do you leftists have to lie so much?

Nugent was involved with a 17 year old, who he wanted to marry.

Stick to the truth once in awhile.
It's amusing to watch righties try to whitewash Nugent's repulsive past history.

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